Teen Titans Whos your least favorite Titan? and WHY?!?

Lucy64 posted on Nov 05, 2009 at 02:12AM
ive been noticing alot if "this persons annoying" and "i hate this one" and stuff like that on here. i was just wondering why?

my least favorite is cyborg. i dont hate him tho. he brings a lot of humor, and bb might be scuicidal(sp?) if NO ONE laughed at his jokes...

Teen Titans 4 replies

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over a year ago surfingcamel said…
I hate terra because she has no soul and has an annoying voice and furthermore seduces beast boy (I think so independantly) and then my least favorite is Cyborg because he is just... booring, and not entertaining to me, he is so girly.. "waffles!!" then I don't rele like raven as much, she seems like she would be a good friend, but you have to get into her skin to get to that point. then robin, he's ok, but seriously just not my fave, he does fight the best out of all of them. and then theres starfire who is pretty chill, awesome because she is out of this world. then theres hot spot who has a cool power, and jericho who I think is awesome because he is so mysterious, a little creepy tho, especially with what he does, and whose kid he is, and then there's herald who seems like a push over but is ok. then there's aqualad who is just animated hot looking, but his voice sux in the show... and lastly, my ultimate favorite for now and forever is beast boy, because he isn't the best so he isn't a push over or someone who works to hard and kills himself, he is funny, so he is entertaining and makes me laugh, and he has had a hard past and has my sympathies
over a year ago deannacb98 said…
sorry to the people who like terra but i got to say her. is she even a titan i mean shes there for a little while but then goes to slade. then she beats the titans. next the titans beat her. last she gets turned to stone so comfusing!
over a year ago terraisevil said…
starfire.she has the life.(she has)a hto bofriend(not et but i sorta have a crush on him)great friends,heck red long wavy betiful hair!and not an earthling,not black too ( XO black ppl` anger me)
over a year ago Lucy64 said…
woah, terraisevil...please no racist comments...its uncalled for, and frankly, just mean. Just keep stuff like that to yourself, and please, dont act upon these feelings of anger. if you do it again im gonna have to flag you.