Alpha and Omega Wall

Displaying wall entries 561-570 of 21209

TimberHumphrey said …
(not A&O related) well apparently Annabelle was a box office hit, so normally a Annabelle 2 was announced. lets just hope they get another director and another writer Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
Hey, I was just wondering but would someone like me to do a furry or wolf drawing request? I'm just asking because I wanted to see if I could do someone a request. I never done requests before but I'm just giving it a try. Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
But what I can say is I've been drawing wolves for 4 years and furries for like a year now. If that's good enough over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
But just to say my art style can sometimes be dark sometimes silly so yea over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
so its free is u want to do a request? over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
yes, but I'm just going to do one at a time though. I just want to challenge my self over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
As of right now this war between the fanpop club and wwwarea is over. I dont care what happens or who says what. Someone's gotta end it somewhere. Heres whats gonna happen. You have a problem with someone or a post, work it out between you and the user. If you are going to criticize, be polite. Look, all I'm really asking is that we just drop it and move on. And honestly, wwwarea, if you can't agree to this, well, this club won't be worth staying in. I am extremely close to removing my account. Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
I think im gonna take a hiatus from here until wwwarea cools his jets and decides to act like a mature adult, which means I probably wont ever see yall again XD but in all seriousness. Stay sharp my bros. Love every one of ya! :) Posted over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
Okay just stop @wwwarea cause this shit is really fucking stupid and immature! Just ignore him! And Jett ignore wwwarea! over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
@Jett cmon man u delt with worse dont pussy out on us over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Like I said, you didnt even know what that term was until I gave you the definition. And how are we all butthurt? Lol over a year ago
BlondLionEzel said …
Let us have a moment of silence for LillyOmega2. I lost a good friend...he was like a big brother to me... Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Amen to that. He was removed for a shitty reason. over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
who? over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
true true although reall it was peaceful for a lil bit until now but i think back then the drama was worse than this so we will manage this one XD over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Kate needs to eat more eggs and taco beef. Posted over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
eggs? over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
link over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Dude thats offensive, I'm reporting you :p ] over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
the post or the youtube link? over a year ago
big smile
Kitsune32 said …
Finally I finished a project that's due tomorrow. Now I can relax a little bit. Posted over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
What's it for? over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Dammit XD I haven't taken geometry in years XD over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
I don't even take Geometry over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
It brings me great sorrow to say this but unfortunately LillyOmega2's account was terminated today by the fanpop admins. However, it would seem that most likely this was due to wwwarea reporting him after accusing him of flagging area's pics. Idk about you guys, but I am about fed up with wwwarea policing the place like he owns this club. I know most of you are sick of him too. Thats why I encourage you to report him for harassment and falsely reporting other users. Posted over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
I still don't get it. You took away the guy who makes the most awesome, sexy, and attractive photomorphs. over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Hes mad because somebody deleted his crappy pics and therefore went policing around trying to snuff out who did it. Oh and newsflash bub. he didn't report your pics. I know who did. He just said that so you would shut up. And dont bother asking me, because I wont tell you whos flagging your stupid pics. And just so you know, its multiple people doing it over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Or maybe he just didn't flag it. over a year ago
BlondLionEzel said …
Just because someone has plushies and makes a video doesn't mean they're "too young"! Posted over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
Of course! Who told you that? over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
Tehreal over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
Are you fucking kidding me? LillyOmgea got banned? Let me guess.... wwwarea threw a tantrum and reported him Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
that or their recent avatar was reported. over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
ii reported other pets in the past for harassment and ect and doesn't really help much just give them a reason to be more of a problem over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
He said that so you would shut the hell up and stop policing the goddamn club. I know whos flagging your pics. And its not just one person over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
link Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Children in Africa could've eaten this post! over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Shhhhh ;) over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
am i the only one who thinks solomon gartner could've done better with lyle and link? i mean, the guy was alright. he did his job well, but personally i think he could've done even a little better Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
I thought the were fine honestly. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
I think he did good with those two over a year ago
big smile
BlondLionEzel said …

It's the new club for the new Wolfe series, where the series comes at a good pace. Posted over a year ago
big smile
Kitsune32 said …
So how is everyone? Posted over a year ago
Kates_beta commented…
I am green, you? over a year ago
LoneOmega commented… ? over a year ago
Kates_beta commented…
