The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena**)

iamawesome77 posted on Oct 12, 2011 at 04:05AM
Title:The Mark of Athena**)

Main Characters:Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Leo, and Piper

OC: None yet

Disclaimer:Rick Riordan owns this series and not me(Just thought to remind you)

This is meant to be humorous in many ways and you know fun to read. Please enjoy!

The Heroes of Olympus 81 replies

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over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Jason 1
He licked his lips nervously seeing as the camp came closer. The boat lurched against the waves, and he suddenly felt very seasick. Really weird, since he'd never been seasick ever before. He smiled nervously at Piper and Leo. "What am I going to do?" Piper gave him a reassuring smiled. Leo patted him on the back. "Just go with the flow! Keep it cool. Why worry anyway? I'm just worried about how Percy's going to react-"The Argo lurched to a stop so abruptly Leo was sent flying into the nearest table. Jason couldn't hold in the laughter as Leo groaned against the table. He laughed along with Piper. Leo scowled at them. "Hey! It's not funny! Imagine flying into a table at I don't know how many miles an hour! You wouldn't be laughing. You'd be conked out with a broken back!" They just laughed harder. Before he could protest Piper grabbed Leo and pulled him from his broken position by the table.
"C'mon Oil Boy! Times a' wasting!"
Leo grinned. "Right by ya' Beauty Queen!" Jason chuckled at their antics. As they walked to the front of the boat Jason couldn't help but wonder how Percy WOULD react. They reached the front of the boat quickly, where the huge doors to the Argo were opened with arguments outside. "Where's Jason?" Several people shouted. Jason tried to pinpoint the familiar voices with faces. Grover tried to keep the shouting down. "Jason is back on the Argo-OH no, he is right here!" Grover gestured to Jason, Piper, and Leo's part of the crowd. Almost every Roman screamed in delight. "Jason!" The called, and several tackled him with hugs. Jason felt the air forced out of his lungs.
From beside him Leo chuckled. "Awe, ain't Thunder Head got quite a huge fan club!" Jason laughed. "Oil Boy jealous!" Leo laughed too.
Jason started to recognize the people tackling him. He called out their names excitedly. "Reyna! Dakota! Bobby!" It was all to much to take in. Jason's head echoed with pain with each memory, but the pain seemed worth it for the love of his friends. No, his family. Jason called out to those in the crowd. "Joe! Terminus, whoa what are you doing here? Oct-Never mind. Alex!" Dakota laughed, spilling kool-aid everywhere.
Octavion scowled. "Nice to see you too, Jason!" He said sarcastically. Jason chuckled and Leo slapped his knee and called."Well call me a pancake and butter my biscuit, it's the grumpy one!" The Romans' laughter echoed through the crowds of people. That was when a shout could be heard from the other side of the Argo. Jason peered around and saw a boy with black hair and sea green eyes talking to Grover intently. "Where is Annabeth?" Hazel and some other boy nodded at Grover. Grover looked on the verge of tears. "Sh-she's gone-"He was cut off by Tyson bursting into tears. "No Annabeth? Gone?"
Grover sobbed onto Tyson's chest. "Yeah, buddy! He's gone!" It was the first time Jason had seen a faun warm up to a cyclops. "What do you mean 'gone'?" Percy sounded on the verge of tears. Grover sobbed. "She disappeared four days ago Perce! I mean she's gone!" Piper wiped a tear from her eye. Percy shook his head. "N-no! She can't be gone! No, I-I was supposed to see her! No, this isn't true!" He started backing away. The boy that was next to him before tried to soothe him. "Perce, we can get her back-"Percy shook his head. "That could very well be impossible!" Hazel attempted to stop him. "Percy, you found us she'll be safe-"Percy fell to his knees. "If she isn't here, and she's not at the Greek camp. Than where IS she!"
At the last sentence the ocean burst up and the waves consumed the Argo. Leo shouted orders at the Haphaestus cabin. "Hold down the ropes and secure the masts!" They went to work as soon as the words left his mouth. The ground beneath Jason shook and cracked beneath him. He barely managed to shout. "Get away from this area and stay clear of the ocean!"
Grover, Tyson, Hazel, and the other guy stayed while the Romans scattered. Jason urged Piper away while Leo ran to the Argo. "Faster!" Jason called at the Romans ran towards camp. The ground must have been shaking all around the city. Tyson sobbed. Hazel said nicely to Percy. "Please! People can die, Percy! Stop!" The waves crashed against the Argo and Leo was shouting orders frantically keeping the Argo together.
Tyson said to Percy. "Big brother I'm scared!" That was when everything slowed down. Literally. Jason felt his legs slow mid run, and the waves were slowed down to a dull movement. Leo even shouted in slow mo. "This, is, so, cool!" Then everything turned to normal and most people tumbled in shock at the sudden time stop. Percy fell back and breathed heavily. "Man that really took it out of me!" Tyson laughed nervously. "Big brother okay now?" Percy smiled. "Big brother okay now." Yet tears streamed down his face and sadness clouded his features. Everything was deffinetly not okay.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
awesome cant wait for more!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
that is insanly cool
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
She panted heavily as she ran from the two headed dragon. It should have been dead long ago, after it drowned in what she thought was an ocean. But it was fresh water, and as far as she knew oceans were SALT water. She ducked as a bolt of lightning shot over her head, causing the nearest tree to explode. The dragon screeched in fury, as if it were shouting at her to try to live. The human instinct sure got the better of a giant hungry lizard with wings. She wasn't really sure what was true anymore, as the fresh water ocean and this forest of monsters and gods. More on the gods part later.
Add not having memories on top of those things, and she had herself a mess fit for a king! Oh yeah, the dragon shot toxic poisons from one head, and lightning as seen before from the other. As if on cue a green substance shot into the rock coming up on her path, causing it to melt into grey dust. She almost yelled thanks for it taking away the obstacle.
