The Heroes of Olympus The City Of The Time Stopper

residentbryle posted on Oct 04, 2011 at 08:39PM
"Its been 2043 years since i was bannished from camp." the man around the age of 23 said."now i was meeting with an old friend who was also bannished from camp for siding with me after i was accused of steling something."
he was a great friend better than the ones who didn't even try to defend him atleast. they became gods 300 years ago by chaos who would call upon them at a time in need of help. and now was that time was now: "Gaea has awaken again but this time with the titans, you must help them or the world will be in chaos." chaos said."you know i hate the olympians and you expect me to help them."the messy haied boy said."yes i know what they did to your father and uncle but they dont stand a chance with out your fathers and uncles army now go give them my massage."yes sir." the boy said in a grumble.

percy's armys's insignea took it from a show.
   "Its been 2043 years since i was bannished from camp." the man around the age of 23 said."now i wa
last edited on Oct 07, 2011 at 12:27PM

The Heroes of Olympus 52 replies

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over a year ago residentbryle said…
chapter one:
its been 2043 since percy was baniched from the camp. And the olympians regreted doing it for they needed him now." we need to stop looking fo him we are wasting our time doing this, for all we know he and that fire user could be dead, we need to prepare for the war." zues said" yes i agree." said hera.the i looked down in sadnes so did the others who bacame gods, they were annabeth,jason,thalia,nico,gwen,bobby,clar­ise­,(c­lar­ris­e wasnt looking down but i knew she was sad)hazel, and reyna. the two camps that were once seperated were now put togethe stronger than ever. "I disagree." neptune said.(he was in his roman form.)then a flash of light came into the throne room the man that was from the light was a shadow."CHAOS WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!"asked zues." i am here to bring you somewhat of a good news, the two bannished heroes are alive but i dont think they will help you." said chaos. i was somewhat happy to hear the news because he was alive and i was sad because chaos said that he might not want to help us."tell him he will die if he does not help us." said athena."i beg to differ." said chaos." his and the fire user's army are strong enought to destroy your opponents army in 3 days." i couldnt bellieve what i was hearing percy and that leo guy actually had an army, let alone destroy gaea's and kronos's army in 2 days." imposible no army can destroy our opponents army in 9 months let alone 2 days." said athena."and persues would help us, after all he saved me from atlas even tougH i treated Him like garbage>" said diana.chaos laughed at the stetment and said." he will Gladly sit back and Watch some cirtant olympians die, after all you did bannish him with out leting him explain himself." i was shocked at that statement and sad because she didnt DeFenD him." i will let you try to convince him, i will tell him to not kill any of you. then chaos disapeard while saying go to an island that is 300 miles away from philippines their you will find an island surrounded by percy's and leo's navy and air force, be carefull their wepons CaN kill you,and laters losers.

Tell me if its good or Bad and tell me what i can fix ON it
anD heres a Cake for everyone *
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
Nice post soon!
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
and how come you used Leo?
I am just curious
over a year ago residentbryle said…
big smile
thanks guys and anaklusmus16 your forbiden warrior story is the one that got me to write this story
over a year ago residentbryle said…
youl see in the next chap why its something that leo builds for there military
over a year ago residentbryle said…
chapter 2:


when chaos said that persues and that valdez guy had a navy and an air force i thought it was going to be excited so i rushed my father into making a quick dicsion by saying"why doesnt everyone go instead im iching to get there." zues and all the gods had a shocked look on their i said " what are you all looking at."" nothing its just that we never expected you to be excited about going their considering that you hate him." said athina.
"look all im excited about are the new toys the two brats have, didnt you hear chaos he said that that two brats have a navy and an air force."i said."so is everyone going or not." asked jason.
everyone said yes and we teleportesd to philippines and looked for an island(they were flying) then i saw it but what to me looked like a battle was raging on a mile away from the island."why dont we avoid the battle and go straight for the island." said athena. all agreed but me and clarise. once we were almost at the island we saw 121 giant navy ships that was the size of manhaten (i think i spelt it wrong) island onboard were 500 red gigures that were probably tall as an apartment building. i looked at the airforce and the ships were half the size of the navy ships.then BOOOOOMMM!!!!!!!!!!
we looked where that battle was from and explosions were everywhere on the battle field the we saw 5 red human shaped machines and 1 blue 2 purple 2 orange 2 greens that looked pretty much identicle.then we heard a male voice behind us it was just like the blue machine but had 1 spike looking thicg coming out of each shoulder.then at its stumach (which probably was the cockpit) a boy came out probly at the age of 19 but was buf and was fully armed with m-16s a sword and whole bunch of other guns. and i swear he almost looked like that sea spawn.then he asked again" who are you and state your bussunise." "bring us to persues" zues commanded. since when did you become my dad you over grown mustache." asked the boy with a mocking voice.then i saw jason charge the boy and take ouut his sword/coin thing. then the boy with out hesitation took out a chain gun and pointed it at jason. jason stopped at his tracks unless you dont want to die you come with me for some reason we all did but i knew why on his face you could see a face that said if you dont do what i say the last thing youl see is me pulling the triger. he went back into the machine and led us towards the island. then we looked at the stuff as we went throght the military part of the city.

