CSI:NY Best Word to Describe____Contest. [Round 11]

huddysmacked posted on Apr 16, 2009 at 12:45AM
Ók so, I was wandering in this forum and I thought that this would be a goo idea because it's so much fun.
Well it's a stolen idea (wanzgirl) but I swear it's fun. So it goes like this I post something related to CSI:NY and you can only use 2 TWO words to describe it. Watch out for the rules.
It will be by rounds, rounds will last 1 week and then I'll make a pick to chose the one they liked the best.
REMEMBER only TWO words and ONE entry.
The winner gets props.
It's not valid to use the same word as other fan
Don't vote for yourself.
Round 1 winner: becca85 for Mac Taylor: Sexy Detective.
Round 2 winner: CSI_NYfangirl for Stella Bonasera: Beautiful Goddess.
Round 3 winner: KrissyB for Smacked : To Be
Round 4 winner: HS for Danny Messer: BOOM
Round 5 winner:House34 for Lindsay: Messer's girl
Round 6 winner: House34 for DL: a family
Round 7 winner: Ms_Montana for Angell: Flack's Angel
Round 8 winner: becca for Flack: Blue Eyes
Round 9 winner: CF for Adam: aDORKable
Round 10 winner:link

Round 11: will be Blink(the ep)
RULES: no rules so GOOO crazy .

Suggestions for rounds are accepted.
last edited on Aug 17, 2009 at 07:23AM

CSI:NY 129 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 129

over a year ago CSIAly said…
big smile
Sounds like fun! But I guess I should put on my thinking helmet (for REALLY dangerous ideas, lol). Hmm...

Loves Stella?

Hope that helps! XD
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
That's a good one! I love it.

Mac Taylor: tough guy.
over a year ago becca85 said…
Sexy detective

I couldn't decide between "hot" or "sexy" ...
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I think sexy is fine. Hahaha he is more than hot.
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
big smile
Mac - Likes waterfalls

(because of Down the Rabbit hole XD I couldn't resist...*gg*)
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Hahaha Lol so true.
over a year ago CSI_NYfangirl said…
future husband!!! (Well Stella's future husband but only allowed 2 words, oh a girl can wish)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
You can only submit one so like it can only be a 2 word sentence I'll take future husband.
over a year ago CSIAly said…
*looks hopeful* Can I go again??? :D

...Lost Claire...

Dark, I know, but I think it fits. All of these rock, especially 'Likes waterfalls' (roflmao CFCG), 'Future husband', and 'Sexy detective' (speaks for itself) XD.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I'm sorry you can only submit one entry. But well I guess that if you want to change it you can but obnly for this round. So it's lost claire I loved the one of loves stella but anyways.
over a year ago becca85 said…
Huddysmacked, why don't you submit one? That way if you like "Loves Stella" you can use it yourself (at least for this round).
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Mmh *gives curious look* I have submited one that sucked but I can't change it. Call HS is easier tahn writing huddysmacked.
over a year ago becca85 said…
Oh, you did. I forgot about that. He is one tough guy tho!
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Lol don't worry I know it really suck but well I wasn't in my creative mood.
over a year ago becca85 said…
Maybe the creative juices will be flowing for round two...
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
yeah they will cause it will be a good round. I'll wait two more days for possible entries.
over a year ago KrissyB said…
Mac - Hottest guy

of course :D <3
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
So here's the pick for Round 1.
Remember to Vote it will only last 3 days.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago becca85 said…
I can't wait for round 2!!
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
You can start.
Stella Bonasera: Curly Head
over a year ago becca85 said…
big smile
Are your rules going to be posted at the top of the forum? I think I missed them until you pointed them out.
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over a year ago becca85 said…
How about: Stubborn Woman
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over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Oh sorry if you didn't notice them.
over a year ago becca85 said…
That's OK, I didn't think to look up there!
over a year ago becca85 said…
And suggestions for future rounds...

Well, all of the main characters
Some of the popular villains (ex. Clay Dobson, D.J. Pratt, etc.)
New York Crime Lab
Some of the big episodes (premieres or finales)

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
over a year ago KrissyB said…
Stella - Independant Women :)
over a year ago kalik said…
Stella: Lab's mother
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
Stella - Kick Ass

Well she is! XD

Also, will we be doing ships for future rounds, like in the House spot, or not? =]
(Can't remember if becca mentioned this or not LOL)
over a year ago becca85 said…
Oh, there are some good ones on here!
over a year ago Ms_Montana said…
Stella- good friend
over a year ago Serienjunkie91 said…
Miss Liberty. =)
over a year ago adidasrox117 said…
Stella= smart rebel
over a year ago CSI_NYfangirl said…
Beautiful Goddess :)
over a year ago becca85 said…
Goddess? Good one!
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Oh she is a goddess and yes I'm planning ship the first one will be Smacked of course and the second one DL after posting rounds for their characters.
over a year ago CSIAly said…
big smile
Hmm?? How to describe perfection with a badge? XD

Dancing Queen? XD
over a year ago CSI_NYfangirl said…
Good one CSIAly "How to describe perfection with a badge" LOL!!! XD
over a year ago House34 said…
big smile
Aww...and I didn't get to put anything 4 Mac..:(
Well..at least I found out about this at round 2 :P So for Stella : Cuddy's sis ;)
over a year ago becca85 said…
Where have you been House34?
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
So round 3 is Smacked. Check the rules.
The pick for Round 2 link. Remember to not vote for yourselves.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago becca85 said…
Their Destiny

That was hard because...here I'm going to make enemies...I don't ship Smacked. I've always considered them friends and nothing more. That's just my opinion.
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over a year ago huddysmacked said…
LOL I don't ship DL. No problem Becca.

Smacked: Awesome ship!
over a year ago KrissyB said…
To be ;)

As in there a to be couple sometime soon, hopefully lol :)
over a year ago Ms_Montana said…
Love Story

Im a smacked AND D/L shipper.LOL But more D/L.
over a year ago Serienjunkie91 said…
in love
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over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
big smile
SMacked - Gooey substances ;]
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Ooo so much like them. I love gooey things.
over a year ago House34 said…

I've been busy learning :P I don't ship Smacked either but I loooooove them both :P

Smacked - CSI:NY's best
over a year ago kalik said…
Smacked: Yin Yang

cuz they complament eachother, the one is nothing without the other ♥
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