The Heroes of Olympus Another Percy and the Primordials story

DASDV posted on Oct 16, 2011 at 11:23AM
Title:Another Percy and the Primordials story
Type: adventure
Sypnosis: just another percy gets betrayed and stuff story.
Sally and Paul are misssing. Percy becomes mortal or something like that. And instead of Percy going to the olympians like in other stories the olympians come to Percy or something like that.(After HoO)
Disclaimer:All rights to Rick Riordan
A/N: my first fanfic and thanks to everyone who wrote stories like this you all inspire me.

The Heroes of Olympus 114 replies

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over a year ago DASDV said…
Chapter 1
Being Percy Jackson can be heartbreaking. Being Percy Jackson during a war can be heartbreaking-er. Being Percy Jackson now is so far the heartbreaking-est. With Sally and Paul missing Percy was a wreck. The hero of Olympus was leading himself to his own destruction. Percy would leave for months and whenever he came back no one knew how he was still alive. He kept searching for his family and all he had to go on was, well nothing. Things just got worst when a quest had to be taken.
“Percy we need you on this quest!” begged Frank.
“You know I can’t. I have to keep searching.” replied Percy.
“Jackson can’t you see this is a hopeless effort. You need to know where your duty lies. Either you help us slay Python before it gets to camp or I make you!” Jason said.
“Can’t you just slay it without me? I mean you have 6 other heroes to help. Now I need to go!”
“Jackson it took Apollo himself to slay the beast we need all 7 heroes!” Jason said as he charged.
Percy just managed to block Jason’s sword. Percy just played defense since he didn’t want to harm Jason, but that all changed when Jason finally decided his primary goal was to defend the camp and that included making sure Percy knew his duty. “Can’t you see Jackson your mother is GONE!!!” Then Percy went berserk. He didn’t care anymore what happened. Jason slowly lost the upper hand and when he fell to the floor Frank finally broke from his shock and changed to a bear just to stop Percy. “That’s it I’m leaving NOW!” shouted Percy.
A few weeks later Percy’s search still led to nowhere and the Python was slayed. Then Percy was called to Olympus. Also on Olympus were Jason, Leo, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Annabeth, and Nico: the people who killed Python. All that was on Percy’s mind was that no matter what happened he would do whatever it took to find his family.
“Percy what is happenning to you?” Posiedon asked “We don’t know what to do with you. Look at yourself your tearing yourself to shreds.”
“Look, I don’t care anymore. I still care for you guys but now finding my mom and Paul is more important.”
“More important than defending the camp? Important that you dare to hurt Jason?” asked Zeus.
“I knew what Jason was trying to do. His heart was in the right place he was just doing what he thought he needed to do I see hat now, but do I always have to be part of these important stuff? I mean now you have other powerful demigods. I just need to leave now, dad I know mom is still alive!”
Posiedon looked at everyone else in the room with a sad expression. Then he said “Percy what were going to do to you now is just us trying to help you okay. Now I only want whats best for you and we are afraid of what will happen to you.” Then before Percy knew what was happenning Posiedon place his hand over Percy and said “I Posiedon now renounce Percy Jackson as my son and in doing so take away any traces of Ichor I him making him mortal.” Then Percy felt he was getting weaker losing consciousness. “Percy we are giving you a mnormal life now and don’t worry we will replace your memories kay? Okay!”
No NOT OKAY!!!!!! But Percy could do nothing about it. Suddenly Percy was tteleported somewhere else in his weak condition he couldn’t get up. The weird thing was Percy still had his memories. Then a burning pain bursted from inside him. It was just like the river Styx all over again but even worse. Slowly Percy was dying then someone who he knew he never saw before place something in his mouth. It dissolved slowly in Percy then he was asleep.
over a year ago TheSennin said…
Not bad, let's see the next chapter
over a year ago DASDV said…
Chapter 2
Losing a friend is bad. Losing a firend to death is worse. Losing a friend due to amnesia and being forced to never see him again is the worsest. Nico knew it was for the best or at least he was forced to. He was one of the few who thought this idea was messed up. Take it like this: someone saves the world (maybe even more than once) then you take away everything he has just because he misses his mommy and doesn’t want to fight a killer snake. Is that fair? No but since the majority says it is there’s nothing you can do about it can you? But Nico was able to do Percy one last act of kindness, he and the other people who had the common sense to see Percy didn’t deserve this, namely Thalia, framk and Hazel, used as much power as they had together to just let Percy keep his memories. How they did it they themselves didin’t know maybe it was the fates? Maybe because they were really awesome? Maybe because they had pizza for lunch? Pizza is a very powerful thing. Any way what he couldn’t understand was why Annabeth believed it was best for him to not remember a thing. But after when everyone left Olympus Thalia, Frank, Hazel and him swore on the river Styx they would do whatever it took to bring Percy back even if he wasn’t a halfblood anymore, and even if they didin’t know where he was, and also if there was no more pizza.
=1 year later : Olympus=
After a year, 36 boxes of pizza,rying to find Percy they came up with one thing : Percy is really good at hide and seek. Still Nico never gave up. Now there was a meeting on Olympus, again what a surprise. Again the same seven were there.
“Demigods we have called you here today for a very important mission. We have reasons to believe that the primordials may attack us.” Said Zeus
“What?” said all the demigods.
“You see Apollo has been having these visions but he really cant decipher them so much so we need you to go on a secret mission to spy on them, we would do it ourselves but were not allowed there without permission and every time we call it just goes striaght to voice mail.” Said Posiedon
“You have voice mail?” asked Frank
“Ofcourse. Now were transporting you to a place Apllo keeps seeing in his visions.” Said Zeus.
=Meanwhile in Primordial HQ=
“They are coming” said Ananke
“How on earth do you know these things?” said Aether
“Because it’s their destiny And I am the deity of it” she replied