this is the orange one

gundam arios the othe curios

real name allilujah enhanced super soldier two personalities
he came to the city as a soldier of russia
last edited over a year ago
chapter 2:


when chaos said that persues and that valdez guy had a navy and an air force i thou
over a year ago residentbryle said…
this is the blue one
real name: sauren ebrahem meelee fighter
last edited over a year ago
this is the blue one
real name: sauren ebrahem meelee fighter
over a year ago residentbryle said…
two of the same one twins drive
gundam seravi and the other is dynamiss
last edited over a year ago
two of the same one twins drive 
gundam seravi and the other is dynamiss
over a year ago residentbryle said…
purple one bazooka specialist
gundam cheradim
last edited over a year ago
purple one bazooka specialist
gundam cheradim
over a year ago residentbryle said…
what do you guys think and comment
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
Great chapter! love it! post soon!
over a year ago residentbryle said…
here you go

when we went through the military part of the city which what the boy called the outer ring. jason was still glaring at the boy for calling his dad an over grown mustache.
i could tell hephestus was jealus because he didnt think of the giant machine things. the boy called the buildings that looked like barns to me mobilsuite hangers and what went inside it were the mobile suits.we went through the military part for ours. he said their were 4 diferent machines the strongest were the gundums piloted by the gundam mysters which were located at the air ships. the other gundams were called gundam thrones. then the tierens then the aheads. then we finally made it to the second ring , i think. when we exited the military pat of the island i asked the boy."so whomade all those machines.""my uncle." he replied proudly."who exactly is your uncle." asked hephestus. probobly excited to hear his son's name."who exactly is your unlce." my mother asked. " leo valdez, the legendary fire user." he replied.
when we went through the city and farms and stuff. the houses were actualy mansions (big enough to be called mansions). the thing mars was happy about were the machines and the children. i couldnt believe it so far all the children mostly boys were hold m-16's.
i mean usualy your to young to hold a gun when your 15 let alone children no older than 13. the boy noticed that i was looking at the children and said" htey carry those guns to keep themselves safe from wild animals." i nooded understandubly. "whats your name." i asked him. he hesitated and said " i dont want to say my name,but i will tell you my codename, it is setsuna fseie gundam myster of gundam oo."

what do you think comment
over a year ago Percy2 said…
man post soon
over a year ago residentbryle said…
guys commment and thanks percy2


this place was amazing. the boy told us his codename but wouldnt tell us his real name.then nicko asked where setsuna was born.the boy answered and said." the neighboring country of azodistan, krugis."" then nico had widened his eyes and started to say your that kid that ki--- but was cut off by setsuna saying" say more and ill pull the triger." nico loughed and said" im a god a simple bulet wont harm me."" werent you listening to chaos he said that their weapons can kill us." said hades. then nico stiffined and sopped laughing while the boy smirked. as we walked through the city we saw children fighting with swords and sheild and others had a laser tag all the ones that were hit by lasers fell unconsuis. as we got closer to the midle of the island we saw a giant castle and was atleast probobly 400 ft. high. as we were walking towards the castle setsuna turned to his right towards what looked like an arena. "what are we doing here i said to take us to persues." zues said." i have to visit a friend now shut it." setsuna said. " your visit can wait we need to get to persues." said athena."who agrees whith me"" we all do." answerd demeter." well this friend knows where the man you seek exactly is, so unless you want to waste your time looking throught the city youll go with me." said setsuna. we all relaxed and followed him to see a guy in jeans and a red shirt that said stay away unlees you want your coffin made of sand. he was reading a book that had the title of the warriors. " hey red head."said setsuna." what now." the red haired boy asked. when he looked at us his eyes filled with hatred. then the sand in the arena atarted to rise and looked like it was ready to kill someone. "stop." a masculint voice said above us.