She ducked several more volts of electricity, singing and burning her blonde hair and skin. She winced but kept moving. What looked like a lake was coming up on her path. If she could reach it, she would live to see another day. The dragon couldn't die, but it swam like a rock with limbs. Having a boyfriend(at least she thought) that loved the ocean comes in handy every once in a while. If only she remembered his face. The dragon roared, bringing her out of her thoughts. Boy was this going to be fun.
She reached the cliff leading to the lake. The dragon roared in triumph, obviously not seeing the lake down below. It's heads' drooled gallons of water onto the mossy ground. Annabeth started backing away slowly, meeting no other land with her right heel. The dragon let out a low snarl, poison and electricity slithering around it's green hide. She almost gagged as it's smell reached her nose. Rotten eggs and moldy monster flesh. As far as she knew, and that wasn't far, monsters didn't eat other monsters.
It was like this was a monster nightmare. It lowered on its haunches, and leaped up, even thought it had wings. But of course she'd never seen those stubby flaps in action. She leaned back, and fell. I know, scary, falling a hundred feet into a probably dirty lake. But it was better than being devoured by a gross over sized lizard. She felt her stomach go up to her throat. By her calculations, she was falling a hundred feet at to be exact, 40 miles an hour. She flipped so that her feet went first. It would hurt, but her shoes were as hard as metal, having experience with it landing in an ogre's eye and it crumbling down screeching. If her feet took all of the impact, she could make it out with REALLY sore feet, but no doubt alive.
The dragon was screeching it's head off. Oops, hadn't thought of it actually willing to fall after her. Stupid seaweed brain must have been rubbing off on her! Before she could even try to angle out of the way she hit water, and her vision went blank.
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
one word super
suprisingly great
extremely amazing
i couldnt think of anything for u and r
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Another memory blank man that stinks to be them oh and I came up with 2 words for u and r
Really wonderful
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Thank you!
The first thing she heard was the sound of the lake splashing against her feet. She opened her eyes slowly. How did she get here? Sand and rocks surrounded her, and the only change of scenery was the small fire lit a couple feet to he left. She shivered as the memory of the dragon coming down on her crossed her mind. How did she survive? A woman answered her question. "I saved you fool! Now stop asking yourself all of these questions and get up daughter of Athena! Aren't you smart enough to know you lived and shut up?" The woman nagged. Annabeth had never seen anybody like this woman.
She was wearing a charred and ripped sari, and had black shades over her eyes. She wore feathered bracelets and anklets, and she had a banjo at her side. Her lipstick was smeared across her face as if she had just colored her face with decorative paint. Her skin was withered and most of her teeth were missing. The woman seemed to turn angry at Annabeth's staring. "What child? Am I too pretty for you to comprehend or what?" Annabeth looked away but stared from the corner of her eyes. "You saved me?" She asked. The woman grabbed her banjo and started playing a random song.
"Yeah, so?" Annabeth gulped. "Who are you?" The old lady grinned. "I am Nyx, godess of the night mind you! Before you ask Annie Bell-""Annabeth-""I save you because you are one of the seven-""Seven what-?" Nyx sighed. "You shall learn child! Now go on towards north." Annabeth shook her head. She had so many questions her head was spinning. "So you're just going to leave me? Why stay in the first place?" Nyx sighed.
"You are a tough one child...But am a godess and you are a mortal so I do not need to answer your questions! Bye!" Before she could protest Nyx disappeared in a puff of black smoke. She sighed. Gods were so hard to talk to, it was just ridiculous! Nyx had left her with more questions than she had had to begin with!
She rose unsteadily. Without some kind of monster on her back she could relax for a couple of minutes at least. She breathed in deeply and took some food out of the pack Aether, the god of air and light, had given to her when she had woken on a boat flowing across a river. Annabeth smiled to herself. Aether had been in such a rush then, that he had fallen in the river trying to poof away. Though it sucked not having memories, she thought of it as an adventure that was impossible to complete. Not that it made things better, she just felt more at ease in that direction of thinking.
She packed away the food and snuffed out the fire. She had a long way to go before she found him. Before she found her seaweed brain.

It was a week after the Greeks had arrived. Things had sort of leveled out since that first day when Percy had gone overboard and nearly caused a 6.0 earthquake. It would have even reached a would of 10.5 if he kept his anger flowing. But that was then, and this was now, as his Grandmother would say. But that didn't stop the Romans or the Greeks from gossiping.
Frank sighed as he thought of that terrible day. After hearing Percy speaking so highly of Annabeth, it was just painful to see his friend melt down like that. He imagined losing Hazel, and knew how Percy felt. It made sense for him to break down. A child of Apollo? Walked up to Frank. "Reyna wants to speak with you now Zhang." He said seriously. Frank frowned and followed the boy to the riverside. Percy, Grover, Tyson, Ella, Leo, Piper, Jason, Hazel, and Reyna were waiting. Reyna nodded at the boy, and he walked back to camp. Frank glanced at all of his friends. "What's going on?"
Reyna answered. "We need to discuss the seven." Hazel nodded. "Who is the seventh?" Percy stepped in. "I think it could be anyone." Grover interrupted. "Or maybe it could be Annabeth..."
over a year ago Thepegasusrider said…
big smile
wow nice and an earthquake PLEASE POST SOON!!!!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
percy and his anger isues (shaking head) seariously amazing
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Percy wasn't really surprised when Grover suggested that the seventh was Annabeth. And apparently all of the others knew too. Jason nodded. "That makes a lot of sense. With what Ella said and all." All of the Greeks had been filled in with what had been going on recently.
Percy smiled. "Awe Wisegirl, what a handful!" Grover laughed. "Says the guy who destroyed a million schools alone!" Percy laughed too. "But Rachael helped last time, so don't blame me for em' all!" Everyone else was staring at them like they were crazos. Percy almost asked what they were staring at. He cleared his throat and tried to change the subject.
