The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena

hisblueeyes posted on Oct 11, 2011 at 10:25PM
My version of The Mark of Athena. Comment or I WILL NOT update. Kthanks (:

JASON DIDN’T THINK THE SHIP would take so long. Leo had taken an unreasonably long amount of time to fix the ship, then it took forever too drag the whole camp aboard, and it was taking even longer to land. Jason glanced out the sides of the boat at the grass they were hovering above while Leo tried to land them. Glancing at the sea of people, his mind wandered to the one person he knew deep down he was looking for: Reyna. He felt a soft hand on his shoulder and turned around, his eyes meeting with Piper’s warm, kaleidoscope ones. “Hey.” She whispered, “It’s going to be alright.” Jason nodded gratefully, but felt guilty. He hadn’t told her about anything he’d remembered, because he was partly afraid she’d cry, and also afraid she’d kick him so hard he’d forget his own name.
“YES! WE LANDED! YES! WHO’S THE MAN? HUH? HUH?” Leo pranced across the deck of the ship to the lever that brought down the boardwalk, and started humming a really off-beat tune with every turn. Jason grabbed Piper’s hand for reassurance. She squeezed it back. He looked back at the field. A tall, teenage boy with dark hair and green eyes was standing at the front, next a beautiful, raven haired – raven haired? Jason’s mind started reeling, like he was trying to remember a million things at once. Raven hair. She had raven hair. Suddenly, Jason’s hearing started clogging until he could no longer hear Annabeth’s overjoyed calls of, “Percy! Percy!” His vision blackened, and he passed out to Piper’s voice, shouting at him to wake up.

Jason was walking on a cobbled pavestone. The sun was shining, and he was heading towards a beautiful building, marked “Certain Death”. In his hands, he was carrying a box of…jelly beans? Yes, that was it. When he got to the door of the building, his hand reached up and knocked. A girl opened the door, and she looked still half asleep. She had on ripped up sweatpants and a giant purple T-Shirt. Her black hair was tied up in a messy bun, mascara smeared around her eyes. But Jason thought she still looked gorgeous. “Happy anniversary, Reyna,” Jason heard himself say. So she is Reyna, he thought. “Oh, you big old sweetheart, get in here.” She grabbed his arm and led him inside, the door closing behind them. Two gold and silver dogs saw him and started running up to him, nuzzling his legs. He must’ve known them pretty well because he started saying, “Good boys, hey there.”
Reyna laughed. It was a clear, beautiful sound. “I swear, Jason, you are the only one besides me that they don’t want to attack on sight.” She flopped onto the couch and Jason sat next to her, placing an arm around her shoulders. She knelt into him. “Should we eat those Jelly Beans now?”
He grinned. “No.”
“Why not?”
“Here, I’ll make a deal with you.”
“Eat one every-day. If when you finish, and we’re both still alive and together, you get another pack.”
“So you’re basically saying if I stay with you and protect your sorry butt you’ll give me candy in return?”
She giggled, climbed into his lap, and pressed her forehead to his. If it was habit or instinct, Jason wasn’t sure which, but he pressed his lips to hers in a slow calming way. He had never felt so wonderful about anyone.

“…everything! I thought I wouldn’t but I do. Oh, Gods, Annabeth I thought about you every second and –“
“Percy, please. Save your sap story for your lover later? I think Jason is awake. Is he awake, Pipes? Hurry up. I got stuff to do.”
“Give me a second, Clarisse,” Jason felt a hand on his forehead he figured was Pipers. “Jason? You okay?” Her breath smelt like cinnamon on his face, just like the first time they’d met. He managed to groan, and heard a jostle of footsteps crowding around him. Opening his eyes, the first pair of eyes he saw were dark ones. Reyna. He thought about the memory he’d just been hit with. But then his sight drifted to multicolored, shining eyes. Piper. He felt so confused he just wanted to close his lids and never wake up. But he knew he couldn’t. He sat up and glanced around. They were in some kind of living room. Annabeth, and a guy he assumed was Percy, were kissing. Three satyrs were sitting together talking, and one of them had flaming red hair. He looked back at Reyna, who was staring at him like he had come back from the dead. “Jason,” Piper said, “This is Reyna. She’s really nice.” Jason looked back and forth between them. Apparently, Reyna had played the nice card and hadn’t told Piper. What a stupid thing to think, Jason thought, Reyna doesn’t even know Piper and him were dating. After he asked her out last week, they had become a couple. He hoped she wouldn’t say anything. Jason must’ve spoke too soon, because just then, Piper said, “Reyna, this is Jason, my boyfriend.”
Slap. Before Piper could even say another word, Reyna had smacked her so hard she was halfway across the room. Jason sat there, in a state of awe until a smack from Reyna woke him up. “You.” Her voice trembled with anger, and tears were already forming in her eyes. The whole room was silent. “I thought we had something special. You kissed me. Twenty-two times. And you don’t remember me at all. Nothing. Then, you have the nerve to date that…that….thing. Forget it Jason. Forget it all.” With another smack, Reyna ran out the door. Everyone was silent, and all you could hear was the tick-tick of the clock. Annabeth got up to help Piper, and the satyr’s started slowly walking out the door, but Jason couldn’t think straight. He felt like he was in a dream. He likes Reyna. No, he liked Reyna. Now he likes Piper.
Or was everything just an illusion?

The Heroes of Olympus 9 replies

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over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
nice chappie!
post soon
that was awesome!
over a year ago ixAthena said…
big smile
over a year ago Neetapeeta said…
AWWWHHH poor piper got smacked (hahah she desrevs it :P) haha good story cant wait to read more
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
One of the Best versions I've read yet. :)
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
What does ftw mean? Anyway post soon
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
PLEASE POST this is 1 of th e best versions EVER
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
Great chapter
over a year ago Gracyia_23 said…
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
ooooh! lets see what happens....