*sigh* glad that chaps over well anyways comment who do you think should be the next pov.

and this is what the red hed looks like anaklusmos should know who this is.
guys commment and thanks percy2


this place was amazing. the boy told us his codename
over a year ago Zobar said…
Nice!!!!! Cool you take names an people from Gundam 00 and naruto<3 2 of my favorits animes!!
over a year ago residentbryle said…
hahahaha thanks zobar those are my fav animes to i use to watch them when i was 5 and i still do.
and heres a cake for liking the two shows.*hands the cake*
over a year ago residentbryle said…
big smile
here it goes i know they are kind of short but they feel long when i write, i try my best to remind myself that its actually short.


when i saw gaara's eys flare up with hatred i looked at percy to stop him but of cource he didnt. i didnt hate the olympians but i dindnt realy like all of them eighter. but since percy didnt interfire i decided to interfere myself. then when i looked back at percy he mouthed to me." why the hell did you stop him i wanted to see the olympians fight off our second best fighter." while shaking his head back and forth. " im surprized you didnt kill them setsuna." i said. "hello uncle hello father, and i didnt kill them because chaos would have been furuis with me." sadi setsuna. i saw the gods faces it was priceless probobly because they just found out that setsuna's dad was percy. i was also amazd by how many gods missed us or probobly how many gods they thought it would take to drag us back to olympus. " so you all decided to come." said percy." its shocking to see that you all thought that it takes all the gods and godesess to drag us both to olympus but im afraid it will take more than all of you to drag us both back." i saw hazel and all the godesess staring at me, percy, setsuna, and gaara. how are the lady's doing today." isaid in a mocking voice. all the godesess turned red probobly from rage or emberasment.percy, setsuna and gaara, all smirked he sight.
"what do you olympians want from us." percy asked. " we need your help." said hades. "sorry but we cant help you directly in this war were defending our own kingdom if you havent noticed."said percy. "what do you mean you wont help us directly." asked aphrodite or venus which ever. " hes saying that hes sending someone else to help us." said posiedon. " son please we need your help you acant just send someone."" so your my grandpa ha." asked setsuna. poseidon still was shocked about percy having a child." so whose the mother of your son." annabeth asked."me......"said a femenine voice.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago residentbryle said…
who do you think the mother should be.
over a year ago residentbryle said…
ill continue once somebody gives me an answer
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
omg that was awesome
and of course i know garra
he is awesome
and i am guessing red head has garra' ability's
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
and one more thing
you said in the description that its been 2043 and percy and leo turned immortal 300 years ago
how did they survive 1743 years if they were mortal
and wondering who percy' wife is lol
over a year ago residentbryle said…
well since percy could controll water he froze himself with leo then later on ( because of global warming they both unfroze.
over a year ago residentbryle said…
anyways sincwe idont have enough time in the mornicg to to post today ill post in the afternoon.
over a year ago residentbryle said…
big smile


i couldnt beleive percy had a family. so i asked "whos the mother of your son." "me" said a femenine voice. i turned and saw a lad probobly around the age of 22 she was wearing jeans and and a sweatshirt, she had a hood on so you couldnt see her face. and know where percy's son got the keep secrets from people attitude.
she was fit and slim." hello, so your setsuna's mother, whats your name." piper aske i wasnt realy surprised of how she just greeted the lady, considering she was the godess of friendships. " yes, and call me bia, its short for my name ill tell you my full name later." the woman replied. " so are you mortal or immortal." asked venus. " i was once mortal then was turned immortal by percey." bia said. " so what are you the godess of?" i asked. " i am the godess of fun and death." bia said. "if you want all the gods can stay here and train with my son and my kneece, dont worry they'll put up a fight, infact they'll give you a run for your money."percy said. you can spend the night here, well have our meeting tommorow." said leo. " WE DONT HAVE A TOMMOROW !!!!!" yelled zues. "you dont but we do." said gaara in a stern voice." come on father i want to see what these little runts have." mars said while glaring at the two little boys."fine well stay until tommorow." said zues."setsuna, gaara buy them something to eat when their hungry, then take them to the catle to there rooms." said leo." but --." gaara started but was cut off by leo saying"no buts."" fine." said gaara in a grumble. " so whos first." said setsuna. then four more people came in." us." they all said in unison.