"Erm, uh, so we've got seven, but what do we do next?" There was a moment of silence. Then Leo suggested. "Sail to Greece like we were going to?" Reyna turned on him like she was going to break his arm or something. "Why were you going to Greece?" Leo rubbed the back of his head and smiled sheepishly. "Hard to explain?" Reyna sighed and turned away muttering a curse in Latin. Percy was afraid to try to translate it.
She snapped her fingers. "Meeting adjourned. If anyone has an idea say it now. We can't just sail to Greece or Rome without knowing why." Tyson's eye widened. "This was a meeting?" He asked. Leo's eyes widened too. "Wait, so this was a meeting?" Jason chuckled. "Oil boy too dumb for meetings?" Leo scowled. "Shut up!"
Percy laughed too and started walking with them back to the Legion camp. "Leo you are hilarious! Did you seriously not know that was a meeting. Leo blushed. "No?" They all laughed. Even though Percy had barely known them for a week, except for a couple of dreams, they felt like family. They reached camp soon enough, talking about fun things that didn't have anything to do with Gaia. He didn't know there WAS an arena til' recently. You know for just challenges against friends and stuff.
They all walked by the huge purple arena the called 'The Giant Purple Giant'. Percy never thought the Romans had a sense of humor, but the name of the arena were just hilarious. He thought of what Annabeth would say. Probably something along the lines of "Hilariously stupid" and "Terriblbe architecture" and stuff like that.
Instead of doing anything campwise Percy sat on a rock and thought. He felt like that one statue of a naked guy sitting on a rock thinking. Except he wasn't naked and wasn't emotionless and iron like that guy was. Piper, Jason, and Leo stopped. Leo smiled. "So we're playing the thinking game huh?" I suck at that game. But I'll try!" He sat on the nearest rock and pretended to be deep in thought. Percy laughed despite himeself. Leo smiled at Jason. "Aha! So I am funny!" Piper giggled. Jason smirked. "You're blind Leo! That was a pity laugh." Leo scowled and Jason laughed.
Percy ignored them and went back to his thoughts. If they were here, at hte Roman camp. And Annabeth wasn't here or at the Greek camp, then where was she? She could be anywhere. Australia, Alaska*shiver* Greenland, Russai, China, India, Greece-"I got it!" He souted out loud. Jason jumped and Leo fell of his thinking rock. "Annabeth could be in Rome or even Greece!" Piper looked at Percy in confusion. "You mean, out of counntry? That is a good reason to sail to Greece but how would we find her among so many places! Greece is huge for just a couple demigods and their ship!"
Percy grinned. "Exactly! We are demigods!" Jason's eyes widened in understanding, and Leo took in a sharp intake of breath. "To Greece!" They all shouted like a TV show group. Percy had to admit, it felt good.
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
over a year ago Nemisis said…
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
wow this is really good:) post soon
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
post soon!!!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
post soon!
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
i agree!!
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
This is amazing, cant wait till you post next
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
big smile
I'll post around three. Until then I'm way to busy! But I'm still going to post!
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Hazel(Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days)
Usually, Hazel wasn't expecting to actually forget about the many important reasons for us to sail to Rome and Greece. But all the drama last week with Percy really made her forget. And at the meeting, she was too wrapped u[ in it all to even think of one of the MANY reasons to sail to Rome and Greece. She was lucky to even have her thoughts cross that way at the end of the meeting. She ran over to Reyna. "Ella recited a sentence of a prophecy about Rome, sort of, and Percy had this dream about Rome and Polybotes-!" Reyna cut her off. "So now we have a reason to go to Rome? Great, right when the small meeting ends." Hazel smiled sheepishly, about to apologize when Reyna started speaking. "It's okay, since all of us have forgotten as well. I'm surprised out of so many of us we didn't even have a clue why to go to Rome or Greece. But we must go get the others for yet ANOTHER meeting." She sighed. "Oh how off our game we are!"
He shot up. "And Gaea is attacking the Gods' source! Is that Greece or Rome?" Piper smiled. "It's BOTH Repair Boy." He scowled at the name. The last thing he wanted to be called was "Repair Boy" or "Oil Boy"."I told you I'm Commander-"Jason cut them off before a fight could start. "Guys, we have no time for petty arguments." Leo chuckled. "Fine. But now we have a reason! Let's go tell-"He stopped as he whipped around and found Reyna right in front of him. "Reyna." He finished.
She went right to the point. "Load the Argo, we are sailing to Greece AND Rome." Leo scratched the back of his head. "Which one first?" Reyna frowned. "We'll stop between and split up, the Greeks go for Greece, and the Romans go for Rome. We can bring some kind of device to speak to each other. I know there could be catastrophic things that can happen with us splitting, but Rome is in danger, as well as Greece."
Percy held up his hands to signal them to stop. "Two holes in your plan, Reyna. If the Greeks keep the Argo, the Romans need some way of transportation to Rome." Reyna nodded. Percy continued. "And what is that transport? Last question, what are we protecting? No way can we protect ALL of Greece and Rome with such small forces." Reyna smirked. "We have the Amazons. We could split them in two-"Jason smiled. "Or we can call on the Hunters of Artemis. I'm sure big sis' is going to be pleased to see me again." Reyna nodded. "Or we can do that."
Leo nodded in understanding. "One more question." Percy smiled. "Shoot." Leo frowned. "What happens if that doesn't work?" Reyna's happy face turned stern. "Then the Gods will fall and we will all die. On the happy note, it's time for dinner." Leo felt his face drain of color and his stomach churn. "O-okay." He said queasily. This was going to be a bumpy trip.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
I'll post again around five or four today!
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
YAY! as long as your posting we are happy!
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Sometimes she wondered if it were possible her life had ever been different before she lost her memories. Sometimes, she wondered if she had had any friends, and family, and people that loved her. Seaweed Brain-Percy, was still kind of fuzzy. She was lucky to remember his real name instead of seaweed brain. Thoughts of having a life, an ACTUAL life, kept her going. It kept her from laying down and waiting for the monsters to come and eat her. At least she knew it sucked NOT to have memories. And boy, did it suck bad.