It means there is no problems, green across the board, the drill sergeant just pushes these terms into my head. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
If you're tired of hearing about the "rogues" and the "pups", feel free to join my club: link I know there's not much aesthetics there yet, but I'll do that when I have time. Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
no thanks. i personally like the franchise the way it is. over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
This is actually a good idea. This can be a place to celebrate the franchise as a whole, but also we have individual clubs to celebrate each film over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
@Jett eh..more for people who can't stand the sequels xD over a year ago
Kates_beta said …
I have thought about this for a while...and I have decided to...when I turn 18, I am putting in for my transfer request to a post in Afghanistan, I want to serve Queen and Country, I want to die in the line of duty...I am nervous, I am scared, but I must not know fear, by the way, if you want me to delete this post, I will, since it is not A&O related, I just felt, you guys needed to know, you are all good friends to me. Its been an honour working with and serving you all, as a beta. Posted over a year ago
Litio commented…
you'll live. over a year ago
Kates_beta commented…
I know, but I'll have to kill for my country. over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Dude, sometimes, in order to survive, you have to be a cold blooded killer. This is the case. If I was deployed to where I had to face off against ISIS, I would kill every last one of those fuckers. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
So I search alpha and omega..hit upload date..and I see What has seen cannot be unseen.. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
My Eyes! over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
@wwwarea What the hell are you talkinga about? over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
Tehreal, that was really rude. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
if they bring daria back in A&O 5, i really wanna see her bonding with everybody else in the pack. Tom Kane, please make that happen! Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
I could see her coming back, but maybe at least as a cameo over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Maybe in the background over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
hey i might hang out with red more Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
You and him made up over a year ago
Kates_beta commented…
Where would he be? over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
i dont know over a year ago
BlondLionEzel said …
You know, they should make A and O Omnibots. Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
No, over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
Do you even know what an omnibot is over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
link over a year ago
big smile
BlondLionEzel said …
Neo Wolfe is here!!!! Posted over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
i dont care! XD over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
He was joking lol. He does that with everyone over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
yays!!! XD over a year ago
rosy_rainbow commented…
ヽ(^。^)ノ over a year ago
Ignas357 said …
. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
You say blank? :p over a year ago
Ignas357 commented…
No, I say dot. over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
Whats the most cringeworthy scene in the first A&O film for you? Im just curious because nobody has really answered that to me. For me its simply the moonlight howl scene. The dancing wolves were kinda cheesy. Even at the end with Tony. Goddamn. I cringed pretty hard at that XD Posted over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
I cringed when Paddy and Marcel appeared. Honestly, the dancing scene turned me on. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
A&O 1: the moonlight howl dancing (that's the only one in the whole movie lol); A&O 2: the colors of the animation at the end; A&O 3: Brent and Nars's voices; A&O 4: a split second when Runt freezes when he's supposed to be running. (nothing else) over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
What I meant was a lot of people who aren't major critics have also not liked the dancing scene. It just felt weird to me personally. over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
I.hate going to sleep before ten o' clock. I always wake up at one in the morning Posted over a year ago
big smile
BlondLionEzel said …
Announcement: Wolfe Neo comes out tomorrow~ Posted over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
May I ask what that is? over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
A better remake of Wolfe~ over a year ago
-Celestia- commented…
Well "Neo" is a forming word that means "New". So Neo should be at the start anyway. over a year ago
-Celestia- commented…
So it's a new version/form of Wolfe I presume over a year ago
AlphaAmy said …
man that A+O 5 story line though!!! sooooooooo excited for it!! GET TO SEE HUMPHREY'S PAST AND FAMILY!!!!! ♥ Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Link? over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
$10 says its wikia page over a year ago
AlphaAmy commented…
aha! it was the wikia page as well XD over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
link This is wwwarea's blog. Tell me if this makes any sense to you. Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Im not eve going to read it. I'm so fed up with him that I can't think straight. We got into a huge fight last night and thats when I realized I was wasting my time with him, and he also reported my deviantART account to "teach me a lesson" Don't bother getting into an arguement with him because if you do he wont leave you alone and he will report every account you could own. I highly doubt my DevArt account will get removed but that was irritating as hell to deal with. But Whatever, I'm done fighting with him. You guys can handle him in any way you want. over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
And yeah I just looked at his blog. I kinda laughed, but hey, whatever lol. Let him do what he wants. I really don't care anymore lol over a year ago
Humphrey_Kirk said …
I am trying to rebuild the model of Kate in 3dsmax...It seems that I will fail...I can not handle the Hair and Fur system ,and there are always serveral components lost... Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Well at least you're far smarter than anyone else here, welcome. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Also I/we'd love to see that :p over a year ago
