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Avril Lavigne Answers

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 Showing Avril Lavigne questions (1 - 26 of 26)
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Answer: Mine <3 dis pic
Answer: mine!!!!
Answer: We are her little black stars!
Answer: Are you [i][b]joking?[/i][/b] Why is it that, when...
Answer: paramore is a garage band, so im proud of them. Ta...
Answer: "Little Black Stars" is our fan name. Earlier th...
Answer: mine... hope you like it!
Answer: mine... hope you like it!
Answer: mine... hope you like it!!
Answer: mineeeeeeeeeeeeee
Answer: It's going to have to be "Fall To Pieces". I love m...
Answer: God.
Answer: mine.. also check the links plz! 1)link...
Answer: mine
Answer: No , it was just a joke her and her husband pulled....
Answer: Mine :)
Answer: mine... hope you like it!
Answer: mine.. hpe you like it! 1)link...
Answer: No's she's not literally dead. Especially since sh...
Answer: mine,... hope yuo like it! 1)link...
Answer: I don't think so. I mean, yeah, she's a fan of the...
Answer: "Barracuda" by Heart.
Answer: No she isn't. She says she does the finger in a pla...
Answer: It's just a nickname. More convenient for some peo...
Answer: I Don't Give Why Get Over It You Never Satisfy M...
Answer: Via Bandaids... MMVA's - June 19 Peru - July ...