A rustle from Annabeth's right stopped her in her tracks. Her hand was at the sheath where she kept her knife. She pulled it out and dived for the nearest shrub. Her heart pounded in her ear's. She had been waiting for this all day. But then again, it could be one of the thousands of skunks hiding in the trees and under shrubs and in holes in the ground. But she had made that mistake too many times on the past week to even doubt that this was the enemy. Annabeth held in her breath, ready to strike.
An arm emerged from behind a tree, human, but still not trustworthy. She ran forwards, grabbed the arm, and flipped the person over her shoulder and onto the rock hard brown dirt of the forest floor. The boy cried out in surprise, his eyes widened as he saw her. Annabeth felt sorry for the boy. She probably looked crazy, wearing tattered muddy clothes, and probably smelling like Percy's shoes. She almost smiled at the thought of the son of-of-what? She ignored her now oncoming headache and pointed her knife at the boy's throat. "Who are you?" She demanded.
Fear covered every inch of his face. He was silent. Annabeth didn't have time for silence. Actually, she had time, but she wanted answers fast. She dug the knife closer to his neck, wincing at her viciousness. She didn't want to be TOO seemingly evil. "Who are you?" He gulped once more and answered timidly. "J-Jacob Wh-White." Her suspicion arose. What was that in his eyes? Confidence? Humor? Real anger rushed through her. He was onto something. "Where are we? Europe? Asia? USA?" She really hoped it was the last one.
He started breathing heavily. "I-Italy." She arched an eyebrow. "What city?" He gulped. "F-Florence." He stuttered. She held back a groan. Florence. Way to far away from New York than her liking. Even California was fine compared to Florence. She had had enough information. The only thing that confused her was that she had no idea what forest was closest to Florence.
Her expression turned grim. "Do yourself a favor and forget I ever met you." She said. He scowled, bravery suddenly lighting up his face. Annabeth forced back a pained look. "Forget you forced information from me at knife point?" She smiled. "Exactly. It's not like I'll ever see YOU again. Fat chance. Sweet dreams." And with that she slammed the butt of her knife in his forehead. Gods she was becoming more and more like Percy everyday. It was unnerving. She turned to walk the opposite way, when she saw the footsteps.
Sure Jacob had walked here, but there was THREE extra sets of footsteps alongside his. "Crap!" She managed to shout before a weight slammed into her. She should have noticed. Someone walking alone in a forest? Who DOES that? And that look in his eyes! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!
A voice whispered in her ear. Boy did she hate that voice. "Sweet, sweet girl, we've got you now. No way are you leaving here alive." She did the natural thing. Annabeth elbowed him in the nose and ran like the wind. Heavy footsteps pounded after her. Time to start running faster. Too bad she couldn't. Oh Gods what did she get herself into!?
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Oh no annabeth it's been confirmed she has list her memories:(
Post soon:)
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
big smile
Even though in two books now people have lost their memories, when I read all of the other Mark of Athena fics I could actually predict everything. "Percy sees Annabeth" I just wanted my fic to be unique, not a clone to every other fanfic. So Percy NOT meeting Annabeth would do that. RR does something we don't expect, and so maybe this can be in the column
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
loved it!!! its different from the others and i like that!!
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
great chapter
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
big smile
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
She glanced over at the small army of demigods. For a small army, they would really pack a punch, with the almost all of the seven with them. "Oh Gaea is in trouble now!" Leo said, coming up behind her. She jumped. "Leo you scared me!" He smiled. "I tend to do that sometimes." She punched him, and he rubbed his arm. "Ow Beauty Queen, for a Beauty Queen you sure pack a punch!" She punched him again. "Ow!" Jason chuckled behind them, making Piper jump AGAIN. She smiled. "Hey, Jason. It's weird how we don't have nickname for you. I expected Repair Boy to come up with one a long time ago!" Leo scowled playfully. "It's hard to think of a nickname for Jason. I mean, what kind of nickname is "Lightning Boy" and "Thunder Head"-Hey Thunder Head sounds pretty neat!" She punched him. "Ow! Stop doing that-Ow!"
Jason laughed. "You guys are hilarious! Sometimes I feel not needed!" They laughed together. Piper smiled inwardly. What a nice little team they made! Reyna interrupted their laughter. "We need to talk discuss the matters at hand. Seven, come with me!" Jason sighed. "Looks like the fun is over...Ow!" Piper had punched him in the arm. "The fun never ends!" Jason smiled. "Looks like we're becoming more and more like the Latino." Leo looked up. "Hey-Ow! I told you to stop it Beauty-Ow!" They laughed together as they walked to the upper deck, where Reyna was waiting. They stopped when they saw the looks on the others faces. About all of them look grim except Percy's, who looked excited. "Hey guys!" He said. Leo smiled. "Sup' Perce!"
Piper sat down between Hazel and Reyna. Jason sat next to Percy. Hazel eyed Leo as if he had come back from the dead. Well, that hadn't exactly been impossible the past few weeks. Finally she spoke. "Percy, remember Sammy?" Percy's happy face turned grim. "Yeah. Leo, do you know anybody named Sammy?" Reyna looked surprised at the sudden change of events. "Huh?" Leo looked confused too. "No. Why? What does this have to do with "Discussing matters"?" Jason and Piper couldn't help but put on their own grim faces. What did this "Sammy" guy have to do with Leo? Hazel's face just turned even more serious. "No? You didn't feel any connection, to that name?"
Leo turned suspicious. Piper couldn't blame him. "What do you mean by "connection"? Wait, hold up, hold up, I have a cousin named Sam. Does that count?" Hazel shook her head. "No, no, I died in the 1940's or so, and I had a friend named-"Leo cut her off. "You died seventy years ago? How are you-" Hazel cut him off. "Sammy. He looks exactly like you, Leo." Leo's eyes widened. "Same hair, same eye color, same handsome features-?""Yes, yes, and yes. Even height." Leo leaned back on his chair, smiling.
