The Heroes of Olympus SoN my version!!!

RachelDare14 posted on Jun 19, 2011 at 06:56PM
Hi everyone!

This I what I think the next book could be like! All characters except Danny Craig, Lizzy Atkinson and maybe more, go to RR.

Percy Jackson:Poseidon
Reyna Colt:Mars
Dakota Morris:Bacchus
Bobby West:Mercury
Hazel Adams:Minerva
Gwen Forest:Venus
Danny Craig:Apollo
Lizzy Atkinson:Vesta
Abigail Moss:Vulcan
Cally Oldman:Juventa
Genevieve Saunders:Sybil/Oracle
Annabeth Chase:Athena
Thalia Grace:Zeus
Jason Grace:Jupiter
Piper McLean:Aphrodite
Leo Valdez:Hephaestus

Also this story will be going along at the same time as Jason and co are on their quest. So they won't feature much except in dreams.

last edited on Jul 14, 2011 at 09:02AM

The Heroes of Olympus 89 replies

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over a year ago athena305 said…
Can't wait!
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
Chapter 1

Percy PoV 

I woke up in the middle of a big, dark tunnel with a golden sword pointed at my neck. 
    "Di Immortales! What is wrong with you?!" I cried. I mean, can you blame me for that?
     "State your name and purpose at Villa Romanus!" said a girl with a golden helmet. 
     "I'm...I'm... I don't know who I am?! Who are you?" I whispered. 
      "Reyna Colt, daughter of... Wait what?! You don't know you you are?" the girl replied. 
      "No. I can't remember anything about who I am, where I am or how I got here. Where am I?" I tried to explain "and why did you say daughter of and then just stop?"
      "Never mind. You will come with me now to be tested by Lupa at Villa Romanus" Reyna ordered. 
       "Villa Romanus?? Lupa??" I wondered what on earth she was talking about!
       "You shall see when we get there. Now walk!" she demanded.
        "Yes Miss!" I murmured under my breath. 
As Reyna marched me through the tunnel I thought about what I had said earlier about not knowing anything and I realised it was completely true. I knew nothing. All I could remember was a beautiful face. She had grey eyes and wavy blonde hair. But when I tried to remember her I got a piercing pain behind my eyes. Before I knew it we broke through the end of the tunnel and into the daylight. Standing before us was a massive Coliseum and I almost stopped right there but Reyna kept frogmarching me all the way into the 'camp'.  

Well, here goes. Enjoy and any advice will be very welcome!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
big smile
hey this is very good!!!!!!
post soon!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
that was AWESOME post soon
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
Thanks guys! I'll probably post later today because it's 5am at the moment.
over a year ago athena305 said…
Love it!
over a year ago LeoValdez456 said…
what country do you live in because where i live two hours ago was 2:22 pm!
over a year ago LeoValdez456 said…
btw its awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome it's 4.29 where I live. It's all so confusing because you get people saying it's like summer break for them when it's like winter for you.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
It's awesome!! Oh and wanna no what times it is?? I'll
Say military

00:12 am early huh? 12: 12
over a year ago Emil5634 said…
That was good Rachel!
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
@LeoValdez456-I live in England. You?
@Every1 else-thanks so much fir reading!

Chapter 2
Percy PoV

Suddenly a boy with floppy, brown hair came jumping up to us yelling "Hey Rey Rey!! You got us a newbie we can prank, I mean train?!"
       And to this Reyna grinned and said laughingly "Yes Bobby, I might've got us a new half-blood and please don't embarrass yourself in front of him!"
      I had to but in there "Wait! Half-blood? What does that mean?"
      The boy called Bobby sighed. "Reyna! You didn't even explain the basics?!"
       "Well I was a little busy wondering why he was in the tunnel with no memory!" she retorted. 
       "No memory! Wooah! Anyway newbie, by half-blood we mean half human, half-god. Isn't it awesome" Bobby explained. 
       "So you mean like, Zeus, Athena, Poseidon and Ares?" I said. 
      "No! The Greek gods faded away ages ago because their weak," he said it like like he thought there was nothing worse than Greek gods. "And the roman gods took their place. So we mean Jupiter, Minerva, Neptune and Mars," explained Reyna. "Anyway Bobby I'll see you later I need to take Mr Amnesiac to see Lupa."
      "Well, good luck newbie. You'll need it!" Bobby yelled as he ran to what looked like a massive stable block. 

Reyna PoV

After Bobby left the kid looked worried and said to me again "Who's Lupa? Please tell me this time!"
     "Lupa is our camp co-ordinator. But when we meet her don't show any weakness or fear because, well, she's been known to eat half-bloods she thinks are weak," I explained
       "Eat! What type of person is this Lupa?!" he yelped. 
As he said this we rounded the corner into Lupa's den. She was currently talking to Danny Craig the show-off son of Apollo. I mean seriously, he thinks he's sooo good just because he's never missed a target but to be honest when it cones to capture the flag the Mars cabin cream them all the time. 
       "She's a wolf!" I muttered as Danny bowed and marched out. "Now bow you idiot!"
       "What?" he whispered back as Lupa turned around. 
        "Never mind. It's too late now. Just remember no weakness!" Honestly was that boy deaf or something! Suddenly Lupa started snarling at the boy and growled "You don't belong here son of Poseidon!"

