The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena-Thalia67!

Thalia67 posted on Oct 14, 2011 at 12:19AM
Since the Son of Neptune just came out, i decided I would have enough time to do a fanfic on the next book. If you guys ae anything like me, I can't WAIT for the next book.

So, I don't own any of the characters or books, they belong to Rick Riordan, and all that.

I won't post regularly, just whenever I find enough time to do so. It's just easier this way. And if I don't get very many comments, then I'll probably stop posting. I also need help with coming up with myths to add in, so if you have any ideas, feel free to message them to me, or post them here.

The Heroes of Olympus 12 replies

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over a year ago Thalia67 said…
Chapter 1 - Annabeth

Annabeth stared at the skyline, wishing that the boat could be landing already. She had waited eight months, but those months couldn’t even compare to how long the 2 hour trip was. Knowing she was going to see Percy made it even worse, because as much as she wanted to see him, Annabeth had worries. What if he didn’t remember her? What if he had a new girlfriend? All of these worries were in the front of her mind. But nothing could overcome her joy.

The last 8 months had been very frustrating. She took a break from school, telling her dad that she needed to be here for camp. He completely understood, and knew that Annabeth could catch up in no time, so it wasn’t a problem. She took the time to help Leo perfect the Argo II and also read up on Roman history. It hadn’t been too much to do, but it was the only thing that kept her mind off of everything going on.

Now, they were on the boat, getting ready to land in Camp Jupiter. Annabeth could see out of the corner of her eye Jason pacing back and forth. He had been nervous ever since they took off. Even though they were in his home territory, he had his worries. One of those things is how the camp would take their arrival. Thanks to Grover, they knew that Percy was still alive. After all this time, they had found him with the empathy link. But how much influence would he have? The Romans could shoot down their boat before they got even close.

A hand closed on her shoulder. It was Rachel. She had convinced them that, although the prophecy said seven demigods, they needed a few extra people, such as her and Grover, along with Thalia. “It’s going to be fine, Annabeth. Don’t stress. He’ll be right there waiting, with his memory back, I’m sure of it. There’s no way he could forget a face like yours,” she said smiling. Annabeth nodded.

Jason turned towards them, and Piper came up next to him and took his hand. Over the past few months, Jason had gathered the rest of his memory. He had been Praetor of the First Legion, along with Reyna, Praetor of the Twelfth Legion. There were 5 cohorts, and he was part of the Fifth. They used as much Imperial Gold as they could find. He wouldn’t tell them too much, saying that they would just have to see for themselves. But Piper had told Annabeth that Jason had been pulling back for a while, not knowing if he had a girlfriend. But he finally told her that Reyna could have been his girlfriend, if time had gone on, but nothing was set in stone. Jason was cautious, but the one thing that calmed him down was Piper.

“When we land, let me step out first. If they see me, there’s a good chance they will be less likely to attack. Also, be careful of the demigods here. They won’t trust us as easily. Octavian has this theory that Greeks are out to destroy the Romans, and now that he knows they are real, he won’t hesitate to try and turn people against you,” Jason said not taking his eyes off of Piper. He was worried about her. About all of them. There was no guarantee that Percy had convinced them they were no harm. They could be flying to their death right now.

“Well guys, it’s been a great flight, but we are officially in enemy territory,” Leo said. His voice was fine, but his eyes showed his fears. They all were scared of what was going to happen.

The ship started its descent and Annabeth glanced around, and everyone took off running towards below deck where they would be able to go and meet the Romans. It seemed as if everyone was anxious. She was so excited, and by the time she got down there, she was laughing and so was everyone else. For some reason, now that they were landing, everyone was in good spirits. No more nagging at Leo to put a part in the right spot or yelling at someone to stop messing around. She was getting ready to see her best friend and boyfriend.