"So I have some 70 year old twin? Cool-""Not cool." Piper said firmly. "What if, Sammy was reborn as you? I don't know the details on new life in the Underworld, but that is just freaky!" Leo's smile faded. "Aw. I thought I was unique!" Piper punched him. "Ow-"Frank spoke for the first time. "Or Leo could be Sammy. Leo do you ever have visions? Or, just flashes of memory, that are not yours?" Leo shook his head. "No, never. I-I'm still confused. I-"
He was cut off by a crash from below deck. Leo shot up from his seat. "What just happened?" Jason shot up and ran towards the stairs leading below deck. Everyone ran after him. Piper's heart started speeding up. What's happening? They started down the stairs, chaos awaiting them.
She jumped over a log and ran under a branch of a tree. They were hot on her trail. She cursed as she tripped over a branch hidden in the wet mud. "Stop!" A boy called. She scowled and struggled to her feet. She was running once more. Annabeth was breathless, her heart pounding in her ears. It sounded loud compared to the small noises the trees mad in the wind, and the shouts of her pursuers.
As she had fallen, her ankle had twisted into the branch in the ground. She limped as fast as she could, which wasn't fast. Annabeth panted in pain, as the volts of pain shot down from her ankle into her foot. They would be on her in a second, she had no chance of escape. She sighed in frustration, not wanting to give up. But, she had no choice. Going down with a fight, was just wasteful. She would be taken anyway. An idea sprouted in her head. She darted under a shrub and pulled out her knife. She tried to control her breath. Maybe going down WITH a fight was better than going down without a fight.
Annabeth's pursuers stopped by the shrub, as if they had seen her stop. Her small gasps of breath sounded too loud, and about to get her caught. A girl said. "She's close, the footsteps have stopped." Crap! Why was she so reckless lately? Ordinary Annabeth would have made fake footsteps and then hiding under a shrub. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! The boy cut of her thoughts. "Check behind the trees, under the bushes, even under the ground. She is different." Different. Thanks for reminding me, she thought.
They rustled over to follow the boy's orders. He must be the leader, she thought, excited for doing SOMETHING right. Now is the time. Her grip on her knife tightened, and she leaped from under the shrub. Her ankle shot with pain, and she held in a groan. She hit the supposed leader, grabbing his neck and bringing her knife up to his throat. He had brown hair, and dark blue eyes, with four scars across his face. A girl and the another guy stopped their search abruptly.
Annabeth smiled. "You move, Scar here gets cut." She hated her cruelness, it wasn't really nice to mention someone's scar in a nickname. But he was chasing her, hunting. She needed to get away. The girl tried to reason. "W-We'll let you go if you let him go." Annabeth couldn't help but snicker. "I'm "different". You want me. Where's Jacob? Left him to track you down? How cruel." The other boy scowled. "We left Angela with him." Annabeth pressed her knife deeper into the leader's neck. The other boy sucked in a tight breath.
Then everything slowed down. Annabeth heard a twig snap, and instinctively she ducked down and rolled to a tree, where a new girl grabbed her and pressed her against it's bark. "Hello Princess Blonde. Caught, eh? It must suck." Annabeth scowled. "I'm different. I woke up with no memories, I get chased by monsters and saved by Gods. Is that "different" enough for you? Is that what you mean by "different"?" The girl laughed. "I wanted you to shut up not tell me your life's story." And with that she slammed an object into Annabeth's head, and her vision went blank.
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
over a year ago Nemisis said…
This is f'n boss
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
That was totally wicked you should post right around now? Soon? Idk just post plz
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
post soon.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
I'll post now
Hazel ran down the deck only to discover the trouble was just a Mars kid beting up an Apollo kid(Greek). It wan't new, considering the last week or so it had been happening somewhat daily. Percy and Jason broke it up, causing the Mars kid to scowl and the Apollo kid gave a thakful look. The Mars boy spat, "These Greeks come to our home, and then we bring them in just like that?! Their our enemies! Reyna, you of all people should know that!" Reyna scowled at the floor. "They helped Jason, they took in a Roman, he proably would have died if they hadn't taken him in." The boy scowled. "So? We took Percy in!" Reyna smirked. "That's my point."
She called to the nearest Roman,"Keep an eye on him." And with that she walked back up the stairs. The campers went back to their conversations. Hazel, after a glance at the boy, followed. Leo, Piper, Percy, Jason, and Percy were waiting. Reyna kept scowling at the floor. Percy started speaking,"This is what we were dreading. What if they don't get along? What will we do then?" Jason turned grim. "That is the only hole in our plan. How are they going to react if the other army half of us falls, and their hatred is too strong? What then?" Reyna stood up. "We just have to find out. We can't force them to trust each other. They have to do it on their own."
Leo tried to loosen the mood. "C'mon guys, we're teenagers! Relax, that isn't til' tomorrow morning." Hazel sighed. Frank smiled. "Yeah, we can't waste time stressing. Let's think of cool battle plans to beat the schist out of those monsters!" Percy and Hazel laughed. Leo raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" They just laughed even harder. Piper cracked a half hearted smile. "Schist? What is schist?" Percy managed to answer. "H-Hazel was captured by some crop spirits, and she summoned a big pile of rock called schist. Aw you got to be there..." Jason stood up. "Frank is right. We should think of battle strategies."
The rest of them nodded. Leo smiled hugely. "Yeah! We oughta' beat the schist out of Gaea!" And with that they ran to the western deck, where the Minerva and Athen kids were working on strategies. Hazel hesitated, a thought crossing her mind. What if both armies fall, and we DON'T beat the schist out of Gaea? Then she ran after the otherd, with a heavy heart in her chest.
