CSI:NY Great last sentences...

Olivine posted on Nov 22, 2008 at 02:17PM
Hey guys ;)

I thought this might be fun too..you just think of a funny last sentence for a character. (=last sentence before the character dies)


Mac: No, Danny, who would hide a bomb in such a little box, it won't do any harm to look ...


Stella: It's alright guys! I can take care of this alone! ...


Danny: Hahaa, this is just a child, I bet he doesn't even know how to pull the trigger! ...


Flack: *very proud* Look Angell, I can drive the car with closed eyes! ...

CSI:NY 12 replies

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over a year ago House34 said…
Mac: No, Danny, who would hide a bomb in such a little box, it won't do any harm to look ...

Adam: Boss, please..no..put that gun down.. look..I swear I'll work more and I'll stop making jokes and I'll shut up and.. I won't do what you don't want me to do..please..

Mac: Are you ok? Don't worry, we'll get you out of here..I'm det. Taylor and you're safe now! Hey..if you're in front of me..who's touching me with a gun from behind ?

Sid: Hmmm..what are you hiding here, mr. body ?You know you can't surprise me..I've seen phones, weapons, all kind of stuff inside bodies..hey..look at this..a tiny clock..mine says 23:52 and yours says 00:04..it's 12 minutes ahead..
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Olivine said…
..who's touching me with a gun from behind ?
omg xDD freaking awesome

ohh a tiny clock XD haha
awesome ones ^^
over a year ago House34 said…
Adam *in the bath tub with his girlfriend* : Hey..You wanna see my new toaster ?
Girlfriend: Sure ! :P
Adam *brings it*: Isn't it nice ? It has 4 levels and I used it 3 times so far..it makes the best toast you ever tasted!..
*and then he slips*
over a year ago Olivine said…
omg xDDD hahaaa this is just hilarious xD
*dies laughing*
over a year ago House34 said…
I couldn't stop laughing either when I wrote it :P

*Danny and Lindsay barely wake up and they realise they're in a car*
Lindsay: Danny ?..where..where are we ?
Danny *looks around with his eyes almost closed*: I..don't know..what..we're in a car..
Lindsay: How did we get here ?..I can't remember !..
Danny: Uhm..*closes his eyes trying to remember something..anything* ooh..damn it!
Lindsay: What ?
Danny: Chris Morrison..the..last killer who escaped from jail yesterday..I ..I remember he came to me on the street and I had a fight with him and..*confused* then we were home..and he druged you and I tried to shoot him but he..had this device which ..made this horrible sound
Lindsay: Danny!..
Danny: I can almost hear it now..
Lindsay: You moron, it's a train ! We're on a railroad !..
over a year ago Olivine said…
i can almost hear it now xDDDD
omg xD hahaaa
whatever you take when you write those, take more xD *gg*
over a year ago HouseQL said…
hahaaa so funny all of them !!

Mac *chasing a suspect on the street is tired of running so he gets in the middle of the road* : Stop !! *takes out his badge* I'm a cop ! I'll need your car ! Stooop !..
over a year ago House34 said…
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
LMAO!! These are hilarious! XDD

Danny: Oh oh oh!! A fireworks factory! Can we go in Linds? Can we?! Can we?!
Lindsay: ...fine! Don't be too long though...
Danny: Hey what would happen if I lit this?
Lindsay: Boom?

Mac: Stella, I've got to tell you something...you know get this off my chest first!
Stella: Oh ok...go ahead Mac.
Mac: No get this bullet out of my chest first!!

Adam: Oooohh electric eels!!
over a year ago House34 said…
Danny: Hey, kid !
Kid on the street: Yes ?
Danny: Your mom never thought you you aren't suppose to play with guns?
Kid on the street: Yes, mister! But this is a toy gun !
Danny: Oh..okay ! I thought it was a real gun..see ? like this one here !
Kid in the street: wow..I wanna have a real one too !
Danny: Yeah..maybe you'll become a cop too when you grow up and then you'll be able to press this little button here :)
over a year ago House34 said…
Hawkes *sees a little girl who's about to get hit by a car*: Noooo !!! *Runs and gets in front of the car. Wakes up later*
Sid: Hawkes, you lost a lot of blood! Try to hang in there !
Hawkes: Someone..someone..
Sid: Don't talk !
Hawkes: Someone stole Mac's car..
over a year ago House34 said…
(it sucks..I know..)

Sam *opens the door and sees a big guy in a whale suit*: Wtf ?
Whale suit guy: Trick or treat ?
Sam: Aren't you a bit old for this ?
Whale suit guy: Sam, it's me !
Sam: Don ? *starts laughing*
Don: Sam..listen to me ! Some bad guys took my gun and if you don't come with me, we're in trouble!
Sam *can't stop laughing*: Don..you..*can't speak..too much laughing*
Don: Damn it, Sam! There's no time to laugh! Pretend to give me chocolates and come with me ! They're watching us right now!
Sam *falls down on the ground laughing*: Why..you look like shit!..*laughs more*
Don: Sam! Stop laughing! This is what they gave me! Sam!!
Sam: A whale..*laughs louder and louder* freakin' Moby Dick came to trick or treat..

2 shots and they both die..
last edited over a year ago