“Willl I win the lottery?” asked Chronos
“That’s not part of your destiny, besides what would you do with the money?”
“I’d use it to get a good lawyer and file against that plagiarizing unoriginal titan of time, Kronos. I mean come on I was the first immortal to control time and he becomes more famouse for eating his kids and getting chopped to pieces. He even kinda stole my name. I mean I am father time!” said Chronos
“I second the motion. I want to sue Eros.” Said Eros
“Eros your basically the same being.” Said Tartarus
“Well what about Phanes he’s part of me too. He doesn’t feel to good about it either.” snapped Eros
“I don’t think plagiarism applies to our time. As far as I know it was legal to steal other peoples identities.” Said Tartarus
“And what do you know you were named after a dark horrible pit where the Olympians throw their trash.”
“You were BORN FROM AN EGG!!!”
Then as if the bickering in the room wasn’t enough the rest of the primordials came in.
“Explain to me again how my father controls darkness and my mother controls night and some how my brother controls light and I control day?” asked Hemera
“Negative plus negative equals positive.” Replied Nyx
“Do not try to confuse me with your native language and futuristic talk. What is this negative and positive you speak of?” asked Hemera.
While they continued quarrelling their husbands Aither and Erebos just rolled their eyes face palmed and said to eachother “women.” Surprisingly well synchronized.
“Enough sometimes I really think the Olympians get their hardheaded traits from all of you” said Chaos
“*cough* another thing they copy*cough*” said Chronos and Eros together.
“Now lets get down to buissness. As Hemera saw they will be arriving today at exactly 12 midnight. The plan is lets have a little fun with thes demigods.” Said Chaos
“And how do you suppose we do that?” asked Thesis
“One word KAL.” Said Chronos
“You would seiriously leave your son to them?” asked Nesoi
“Especially now since we finally got rid of that Perseus Jackson. Hah they really thought they were helping the boy.” Said Chaos
“Well then it’s decided. Thalassa, Pontus I think it’s best you teach him what to do whe they get here after all you understand him the most. And I think Chaos taught him enough.” Said Hemera.
Then they all lay in wait hiding to see what would happen on midnight but Hemera already knew because it was ofcourse Kal’s destiny. She was even more excited to see what would happen to the third demigod travelling solo on his way here too. She knew who he was but she had a plan and didin’t bother to tell anyone about it. After all it was his destiny.
over a year ago TheSennin said…
Cool, but you should take out Chaos, because the guy was able to create the world, if he want to destroy it he don't need any help just to snap hit finger and there's no army able to stop him doing so as he's in space.
I think that's the only problem but the rest is cool, keep it on
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
Because this plot is totally Original.
over a year ago DASDV said…
Chapter 3
Travelling is good. Travelling for free is even better. Travelling with your friends for free is the best. Frank, Hazel, Nico, Thalia, Anabeth, Jason, Piper, and Leo were transported to a barren cold wasteland.
“Where are we?” asked Frank
“Somewhere in Antartica.” Said Annabeth ofcourse.
“So were back together again remember the last time we had a mission together…” said Leo as a sudden awkward silence filled the place.
“Ummm… I think that’s the place we need to sneak into.” Said Hazel
Everyone turned to see an out of place building. It had a dark mood to it but at the same time light like. It was like something so in between things that you couldn’t even describe it. All you could say was it was a building.
“So heres the plan.” Leo started. “We dress up as girl scouts and knock on the door and ask to borrow a cup of sugar. Then when they give it to us we throw it at them to sweeten them up and ask them if they wan’t to kill us.”
“Leo, how about we leave the plans to Jason and you make a fire before your brain gets permanently destroyed.”
“Okay how about we knock on the door then have a big distraction. From there we sneak inside and find anything we can about this whole buissness.” Said Jason.
“Okay.” Said everyone.
Annabeth would knock on the door while wearing her hat while everyone else would wait for Jasons signal on when to start the distractions. As Annabeth knocked on the door that was pretty much the only thing that went acccording to plan.
The doors opened on their own like the scary way they do in horror movies. Frank thought pretty soon he would hear someone say “Enter foolish demigods.” Luckily there was no voice instead when they entered they couldn’t see a thing. It was completely dark (thanks to the wonderful dark mists of Erebos). Suddenly they heard a playful voice say.
“Chaos is gunna be mad at you guys. Trying to spy on innocent people.”
“You call people who never answer their IM and never check the answering machine innocent? That is a criminal offense.” Said Thalia. The voice laughed.
“So you demigods do have a sense of humor. How about we play a game? All eight of you ask me a question while I get to ask each of you a question. Swear on the river styx that we shall all tell the truth.”
“Fine.” They all said.
After they all swore on the river Styx they began the interrogation.
“ What Chaos’ plan?” came Jason’s voice from the darkness.
“Ok first this is not Chaos’ plan. Basically he’s just struck a deal to help the primordials especially since Hemera said he needed to be here to see this event. Other than that I know nothing.” Said the voice.
“Who’s Hemera?” said piper.
“Wow really “good” question. You should stop and think before you waist all your questions. Hemera is the primordial of destiny.”
“What would you not wan’t us to ask you?” asked Annabeth.
“Well finaly someone smart. Hmmm… let’s see. Ah that I’m ten paces in front of you all.”
Then everyone charged straight forward. Then they ended up hitting eachother.
“Or at least I was.”
“Ok. Where Is the bathroom!” asked Leo.
“Walk three paces to the left then open the door.”
“LEO!!!” everyone yelled.
“What?” replied Leo.
“Where are the Primordials?” asked Hazel.
“I don’t know. Maybe out for brunch.”
“How do we turn the lights on?” asked Thalia.
“Well your friend who I’m guessing is the son of Hades could maybe try and take away all the darkness?”
“Nico do it now.” Said Jason.
“What else do you not want to tell us?” asked Frank.
“Well Hemera told me that one of your “old friends” is here. He arrived a lot earlier than all of you.”
“Who are you?”
“Oh you can just call me Kal, Kal Richards ”