She woke up in a bag being pulled along the forest floor. Her body ached with pain, and her ankle felt like someone was hammering it continually to the beat of her heart, with flaming hammers with little kneedlys on the end. She groaned, as her face scraped against a rock. This was just evil. Being pulled along by her feet, and her body scraping against the rocky, muddy, poopy wet forest floor? They stopped, and her feet dropped to the floor. She sucked in a tight breath, vowing not to scream. "Why? So, I jumped Jacob the White Boy. It's not like I killed him. There's no reason to treat me like dirt!" 'Jacob the White Boy' scowled. "You are different. You said so yourself!"
She scowled. Scar boy scowled back. "And you said you were being chased by monsters." He sighed. Jacob punched him. Now Jacob was the new supposed leader. A girl Annabeth had never seen before, probably Angela, started speaking, "But, Jacob, she's like us." Like us? I didn't torture no memory blondes. Nope, she did torture Jacob, but he wasn't a blonde, and he had memories. She realized what she was thinking, and just thought at how she was like Percy, almost a twin. She scowled inwardly. Oh-no.
Jacob sighed. "Fine. Tell her." Angela nodded. "I am Angela Burroughs, and I'm Jacob's sister. We have been on the run, for three years. Monsters chase us. We can't trust anyone but ourselves." Scar nodded. "I'm Peter Trout, we met a year ago outside an exploding police station." The third boy stood up from picking his nails. Annabeth searched for her knife, secretly wanting them to have forgotten about it.
"I'm Peter's brother, Trey Johnson, and thatis my sister Kelly Johson." She nodded curtly. "Hey." Jacob nodded at his "possy"(not really sure how to spell it)and they sat down while he untied the ropes binding he sack over my body. I wasn't going to protest. I had long since given up my search for my knife. There was no use fighting.
"Please." Jacob said. "Don't run. We're like you. We can help, just like you're like us." Like you. That really struck a cord. Her wonderings of being alone, being like this for the rest f her life, and before her life started, before her life of no memory. She wasn't alone. There was others, and though she had wondered, her visions showed friends, as she had thought before. The could be like her. She smiled. Like you. She had found a family. "I-I'm sorry." She sighed. "I-I'm sorry I jumped you." She punched him. The others started. Jacob lifted a hand for them to sit down.
He smiled. "And I'm sorry wedid these things to you. I-I can make up for it." Her face picked up a scowl. "No need. For a while now, I've wondered who I was. If, I was alone. But, being with you guys, could make those wonderings stop. Maybe i could make me, me again." He nodded and helped her up, letting her lean on him for support. Angela was already pulling out medical supplies, as Annabeth noticed would work prefectly with her wounds. She glanced at them. "Thanks." She said, a smiled forming on her face. "I need those." Angela laughed.
Annabeth glanced at the moon up in the sky. She smiled. When her ankle was wrapped up, and the others were asleep, she didn't rn. She didn't kill them, she didn't hide, she didn't shout and scream or cry. She simply glanced up at the black sky. Annabeth muttered something under her breath, and laid down to sleep. She felt, finding a home, she was closer to him. She was closer to Percy.
It was kind of mushy and fluffy, but lots of action next chappie
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
loved it! post soon! have a cake!
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Jason avoided Reyna whenever they weren't at meetings or discussing battle plans, and she looked hurt. But he wasn't sure about his feelings for her, and he couldn't just let her jump at him like he was her boyfriend or something. Meeting Piper changed things, and, it just didn't feel comfortable being around Reyna. Percy came up behind him. "Sup' Jason." He said casually. Jason sighed. "Things are so wrong right now." Percy nodded, grinning despite Jason's mood,. "Things get tough, and you need to let go."
Jason glanced up at Percy, surprised. "What do you mean, "Let go"?" Percy grinned even wider. "Back in the Titan war, I needed to be calm, and do some things I REALLY didn't want to do. But I did them for my friends and my family members. And a tiny bit for the Gods." Jason chuckled. "Yeah...I did some things that I didn't want to do..." Percy frowned, realizing Jason meant that in a different way.
Before he could reply a loud roar sounded over the ocean. Jason took out his new sword that Leo had made for him. "What's going on?" Percy uncapped his pen sword that Jason now knew as Riptide. "I don't know. Let's go warn the other-" The ship lurched and Percy crashed into Jason before he could finish his sentence. Jason groaned. "Please get off me."
Percy struggled to his feet on the lurching ship. Sirens wailed. Jason sighed in relief. "I'm so glad Leo installed those sirens." Percy nodded and together they struggled up to the back of the ship. Leo was shouting orders at kids, and campers were running around with weapons up, on their guard for whatever had hit them. The ship creaked to the left, and Jason caught a glimpse of another ship at the Argo 2's right. He caught movement.
He shouted at Percy over the wailing sirens. "There's a ship of some kind at the ship's lower right! Go find some back up and we could go check it out!" Percy nodded and ran off. Jason went on his own backup search. He spotted Piper pulling on the ropes to keep the Argo from tipping with a few other campers. Jason grabbed here hand and said, "There is a ship at the Argo's right! Back me up?" She nodded and motioned for the nearest camper to come and take her place. With a replacement the met up with Percy, who had Frank and Hazel. The ran for the lower part of the deck, tripping over cargo supplies and weapons along the way.
Before the reached the invading ship a giant bull blocked their path. Jason motioned for them to back up. It was breathing heavily, and...Growling? Just then it leaped at Hazel, fire spurting from it's heavy breaths."Catoblepas!" And Hazel shot a golden knife at it. It stuck in it's forehead, and the fire disappeared. Percy panted, "Cato-what?" Jason frowned. "Catoblepas. They breath poisonous fire, I think." Percy nodded. "I got the poison and the fire part, but I'm still shaky on the name. And with that they started running down the deck towards the invading ship.

