Fringe You know you're obsessed with Fringe when...

scrubby21 posted on Jul 10, 2011 at 02:43AM
First i have to give props to hooch-is-crazy on the scrubs spot since i saw this game there awhile back (even though they claim to have stolen it from someone else). Secondly, i don't think i really need to explain this game, just follow my lead, the crazier the better!

1. You continuously get a friends name wrong, even though you've known them for a long time and are frequently reminded of their actual name.

Fringe 43 replies

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over a year ago MrBuna said…
2. push a plug into your mouth, try to deform you face and wonder why it's not working.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
3. hypnotize people with christmas lights.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
4. you steal corpses from the morgue, dissect them and hope to discover a shapeshifter amongst us.
over a year ago ILoveMySeries said…
5. you ask every bold guy if he's an observer and wonder why everytime that person looks at you like you're insane.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
6. you started making sugar LSD cubes as an afternoon snack and have frequent conversations with Mr.Papaya and Gene while under the influence.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
7. You're working on developing cortexiphan so that when you have children you can give it to them so that they'll have cool powers (your fingers are crossed for teleportation and telekinesis).
over a year ago Zipa said…
8. You use the word "universe" instead of "world"
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
9. you have been searching every old book store in the hopes of finding the ZFT manifesto. Once you do, you plan on finding the First People book as well.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
10. you've also been going to a lot of bowling alleys lately in the hopes of finding Sam Weiss.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
11. You are convinced Apple is a front company for Massive Dynamic and devote a lot of time to unveiling the conspiracy.
over a year ago Zipa said…
12. When you go out in a store you're looking if there is the DVDs, even if you already have them, just to check if your show is here
over a year ago MrBuna said…
lol Zipa I always do that :D

13. you try to make chocolate milk by feeding the cow in your cellar with cacao.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
14. you're afraid of the season finale & the summer break before the season even started. (inspired by an entry @
over a year ago Observer_95 said…
15. When someone fails a test and you say to them "the alternate version of yourself just go an A" :D
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
16. you're having a serious conversation with someone and you randomly blurt out that you'd like some red vines or tapioca pudding
over a year ago Shepard14 said…
17. You love Butterscotch pudding, and enjoy telling stories about your days in the insane asylum (where they make THE BEST butterscotch pudding)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
18. You are constantly seeing a man's reflection that can't possibley be there that resembles an actor by the name Joshua Jackson.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
19. you make a point of coming on fanpop everyday just to see if there's anything new on the Fringe spot (guilty as charged)
over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
20. You go to the cemetary to see if any of your loved ones, who are still alive, have tombstones there just to be sure they are not from an alternate universe.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
21. you shaved your head and donned a suit so you can pretend to be an Observer and freak people out by scribbling gibberish in a notebook while watching them through binoculars. xD (this would be so creepy if someone actually did this)

oh yeah, i forgot to mention that yours a pretty funny eclecticfan!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
22. when dressed up as an Observer, you also go to restaurants and order a roast beef sandwich with 11 jalapeno's, empty a whole container of pepper on top and scarf it down within 30 seconds.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
23. when dressed up as an Observer, you stand outside cars and push your finger to the lock trying to open it with electricity and then get frustrated when it doesn't work.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
24. when you automatically call every cow you see "Gene". (Just noticed that I really do that... I'm strange.)
over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
25. If everytime you see a piece of amber you believe it is to plug up a hole in the universe, even if it's no bigger than a quarter.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
26. You stare at light bulbs really hard to see if you can turn them off using nothing but your mind.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
27. you desperately try to do that coin-finger-trick that Peter learned when he was a child, just because it looks so cool.
(You know, this one: )
27. you desperately try to do that coin-finger-trick that Peter learned when he was a child, just bec
over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
28. You go through the trouble of finding an old vintage typewriter, set it next to a mirror, type a message to the other side, and are still waiting for a response. (If you actually do this, you have my sympathies.)
over a year ago MrBuna said…
29. you never drink tea because you're afraid that someone put soul magnets in it.
over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
30. When you hook yourself up to a friend or loved one who is in a coma, then take some LSD, and go lay in a tub full of water to try to communicate with them.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
ahaha! keep them coming guys, these are great!

31. you decided to travel to the locations where the machine parts are, so that you can dig them up and build it
over a year ago MrBuna said…
32. you set up three harmonic rods arranged as an equilateral triangle and activate them in order to cross over to the other side to kick Walternate's ass.
over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
33. You find yourself randomly stating your bodily functions out in public. Such as "I wet myself.... Just a bit".
over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
34. When you go through violent withdrawl symptoms when you have to wait longer than a week for a new episode. (Not me personally, just saying.)
over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
35. When you having feelings of wipeing baseball off the face of the earth so it won't mess with Fringe. Then contemplate taking out basketball so it won't mess with it in March.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
36. you agree with the person above and immediately get together to start hatching your diabolical plans.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
37. you believe that everything in Fringe is actually possible and likely happening this very minute!
over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
38. If you see a blimp and get so excited that you don't even care it's not a zepplin and think you somehow managed to cross over to the alternate universe.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
39. you recite a sequence of numbers every night to help you fall asleep.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
40. you frequently wonder what your alternate is up to.
over a year ago EclecticFan78 said…
41. You turn your phone off and tell any people living with you there will be hell to pay if they interupt your Fringe viewing. (Guilty as charged.)
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
^^guilty of that as well. though this rarely succeeds. i guess i'm not very menacing or something.

42. you spend your free time trying to figure out all major plot points way in advance to the episodes actually airing.
over a year ago MrBuna said…
43. you are not able to watch a new episode alone because you need someone to share your thoughts and theories with immediately.
over a year ago scrubby21 said…
44. you know you will literally go crazy if tonight's episode is NOT new.