Clone Wars: Padme Amidala Updates

a comment was made to the screencap: Senate Murders 3 months ago by Wixeaufpadme
a comment was made to the photo: TCW Padme over a year ago by Wixeaufpadme
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Padme and Ahsoka make good friends? over a year ago by jacobscott
a comment was made to the poll: Which pic does Padme look better in? over a year ago by Terux
a comment was made to the poll: Who's Padme better with? over a year ago by TVjunkie7598
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by TVjunkie7598
a comment was made to the poll: Which Episode do you like the best? over a year ago by TVjunkie7598
a comment was made to the poll: Favorite CW outfit? over a year ago by padani53
a poll was added: Favorite CW outfit? over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a comment was made to the poll: Do you want me to make a new Banner? over a year ago by Padme_Skywalker
a poll was added: Do you want me to make a new Banner? over a year ago by Padme_Skywalker
a comment was made to the fan art: Padme Sketchs over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a comment was made to the screencap: Water War over a year ago by Summer_Leanne
a comment was made to the fan art: Padme Sketchs over a year ago by Summer_Leanne
a comment was made to the fan art: Padme Sketchs over a year ago by Summer_Leanne
a comment was made to the fan art: Padme Sketchs over a year ago by padani53
fan art was added: Padme Sketchs over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a comment was made to the poll: Which pic does Padme look better in? over a year ago by gwendiamond
a screencap was added: Water War over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a photo was added: Padme Amidala Wall over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a pop quiz question was added: What episode was Padme NOT in? over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
an icon was added: Old CW Padme over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a comment was made to the screencap: Corruption over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a comment was made to the screencap: Corruption over a year ago by Padme_Skywalker
a link was added: Ahsoka and Padme club over a year ago by starwars101
a comment was made to the fan art: Padme sketch cards over a year ago by padani53
a comment was made to the article: Padme Amidala; Holding her own over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a pop quiz question was added: What is Padme's full name? over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a poll was added: Which Episode do you like the best? over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a comment was made to the poll: Should I make a clone wars: Padme and Anakin club? over a year ago by misssparrow1
a comment was made to the photo: An awesome clone wars pic over a year ago by misssparrow1
a poll was added: Do you think Padme and Ahsoka make good friends? over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a pop quiz question was added: What is Padme's mentor's name? over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What's Padme's sister's name? (the one on the middle right) over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a pop quiz question was added: What's Padme's sister's name? (the one on the middle right) over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a pop quiz question was added: What is Padme Amidala's mother's name? (the one on the far left) over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a link was added: Clone Wars Anakin and Padmé club over a year ago by Padme_Skywalker
a pop quiz question was added: What was Padme's first role in government? over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a poll was added: Should I make a clone wars: Padme and Anakin club? over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a comment was made to the photo: Padmé over a year ago by fruitsofmalice
a comment was made to the photo: Padmé over a year ago by starwars101
a comment was made to the photo: Padmé over a year ago by starwars101
an answer was added to this question: Would you like me to make a icon and banner? over a year ago by starwars101
a comment was made to the video: Padme's speech!! over a year ago by misssparrow1
a comment was made to the video: She can get it over a year ago by misssparrow1
a video was added: Padmé Like Woah over a year ago by Padme_Skywalker
a video was added: Tell Padmé something she doesn't know over a year ago by Padme_Skywalker
a video was added: Padmé Bulletproof over a year ago by Padme_Skywalker
a video was added: Padmé~ With Love over a year ago by Padme_Skywalker
a comment was made to the video: Padmé~ Rush over a year ago by misssparrow1