Humphrey_Kirk commented…
@LoneOmega I heard about the Maya...My friend told me it's better than 3dsmax, but I have get used to it... over a year ago
SapphireFox16 said …
If I had a dollar for every time someone try or does start drama I'd be rich Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Good morning you guys, how's everything? Posted over a year ago
Humphrey_Kirk commented…
good morning... over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
I'm wasting my time here. I have an exam tomorrow. Night everyone. I'll be on tomorrow afternoon Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Good idea, no way to pass an exam with a stressed mind. over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Yeah lol. And arguing with wwwarea isn't helping. I just want him to leave me alone and quit reporting me. I'm tired of fighting with him over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Ikr? It is. I don't want any returning members seeing this over a year ago
ShutUpDawg123 said …
Shut hi me and. You..... Tooooooooooooo cool Jk mm yeah yeah Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Well going to bed now. Goodnight. Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
Ok you know what? I know some of you are fed up with wwwarea, on this status feel free to speak your mind about his behavior. Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Why? over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
What did I do lol over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
And you are right. I forgot to put fair use protection on my deviations. Thank you for reminding me to fix that over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
i dont know what else to say but stinky is good at some stuff but future leader, not much Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
You're a more fit leader than him tbh. over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
*Nods* over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
well stinky i mean he wants to stop alphas from log boarding over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
another so-called "critic" at called A&O 4 "generic, badly written and plain dumb". even though he said daria's subplot was passable, he finished his review saying "the movie really sucked" Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
I like how he didn't say any of those things.. over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
Not say u should but that every one should over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
@wwwarea: what ever dude over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
the only little thing i didn't like that much about A&O 4: Freida and Fran. they can be complete bitches. but they still get to be good at the end, so i guess that's not really a bad thing Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
I believe the reason they were so mean to the wolves was because of a few of them did to Daria. My best guess is that they saw wolves as horrible animals. Probably didn't help that Stinky and Claudette pretty much said that wolves can do whatever they wait. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
*want. Seriously they need let us edit wall comments -_- over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
funny as hell XD over a year ago
CoolWolf471554 said …
Did anyone noticed a Wolf that looks just like Cando in A&O 4, but Me? XD Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i did too, but it was a cando recolor. it wasn't actually him over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
I was interested in that too. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
To be honest, for a long time I had forgotten that Fanpop used to have that Meebo chat bar. Don't really miss it either... That thing glitched on and off all the time. Posted over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
i think when meebo wen' did a lot of people's when i stopped using it over a year ago
anubis210 commented…
i would say 80 90% of people on hear now...are after they don't know any different over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
I used it a couple of times. It didn't really bother me when it went way. over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Posted over a year ago
-Celestia- commented…
It's been a while since I've seen le lenny. over a year ago
TaZkG3me commented…
beautiful face over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
I only think of Snipar everytime I see that face. over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
hey guys i really think that log boarding can be for alphas and omegas because... what if a logboarding challenge comes? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I think so. Your mom and dad have done it at least three times. over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
thats what i mean so i disagree with stinky over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Is weird that the more I see how great Legend of the Saw-Toothed Cave did at focusing on the old characters pissed at how well.... bad the Great Wolf Games did it? Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
forgot to add the more between characters and pissed over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
well in all honestly: A Howl-iday Adventure=awesome!; The Great Wolf Games=okay; Legend of the Saw Tooth Cave=amazing!. so yea, A&O 3's the weakest of the franchise, but i don't hate it over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i'm with you kitsune over a year ago
ben15delas said …
Did you guys see Super Mario Crossover by Exploding Rabbit? It's very cool. link Posted over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
hey i played that at school over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
Man, not to start a religion war or anything, but I was walking outside the student union here at Mississippi State and a bunch of protesters were doing their "Sodomy is a sin" thing and had mega phones and pickets. They started picking on this gay couple and it was really sad. Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Damn. This is upsetting to me considering I'm bi-curious. I wonder if they're aware of the irony of them thinking that it's righteous to pick on a certain group. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
And it's hypocritical because Hitler (apologise if I offend anyone for mentioning) not just tortured Jewish people, but gays too >:( over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
I hate it when people judge others for being gay, love is love you know? over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
FurAffinity is coming back up soon :D link Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Yes! over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Awesome over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 said …