Well 1 more chapter for you!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Emil5634 said…
big smile
That great:)
over a year ago Emil5634 said…
Oh you live in england! That's why your usually in when i am;) your only an hour behind me;P Cool
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
Yep only an hour behind! Thanks for the comment!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Its awesom and Enland?? Wow, I'm just in lousy Cali
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Omg I loved it !! ur a good writer !! Nice chapter and you live in england that's so cool I always wanted to go there I live in L.A. Boring compare to where you live :DD
over a year ago PersesJr said…
Are u British cause am one,by the way bloody chapter
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
@PersesJr-I am British

Chapter 3
Reyna PoV

Son of Poseidon? What does Lupa mean? Why didn't she say son of Neptune? 
        "Son of Poseidon? Don't you mean Neptune Lupa?" I asked. 
Lupa paused "Of course child just a slip of the tongue." a slip of the tongue? Lupa never makes mistakes. "Now why did you bring this child here? You are supposed be on guard duty are you not?"
       "Well,yes Lupa. I was patrolling the tunnel when there was a bright flash of light and when it went, well he was there unconscious so when he woke up I brought him to you." I explained. Suddenly the boy interrupted us 
         "Excuse me. I am still here. What are you going to do to me? And what did you mean by son of Poseidon? Am I actually a half-blood?"
Oh gods! Was he actually stupid enough to interrupt Lupa and I! I mean I did warn him about the eating. Didn't I? Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Lupa pounce!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Why!!! That waz....interesting slip of the tongue wow Lupa ur smart,
Post mire more more!!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago bstras said…
I love it! Fantastic. Brilliant. One thing I'm going to critisize is that your chapters are so short, and if you have short chapters you want to post at least twice in the same 24 hours. Plus it's summer (unless it's different in the U.K.). That's all really. One really good thing is that you have really good grammar which makes it look more "proper" and more "book-like". Keep up the good work.
over a year ago PersesJr said…
I love fish and chips
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
What the that waz random

over a year ago ajatashatru said…
keep up the good work.And post regularly:)
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
@bstras-I know they're short it's just these are chapters I prewrote when I was deciding whether or not to do this. They'll probably get longer eventually. And I am posting off my iPod! Thank you! And I have like no spare time in the mornings to post!

I will post at around 5:15 GMT time

over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
I really love itt! Keep posting btw I'm New here =D
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
Chapter 4

Percy PoV

As Lupa pounced I had a feeling that something was in my pocket. I felt in it as time almost slowed down around me until I found...a pen! What am I supposed to do?! Write on her! Well I thought here goes nothing when I uncapped the pen. Only to drop it almost immediately when it turned into a 3ft long bronze sword. Before I could pick it up Lupa reached me with her claws outstretched and slashed straight across my chest! But when I looked down there was just 3 massive rips in my orange t-shirt but no blood at all when that should've gutted me! I saw Reyna gaping at me and Lupa had practically sat down in surprise when she murmured
         "The Mark of Achilles. I see. Well child you are certainly strong enough for Villa Romanus if you bathed in the River Styx. Reyna, you will take him to his cabin and make sure he is ready for choosing a legion."
Reyna swiftly answered "Of course Lupa. As you wish."

As Reyna led me to the  Neptune cabin I could see her mind was elsewhere so I thought about what Lupa said about the Mark of Achilles and if I had a weak spot, where it was. Suddenly we reached the Neptune cabin. It was amazing. It was covered in shells and was a deep sea blue. As I went inside Reyna hovered at the doorway. Then, as if she had come to a sudden decision, Reyna walked in. 
   "You need to get ready. You'll need armour and a weapon. Wait.  Scratch that. You already have a weapon, that pen of yours. Does it have a name?" she quickly rattled off as if it were simply a weapons drill or something.  
       "Anaklumos," I immediately replied " or Riptide. What do I need to do for the choosing of a legion?"
       "Basically, you will fight the leaders of each of the legions and whoever you are defeated by, you will go into their legion. Oh, and you'll find armour in the cupboard over there." And, after nodding to a small cupboard on the back wall, she left.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PersesJr said…
Thats it post again awesome chapter by the way
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
Why thank you! I might post tomorrow morning if I wake up early enough!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Good!! Goof, it's awesome, goof goof goof, I lik it!! And Perxy dropped the sword? Ur soo dumb
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
Yayyy awsomee you posted great chappter!
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
Thanks Guys!