The deck was automatically lowered, and Annabeth held her breath. They all glanced at Jason, and as soon as the deck was lowered, he stepped out into view. There was an all around gasp as they took in who was right before their eyes. Obviously they had been hoping for him, but not expecting him. Annabeth stepped out after him. They were high enough above the crowd that they could see everyone. There were a few hundred there, give or take. It was about the same they had at camp maybe less, now that the gods were claiming their children. And at the back, was him. It was Percy. He was far away, but he was the same as always, only he was wearing Roman clothes, along with a purple cape. He had his arms around a guy and a girl and was smiling with them. Next to them, was a girl in a purple cape just like Percy’s.

Percy looked up then, after he seemed to have realized the boat had landed and looked directly into Annabeth’s eyes. He smiled broadly and started walking towards them along with the other three. The crowd parted for him and his friends, and he walked up the dock to meet her.

“Annabeth. I’ve missed you,” he said when he came close enough and hugged her. “You were the one thing from my past that I remembered. I’m so glad you’re here.” He pulled apart from her and stared at her face, as though she was the one going to disappear.

Annabeth smiled. “Well, you better be sticking around this time. It’s been 8 months, and I expect you to make it up,” she replied jokingly. He just nodded and turned back towards the others in Annabeth’s party. She held onto his hand, glad that she had finally found him.

“Hey, uh, I’m Percy. Percy Jackson. It’s good to meet you guys in person,” he said, suddenly nervous.

Jason turned from his reunion with the other three. “I kind of figured you were Percy. Annabeth couldn’t stop worrying the whole time you were gone. I’m surprised she’s not yelling at you, like she has been at us. I’m Jason Grace, by the way,” he said. Jason gestured at the purple cape. “And I see that you’re my replacement as Praetor? I’m glad. I would rather it be you than Octavian.” He whispered the last part, but looked out into the crowd.

Percy laughed and nodded. “He’s the one enemy I’ve got here, and since I know he doesn’t really like you, we’ve got that in common,” he told Jason. Annabeth was glad that they were going to get along. She knew that Thalia and him didn’t always agree on things, but hopefully Jason would be different. Although Annabeth doubted that.

“Nice ship you’ve got here. How long did it take to build this thing?” the girl said. She assumed it was Reyna, since she had the purple cape on like Percy. Leo stepped up for this. He was the ships master builder, after all.

“It took us a little over 6 months. That was rushed, but we got everything done that was on the original plans. I’m Leo, by the way,” he said smiling at her sheepishly. Annabeth could already see that he had a small crush on her. But then again, Leo had a crush on just about every girl that he saw.

Annabeth glanced around at the rest of the camp. It was like a regular city, with cafes and shops. She could just see the architecture that went on here, the elaborate design. But that wasn’t important right now. They didn’t have a lot of time. They were on a deadline that they couldn’t afford to miss. Because of their ship malfunction they were behind already. “Is there somewhere that all of us can talk? Because I think standing here probably isn’t a good idea,” Annabeth put out there. Reyna and Percy both nodded, and they started to lead the way.

“Let’s head to the principia to talk,” Reyna said she walked next to Jason and Annabeth could tell they both missed each other, even if nothing romantic was between them.

Percy turned to Annabeth. “So what happened at home since I left? How’s my mom? I called her, but only got to leave her a message?” he questioned. Annabeth knew he had a lot of questions for her, but she stopped him after that.

“We found Jason after you left, and he came with Piper and Leo, behind us. Jason is Thalia’s full brother, and he went on a quest with Piper and Leo. Let’s just say they got in probably more trouble than we did on our first quest. And as for your mother, as soon as we knew basically where you were, we let her know. She was worried, but knew that you would do everything you could to get back,” Annabeth told him. She didn’t want to tell him anything more, because things hadn’t been great back at camp. Jason had helped, because everyone really trusted him and liked him. He had made up for the obvious absence of Percy.

They reached the principia and Annabeth was amazed by the design on ceiling. She was amazed in general by the buildings here. They were well designed and structurally sound. It was amazing. Percy looked over and laughed at her gently. He knew the exact thing she was thinking.