Interesting how both A&O 2 and 3 are on Netflix now, yet the original is not. Logic! Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
The original was on Netflix a few years ago though :p over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Weird over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
Wow, wwwarea reported me because I told him that nobody cares about people reporting his picture. Grow up dude. I haven't bothered you at all today and I didnt plan on dealing with you today, but you are the most immature person that I have seen on here. Seriously bro, you need to get a life and grow up. Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
What? over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Did he really do that? over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
wow so inmature over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
am i the only one who thinks the reason why Norm of the North's getting delayed so much is probably cause it's a would-be stinker? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I think it's mostly because they're spending more time putting out these A&O sequels which is delaying Norm Of The North. Not that I care because it wouldn't over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
@Sentinal, well according to recent news Crest isn't working on Norm anymore, which could be a good thing. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
well that's what you think, but i'm pretty sure it's still gonna bomb pretty hard, cause the premise and story-line are just too stupid over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
If only we could change the banner and/or motto. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Motto will never change because it was written there by the Fanpop administration themselves. As for ths over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Fuck this phone. Anyway as for the banner, I don't even think the club owner cares much for this place since she never uses it and she doesn't like Alpha And Omega. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I could make a new banner, but it's more of getting the creator of the club to change it. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Okay over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
i want to go to the moonlight howl but my dad humprey wont let me Posted over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
humprey says that i am too young over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I'm surprised he wouldn't since there were pups at the Moonlight Howl where your mom and dad got married. over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
well i think it might be ok if i go once -sneeks out of the den- over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
okay, i know i'm being really enthusiastic about this, but since A&O 4 was such a huge hit, i really wanna know the real storyline of A&O 5. i know it's still too early for that, but i'm already curious xD let's just hope and pray it's as great as the fourth movie Posted over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 said …
LOL I looked at the club motto again ad remember how dark the past was with all the sexual stuff trolls, and drama. i remember jealousy and leadership on the club ad how ppl made multiple accounts to either troll or rp a character on A&O. especially making lilly or kate their wife and making "clones" for everyone XDD man oh man Posted over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
ad mean "and" on my computer keyboard XD over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Lol I still have my OC Katie and a Kate Clone XP over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
sure over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 said …
So how is everyone? just a friendly check up on ppl Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
used to be a fan of the first 2 Paranormal Activity movies. now, i lost my interest. they should've stopped it at 2 Posted over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
and how is that A&O related? lol XD over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
He does this every now and then. over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
So you guys think NY-Stray from deviantArt has an account on fanpop? Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
*Do over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
I doubt it. Shes usually so busy that shes only on DA or FA over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
idk who ny stray is over a year ago
JettAlpha said …

Stray's Alpha and Omega work. She really does an excellent job with the designs. Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Wow, those are great. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
I really love her art. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Do you think she'll do some of Daria if she gives A&O 4 a chance? over a year ago
pabloescaval said …
This might be a little off, but did you know that their is a website called I have no idea why it exist, but I just wanted to let all of you know. Posted over a year ago
TheNewAlphaDogz commented…
Is it a prank? over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Not its a weird site with some odd phrases over a year ago
JettAlpha said …

Maximum Carnage right here! :D Posted over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
Neat :) over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Stray's art is pretty awesome ! over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
I know. Plus she has amazing prices. She does mini sketches for like 6 bucks over a year ago
runt-the-omega said …
i really think daria likes me Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Who dosn't like you? :D Your as cute as a button XD over a year ago
TheNewAlphaDogz commented…
He derives hugs cx over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
That's good :) over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
well as long as i know she likes me then i am ok over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
I never really gave this club out because I didn't know if it were ready for fans so if you want you can fan it. I will post artwork soon. But I only have my dream journals in it. Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
Maybe I should make a club where I can post my artwork. And also I have a Deviantart account Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
Deviantart: trueshadowwolf over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