over a year ago Inevera said…
What happened to Percy? I need to know! Update soon, please.
over a year ago DASDV said…
Chapter 4
Teasing people is bad. Teasing people and getting beaten up is worse. Teasing people, getting beaten up and having your great great granparents save you is the worst.
“So are you a demigod?” asked Nico as the shadows started to dissappear.
“Somethimg like that.” Said Kal
Then the eight of them started to look around for Kal. No one could see him. They were in a giant throne room. With many many thrones all belonging to the primordials.
“Then what are you exactly.” Asked Hazel
“You could say I’ve been blessed by all the primordials. Just call me a champion of the primordials.” Said Kal.
“Where are you?” asked Jason.
“Fine then what are you doing here?” asked Jason
“Running for Ms.Universe sir. I promote bunnies, lumberjacks and freepizza to all and to all a good night.”
“YES!!! I’m voting for him . Sorry Piper but he’s giving FREE PIZZAS!!! That’s even better than world peace!” said Leo
“Let’s leave Ms.Universe to prepare for the talent contest first. I say we look sor this so called “old friend of ours first.” Said Thalia.
They started looking aroung the throne room which much like the building was indescribable.
“I think I found something.” Said Frank
There they saw a door. Big, metallic and out of place. As they opened the door they entered a dungeon. All surprisingly clean with very very secure bars.
“I think I see something over there!” said Piper.
They all ran to the end of the dungeon to see something that suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­rii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­iii­isi­ng. (catches breath)

(dramatic spaces)

A cyclops.

(more dramatic space)

And it was Tyson.

(dramatic space(will this be a cliffhanger?))

“Tyson what are you doing here?” shouted Annabeth.
The cyclops looked particularly occuppied in eating a jar of peanut butter.
Then when he looked up he saw Annabeth. His face lit up. He stood up and bent the bars with ease.
“Annabeth! YEY!” he said
“Ummmm if you could have broken out any time why didin’t you get out before?”
“They gave me peanut butter.” He said as if it explained everything.
“Hey demigods since you got your friend back maybe you should come back out before I lock you all in there for good!” said the faint voice of Kal.
As they all started to go out Tyson and Annabeth entered a conversation.
“So why did you go here in the first place?”
“I was trying to find Percy.”
And as they went back to the throne room there was Kal. Caucasian, jet black hair, green eyes and all.

(dramatic space)

(will it be a cliff hanger?)

The demigods and Tysoncould have died that day just by looking at Kal. They all charged at Kal but to their surprise he was faster than he seemed.
“So does this mean I’m not Ms.Universe? Oh well there is always Ms.Earth.” Kal said like none of this mattered.
“Who are you really? Who are your parents?” asked Jason as he slashed at Kal. Kal readied his sword made from a metal he never saw.
“Ok. That I really don’t know.” Replied Kal
Jason started attacking more vigorously. Jason started to corner Kal. Then Kal jumped over Jason and held his sword on Jason’s back but then Jason let loose elctricity throughout his body and the sword conducted it thus making Kal fall to the floor.
“Tell me who you are NOW seaweed brain.”
“Look just stop it I seiriously don’t know and don’t call me that.”
“Stop playing dumb kelp head.”
“Look stop calling me names especially those.”
“I can call you whatever I wan’t as long as you don’t cooperate seaweed brain now tell me the truthh we know who you are seaweed brain”
Then Kal got ticked off. The whole room wnt dark and a cold mist swept all over the demigods. Kal started to glow. He got brighter and brighter than everyone including Kal fell unconcious.
As the room finally fell silent the primordials entered.
“I wan’t that boy as my lawyer.” Said Chronos.
“Not if I hire him first he could sure kick Eros’ butt!”
“Don’t you mean your butt?” asked Thesis.
“That’s it from now on call me Phanes. That is until he beats up Eros.”
“The boy still has much more potential.” Said Tartaros.
“And those were only his powers over darkness and light. He hasn’t even touched them fully or even his other powers.” Said Nyx
“As long as he didin’t come from an egg like Phanes. By the way what breed of bird are you?” said Tartaros.
“Ha you are a bird so do you have twitter? I thinks it’s best for the bird guy to tweet about this.”
“Ohahaha. Why not make a post and see how many people will “Like” You oh wait! They might mistake you for that place in the underworld.”
“Enough. As for Kal’s history you’ll know the whole story on Olympus where we’ll be taking them but for now Chrono’s your gonna love Kal even more when I say that he helped in killing Kronos the Titan that summer in New York. And if I do recall correctly his name that time was Perseus Jackson.” Said Chaos.

(Now time for the cliff hanger?)

“Ok. Tartarus we wan’t a big entrance got the music ready?” asked Phanes.
“Yeah but why can’t you just tweet us a melody bird man?” asked Tartarus
“Oh. Just get ready.” Said Phanes.
“Ok Erebos, Nyx start the fog while Hemera, Aether start the lights. While all you water primordials start the water works.” Said Thesis
Then some of the primordials started crying.
“I meant water show. Why would I wan’t you guys to cry?”
“Well excuse me Thesis but before we do these things to make them really showy we need to show emotion in it.” Replied Thalassa.
“I never knew you guys were really into dramatic entrances and flashy shows mabe you guys should just give up and start a career as party planners all you guys are missing is how to sing happy birthday. I might even let you guys plan my wedding!” said Chaos.
“Ohaha let’s just get on with this.” Said Pontus
In the throne room all the gods were still waiting for their children to report back. Then the room started getting dark. Lights each unique and amazingly beautiful sarted dancing all over the room then finally settled on the doors. Then Barney started singing “Ilove you you love me…” Then in their confusion they heard voices. “Tartaros that’s the wrong song!!!”
“Well sorry bird man.”
“Just stop the music.”
Then the doors flew open and in entered their grandparents. Zeus stood up looking bewildered.
“You… All of yopu what are you doing here!!! Where are are children!!!” he said
“Ummmm… right in front of you.” Said Thesis
Then the demigods were standing in the middle of the throne room fully awake.
“Father!” said Jason.
“What happened?” asked Zeus.
“Percy Jackson!” replied Jason.
“Percy!” said Posiedon
“Brother!” said Tyson
“Wait which brother?” asked Apollo
“Apollo” said Artemis
“Artemis?” said Apollo
“No it’s Diana!” said Hazel.
“No it’s Artemis” said Thalia
“If Artemis is Diana than who’s Apollo?” said Leo
“Apollo is awesome” said Apollo
“No he’s still Apollo” said Frank
“Great so everyone get’s cool names and I get Bird Man.” Said Phanes
“Yeah Bird man” said Tartaros
“It’s Eros” said Phanes
“Cupid?” said Jason
“No no the primordial one Jason.” Said Annabeth
“Smart girl” said Phanes
“It’s wise girl” she replied
“*cough*Pine cone face*cough*” said Jason
“Stapler eater!”
“APHRODITE!!!” said Aphrodite
The whole room finally fell silent and just stared at Aphrodite.
“So what’s this about Percy.” Asked Posiedon
Then Kal came throught the doors
“Ummm Chronos do you guys need me in here?” he asked
All the Olympians and demigods plus cyclops were awestruck.
“No need Kal just go around and we’ll call if we need you.” Said Chaos.
And Kal left.
“Explain. Kal?. Now. You.” Said Zeus.
“Oh you wan’t an explenation Zeus? Well lets start with the beginning. Yes, that really is or was Perseus Jackson.”
“Wait when we asked who he was he swore on the river styx he was Kal Richards?” said Athena.
“NO INTERRUPTIONS!!!” boomed Chaos. “Now let’s start to the part where you were “helping” theHero of Olynpus. Your so called helping tore him apart. To him it seemed that you all betrayed him. And he was all so loyal to you, sad isin’t it? All of you were using his fatal flaw against him. And next Nico. You wondered how you were able to prevent Percy’s memories from dissappearing well let’s just say we took a special interest in him. When you sent Percy away he was dying by his fatal flaw being used against him. The only way we could help was by erasing his memories and giving hima new life.” Chaos finished.
“Bring me my son NOW!” said Posiedon
All the primordials laughed.
“ I remember correctly you disowned him and made him mortal where we gave him a new life and a new identity.” Said Hemera
“But I suppose we could make a deal.” Said Chronos.