Reyna went and sat down in one chair, and after a moment of hesitation, Percy went and sat down in the other, leaving Annabeth standing with the others in front of them. He glanced at Jason, but Jason didn’t seem to be bothered by it.

Reyna sighed. “So, now that you’re here, the question is what to do now,” she said simply. Annabeth was wondering the same thing. Chiron hadn’t told them much before they left. Just the basic things, saying that they would know what to do when they got there. They probably needed a day or so to get everything organized, but after that, they needed to get moving to get to the original Mount Olympus.

Annabeth was about to say something to that affect, when Percy and Reyna suddenly stood up, but went down on a knee, their heads bowed. Jason immediately turned around and did the same thing. She didn’t understand what had happened, but when she turned around, there was a huge wolf, with chocolate red fur and silver eyes. Leo, Piper, and her were the only ones standing, and after Annabeth got over the shock, she went down and pulled the other two with her, her mind reeling. She knew who it was, based off of what she had read in her mythology books. It was Lupa, the she-wolf who had raised Remus and Romulus.

“Jason, it is good that you are back. Rise, everyone,” she said. Annabeth hesitantly got up. She had been in the presence of gods, but Lupa just seemed different. She wasn’t afraid to kill anyone if they got in her way, even if she liked them or cared for them. “Percy, I knew you would succeed here. My training was not wasted, I see. That is good. I don’t like to waste my time. As for those of you I do not know, Chiron sends you with his highest recommendations.”

Chiron? He hadn’t told her he could contact Lupa. But then again, Chiron hadn’t told her much of anything lately. He had been very secretive. Although he had shared some details of what had happened at the Civil War, he hadn’t shared much.

“Lupa, we were just discussing our plans on what to do next,” Reyna said when Lupa had stopped talking.

Lupa nodded. “I know. That is why I interrupted you. While you may trust them based on what Percy and Jason have said, I must test them myself,” she told them. Annabeth glanced over at Percy, who had worry and fear written all over his face. Reyna looked like she was going to tackle someone, and Jason seemed to have stopped breathing. What could be so bad about being ‘tested’?
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
That is sssssoooo good!! Hope you post soon and what happened to introducing hazel and frank
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
thanks:) i kind of didn't want to write like 6 sentences in a row introducing them, so i just figured i'd put it in there somewhere:P
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Lol good luck with your forum
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
It's great!
Just a suggestion....
If you look at the recent forum thing right now...
There is three identical looking forum names!
I don't know if it's just me, or it's really confusing
I hope you don't mind, perhaps you could change the forum title of yours a little bit?
Like...take out the "the" or...I'm not really sure.
Anyway, out with my whining.
When are you going to post the next chapter?
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
awesome post soooooon!
And percy and jason getting along? call the press!
lol post soon
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
Thanks:) And I have no idea when I'll post. It just depends on how long I decide to make the next chapter, and when I have time to write it. Maybe tomorrow or the next day.
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Post soon!
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
big smile
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
Sorry its taken a few days. I try and get a good long chapter, instead of a few short ones. I hope you like this. And I have a few opinion questions. Would you guys prefer just Annabeth, Jason, and Percy's point of view, or would you want all seven? Also, if you guys could give me a few ideas on myths to incorporate, that would be wonderful! Thanks!

Chapter 2 - Jason

Jason couldn’t believe his ears. Lupa was going to test them? Sure, even kids with no training passed her test, but he knew this would be different. She wouldn’t just test their will. Lupa would go all out by testing their skill, their mental capacities, and much more. Even with all of their training, there was a chance that they wouldn’t survive. He glanced at Piper, and his heart cracked. He couldn’t bare the thought of her dying here, at his home.