I'm just going to be honest here, because nobody is going to say anything. wwwarea, you seriously need to get over yourself. You have done nothing but bitch an complain about your pic getting deleted, and trying to draw them out is not gonna help. And honestly, nobody cares. So please, drop it. It's giving me a headache and I am sure other people are annoyed about it as well. Thanks. Posted over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
Uhhh ok so since u brought something like this up i guess i gotta bring up our personel business JettAlpha......YOU OWE ME SOME CHICKEN STRIPS!!! WHERE ARE MY CHICKEN STRIPS YOU FEMALE DOG!!!! over a year ago
LoneWOLF2272 commented…
now look what i started. a verbal food fight! :D over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Dude are you serious? I didn't do anything wrong lol. You need to grow up. over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
Was going through my Trash Messages. So... many... memories.... ._. Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
I saved all my meebo chat logs XD Man there was so much BS and drama on there XD over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
yea, heh over a year ago
trueshadowwolf said …
Hey Posted over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
So how is everyone? I am doing great, sort of. I am kind of happy because it's fall break. over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
I wonder why over a year ago
trueshadowwolf commented…
ok over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
Cola and Meal Please, No Bread Posted over a year ago
Stinkythealpha commented…
rekt over a year ago
runt-the-omega commented…
stinky? whats getting you involved with this? i would thos because i am humpreys son but... whats cola? over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Kate likes tacos. Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
The chance of there being Mexican food in Jasper is very slim, that is unless Kate found tacos while on their journey from Idaho. over a year ago
BlondLionEzel said …
Hey guys...I'm feeling like s**t right now...I don't think anyone likes what I write, how I write, or just anything that I put in the Articles section. I feel like I've lowered the bar for writing...I...don't think I can write again because of this. I might throw in the towel for a while... Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Good over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
First off I don't read much even alpha and omega storys in less it sounds good to me second. tehrealkatewolf stop being a prick. I may miss understand the way u mean good but the way I see it or being a ass so correct me if I'm miss understanding it over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
*poke* Posted over a year ago
TheNewAlphaDogz commented…
*pokes you with stick* over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
*Pokes you with Nagitana* over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
well dA has a new look, and it's actually pretty cool. gonna take time for me to get used to it tho :P Posted over a year ago
dan11774 said …
yeah but still i like to post stuff in the smaller clubs some fans make them and don't even use them Posted over a year ago
dan11774 said …
hey i just wanted to say about the alpha and omega sequels club it feels if i am the only one posting stuff Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Their really only needs to be one Club... over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
what?! i just found out that "Happy Face" by Destiny's Child was also featured in the abomination known as "The Master of Disguise"?! that song doesn't even fit the movie! Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Well damn...... over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
Eggs Posted over a year ago
TheNewAlphaDogz commented…
And toast over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Kate: BACON! over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
link over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Hey guys would a Alpha and Omega and Okami crossover work? Posted over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
Yes! over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
No over a year ago
pabloescaval commented…
I'm sorry, but no it will never work. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Kate... iz... MINE. <3 Posted over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Well den, poor Humphrey.... over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
Princess is mine~ over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Kate IS MINE! XD over a year ago
LorMel said …
Hows everything? Its been a while Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
I'm good. over a year ago
LorMel commented…
^^ over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
TBH, what surprised me about Legend of the Saw-Toothed Cave, aside from other things, was that there were no Halloween references in the movie at all. I thought that it would be like a Howliday Adventure where it took place during Christmas and the wolves celebrated it. I guess Crest learned some of their mistakes. Apologies if I have been spamming lately. Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I noticed that too. It was kinda like what writers did with the Toy Story special last Halloween. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
I liked that. I'm Crest didn't rub it in our face that it's a Halloween over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
*special over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
well its official: since Lionsgate absolutely hates it when people clips of A&O 4, i gotta wait for at least 6 months so i can post them on youtube Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
link Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
OMG Its Humphrey XD over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
It's da HUMP! XD over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
That's an official site. That shot of Humphrey and that background have never been used in any of the movies. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
awesome! in IMDb, A&O 4 was 6.6. now it's almost 7.4 :D i see great stuff coming from this so far Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Awesome 😃 over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
How is everyone? Posted over a year ago
big smile
nicker11500 said …
Ok guys my new series "Back 2 Reality" (I'm still deciding on title so it might change :P ) part 1 is up and posted, this series is continuing from the previous series I did so I hope you guys enjoy it :D Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …

These were the ingredients chosen to make the perfect little pups. Until Director Rich added an unexpected ingredient to the concoction... CHEMICAL JIZZ.