whew that was tiring who do you think bia is?
over a year ago torrent said…
bianca (which i think is weird since she hated percy at first )awsome but could you make the paragraphs longer please
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
I don't know, is it someone we know?
And I think it's probably calypso.
fun and death really go together
lol, R O L F
over a year ago residentbryle said…
what does r o l f mean. and ok ill try to make it longer.
over a year ago residentbryle said…
big smile
here you go.



percy was so gourges i couldnt take my eyes off of him. then theirs his kneece and son, so far all the guys ive met are all handsome. then their were 4 more guys that came in they were cute. this place is like heaven to me. as they walked in they were loughing their heads off besides the one with the purple hair. he looked more seruis and was like a person who was merried to their job." were first weve been waiting all day for a rematch." said the one in the green shirt. " alright neil your first, then lyle, then tieria, then alellujah."said setsuna. "gaara why dont you take the two dylandes, ill take the other two." " fine." gaara replied. the boy steped up gaara just stood their ready for neil to make his move. neil took out a bionet and started shooting while charging gaara.the bullets were intercepted by sand and gaara didnt even flinch or blink. he just stood there with a blank face.when neil was close enough he tried to maim gaara. the bionet was taken from neil and was snaped in half by the sand. then neil held out his hands and 3 unpined grenades apeared in his hands and through it at gaara and yelled"take this!!!" then gaara was engulfed in sand 5 didnt make it in but one did. neil smirked we all stood their waiting for the explosion. mars stood their with a smile on his face. then the ball of sand exploded we covered our eyes so sand wouldnt get in. we looked and saw that gaara was still standing but the right half of his body was gone from the explosion. he smiled we all stood there in shock. i mean what kined of person smiles when the right half of his bady was blown away. then i understood the sand started reform his arm he wasnt a normal boy he was mado of sand. then he spoke" my turn." then all of the sand engulfed neil the 19 year old boy looked woried then gaara held up his and with an evil smile and balled his hands into a fist. then neil started to scream in pain as the sand sandwitched him from all sides then he fainted. then gaara opend his fist and neil droped to the ground. neil was still breathing. we stood their in shock as we saw what the boy could do." your next lyle." gaara said. they didnt even bother bringing him to the infermery. his brother just walked over the lump body as he prepared to fight. but gaara didnt give him the chance quickly he sommund the sand behind lyle and grabed him and trew him against the wall of the arena. lyle fainted and crumbled to the ground. " your turn setsuna." gaara said. setsuna stepped up and said" with pleasure."
over a year ago residentbryle said…
i hope that was long.
over a year ago residentbryle said…
i get my ideas from movies so im going to watch a movie then see what i get from it if you guys have any ideas or charachters you want in this story then just tell me and what they look like and the attitude and temper and emotions. well anyways comment dont be shy cause i got the incouragement of making a story from your guys's story i thought they were all good so i tried to make one and i still try my best to match your guys' but thats like imposible for me.
anyway since you guys are good writers im ganna give you all cake.
over a year ago residentbryle said…
big smile
any ways here