I know it was short but I'll post again later
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
post soon
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
I'll post in the morning, cause it's night here in CA, and I'm tired. But I'll post a bunch tomorrow, now that I finally have enough time for so many posts. So expect a lot of posts tomorrow
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
great chapters and post soon
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
They didn't need to continue further down the deck to the invading ship, because the catoblepas's were waiting for them. There was dozens, and the air was toxic from their breath. They did the logical thing...They ran towards the opposite direction. The catoblepas' ran after them, bellowing and growling, their horns pointed downwards at the demigods' chests. Screams erupted from the main deck. There, campers were being attacked by catobelpases(don't know the plural) half of the deck was on fire. Jason nodded at the others, and they all charged. Frank turned into a lion and attacked the poison breathing bulls.
Jason summoned bolt of lightning, and fried a dozen bulls at a time. Jason searched around, looking for more, when he saw a girl at the feet of a poison breathing bull. It sucked in it's chest, and blew. Jason tried to look away, but Percy interfered. A bucket of water exploded and doused the flames away. Jason sighed in relief, barely dodged figure, out of the way of a bull's charge. He stabbed its passing figure, and golden dust flew everywhere.
The Argo lurched and what looked like a huge plane above them, spit monsters. Cyclopes, centaurs, and even storm spirits. A boy shouted, "C'mon! Really?" Jason agreed. Really? They weren't even in Rome or even Greece yet, and they were already being overthrown. Jason realized that boy was Leo. Leo burst in flame and slammed a centaur in the chin with his hammer.
Jason deflected a slam of a cyclopes hammer, and stabbed him in the eye with his sword. He burst into sand. Tyson rode in on Mrs O' Leary, wearing the Roman flag. Jason countered a stab of a storm spirit, and stabbed at it's stomach. It turned into a cloud of dust instantly. A catoblepas charged at Jason from his right, and a centaur at his front. He backed up and summoned lightning at the catoblepas, but not quick enough, the centaur slashed at Jason's side and he jumped back, the sword grazing his side. He dodged a stab, and countered with a feint to the right, and stabbed his chest. The monster was just dust in seconds.
Reyna called from the top of the mast, where storm spirits were trying to slash the sails. "Protect the ship! They're trying to keep us from reaching Rome and Greece-"She was cut off by a storm spirit swarming her. Jason flew up the mast and defended her, warding off the storm demons. "Back up at the masts!" He called to the chaos down below. Sure enough, people started warding the spirits in the opposite direction. Jason slashed the last storm spirit to sand, and looked down below.
Some demigods were holding their own, protecting their colleagues and killing monsters. But some were slowing, their slashes and stabs and defenses sluggish. Jason grimaced as his wound burned. There was no time for worrying about little cuts and bruises. He nodded at Reyna, and she grabbed his arm and they flew down to protect their friends.
Jason ran to the nearest falling half-blood, and destroyed the cyclopes and catblepases. Jason was exhausted and there was still so many monsters left. He ran to the next group of weakening demigods, panting, he stabbed and slashed. The monsters just kept coming. He was too tired to summon any lightning. Percy ran over and slashed the rest of the monsters to dust. Suddenly the boat lurched again. Jason groaned, "Please not more monsters..." He staggered to the left, exhaustion eating at his body. Percy held him steady. A huge cyclopes was crawling onto the Argo, dressed in full battle armor, leveling twelve feet tall.
Jason gaped at the thing, when another crawling on. He was sure the Argo would crack and break under that fat beasts' weight. Leo ran to their side, panting and covered in sweat and monster dust. Jason was sure he looked very much like that too. A cyclopes roared, pumping it's huge mallet into the air. The rest of the army was pretty much dust, but with these one eyed giants, and exhausted half-bloods, they didn't stand a chance. Jason nodded at Percy, and Leo smiled. "I take the rest of the army on with the campers, and you guys take care of the giant one eyed fatties?" Percy smiled. "You got that right Valdez." Though bruised and battered, Jason grinned, "Let's go Kelp Head." Percy smiled. "Bring it on Sky Freak."And with that they charged the monsters.
Jason went for the one on the right, summoning the last bit of his power for a bot of lightning. The monster roared in fury, glaring at it's burnt skin and melted armor. Jason slowed his pace, but still kept going. He dodged a swipe from the cyclopes' mallet and jumped up it's leg armor and stabbed the gap between his stomach and his side. The monster roared and threw Jason off.
He slammed against the deck, his vision blurry. Red spots danced across his vision. He groaned, pain spurting in his head. He struggled to his feet, his muscles like pudding. The cyclopes pounded over to Jason, it's wound spurting green blood. Jason rolled away from its huge foot and stabbed its ankle. It roared and tried to stomp on him, but he rolled out of the way. The monster screeched and clutched at its foot, jumping around in pain.
Jason knew this was his chance. With his last bit of energy, he flew up towards the monster and stabbed it in the neck, where the armor was thin as paper. It screeched a dying screech, and turned into a huge pile of dust. Just in time, Percy killed the other monster. Though Jason hadn't noticed, the invading ships were gone. He glanced at a staggering Leo coming towards him. He was smiling, "Those monsters were lucky our weapons weren't working. I had to scream in the guy's faced for a few minutes before he fixed them. Man could those monster ships explode!" Jason and Percy laughed. Leo smiled, "Tired? The Romans depart from us in a few hours." Jason groaned. "I'll be asleep if you need me." Percy was already curling up on a bed of rope already. Leo laughed and they walked off towards the beds below deck. If they could barely survive a monster attack, how could they survive an attack of a giant? Jason wondered, but pushed the thought from his mind when he saw the bed. He didn't remember passing out just then and there, but Leo said that later on. He was so tired, he slept through the arguments and fights of the campers. It was heavenly.

I'll post again later
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
post soon this is awesome!
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
I'm more busy today than I thought
I'll post later toady, and a long one too. Please don't be angry at me for not posting a lot like I said I would
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
She didn't remember falling asleep, but the next thing she knew she was in dreamland. Annabeth glanced around her surroundings curiously. She was standing over a hill, overlooking a beautiful strawberry field, and behind that, cabins decorated with different designs and themes. Beyond that was a large lake. She smiled, a warm feeling spreading through her body. Home, there was home.
