The Heroes of Olympus The Three Banished Demigods..

greektrickster posted on Sep 17, 2011 at 12:39PM
Rated :T for TEENS

In this basically Percy,nico and Thalia are banished because of crimes they hadnt committed and they become gods by themselves,900 years later when Gaia and Kronos attack together again,the gods are in panic because the fates give them one way to defeat the threat,Thalia and Nico come back but Perseus feels abandoned and bitter and he needs to work wig the Olympians against his better judgement.....

Disclaimer: I do not own anything by RR.

Also I accept Spam so go nuts. And please read.
last edited on Sep 25, 2011 at 10:21AM

The Heroes of Olympus 764 replies

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Showing Replies 501-550 of 764

over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Post soon!!
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
why does voldemort wanna find you? and i believe his title is: he-who-must-not-be-named. or you-know-who. whichever
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
do you like my new icon?
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
voldemort. there i said it.
*Macnar, Malfoy, and a dozen other death eaters grab me and torture me*
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
over a year ago Riptide688 said…
Hi im new! PLEASE POST!!!!!!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
He's hiding from Hera, the peacock freak. *thunder rumbles* uh oh. I guess that's my cue to head to the ocean... Ahhhhhhhh! Cow stampede! Post!
over a year ago parras2 said…
big smile
welcome to fanpop riptide688
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Welcome riptide688!! Post soon!!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Where is he? Post please! FYI it's not a good idea to speak bad about Hera if your not a child of Poseidon or hades. It gives you somewhere to hide! But if your a child of Zeus, to bad your dead anyway...
over a year ago this-is-me said…
Post or die. You have 1 hour.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
25 minutes left.
over a year ago Riptide688 said…
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Send the drakons! Hope your not near water...
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago AceJackson said…
Unleash The Lastrigonians!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Go teleheknes!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Thanks parras2 and Icrs50.

Post and you get a monkey....
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
uhhh. number1pjfan, maybe you missed the whole conversation or something, but i'm a girl...

and, no, i'm not hiding from Voldimort...i'm hiding from Hera.

and, yes, i'm a daughter of Hades...oh, crap. dad want's me to feed our three headed dog dinner. thanks a lot, guys!

*yells that last part at my brother and sister. gives the the newly perfectid if-you-come-near-me-for-the-next-month-i'm­-go­ing­-to­-fe­ed-­you­-to­-th­e-d­ogs look that dad helped me perfect.*
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Well it's nice you dad helps you I guess... Yes, I know you are a girl. Sorry, I just miss typed it. Post soon please!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
post post post! i'm waiting!
over a year ago mbg43 said…
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
has it been 11 days?!?! WHAT?!?!?! post soon!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Yeah! Where are you? Can you at least tell us you're still here?
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
lol, number1pjfan. sorry about that.
and i agree, greektrickster. can you at least post and tell us if you're even still on fanpop?

please post soon!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
i know this is realy off topic but i just created my first ever forum and i'd realy appeciate it if you go check it out it's called the four lost demigods.
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
annabeth523, im gonna read it RIGHT NOW!!!!!! :) AND GREEKTRICKSTER, PLEASE TELL US YOU`RE STILL ON!!! :(
over a year ago this-is-me said…
hey guyz! greektrickster posted on my forum 5 days ago so I know that he is still alive and hyper :)
over a year ago this-is-me said…
big smile
plus, could you guys check out my fourm?

over a year ago annabeth523 said…
i posted the rest you can go look now.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
please post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
U guys must hav hit ur head it something. Because u dont make any sense. Voldemort(I said it!) and hera? :\
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Guys I am still here but I am grounded for till this Thursday because of something I did last week,not going to tell you what because it scared me too,but I am here and I will post the chapter as son as I am allowed back
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
yay! your alive!

sorry that was realy random
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
Okay, I'm glad to know you are back and aren't abandoning us like so manynother people *cough anakulusmus cough* If you can please try tomato least write out the chapters even if you can't type them. And when you get back I know that I at least would like a FULL explanation as to why you got grounded for frorver!
over a year ago lcrs50 said…

spell check is evil, isn't it?

and, yeah, i'ed like to know why you got grounded...AGAIN!

anyways, please post as soon as you can. i'll see you guys later.
over a year ago fjclay said…
ok man this is a great story. 6 thumbs way up from the gegenes. i hope you post thursday like you said. in the meantime enjoy the cake.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
So sorry u got grounded, IM W/ ICRS50!! tell us why u were grounded! But not if it was REALLY BAD.
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Why do all writers get grounded? I think their parents hate their readers...
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
i know, right?

it seems like parets don't want their kids to wright any storys or something because of whatever reason they have.

mom lets me and sis wright and draw all the time as long as we keep our rooms and stuff clean and we don't do anything stupid like drugs or whatever.

anyways, please post as soon as you can.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Yeah my mom knows I wounding do anything REALLY stupid so... Any ways post when u can!
over a year ago Riptide688 said…
over a year ago AceJackson said…
over a year ago energykid400 said…
I agree, I think parents hate readers!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Sometimes it can be helpful... Other times, not so much *cough tomato cough* I think I'm sick so I might stay home so it would really cheer me up if you posted as soon as you are ungrounded.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…

Did I miss something when u said tomato?