when i saw that gaara guy fight i was terafied of what he was capable of. and now i was watching percy's son fight. as they got ready for the duel setsuna put 3 white rectangual things in his pockets and took a diamond shaped shield, and took a a gun that had a blade atached to the side you could slide your hand through.
so all he had to do was swing his right arm towards his left for the gun to be replaced by a sword.then they stepped in to fight. the allilujah guy was the one fighting this time. he chose a white rectangual thing and a diamond shaped sheild and 2 and guns. then they started to fight they both took out their white things which is assumed was a grenade, but i was wrong it was actually something that was probobly a beam saber. then they charged each other and began sparing.allilujah began to circle setsuna and took out his guns and began shooting. setsuna quickly yelled "sheild bits and his sheild turned into 20 smaller peices of his sheild intercepting all the bullets. then setsuna took his gun out and began shooting. alillujah saw it coming and yelled " sheildbits." just like what setsuna did and his sheild broke into smaller peices also intercepting bullets.the fight was intence mars and clarice wouldnt take their eyes off the duel i took a look on the ground and saw the two twins were still unconcuis on the ground tieria was geting ready also.
i looked towards the duel again to find alillujah unconcuis on the ground bleeding with a cut on his left forhead." if you want i can treat him back to health." said apollo. " alright if you can can you get the other 2 too." said setsuna. apollo nodded in agreement." jason, dakota help me carry them to the side will you." apollo asked. i nodded. i took the lyle, apollo took alillujah, jason took neil.then we draged them to the side and sat next to apollo who was treating them since we didnt know if they were mortal or immoratal apollo didnt give them necter and ambrosia. setsuna and tieria were about to fight when alarms started blaring and a femenine voice in the speakers started saying." we are under attack all units to theire asigned mobilesuites mysters go to your assigned lounch pod, this is not a drill i repeat this is not a drill." "well finish this later." said tieria in a calm voice. i looked outside the arena to find people running around while puting theire helmets on, probobly scrambling to their mobilsuite things. tieria and setsuna started to run outside the arena. then a large ship landed on the side of the arena and the back opened then the 2 boys clibmed in." your not going." annabeth asked."no im just a ground unit with the other regulars around here, besides i need to get you guys dinner remmember." he repleid. " yeah i remmember." annabeth said.

what do you guys think i treid to make it as long as i could.
over a year ago torrent said…
geting better and good suspensful story just a few more sentences longer and it will be perfect
over a year ago residentbryle said…
big smile
over a year ago residentbryle said…
this chap might be a little bloody.



after we made the other three wake up we mad our way back to the outer ring." why are we goi ng back to the outer ring, ithought we were geting something to eat." gwen said." we will, just not in the city besides we have to station myself at that bar so i can make sure the enemy doesnt get into the city." gaara said. " our mobilsuites will be too focused on the opponents mobilsuites, and wont fucus on their ground units so our ground units will take care of theirs'."


as we heard the enemy ground units' battle sreams we took our our weapons ready for an ambush. then gaara will be at the bar ready to stop them from their tracks. i looked back at my team made up of 34 teenagers. i looked back at the city i saw many figures come out of the bar with alillujah, gaara, and the dylande twins. they took their weapons out, geting ready to sloughter over 300 enemy soldiers. as they rushed past us not even a single one of thme niticing us. as we heard machineguns make noises and enemy soldiers screaming in pain as bullets go through their flesh then i yelled" now!!" as we quickly lined up behind them and sloughterd them until their were no more.


" stay here and dont interfere." i said.
i made a bericade of sand as the others took out their machine guns and began shooting. as we were busy with the ones in the front i tuned the enemys in front of us and tried to listen to the ones in the back. i heard screaming and everything i tuned back the ones in the front. the screaming was alright with me i looked back at the others they stood in shock as i they watched blood splater against my sand baricade then we stoped ant their were 2 left. i finished them off with sand just like what i did to neil. but i squezed these two harder than neil they started spewing out blood as they screamed in pain.


i watched as percy's army massacred their opponents. i have to admit their plan was ingeneus. but sloughtering them was just wrong on my opinion. i saw mars smiling as he saw all of them fall dead at their tracks. then when it was over they turned to us some part of them were completly covered in blood. " now that that's over." alillujah boy said. he whistled and hundreds of dragons came down and swooped down and took the lifeless boddies. 'their gonna full tonight." said alilujah.

yeah i know its short but i didnt know who pukes when they read gus and gore so i tried to make it long and i wont be posting saturday and sunday, and probobly moday too.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
You still didn't say who the girl was that spoke.
Sad face
over a year ago residentbryle said…
sorry its gonna be said in this one though ill try to remmember to put that in.