(Dramatic space)

(Cliffhanger now?)

over a year ago Inevera said…
That was beautiful. I'm still laughing; your characters are hilarious. Thank you for not having the cliffhanger earlier; that would have been supremely evil. Now the big question: what are the primordials up to?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Inevera said…
You said that Annabeth thought it was a good thing for them to take away Percy's memories, Why? She seems to be with the others on everything else.
If I eat pizza for dinner, will you update? I suppose it's worth a try; after all, "pizza is a very powerful thing."
over a year ago DASDV said…
Chapter 5
“Before we talk about the deal let me see him.” Said Poseidon
“KAL” Pontus called
“Yes uncle P?” asked Kal as he came in.
“Wait uncle P? I thought I was uncle P?” said Phanes
“No your bird man” said Tartarus
“Your uncle E.” said Kal
“Wait aren’t I uncle E?” said Erebos
While they were fighting the demigods started their own conversation.
“Look at them fighting over what Percy should call them. Can you guys believe all this?” asked Piper.
“Piper anything in this world can change and nothing can stay the same for a long time and sometimes what we think isn’t always true. But one thing will always be the same mo matter what: PIZZA IS AWESOME!!!” said Frank

“Ok it goes like this Pontus is uncle P, Erebos is uncle E, and Bird man is bird man.” Said Tartarus
“I wonder if I pound you and mix you with cream will you taste just like cream of Tartar?” asked Bird man no wait Panes oh no it’s Eros or is it Cupid?

“Enough of this let me see the child!” said Zeus.
“I am not a child!” grumbled Kal as he went forward.
“Do you know who you are child?” asked Hades
“Ms.Universe 2011?” asked Kal
“NO. My son!” said Poseidon.
“Ex-ca-uze-me? As far as I’m concerned I only have one father and that is Chaos.” Said Kal
“FATHER?!” shouted Poseidon
“Shhhh Poseidon no need to shout for your daddy. Besides I don’t think Kronos can hear you all the way from Tartarus.” Said Nyx
“Yes you called?” asked Chronos and Tartarus.
“Not you I meant the titan and the pit you were named after.” Said Nyx
“I am not named after a pit the correct term is Tartaru’s pit.” Said Tartarus
“Ok Tartaru’s pit no need to shout so loud.” Said Chronos
Tartarus glared at him.
“Oooooooooooooook. Ummmm… So nice weather were having. Zeus those are very beautiful skies you made. The seas have been very calm lately Poseidon you must be well and the underworld ummmmmm… nice weather were having by the way.” Said Hestia. Now you know when gods talk about the weather things are getting really awkward.

“Perseus don’t you remember me?” asked Poseidon as he reached out for his son.
“Don’t you dare touch me old man!” said Kal
“I am your father you will obey me.”
“Then I’ll make you!”
Poseidon started shake the earth around Kal causing him to move to Poseidon’s direction. But then something surprising that made all the water primordials so proud happened. Kal liquidated himself and started flowing his way back to Thalassa’s side where she hugged him with such joy she beamed with pride for her adopted nephew.
“Well there go his water powers.” Said Thesis
“And they all thought he reached as far as he could with his water powers.” Said Pontus
“How about we make a little bet ey?” asked Chronos
“Okay is Kal defeats the big three before we leave bird man acts like a rooster and becomes my alarm clock at day and my pet delivery owl at night.” Said Tartarus
“If he doesn’t fight them you have to ask Hades if you can go ask Nico if you can go on a sleepover with him and all his friends” said Phanes
“And if he beats Poseidon using water you both do those things if he doesn’t I’ll go around in my baby form for one week.” Said Chronos.
“So father time deals with too heh this will be interesting.” Said Aether among the others watching the bet.

“You come back here!” said Poseidon and started attacking Kal. But Kal had more tricks on his sleeves. really. Water came out of his sleeves. Somehow Poseidon couldn’t control it. “Thethys always controlled fresh water better than you she could even summon water anywhere and guess what even she blessed me.” Said Kal. And slowly a serpent formed from the fresh water. The serpent enveloped Poseidon’s water eventually cleansing it making it fresh water too. Slowly Poseidon loss all his water and quicker than he could think Kal enveloped him in water froze the water then willed the ice to break. Phanes and Tartarus stared at Chronos then to Ananke, the primordial of necessity and destiny mother to the fates.
“You helped him.” Said Phanes.
“He is after all my husband and I don’t want him to be 3 years old. He’s already too much of a kid already.” Replied Ananke
“Hey a bet is a bet.” Said Chronos grinning from ear to ear.