Jason glanced at Reyna. She was gripping her chair, with a hard look on her face. Percy looked like he was about to jump Lupa and make her undo what she had just said. Even only being here for a little while, he knew what that meant. In the back of Jason’s mind, it was weird to see Percy up there, sitting in what used to be his chair. But at the same time, it was natural. Jason had risen to be a leader at Camp Half-Blood. He had even started to learn some Greek. The place had become his home as much as Camp Jupiter. Percy seemed at home here, as if the Romans were his family just as much as the Greeks. But thinking about Percy becoming Praetor was for another time.

Hazel openly opposed it. She kept glancing at Leo, as if he was a ghost. “But Lupa, haven’t they done enough? They built the boat that will take us to Rome, they kept Jason safe, and they are willing to work with us. Isn’t that enough?” she asked. Lupa growled at her, and Hazel stepped back, put in her place.

“Hazel, you passed the test just a few months ago. You had not been trained. Jason passed the test when he was a mere child. Have you no confidence in them?” Lupa pointed out. Hazel bowed her head. Even Jason understood her point. They had done all those things, but who was to say they could be trusted? Lupa was very protective of the campers, and she didn’t want any weaknesses on this quest. It could mean the fate of the whole world if there was.

Percy stood up. “You trained me for two months before letting me go out to the world. We don’t have that much time to do that with them. Gaea is getting stronger by the minute, and we don’t have a minute to lose,” he told them. Jason could already tell Percy knew he was going to lose this fight. But of course he had to try. Percy would do anything for his friends. Over his time at Camp Half-Blood, he had learned a lot about Percy, and knew that he was immensely loyal to his friends and would do just about anything for them.

Frank was about to add something to that, but Reyna cut him off. “Enough, Frank. Lupa has ordered a challenge, and they can either accept it and risk their lives to go on the quest, or give up and head back to their camp. It’s their choice to make.” Frank wasn’t dumb enough to go up against Reyna. She had this power about her that made almost no one able to stand up to her.

Until then, the Greeks had stayed silent. This wasn’t their battle to fight. Lupa wasn’t their leader, Chiron was. But someone had to speak up for them. “So what is this test, anyway? You all act like, I don’t know, we can’t pass it or something. Well what is it?” Leo asked. As always, he was the blunt and obvious one, saying what was on his mind without any thought. Well at least it wasn’t disrespectful, because then he would already be set for going down hill with Lupa.

Jason turned to Leo. “Remember when you fought Khione, while I was fighting Porphyrion? Yeah. It’s probably harder than that,” he told him. They weren’t supposed to talk about what it was exactly, but he had to help them somehow. The least he could do is to prepare them for it. It usually took a long time to test demigods. But since she didn’t have much time, the test would be harder than ever before.

Wolves’ howls sounded in the distance. Lupa glanced towards them, and then looked back at the group. “Rest today. Get to know each other. Then, tomorrow, I will take you three demigods to the Wolf House to be tested. Be ready, because there is a chance you won’t survive,” she said. Well, wasn’t Lupa always a ray of sunshine. She turned around, and in a second, was gone.

Reyna sighed, and sat back down in her chair. “This is already going downhill,” she said. Percy reached over and touched her shoulder tenderly. He saw Annabeth tense, and for her sake, Jason hoped there was nothing on between the two Praetors. “But Lupa is right. You must meet the rest of the camp. They are eager to meet you all, and I’m sure you want to get reacquainted with Percy, here. I know he’s wanted to see you for a while.” Jason took that as a sign that everyone was dismissed, but he didn’t leave like everyone else. He walked up to her seat slowly and she stood up.

“Reyna, I didn’t get a chance to tell you that I’ve really missed you,” Jason said smiling at her. He pulled her into a hug. One thing he was looking for was that connection they used to have. He knew that he had liked her as more than a friend once, but now, there was nothing there. She was just his best friend, now.

Reyna pulled back, and looked him over. “So you aren’t mad that Percy took over as Praetor?” she questioned. He had a feeling that she wanted to ask more about what was between them, but held back. Jason knew that he didn’t want to hurt her. Reyna had been through enough over the years.