when the battle was over they decided to finish their dinner. the bar tenders didnt look like they even cared, as if these 4 guys come in his bar every day all bloody. everybody wasnt hungry anymore but mars he didnt realy care if he saw blood he just kept eating." can you pass the fries." said mars. neil gladly handed it over. "you guys ganna eat here or at the castle." lyle asked." yeh well eat at the castle later."we answerd in unison. "so is this a daily thing for them to come here all blood like that."
i asked the bar tender. "more of a two times a week thing." the man answerd. " alright time to get to the palace." said gaara in a seruis voice. as we walked towards the center of the island annabeth asked." is sand the only thing you can controll." " yes, it is." gaaara repleid with out eye contact. i knew he was lying and hiding something." so if sand is the only thing you control what if theirs no sand on the battle field." athena asked. " see that giant bag made of sand on his back, its filled with sand." alillujah said. i actualy didnt notice that until now.when we got in front of the castle gaara said" het in." so we did. since he was the last one the gate closed on him. but he turned himself into sand and walked right through the bars. whenwe turned around we saw statues of percy's parents that were standing on pedestal. the archetecture was amazing probobly enough to make annabeth jeulus.( i dont know if i spelt that right lol). we saw a statue of leo building one of those machines. when we got to the end we saw percy holding bia's hand. " about time you guys got here you four wash up." said bia. " yes milady." the four said in unison. " have you eaten yet." bia asked we all shook our heads but mars. " i can see why those four never wash up before they eat, next thing you know their sick and come crying to me." she said shaking her head in dissapointment. " can we see our allies face please?" asked poseidon. " sure." she slowly took off her hood then all the gods especially thalia,artemis,nico,hades,and annabeth. " bianca how are oyu alive." asked nico. " thats an offending question." bianca said. " well were happy to see you but how did you get back?" hades asked. " well when you were all fighting gaea the doors of death were open, then i romed the world looking for a new home for two years and percy found me laying on the shore. then he gave me a neew home." she answerd. "how are you percy's wife i thought you were a maiden?" annabeth asked. " well after i deid my oath was otomatically broken." bianca said. " and we got married der." said percy in a mocking voice. " well how did you get together?" venus asked with intrest in her voice. " well when percy got me a new home and was kind to me, i kind of got a crush on him and we fell in love he turned me into a godess and we got merried and had chidren." she said.( that was alot of 'ands').
"who are your children, aside from setsuna." artimes asked. " well theires mike nick and devlin." she said. " anyways why dont we get something to eat." percy said with a smile i actually missed that smile. then we heard 3 whistles behind us......

dandandandan______________!!!!! lol anyways hope you liked it and comment. and can you guys post on your stories im kind of itching to read something i dont have the son of neptune yet . so heres a cake for those who read all my chaps so far which you probobly all did lol im confusing myself
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
thats quite shocking that bianca and percy together
lol i m baffled
over a year ago torrent said…
knew it every ones making bianca come back from the dead and bia was a very near dead give away and you story lenghts are now in my opionion perfect
heres a cake for a job well done
over a year ago achilles20 said…
hi guys i made two accounts cause this one is broken for some reason
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Ohh by the way I forgot to answer your question
It's actually ROTFL, typo happened
And it means rolling on the floor laughing lol
over a year ago residentbryle said…
lol sorry guys my account wouldnt do anything right each time i kept writing a chap it got erased. so ill post in the afternoon
over a year ago Percy2 said…
nice keep on posting
over a year ago residentbryle said…

we turned around and saw 3 guys they all looked like percy and and bianca put together. literally they all had a sea green eys like percy and a coal black eye like biancas's. they all had jetblack hair. " hey dad , hey mom, who are these people." the guy on the right asked. " these are the olympians, olympians meet nick,mike,and devlin." percy said in a disgusted voice. well any ways lets go get something to eat , and you three stay out of throuble." bianca said pointing at the three boys. we walked into the castle and saw alot of gaurds sparing with each other. some were looking at statues.after we walked for minutes we came into a huge room with a big round table.
after we ate percy stood up and said. " all visitors can wonder for 4 hours and will be escorted to their room." he said. i walked with athena we were admiring the statues and all that. then we saw a boy that was looking at a statue of achilles and oddysues then he looked at us then the weirdest thing happened. he turned into a 7 taled wolf and started coming at us. i thought athena would fight back and saw her in front of me running as fast as she could. then we turned to a room and saw the other gods when they turned to see the monster dog they looked terrafeid and hurried to the corner after we got to the room the dog thing tuned back to a 19 year old boy and said." god night." and shut the door behind us. " that boy looked very familier." hades said.

