Simon Seville Updates

a comment was made to the photo: love at first sight 9 months ago by claire2023
a comment was made to the fan art: Jeanette thinking of Simon 9 months ago by claire2023
a comment was made to the photo: Simon! ^u^ 9 months ago by claire2023
a comment was made to the photo: Simon 9 months ago by claire2023
a comment was made to the photo: simon and jeanette over a year ago by seanro
a comment was made to the photo: Simon Seville over a year ago by seanro
a comment was made to the photo: the smart one over a year ago by seanro
a comment was made to the photo: Simon's New Glasses over a year ago by seanro
a comment was made to the photo: Simon over a year ago by FunwithJustice
a comment was made to the poll: do you think this picture is mean? over a year ago by suck_toad
a photo was added: Simon over a year ago by suck_toad
a comment was made to the poll: Who should Simon be with? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: what is your favorite? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: which do you like better? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Simon ( the shy smart one) or simone( the romantic trill seeking french gye ) over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Is brittney or jeanette perfect for simon??? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Would you date Simon Seville? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Simon would cheat on Jeanette over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: is simon gay over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: is simon cheating on jeantte with brittany if he is im killing him over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: What do you think of simon? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Which clothes you like the most on Simon? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Should simon and jeanette be together? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Should Simon have a new clothes (if you have made a fanart with him with new clothes you can put it in the fanart) over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: Does the new 2015 version of Simon look better than the cartoon version of Simon? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
a comment was made to the poll: which chipmunk or chipette does he like the best? over a year ago by Chibi-Chipette
an icon was added: Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein 2 over a year ago by YoungDelmar45
a video was added: Kiss The Girl over a year ago by suck_toad
a video was added: Shout over a year ago by suck_toad
a comment was made to the fan art: the 2 simons over a year ago by suck_toad
a comment was made to the photo: EVIL SIMON! over a year ago by suck_toad
a comment was made to the photo: Simon is mine! over a year ago by MephadowFan1
an answer was added to this question: Will Simon and Jeanette ever settel down and have kids? over a year ago by MephadowFan1
an answer was added to this question: What is Simon's favorite subject in school? over a year ago by MephadowFan1
an answer was added to this question: is simon good at playing chess? over a year ago by MephadowFan1
an answer was added to this question: Do you think simon will have his 45th album? over a year ago by MephadowFan1
a comment was made to the question: What is the grade of your glasses? over a year ago by MephadowFan1
a poll was added: Who should Simon be with? over a year ago by MephadowFan1
a question was added: What is the grade of your glasses? over a year ago by mikaylacamesa
a poll was added: Does the new 2015 version of Simon look better than the cartoon version of Simon? over a year ago by britney21
a video was added: Purple People Eater over a year ago by chipette116
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: what did simon say to alvin over a year ago by syd6500
a pop quiz question was added: Should Simon and Jeanette ever have any children? over a year ago by jigsaw1234
a comment was made to the poll: Which Simon do you like better? over a year ago by simon861125
a poll was added: what is your favorite? over a year ago by simon861125
a poll was added: which chipmunk or chipette does he like the best? over a year ago by simon861125