He laughed and shook his head. “I know you needed someone there. I’m surprised you waited around this long. But based on what I’ve heard about Percy, I know he’s perfect. We were supposed to switch roles, and this is what he was meant to do,” explained Jason. There was no way he could blame anyone here for putting Percy in the leader position. From all the stories he had heard, well, it was no wonder. He would love to have a sword fight with him.

They walked out of the principia, but split ways for Reyna had to go meet with some other people, and found Percy attempting to go back with his friends to the boat, but all of the Romans were surrounding them, and asking them questions.

“Where’s your camp at?”
“Do you guys speak Greek all the time?”
“What happened last summer during the Titan War?”

These questions were coming from all directions, and Percy looked as if he had had enough. “Everyone! We will answer your questions as soon as we get everything sorted out. I know you all are itching to talk with Jason, and he’ll come and talk to you all when he’s ready, but right now, I would like to go see my friends from back home. If you want answers to all your questions, wait until dinner tonight,” Percy yelled. Everyone quieted down and seemed to listen to him. Obviously they were impressed and had high opinions of him, or else no one would pay any attention to him or have elected him praetor.

Unfortunately, Percy had just thrown the whole crowd’s attention on him. Well, he had better get this over with. They all turned towards him and he met them with smiles. Jason gave people hugs, and fist bumps. He saw Gwen, Dakota, and Bobby in the distance and made his way over to them.

They all punched him in the arms. “That was for leaving us. Without you, we were as big of a joke as we always were, at least, until Percy came along,” Gwen said giving him a playful glare.

“But I bet you have had a lot of fun with the Greeks. I bet you don’t remember any Latin, Roman techniques, or gods’ names,” Bobby added, shaking his head.

Jason laughed. “I didn’t really have a choice on leaving, Gwen. You know, have you ever said no to a god? Yeah, didn’t think so. And Bobby, you don’t even know any of that and you’ve always been here!” he joked back. Man, it was good to be back with his friends. To bad he didn’t know how long that was going to last.

And as if she was summoned, Juno, in her signature goatskin cloak over her shoulders, was standing in front of him. He glanced left and right, but they weren’t even in camp any more. They were standing in what looked to be a coliseum. It was broken down, with bleachers missing, but it was still impressive. It was made entirely out of stone, with a press box for the emperor, and cages that held who knows what.

“Juno, what do you want?” Jason asked impatiently. He wasn’t ready to deal with her. After the quest, he had seen her off and on for months and he was sick of her.

Juno smiled. “Can your patron not merely come to talk? No? Well then, I suppose I should get down to the real reason. Jupiter still isn’t happy that I have defied his wishes of speaking to the demigods, but that isn’t your problem now, is it? Anyway, I came to warn you about the upcoming quest,” she said and paused. The ground shook for a moment, but then stabilized. “That was Gaea, showing her power. She is much stronger now than she was back when you had your quest. Now that the seven are together, she will be trying to split you up. The key is the one who can see the way, not what Gaea has put before you.”

Jason thought about that. The one who could see the way? But wasn’t their path clear cut? They had to go to Rome, and then Mount Olympus? How hard was that? He was going to say as much, but she cut him off and continued.

“Gaea will try to trick each and every one of you. She will do anything to stop the seven from uniting. Some of you, like yourself, she might simply try and kill, or some, she might try and sway to her side. There are two people you need to be careful of,” Juno told him. “I cannot say who or why, but I can tell you this. One of them would sacrifice anything for all of you, and that could be your undoing, and the other one is trusted by everyone, but will betray that trust. Willingly or not, they will.”

Jason started once again to talk, to say that no one would do anything to harm them, but before he could do so, he was back in camp, and his friends were still laughing, as if he had been there that whole time. But this wasn’t the time to laugh and have fun. They needed to work out a plan, and he needed to tell everyone what he had heard. It could change the fate of this quest, for the better or worse.
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
just read it all and it was class.Do post soon