“Now let’s get this deal over with. As you can see Kal is worth more now than he was ever worth as Perseus. We are able to give him back his memories. If he so chooses he will be allowed to go back with you. If not you will allow us to send him to the camp.” Said Chaos

The Olympians thought for a moment then Zeus agreed.

“Kal come here.” Said Chaos.
“What’s going on dad.” Asked Kal.
“Just eat this and-“ started Chaos only to be stopped as Kal without hesitation got the pill and ate it with full trust in the primordial. Then his eyes closed for a long time. Everyone stared at him. Then he opened his eyes started to open his mouth to say something and everyone eagerly listened.
“Can we order pizza I’m getting hungry. Oh! And can it have blue sauce” Said Percy
“Seaweed brain!” shouted someone from where the demigods were.
He turned to look at all of them.
“Um hey?” he said.
“Well you got your memories back come on let’s go home we can order pizza on the way we have to get you to camp.” Said Leo
“Oh yeah ummm… I think I’m gonna have to think about that part first. See ALL OF YOU HAVE GONE OFF AND BETRAYED ME AND GOT COULD HAVE GOTTEN ME KILLED WITOUT EVEN KNOWING IT!!!” He yelled the last part.
The room stayed silent. And all the primordials had their gloating faces on. Hemera even started singing: “sunshine lollipops and rainbows…”
“Oh and Thesis makes great pizza anyway.” Percy added.
“Ummm we better get going. Bird man will tweet you on when we’ll send Percy so… Noodles!” said Tartarus while wiggling his fingers.
“No. Tartarus it’s Toodles and you have to lift one leg up while wiggling your fingers like I showed you!” said Phusis. As they all flashed out and left leaving them all awestruck.
over a year ago Inevera said…
I can't believe the pizza thing actually worked. I'll have to try that more often.
This is one of the quirkiest stories I have ever read. It's like Space Balls or Robin Hood Men in Tights but for the Percy/Chaos story. Please keep writing. :)
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
you have a great sense of humor i was laughing the whole way threw it
over a year ago DASDV said…
do you want percy to end up with somebody?
over a year ago DASDV said…
Chapter 6
Pizza- awesome. Good pizza- awesomer. Good blue pizza- awesomest.(Support me and the rest of the world who believe there is such a thing as awesomer and awesomest.)
After the primordials left Olympus was still silent but somehow the primordials left their cd player and Barney was still singing about how much he LOVED the Olympians.(WOW?)
“I never thought the boy could have rejected me more than he did when we offered him immortality.” Said Zeus.
“My son left me for his great great grandfather?” said Poseidon.
“His wickedly awesome mega powerful uber cosmicaly better than us great to the power of two grandfather.” Said Leo.
“With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you-“ sang the player.
“Will someone kill that dinosaur before it sings about kissing me one more time!” yelled Artemis
“Don’t worry I have created a song to cure us all. Everybody sing it with me: I hate you you hate me let’s go out and kill Barney –“ started Apollo
“with a great big gun *BANG* Barney is on the floor!“ sang Ares
“NO MORE PURPLE DINOSAUR” finished Dionysus
“Sorry to burst your bubble but as far as I’m concerned I still can’t feel Barney’s soul in the underworld.” Said Hades
“Did you check Tartarus? Maybe he’s in a meeting with Kronos plotting on how to rule the world next time? They might even get an army of brainwashed mortals to do their bidding.” Said Demeter
“Enough with this dinosaur buissness. Don’t you see because of all of you we have just lost a guy that continuously goes on suicide missions just to save people who are worried Barney will rule the world someday!” said Thalia.
“She’s right!” said Nico, Frank, and Hazel.
“And what I want to know is why you” Nico said while pointing at Annabeth “Let them do that to Percy!”
“Don’t you dare do that to my daughter!” said Athena.
“Look Nico may not have the right to do it but Percy has all the right to and were doing this all for Percy.” Frank backed up.
“You wanna know why I did that? I allowed them to do that because if you didn’t notice he was tearing himself apart. I thought… I thought if he was mortal things would better for him especially if he forgot Sally.” Said Annabeth
“Well great just great. If Chaos didn’t step in he’d be dead! And you know how much he loves Sally yet you still try to make him forget rather than help him find Sally.” Said Nico.
“Ok let’s stop for a moment. Let’s focus on the problem at hand: How do we get Percy back?” said Hazel
“I think I have an idea!” said Hermes“I will stop all pizza deliveries until he comes back to us.”
And in that moment Hermes bacame the most evil person in the world and yes he became worst then Kronos. At least Kronos knew the value of pizza.
“YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!!!” said the world.
And from that moment Hrmes was banned for Olympus for the remainder of the day and he was to work for a pizza companytill he learne his lesson.
“Okay real idea now.” Said Athena. “While Percy is at the camp you wuill all do whatever it takes to win him back understood?”
“Yes.” Said the demigods
Then light flashed and there stood Tartarus.
“Umm… Sorry but I forgot to do this. Nico can I go on a sleepover with you andyour uh friends? Thanks bye.” He said before Nico could answer.
“what just happened?” askeed Nico.
“Were gonna have a sleepover with the guy named after the place we threw our grandfather in.” said Piper.
“Oh Joy. I’ll get the Dora movies and you get the nachos.” Said Leo
“I’ll get the peanu tbutter!” said Tyson
=Primordial HQ=
At primordial HQ they were all having a party. And for people who make flashy entrances in frhont of their grandchildren you could only imagine what their party would be like. For one thing the party was all for Percy so if the place look too indescribable before you could finally describe the whole place to your friends. It was blue. Hemera was still singing about sunshine lollipops and rainbows while Phanes was off delivering messages in owl form. And time flies while your having fun right? Well let’s just say Chronos was flying around. And where was Percy in all the madness? He was having fun. Percy fit right in since he had already lived with them all for a year. But when the party was over they got down to bussiness.
“Phanes tweet them that Percy will arrive tomorrow morning.” Said Ananke
“Why do I have to?”
“I would ask you to go as a messenger owl but tomorrow you’ll be a rooster. And Tartarus since you’ll have your ummm… sleepover there.” At that moment they all laughed. “You shall acompany Percy to the camp.” Finished Ananke.
“Now Percy you know the plan right?” asked Erebos
“Yes uncle. I shall invade the camp, kidnap the oracle and augur, then we will move on to Olympus to get back what was yours in the first place then make it official by sueing them” said Percy
“And we kidnap them because” said Thalassa
“Because demigods with no phrophecies have no quests, no quets means no demigods, and no demigods means easy takeover.” Said Percy
“Now I do hpe your okay with this now that you know your mother is trully gone?” asked Aether
“Yeah uncle A it’s just I really miss her.” He said
“Don’t worry well figure something out after we bring them to court.” Said Hemera.
“Good night” said Percy
As Percy was in bed he prepared for his own plans for when he reached the camp.
over a year ago magic-cow said…
gosh you are obsesed with pizza
and barney
and random things
thank you I forgot that antibarney song
post soon
over a year ago Inevera said…
So they are going to take over Olympus, but instead of throwing the Olympians into Tartarus, they are going to sue them? Lol I hope Hermes learns his lesson; the pizza must flow!
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
big smile
lol this forum is funny and awesome
and this is my barney song

