Hotch & Emily H&P Spoilers

Dicsi posted on Nov 22, 2009 at 01:26PM
There's some speculation that episode 102 will be Emily-centric. From what I've read on the cmfanatic forum:

- Emily is not a great patient (and she says she's fine)
- Oahn might have hinted at some upcoming episodes with emily getting 'lost'.
- episode 102 will make up for the angst/drama filled 100th episode. Possibly a fan-favourite episode.

Casting call for episode 102:

[JAY] Caucasian, 40 yrs., BLUE COLLAR, a former undercover cop who played the good guy in a bad world. Now his family is in danger and he seems to have been thrown back into that situation. MAJOR GUEST STAR. NAME ACTORS ONLY!!!

[SCHRADER] Caucasian, 40 yrs. Purely a bad guy, he is an ex-con who was recently released after going away for robbery. Now that he's out, he's exacting revenge on everyone who had a hand in putting him away. MAJOR GUEST STAR. NAME ACTORS ONLY!!!

[WIFE] Caucasian, BLUE COLLAR, late 30s/early 40s. A MOTHER. Has a hard exterior because of the tough nature of her husband's job, however, she's still quite emotion because she and her children have been terrorized. GOOD CO-STAR.

[BUNTING] Male, Caucasian, 50s, local upstate-NY cop. A good ol' boy detective who is just months from retirement. GOOD CO-STAR.

last edited on Nov 22, 2009 at 01:32PM

Hotch & Emily 65 replies

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over a year ago Dicsi said…
So Emily might get 'lost'. Not sure if that's physological or literally. And gets hospitalized? I'm guessing something will happen to her that episode.

Could have something to do with the bad guy who is exacting revenge on everyone who helped put him away. Maybe Emily was part of that before she joined the BAU?
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
big smile
Wow cooool

Where did you find these spoilers????
over a year ago Dicsi said…
It was mentioned in the spoiler section at the criminal minds fanatic message board and somewhere on this forum > link as well. Not sure which page it was though.

The information came from an insider on the TWOPboards and I think the part about Oahn was mentioned during a chat somewhere, sadly they don't transcript those :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
Thank you !!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Oh my!! This sounds like angsty!! But, Hotch will save her i'm sure. Thanks for the link!!
over a year ago Dicsi said…
link More about this epi in an interview with Paget! Black eye, car crash aah!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Poor Paget!!! I really hope that Hotch will be back by than. He really has to save her once!!
Thank you for the link!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ely_exp said…
OMG! I've already make the story on my head! haha

I think its time for hotch to take care of Emily as she did! I think emily is going to be one of those patients that just can not stay calm.

I'm going to love this episode... they should put emily under morphine just imagine how funny that would be!

I'm really looking forward to seeing this episode

(by the way sorry about my english, I'm only fluent in spanish :S)
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Don't worry, your english is very good. Its not my native language either.:)

Oh my, Emily and morphine, that would be so awsome, hopefully we will see that!:D
And yes, I totally agree with you, Hotch should take care of her. Its about time!:) Oh and little Jack can help, that would be so cute... Imagine Jack bringing a book to her bed and they watch at the pictures and he will tell her the story.:) Aaaaawwwww!!!!
over a year ago Dicsi said…
More about episode 102!

5x11 Retaliation - An ex-con escapes while in the custody of the BAU, and the team must review his criminal career in order to determine where he may have gone.
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
SOunds pretty cool!!

Just a question: Is Hotch on his leave of absence in this episode??
over a year ago Dicsi said…
His leave of absence is in 5x10. I don't know if he's still on leave this episode, but I think (and hope) not. Probably not, seeing that the time Hotch was on leave after the hospital in 5x01 and 5x02 was a month in between.
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
ok ^^ Thank U !!!

God I really hope we'll have some great H/E scenes in the upcoming episodes !!!

over a year ago Dicsi said…
Just found this!!

Misty in Irving, Texas: I've been an avid fan of Criminal Minds for quite some time. I read your columns every Wednesday to see if I can find out any information regarding the cast or show. This past episode on Nov. 25 was pretty touching. I was wondering if you could tell me if Thomas Gibson/Hotch is leaving the show? -
Don't worry. Haley's death at the hands of the Reaper (sob) leads Hotch to take a brief break from the BAU team during the next new episode airing Dec. 9—they investigate a home-invasion case without him—but he'll be back on the job, and presumably his usual taciturn self, by January when the show returns after the holiday break.
over a year ago zahiraglitter said…
Thanks so much for sharing it with us!! I agree with Celina79, it is time for Hotch to take care after Emily!!! I so hope to have H/P scenes as well. Despite Ed Bernero's interview, I still hope that, even if it's in the end, Hotch and Emily stay together!!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
OMG, next week, is the Emily episode!!!
And I saw Hotch in the Promo too....what was he doing there?
Please, he has to rescue her!!!!
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
Hey Colette I've just watch the promo for 5x11!!

OH MY GOD!!!! I hope she's gonna be OK !!!!

As for Hotch, I guess he's back as chief unit!!! Please God, let this episode be full of H/E scene! (That'd be my early Chrismas gift!! ^^)

BTW, Have you found the CTV promo???
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Hi Marie!:)
I really hope she gonna be ok, it looks so awful!!!!!
Maybe the unsub will take her with him...God, Hotch, please save her!!! I want also H/E scenes!!!

Nope, haven't found it yet. But I will upload it as soon as I can find it somewhere.