who do you think the boy is and sorry for writing this one so short but the one befor this got earased. so thanks and comment.
over a year ago Percy2 said…
over a year ago residentbryle said…
sorry guys cant post today got sick.but thanks percy2

over a year ago Percy2 said…
your welcom
over a year ago residentbryle said…
big smile


when i woke up mostly every one else was also except for apollo who was laying on the floor with a drawn mustache on his face.
" good morning and why does apollo have a drwn mustache on his face." i asked looking at hermes. " what just because i pull pranks doesnt mean its me all the time." he said sounding offended.
" then who did this." i asked. " persues's sons." mars said sounding angry considering he also had a drawn mustache on his face." they decided to draw mustaches on us." he finished. i hid the chuckle that was about to come out. then the door swung open, and a boy came in he was about at the age of 19 he was muscular but not to muscular like mars/ares.
" lord persues said to escort you to the throne room." he said.
then we woke apollo up and told him and mars to wash thier faces.
we started to walk out of our room. then the boy stopped infront of a huge golden door. he opened thedor and we saw bianca and percy siting on their thrones. then other thrones with our symbols raised out of the floor. we sat down and bianca said. "we will help you." then percy coughed out his juice and said. " when did we make that dicision." " just now, besides i have freinds to protect among these gods." she repleid. " percy sighed " fine well help them then well start ignoring them again." he said. " well let get to the war room and plan up." he said. " achilles." percy said. " yes sir." achilles said. " get the army ralleid up then well finish off our current enemeis then move on to gaea." said percy. " yes sir." said achilles. " was that the original achilles." said hades. "no infact that was a mix between achilles and oddysues, when their souls treid to invade the boys body at the same time the boy got full control over achilles swordmanship and as for oddysues the boy got his brains." said percy. we stood their in shock of how the boy could be so strong considering he was a mix of the great killer achilles and the smartest warrior odysues.

what do you think.
over a year ago residentbryle said…
anyways ill post tommorow i have lots of hw today
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
love the story keep posting!
over a year ago residentbryle said…



as we started our way to the bar to get something to eat ahcilles came running towards us. some of us had a scared look on our face because a running achilles is never good because he'll eighter smesh your face with his sheild or just abnormally charge you. when he got to us he stoppe and said." i bare a massage from lord persues, he says that we will help the olympians fight gaea but we must first finish off our current enemy." " so he wants us to rally the army and get rid of our current enemeis?" i asked. " yes." achilles answed with a strict voice. " alright well only need a quarter of the army for this job go get eon and tell him to ready his troops alillujah." said gaara.
" what why do i have to go get him cant lyle do this." i whined.
he glared at me." fine ill do it but its lyle's turn tommorow." 'i said. " whatever just get the job done." lyle said.
i ran towards eons house which was next to a turret. i didnt feel like knocking on the door so i just took a rock and trwe it at the window which was his room window. " what the hades was that." yelled eon. i knew it was eon mostly cause im the one that pisses him off thje most.
"we need you and your troops we have to finish off our curent anemeis then join forces with the olympians to fight gaea." i said.
" fine well be their in a 5 minutes." he he said in a tired voice.


as we were waiting in the boats ready for the ivasion as i call it. i decided to ask gaara what the plan was. " we get of the boats we charge and kill anyone we see." he said.
then eon finally showed up and he and his troops boarded.
then we went on the ocean waiting to hit the enemey terretoreis shore.
then we felt a bump at the front then the front fell tdown giving us an opening to come out of then achilles yelled " CHARGE."
then all hades broke loose for the enemy atleast not us we just kept stabing and slicing enemy trops as we charged them. a soldier came at me i took his sword and shot him on the head. i saw eon mowing down enemeis with his chain gun.
.then we got to their palace and sliced and maimed the left over troops. then we finally finished off the last of them and we walked back to our boats like nothing happened. then finally we got home.

what do you tink comment.