i love you, you love me
lets get together and kill barney
with a great big knife, and a stab to the back
no more barney after that

over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
dam this is an awsome story i love all the random stuff you do i laughed so much wile reading thid and i actually enjoyed reading this it has a great plot and grat charachters their halarious i love this story post soon and by the way

i think percy should end up with some girl he meets at camp but not annabeth not her i dislike percabeth very much or with calypso or reyna or something exept annabeth anyways laters and awsome story post soon please:)
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
yes i too think that percy should end up with someone other than Annabeth.
i dont dislike percabeth but i am tired of reading about it.
but its up to you dude
over a year ago DASDV said…
sorry couldn't update todayhad a family thing. Will update asap. (we had chinese for dinner and NO pizza! Hermes really is mean)
over a year ago DASDV said…
Chapter 7
Parties- good. Surprise parties- better. Surprise parties with pizza- the best. After the giant war the two camps realtionship was stronger. Sometimes the greeks would be at Camp Jupiter and other times the romans would be at Camp half-blood. Right now a lot of the romans were at camp-halfblood. And right now everyone was in the big house where their surprise party for Percy was. Most of the campers still couldn’t believe Percy was alive but they came anyway because there would be pizza. Then they sensed someone at the door. The lights went off and when the door opened they took out their water guns and sprayed them everywhere.
“Why the Hades am I wet?” said Hermes. WOW
“Oh ummmmm hi dad!” said Travis and Connor who instead of water filled their water guns with hot sauce.
“Lord Hermes why are you here?” asked Chiron
“Is there trouble?” asked Jason.
“Does it have to do with Percy?” asked Annabeth
“Ofcourse it does seaweed brain always gets in to trouble.” Said Thalia
“Everyone ready your weapons we need a meeting.” Said Reyna.
“QUIET DOWN! I’m just here to deliver the pizza!” said Hermes
Then REALLY awkward silence fell.
“Sooooo… how much do we owe you.” Asked Leo
“No need I stole the money from you already. Have a good day and enjoy the pizza. George and Martha made it!” he said and left
“I am not eating that.” Said Hazel
“Why?” asked Frank
“George and Martha probably placed rat bits on it!” she replied.
“Pizza is still pizza.” Said Nico nonchalntly.
Then they heard the door open. Everyone turned around and yelled “SURPRISE!”
“Oh my this is the most wonderful day in my life! I never knew you guys cared about me this much. And you even got me pizza! I love you guys. GROUP HUG!!!” said Tartarus
“Wait why are YOU here?” said Nico
“Remember our sleep over.” Said Tartarus
“But where is Percy?” said Annabeth
“He’s been here for an hour already I suppose he’s already asleep.” Said Tartarus “Now come on I’ve already set up the tent”
As they were walking into the woods where Tartarus place the tent(He place it there hoping that monsters would eat them and end the sleepover early.) Leo started getting annoyed.
“Ok stop I can’t take it anymore. That owl has been following us since we left the big house. Annabethstop your freaky bird powers already.” Said Leo
“What freaky bird powers?” she asked
“Come on everybody knows you can make owls do your bidding.” He said
“Oh sorry that’s just birdman. Here birdy birdy here birdy birdy. Oink oink oink.” Said Tartarus
“Ok I was getting used to being bird man but now that’s just wrong you sir need to know what sounds animals make. Say it with me owls go who who.” Said Phanes
“Why do they say that? Can’t they say what when or how? They should be able to say those things but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! People just train them to ask on question WHO? WHO are they even talking about?” said Tartarus
“Ok change topic. Tartarus how does it feel to be named after our parent’s trash can?” asked Nico
“Gee I don’t know. How does it feel for your dad to live in the underworld and your name in english to be: Nico the Angel?” asked Tartarus
“Ooooooooooooooooooh BURN!!!” said everyone
“Burn? Burn what? Are there any marshmallows cuz I’m getting hungry and it seems like everyone wants me to burn something.” said Leo
“Hello fantastic four how would you like to trade your silly flammable guy for our silly falammable guy. Ours knows how to cook and has a deadly toolbelt!” said Piper
“ Hey maybe we could be the fantastic four. I could be the human torch, Annabeth could be the invisible woman, Nico is sacry enough to be the thing all we need is a Mr.Fantastic.” said Leo
“One problem . I don’t think your human.” Said Thalia
“Why? Because you think I’m out of this worldly awesome?” said Leo
“Because your half god!” she replied
“Come on bamanos everybody let’s go I know that we can do it so come on and let’s get to it!” said Tartarus”Where are we going?”
“TO OUR FUNERALS!” said everyone
“where are we going?” again said Tartarus
“TO OUR FUNERALS” they said again
“I tell you I think Tartarus has a thing for these shows.” Said Phanes
“Next thing you know we’ll riding My little ponies on our next quest. Oh and don’t forget to invite Barbie we’ll need her to help us stop Kronos. She can annoy him to death with all her pink stuff.” Said Annabeth
“No way will I ever work with Barbie.” Said Thalia
“Yeah we know how competitive you are to make sure you keep being princess.” Said Annabeth
“So I was wondering where is Percy sleeping?” asked Nico
“Most likely the rest of the primordials made him a house to live in. It’s somewhere near Rachels cave actually.” Said Phanes “Now if you excuse me I need to deliver a letter and learn how to twist my head around like an owl. But before I go here Tartarus take this youll need it.” He handed Tartarus a book
“Goodbye. CACAW CACAW.” Said Phanes
As they looked at the books pages they all went a little something like this: “The cow says moo. The duck says quack. The lon says roar…”
“I think I …. LOVE THIS BOOK WITH ALL MY HEART. This is the greatest disovery since winnie the pooh!” said Tartarus
The demigods left Tartarus to his book and left to find Percy.
over a year ago DASDV said…
do you want him to be with an OC or an already existing character?
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
totally awesome story post soon!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
omg i cant stop laughing to write this message! this is hilarious!
keep posting!