Thus, the Powerpuff Pups were born! With their ultimate super cuteness, RUNT, STINKY and CLAUDETTE battle hormones and the forces of Mom and Dad! Posted over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
LOL over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
Okay this made me laugh, go over a year ago
JennaStone22 commented…
XD I have to admit this was really funny and that I spit soda all over my screen. XD over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Sorry for spamming you guys but what do you think of Stinky and Claudette? I know a lot of people love Runt but what about his siblings? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Claudette was fun, Stinky stinks. over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
I really like them. One of the things I did like about the great wolf games was it focused on Claudette, who did develop and interesting story about getting her first boyfriend. Shes a spitting image of Kate in a way over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
sentinel, stinky's a pretty good character (even though he's my least fav outta the 3 puppies). i really like claudette over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
I actually enjoyed Swan Princess 5 Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Do you mean as a guilty pleasure or just ordinary enjoyment? I can see people liking Yuri Lowenthal. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Though I've never watched any of the movies aside from the first. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey commented…
i could tell you were being sarcastic xD over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Does anyone know anything about AssemBlage, the company that helped Crest with Legend of the Saw-Toothed Cave? Posted over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Just that they pulled Crest out of a nasty rut. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
I mainly want to know if there's a way we can at least show our appreciation for how much they made the fourth film good. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
I looked up the company and their located in India, same area as Crests animation department. As for what they do a I have no idea. over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
Thinking of having myself an A&O night. 1, 2 and 4. Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
Gonna watch them all? over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
I can try. over a year ago
TheChriZ1995 commented…
It'll be fun like 20 years into the future to have an A&O night and marathon watch all the movies. over a year ago
BlondLionEzel commented…
Why not 3? over a year ago
Litio said …
How's everyone doing :) Posted over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
So how is everyone today? Posted over a year ago
Silver_Alpha said …
what happened to the instant messaging here? Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
Its been gone for a long time lol. Meebo was bought out by Google back in early 2012 over a year ago
Silver_Alpha commented…
Oh wow, yeah I don't get on here much anymore. It's sad to see all the origins gone, like Phillip, and all the others over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
awww Daria. i feel so bad for her :( Posted over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
ikr? me too over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 said …
This is not an Annabelle group. This is an Alpha And Omega group. Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha said …
Today's Columbus Day! Fav explorer in history ^^ Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I hate Columbas, he stole the land and he wasn't the first to discover it. over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
He's not a Hero. over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
We would always have Columbus day parties at my school and watch fun documentaries about him :3 I loved the period he lived in. over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
well Annabelle sucked (IMO) so let's see if The Conjuring 2 can be better Posted over a year ago
TimberHumphrey said …
well finally saw Annabelle.... had doubts about it, and they were met. the movie sucked! Posted over a year ago
ben15delas commented…
I really wanted to see that movie. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
XD over a year ago
Silver_Alpha commented…
i honestly thought the conjuring was more scary. annabelle was scary too, just not so much over a year ago
stella2015 said …
Hey guys!
Good Morning Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf said …
Looks like katealphawolf left or got banned again for whatever reason :( Posted over a year ago
JettAlpha commented…
He got banned. Its because he used the same computer that was on his old account and they recognized it and banned him over a year ago
LoneOmega commented…
Is he comming back ? I'd really like to get to know him better over a year ago
SentinelPrime89 commented…
Fanpop needs to be sued because they've been getting away with this since 2012. Used to be that they would give users lots of chances before they dropped the bomb on an IP address. over a year ago
Kitsune32 said …
Hey guys how's your day going so far? Posted over a year ago
CoolWolf471554 said …
Wait. No More A&O Sequels after A&O 5? Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
5 sequels is not enough?! over a year ago
SapphireFox16 commented…
It's sad I love A&O but like george harrison said all things must pass away over a year ago
CoolWolf471554 commented…
Man... :( over a year ago
katealphawolf2 said …
Think I am gonna watch A&O tonight, I don't really care for the sequels, although the 4th was decent. The second and third were pretty lame for me. I like the first way better, animation was awesome and the voice cast was way more talented. Plus I like the hour and a half runtime over the 45 minute runtime of the sequels. Posted over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
This is my theory on what happened: Lionsgate, being greedy rich corporate shills, decide they want to make 3 short sequels to squeeze more $$ out of it. However, Crest was smart and dedicated most their resources towards one of them so that there would be at least one decent sequel. over a year ago
tehrealkatewolf commented…
Also, welcome back. over a year ago
Kitsune32 commented…
At least now we know who to thank :) over a year ago