Suddenly the surroundings changed, and a brown woman's face washed over the terrain. Annabeth scowled instinctively, "Gaea. What do you want?" Gaea smiled. "I am nearly free, and you shall pull me from the ground. I shall rise, and destroy the seven, and relinquish the Gods' rein." Annabeth frowned, "I'd never help you, and you of all people should know that. Or should I say Gods?" Gaea smiled. "Ha, you always had a sense of humor, daughter of Athena."
Annabeth jumped back in surprise, memories rushing into her head. Gaea's face smiled even huger, "Yes, you remember, don't you, daughter of Athena? You have killed before, why not again?" Annabeth scowled. A blonde boy, with a scar, he-he came to her, he...asked for..something. She struggled to remember. Gaea's face was becoming farther and farther away, smiling it's evil grin. "You shall be mine..."
Annabeth bolted up, slamming into Jacob. He fell back, clutching his eye. "Ow-Wait, what do I call you?" Annabeth sighed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Annabeth, Annabeth Ch-Chase." She remembered her last name. The memories from her dreams were still rushing through her head. Demigods, blonde boy with a scar, a camp with s strawberry field, daughter of Athena...
All of those names came with images. Jacob nodded. "Okay, Annabeth. We're leaving." Annabeth frowned. "Where are we going?" Trey was packing up their supplies. He said from rolling up the sleeping bags. "Rome. We're going to Rome."
Reyna, Piper, and Jason were the only ones going with the Romans that were important parts of the seven. And then Dakota and Gwen were going with them, not to mention Octavion. With Jason's wounds taken care of just earlier, before he fell asleep.(I forgot to mention that in the last post) Percy patted Jason on the back, "We'll meet you back at the Argo, in a week or so?" Jason sighed, glancing at the Roman escort. It was a boat a little smaller than the Argo. Though the Romans weren't big on ships, they were forced to sail to Rome on one.
"I don't know Perce, a lot can happen in a week. Especially fighting against Giant armies." Percy chuckled, laughing at the mistaken pun. "You're a son of Jupiter. No way can you think of things like that. It's bad luck you know." Jason laughed. "Yeah, and you're a son of Poseidon. You have to watch your back too. And being an enemy of a great many terrible monsters." Percy laughed too.
"See ya man, it was nice meeting you." He said. Jason grinned a crooked grin. "And it was nice meeting you too, Percy Jackson. I'm sure you're going to find Annabeth. Actually, I KNOW you'er going to find Annabeth." Percy smiled, his eyes stinging. "Thanks man, that means a lot to me." And with that Jason hopped onto the Roman ship. Piper hugged Percy, and followed. Leo looked about ready to cry. "Stay alive, Jason! You too Beauty Queen!" Piper and Jason waved at them from the Roman ship. "Take care Repair Boy!" They shouted.
Leo sniffled. "I love those guys." Then he looked back and saw two campers messing with the sails. "Hey! Don't touch those!" Percy chuckled. Greece, here comes Percy Jackson, he thought, and went looking for some food to eat. They had a long way to go.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Wow, short post
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
incredible, post soon!
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
I'll post later today. From now on I'll post maybe twice a day, or three times, it just depends on the day!
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
thats cool
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
ok then
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Piper dreamed she was in a white room with Hera. Hera was smiling, looking grim at the same time. "Greetings, Piper." Piper bowed, though inwardly scowling at the Godess. "Lady Hera." Hera motioned for her to stand. She went right to the point. "Annabeth is in Rome. You need to find her and find a way to restore her memories." Piper's mouth went slack. "Annabeth has n memories?" Hera ignored her. "Then there is that insolent Gaea, almost forgot about her-"Piper asked louder. "Annabeth Chase has no MEMORIES?" Hera gave her a scowl. "Yes, she does. And I have not taken them." Right when Piper was about to start screaming at her, she stopped. "What?" Hera gave her a look like she was a piece of garbage in her way. "Need I be clearer? Gaea has stolen Annabeth's memories and taken her to Italy. By the time you reach Rome she'll be there. Now go!" Piper was too stunned to protest, and the next thing she knew Hera was gone.
Piper was so shocked, when she opened her eyes she didn't comprehend the fact that the boat had stopped moving, and shouts were heard above deck. A hand shook her out of her stupor. Jason was standing over her, frowning at Piper's expression. "Piper, what's wrong?" Slowly, she began to process her dream, and her eyes widened. "Annabeth is in Rome!" Jason's eyes widened. "What?!" Piper understood why Hera was so harsh. It was frustrating for someone not to comprehend in a situation that needed a clear head.
"You heard me! Annabeth is in Rome! And with no memories!" Jason scowled. "What is Hera up to this time-" She cut him off, standing up and realized the boat had stopped when she got land sickness, as people said. "It's not Hera who stole her memories. Gaea did!" Jason ran up the stairs to the upper deck, right behind her. "Gaea? Oh Gods we're in trouble!" Piper nodded. "Oh yeah, you got that right Grace." She glanced around the deck, searching for any signs of the campers. The was none. The shouts she was hearing was coming from the Romans down on the dock.
The mortals stared at the humongous ship. Apparently the ship didn't include giant Roman boats, which was kind of weird.
Jason grinned at her, trying to cheer her up. "We reached land a half hour ago. I tired to wake you, but you looked pretty tired." Piper nodded. This was where the trouble started. As if on cue, the ground started shaking. Romans shouted alarms, already readying for battle. What actually appeared, was out of their league. Out from the water, rose a giant serpent, and on it's meaty head, was a Titan. He grinned an evil grin down at the Roman campers, his golden eyes shining. "I am a famous titan, many of you may know me and fear me, and I am proud of my name. Though I have upset my mother Gaea many times, I shall serve her now in the war against those puny gods. I am Uranus, many know me as titan of the sky, being personification of the heavens and sky. Fear me!" He shouted, and the sky turned black, and monsters rushed from the sea.
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…