Damn, Promo's always makes me more excited!!!
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh promos have the same effect on me :D

I'm sooooo looking forward newt week eposide!!!!!!!!! :D

And you know what, I'm sure Hotch'll be concerned and worried once he's heard about the accident. (remember the spoilers about her not being a "good patient")
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Me too!!!! I love Emily, and I love when there is a Episode with a lot of her in it!!:D

Speaking about Hotch, I red somewhere that we will see him in january, because of his leave of absence, but in the Promo he was with his suit and the FBI badge.
Hopefully we see him through the whole episode! And not only for a few minutes.....
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
I know I read that too on TV guide, but i'm sure the guy who wrote that messed it up (Sorry people from TV guide, I like you guys a lot but really sometimes you make mistakes loool), I'm sure his "leave of absence" was in 510, when he stayed home with Jack. Moreover, Jessica, Hailey's sister told him she would look after Jack when he's working. And from the promo, I have a idea on how tings are gonna play out: they cath the guy, Morgan calls telling Rossi and Hotch they got him, Rossi tells Hotch you'll be home for breakfast, and BAMM car accident, everybody rushes to the hospital including Hotch!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Ok, that sounds all very plausible to me!

Also how the episode could be. I had also a feeling, that when she's in the car, she wanted to bring the unsub to the station, and than, the accident will happen.
Strange is that she's alone in the car with that guy. Normally there is always Rossi or Morgan or Hotch or Reid. But now, she's alone... I mean of corse she can handle him, but anyway strange.
They have now more faith in her, which is cool!:D
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
I thought Morgan was with her? Well if she's alone that'll be cool to see, I loooooove badass Emily!!!!!!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Is he also in the car with her?! Cant see it!
I thought so it would be strange if they send her alone in the car with that guy. But anyway, I love badass Emily too!
Remember last episode, the End, she was soooo badass!!!:D
over a year ago jazzfromforum said…
She's not alone in the car with unsub.. I think Morgan is driving.
So I'm gusseing both Morgan and Emily will be in a accident.

over a year ago chouchou22 said…
big smile
OMG yeaaahhhhh, she was totally AWESOME !!!!! SHE ROCKS !!!!!
over a year ago jazzfromforum said…
Here you go guys. I paused it a take a snap.. so Morgan is in the car too.

So hoping they will both be alright.

But whoa she is pointing a gun toward the unsub.. I'm wondering what will happen right after the accident. Will unsub escape, maybe took Emily as hostage or what..
Here you go guys. I paused it a take a snap.. so Morgan is in the car too.

So hoping they will bot
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure he said something that made her point her gun to him!!! GOD I love badass Emily !! That's my girl !!!!!!!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
big smile
Thank you!! Now we know, that Morgan's in the car too!
I want to see the episode!!!!!
YAY, to badass Emily!!:D
over a year ago Dicsi said…
For some reason I actually don't think that that's Morgan in the car, but just some officer. I have to look further into it though, but will do that later (because I'm working at my internship right now).

I'm so excited about this episode!!
over a year ago ely_exp said…
I'm not sure is morgan... I think if he is they would put him on the promo too, not just focus on emily, anyway i hope its not morgan.

the accident looks horrible i hope nothing bad hapen to emily :S
I have the feeling that after the accident the unsub will take emily as a hostage... I hope he will haha I wanna see mmore emily and the team (especially hotch) worried about her
over a year ago Dicsi said…
OMG you people look at this!


A longer preview :O
over a year ago Dicsi said…
Btw, it's definately not Morgan in that car! Oh and after the 'you might be able to be home for breakfast' thingy, you see JJ walking quickly to Hotch and Rossi. I think she's going to bring them the 'bad news' there.
over a year ago jazzfromforum said…
yea I know i just saw another promo. it's not Morgan.

yea I know i just saw another promo. it's not Morgan.
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
Cooool someone posted the long version!!!
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
ITA, JJ is gonna deliver the bad news!!! Guess you won't be home for breakfast My dear Hotch !!
over a year ago jazzfromforum said…
yep, they will have to rush in hospital..or wait what if unsub kiddnap Emily then he will have to rescue her..

but we will actually see a reaction on Hotch and how he feel when she's injured..and hurt
over a year ago Dicsi said…
Oh wow, yes we will see his reaction! Can't wait to see that!
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
*crosses her fingers and makes a prayer* I hope we'll see his reaction!!! I mean c'mon after everything she's done for him! That'd be cruel and unfair if he was totally numb....
over a year ago Seythia said…
I try to keep my expectations down .__.
So I'll be happy with a few little hints.
I don't expect the writers to be able to see all this potential in Emily getting hurt <3
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
A friend of mine made some sreencaps of the promo. Looks like a truck is gonna hit the car with Emily and the unsub in it.....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Yes, I thought the same Marie, when I watched the promo.
God, this is so exciting!!!!!!
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
I can't waiiiiitttt till next week!!!!
over a year ago cmanonimo said…
OMG!!!! I have to wait till thursday...
this could be an oportunity for a great H/P moment, but I'm afraid that is gonna be a morgan-prentiss... which is sad, we have a lot of SUBTEXT, but nothing real....
over a year ago chouchou22 said…
ITA with you cmanonimo!!!! We need more H/P moments!!!

but, i'm sure we'll get one at least in newt week episode!!!
over a year ago Celina79 said…
Have to wait till thursday either!!! Hopefully the days are flying..!!!
I know I wish for a Hotch is concerned about Emily moment!!!!!!
over a year ago Seythia said…
Oh god.
After next week's episode we have to wait for what? A month to get a new episode?
over a year ago Dicsi said…
From what I've just read on the cm fanatics forum Hotch might refer to Emily or call Emily by her first name in the next episode! :D
over a year ago Simmy said…
big smile
Yaaaay!! I hope he does!:D
over a year ago jazzfromforum said…
o I hope he does.

can't wait till thursday(yea i'm in europe too)