Chapter 5

Reyna PoV

How did he get the Curse of Achilles? He would've had to go to the Underworld and no one but no one goes there! But even with that he probably won't get any higher than than the 5th legion. Abigail would train him well, although he doesn't look like the type to follow rules much. I looked hurriedly at my watch. 2:20. 
      "Ah Styx!" I muttered. That boy, he must have a name, had his fights coming up in 10 minutes and I forgot to tell him where to go!


Percy PoV

I checked in the cupboard that Reyna showed me and there was a full set of sea green armour. It actually fitted! Looked pretty decent too, I might add! Looking in the mirror I wondered when this 'choosing of a legion' would be. Suddenly, Reyna burst through the doors panting
       "Yourfightsarein10minutes!" she mumbled. 
       "What?" I asked confused. 
        "Your fights are in 10 minutes!" she repeated with a patronising tone. 
        "10 minutes!" I yelled "You didn't tell me that!"
         "Yes I did,' she muttered.                   "Just now!" I yelled. 
         "Anyway you need to get to the arena pronto. Have you got Riptide?" I lifted the pen. "Good. You'll be fighting Rowan Goods from legion 10, Dakota Morris from 9, Gwen Forests from 8, Danny Craig from 7, Bobby West from 6, Abigail Cameron from 5, Phoebe Starling from 4, Hazel Adams from 3, and Lizzy Atkinson from 2."
       "What about legion 1?" I asked. I mean if she started at 10 there must be a 1. Right?
       "That would've been... Jason. He's been missing from 3 days before you turned up. But as he's not here. You'll be battling his second if you get that far." she replied. 
        "Ah. Well who is his second" I wondered. 
        "Me," she said and started to walk out of the door beckoning me to follow. 
        "You?!!!!!" I said. 
         "Yes me. Do you have a problem with that?" she retorted sharply. "But you just need to know, Rowan is a faun and Dakota is a son of Bacchus. I'll tell you the others if you get that far."
   And with that we walked into the arena. Well I walked. Reyna marched.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
over a year ago PersesJr said…
awesome chappie post soon
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
@Every1-Thanks guys!! This is the last pre-written chapter so I probably won't be posting quite as often but I'll try!!!!

Chapter 6
Percy PoV 

We got into the arena at 2:30 exactly and 15 minutes later I was holding my sword to Hazel, daughter of Minerva's throat. 
        "Impossible!" she whispered,"You've got no memory, yet you beat me in minutes! You must've had some training. This defies all reasoning. No ordinary new kid can do that!"
I had defeated 8 praetors in 15 minutes and no one in the humongous crowd knew what to say. And I mean humongous it must have been about 150 people at least! My next fight would be against Lizzy, daughter of Vesta. None of the praetors of the legions knew what my  powers could be except from Reyna seeing as she knew I was a son of Pos-Neptune  Well to be honest I didn't really know either, but I had a feeling that this fight would definitely test me in that area. Then as I finished thinking this I heard Lupa's voice rise above the others to yell. 
     "Warriors ready? Fight!" 
And with that command Lizzy sprang into action. she immediately drew her golden double daggers and summoned flames that danced along them. It gave me a headache just looking at them! I shook my head and got out my pen. As I uncapped it Lizzy started to charge me. As the fight drew on she started to use her fire powers more and somehow, without me noticing she got me trapped in a circle of fire. Then I decided it was time to show them, and myself, how powerful I could be. I felt a large tug in my gut and there was a roaring sound in my ears and then the ground exploded around me and massive geysers blew out of the gaping holes in the ground. After that I saw Lizzy sitting on the floor soaked and wide-eyed. And everyone else in the arena, except me, was soaked. Around us everyone was whispering. 
"A son of Neptune he can't be!"
"Not after Jason!"
Soon, however, Lupa silenced them all with a harsh growl. Everyone knew not to mess with Lupa if you valued your life. Just then Reyna came striding out into the arena in full battle armour, she bowed to Lupa and then turned to face me. 


Reyna PoV

He may've gotten this far but he will not beat me. I will win, if only for Jason's sake 

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
omg I love it !!! percy is gonna fight Reyna ohhh cant wait till you post !! awesome chapter !! :DDD
over a year ago daughterofTerra said…
this is soooooo good what happens if he beats Reyna?
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
This is really good!!! Keep postin!!
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
@Daughter-of-terra-I haven't quite figured that one out yet!
@PersesJr-I am a girl and yes I do know about his other powers.
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
that was brillent chapter.keep going and post.:)
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
over a year ago PersesJr said…
post soon plz
over a year ago bstras said…
Awesome. Your chapters are getting way longer in just six. It took me about ten to eleven. Nice job. You have me as a fan.
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
Thank you everyone! PersesJr-I don't actually have a chapter ready cos I pre-wrote all the others! It should be coming fairly soon!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
This is so good can't wait till you post
over a year ago PersesJr said…
oh ok i luv your chappies abyway