Teen Titans The newest Titan

OmegaFan posted on Aug 20, 2011 at 12:53AM
You have just been allowed to join the titans. Who are you, how do you describe yourself, what's your power, and all that jazz? I'll demonstrate with one of my best.

Teen Titans 2 replies

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over a year ago OmegaFan said…
His name's Gale Fortell. He is the son of a powerful alien sorcerer. The marks of his alien half are on his back in the shape of wing crests that are in pairs. He has 7 pairs. His species can have anywhere from 1 to 8 pairs of wing crests. Only Gale's father has had 8 pairs of wing crests. Other than that Gale looks human. Gale is a silent boy who controls Terra's opposite...air. Gale and Terra met when they were both travelling. Gale hid in the cave while Terra ran when Slade found Terra. Terra kept sending things to Gale asking for him to join her and Slade. Gale believes that the Titans killed Terra and wants revenge. He is cursed with a powerful demon that is kept in check with three rings, one in each ear and one that is part of a necklace. The demon was one of Trigon's most powerful servants that was defeated in battle by a soldier. The demon cursed the city named after the soldier, which is where Gale is born. Gale knows only two spells, one is a revival spell, that costs the user his life to return it to someone else. The other is a healing spell. He'll be guided by the spirit of his father and shall gain new spells. Unlike normal spells, if this one doesn't go off as planned it does additional effects. Gale revives both Terra and Slade. His body starts to disappear from existence. Terra tells the truth and Gale apologizes and tells the titans of a powerful drink that can keep Terra alive while giving Gale his back. The problem is that it will keep Slade alive again, also Slade will gain Gale's knowledge of what happened after his second death. Terra will gain that same knowledge. Gale is very subconscious and feels bad if he harms people he care for, even if it isn't his fault. Falls in love with, of all people, Raven. Wears pretty much everything. Green hair, and blue eyes.
over a year ago titans10mbc said…
my Character is named kim and her power of fire and she a alien princess of sundre the sun she is more powerful then star'raven and Terra comebind she hast to wrarr a necklace to keep powers undr control but she acts beast boy and raven but she came to Earth becus her planet was atact and her prains wur kill in the war she wrarr a black crold shrt and a black lesr jakit and black hels her love to playing games with beast boy and Cyborg and exrsizing with starfire and metating with raven and traning with robin she has a cruh on beast boy and love plling pracks with beast boy and cy and love ahisn