*everybodys looking at me like im a nutcase cause i just fell out of my chair laughing*
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
oh! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DASDV said…
Chapter 8
Tag is fun. Tag with your friends is funner. Tag with your backstabbing friends is the FUNNEST. Percy was just leaving Racels cave learning she would be at camp in just a few days. Then he saw his old “friends” calling out his name. Percy decide to have a little fun.
“Here percy, percy, percy. Here percy, percy, percy. We have pizza.” Called Frank.
“Is it blue pizza?” asked Percy coming out from behind a tree.
“Because I didin’t know I had a party?” he replied
“Really seaweed brain how could you not know you had a party?” asked Annabeth in a teasing tone
Percy’s face became ridgid. “One because it was a SURPRISE party . TWO do not call me by that name anymore. I have no relation to Poseidon anymore.” Snapped Percy
“OK chill out!” said Piper.
“Ok.” Percy said. Then in an instant Piper was in a cage of ice.
“Get her out of there.” Said Jason.
“Catch me first!” said Percya s he ran off.
Everyone followed but before Leo could leave: “Valdez get me out of here!” said Piper
“Yeah I would but maybe those bars have like ummm… monkeys in them, really really dangerous monkeys!” said Leo( when you have no more ideas use monkeys, monkeys will always lead the way.)
“Get back here I know you just want to go after Percy!” said Piper but it was too late Leo was already out of earshot.
They all lost Percy at the river.
“Everyone go into the waters try to find him!” said Thalia
“Hey Hazel why is it most of the times the children of Jupiter give the orders?” asked Frank
“That Frank is one of life’s greatest mysteries.” She replied
They kept looking and looking then the water around them froze and they heard the annoying laugh of Percy.
“You still think I’m a son of the sea god? I am a champion of the Primordials! I don’t just hide inwater in fact I was never in the water in the first place I was on that tree.” Said Percy
Percy ran off. Leo really excited ran off for Percy only unfreezing Annabeth, Nico, Thalia and Jason.
“Look he’s over THERE!” said Annabeth.
Percy was in a clering all bright and sunny.
“I’ll go in with my cap, Nico shadow travel as near as you can Well chase him out and you two ambush him!” said Annabeth
As they both neared Percy a sudden mist of darkness had Annabethfaint and Nico was trapped in a LOT of light.
“Percy stop it. Now come on bring them back and we can go swimming.”said Thalia
“Wow your laying it on thick. So this is your hardest on trying to get me back to the Olympians WOW just WOW! At least the primordials have real blue food. You guys don’t even have blue pizza.” He said.
“Yeah because I’ve lost my memory only once! First it was Juno who took your memorie than Poseidon tried to take them away again then the primordials took them away!” said Jason
“At least I eat blue FOOD and not stapelers.” Said Jason.
“Ooooh BURN” said Thalia
“Burn? What now?” said Leo who finally caught up with everyone.
“It ends here Jackson. Heroes of Olympus UNITE!” said Jason
“What is this? Power Rangers? Next thing you know you defeat me then somehow I become giant then you use robots to defeat me again.” Said Percy
By now all of Percy’s tricks wore off and all the demigods were at the celaring. Then they started shooting all they had at him. Electricity, fire, arrows, gold, animal dung, rocks, leaves, marshmallows, and worst of all PIZZA!(let’s stop for a moment and remember all the pizza so far that have sacrificed their deliciousness for this story wait let’s stop to remember all the pizzas throughout the world that have made this world a better place. LONG LIVE THE PIZZA!!!)
When they finall stopped Percy was no where to be seen.
“You all know I have powers over the dark and light mist like Aether and Erebos right so I can make stuff like mirages and holograms.” Said Percy.
Worst of all since the things they didin’t throw did not hit Percy they ended up hitting themselves.
“Now if I’m correct your supposed to be with Tartarus. And now that your stuck you can all listen to him learn about how cats go meow!” siad Perct. “I’ll call him for you right now.”
“Oh look it’s Winnie the Pooh. He’s gonna anounce wether Piglet is a boy or a girl!” Shouted Percy. And He ran off.
A few seconds later Tartarus shows up.
“Winnie the pooh?” he says. “Oh no please don’t eat me heffalumps! Help me POOH” continues Tartarus when he saw the demigods.
Then Tartarus flashed away thinking he was aout to be attacked by Heffalumps.
“So who got hit by my pizzas?” asked Leo
“I did!” said Annabeth
“Oh I’ll trade you for 20 sticks and 5 stones!” said Leo
“Valdez if you think sticks and stones will hurt you more than anything I say to you you’ve got another thing coming!” said Piper
“Is that other thing coming Pizza?” asked Hazel
“Wait look up on the tree it’s an owl maybe it’s Phanes!” said Frank
“Hey birdman if you get us out of here I’ll introduce you to something we call “Angry Birds” “ said Thalia
“Stop it it’s just an owl Pinecone face” said Jason
“Angry Birds seasons or Rio? Oh nevermind there is always the Amazons. There I might get a free bird food too!” said the owl a.k.a Phanes. And he flew off
“So anybody know the Chiron’s cell number?” asked Piper
“No technology remember?” said Annabeth
“Fine we’ll just have to wait for Leo to eat all his rocks and leaves for him to free us.” Said Nico.
(2 chapters since I did not post yesterday!!!)
over a year ago DASDV said…
Chapter 9
Misplacing stuff- bad. Losing stuff- worse. Stuff being stolen- worst. Now when the demigods woke up that morning they noticed something odd.(Don’t ask how they got home if you wish to continue to be able to eat pizza) Jason couldn’t find his gladius, same with Thalia’s bracelet, Annbeth’s cap, Nico’s accessories ( and don’t you dare try to deny it Nico just tell us already where you bought them) Frank’s bow, Hazel’s sword, Leo’s toolbelt, and Piper’s dagger.
As they gathered around to eat they heard something weird.
“Why did you not wake me up this morning?” asked Tartarus
“Too addicted. Must hit pigs. Very mad birds. Giant slingshot” said Phanes as a rooster
“You’ve been playing that game? You should try Plants v.s Zombies they have Zombies that dance just like Michael Jackson!”
“Ummm you wouldn’t happen to know where are stuff have gone have you?” asked Jason
“Ummm you wouldn’t happen to know that you remind me so much of Justin Bieber?” said Tartarus
“I DO NOT SING!” said Jason
“Justin, Jason. Jason, Justin. Blonde hair, prettyboy. If you happpen to be the same person never talk to me again ok?” said Phanes
“Never say never!” said Jason regrettably
“Ha you are the same person!” said Tartarus
“What NO!” he replied.
Then the demigods ran off because some poor deluded girls started surronding Jason asking him for autographs.
“Thalia what am I gonna do?” asked Jason. Thalia did not respond. “THALIA!” he said
“Look Jason as much as I love you and you are my brother I am and always will be a Greenday fan.” Said Thalia
“Ugh. Look I’m gonna tell you on time-“ he started but was cut off by Leo
“You are Justin Bieber!” he said
“Sometimes you act just like a baby-“
“See he didi it again he ws just about to sing baby!” said Leo
“I might as well say: on less lonely girl” said Jaosn
“Stop it Jason or you’ll get us sick with your fever.” Said Piper
“Let’s just go look for our stuff.” Said Jason
They kept looking around the whole camp when they saw their stuff.
(And this is for tomorrow. Sorry it's short just giving you wonderful wonderful people something to read since I can't access the computer tomorrow. Oh and PIZZA. eat if enough people eat it tomorrow maybe the magic will be strong enough for me to find a way to use a computer tomorrow)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Inevera said…
I will see what I can do, but I don't know if I will have access to any pizza :(
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
I love ur story as much as I love PIZZA and that is saying something since i love <3 PIZZA sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo­ooo­oo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­! One day PIZZA will rule the world with its awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
i had pizza for lunch and dinner.
PIZZA is best thing since they greated flying horses
over a year ago magic-cow said…
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
i had pizza for lunch woop woop
Oh and about your question you should make pery end up with reyna i like her don't know why it's just anoying to read so many things about percabeth but anyways keep posting you are halarious
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
so funny!

*collapses into uncontrollable giggles*


*gasping so much to laugh*

*falls out of chair*

over a year ago DASDV said…
big smile
it actually worked I found a computer!!! just wait for awhile.
over a year ago DASDV said…
Chapter 10
Playing games is fun. Playing games with prizes is funner. Playing games with prizes with Bieber on your side bad. They ran to the strawberry fields where they saw their missing things.
“Why do you sell strawberries?” asked Hazel
“It’s how we earn our money for the camp.” Replied Annabeth
“You should start planning pizza crusts. I think you’d make more money selling pizza.” Said Hazel
“YEAH! We can do that in the weekend!” said Leo
“Why not now?” asked Thalia
“Because it’s a weekday.” Replied Leo
“Leo it’s summer.” Said Jason
“Well excuse me for being considerate of you mister but don’t you have any concerts this weekend. Oh wait don’t tell me singers don’t eat pizza!”
“For the last time I’m not Bieber!”
“Jason, I was a tree, Piper’s dad is a star, Frank’s dad is Mars, Hazel is supposed to be dead, we still don’t know whether Nico is emo or not, Annabeth had issues as a kid, and Leo is already weird. Don’t worry we’ve all had our quirks we will help you go through this complicated stage in life.” Said Thalia
“Wait Piper’s dad is a STAR? I just thought he was famous don’t tell me he is one of those stars in Dora the explorer. Did Dora catch him yet? Is he glowie? Does he live in the star pocket?” said Leo
“MOVIE star.” Said Piper
“And what is this about me being emo?” said Nico
“Look in the mirror. How could you not be emo.” Said Thalia
“I AM NOT EMO!” said Nico. Leo fainted at this.
“NO the world is ending. Everything I knew about life is wrong.” Said Leo
“And I can give you a very good reason why I’m not dead.” Said Hazel
“What?” asked Piper
“I love pizza and came back from the dead for it.” Said Hazel
“Oh no this means Leo will come back from the dead. I need to find a place to hide my children when they grow up. Sadly Mexico is out of the question cuz Leo might come back from there.” Said Frank
“Don’t worry Frank my dad isn’t evil remember and he is certainly not that mean.” Said Nico
“Yeah but why is it a quirk that my dad is Mars?” said Frank
“Oh look were almost to our things!” said Piper
As they reached closer and closer to their things they suddenly saw Percy with their things. Then they all started running. They didn’t get any closer though.
“How do you like the treadmill?” asked Percy
“How are you doing this?” asked Thalia
“Oh you know the primordials had a lot of power over the earth mostly the islands, mountains, and mother nature.” Replied Percy
“Mother nature ?” asked Piper
“Yeah! Now I can make minor calamities!” said Percy
“Come on Percy give us back our stuff!” said Jason
“Sure Justin Bieber! Hey Jason are you having an identity crisis like Hannah Montana? Just learn one thing: “It’s the best of both worlds!”” said Percy
“Oh not you too!” said Jason
“OK fine I’ll stop the treadmill anyway I need to test something.” Replied Percy
Suddenly the treadmill stopped they were about to run for their stuff but then they just didn’t want to. They just couldn’t see the reason why they had to get their stuff.
“Wow Ananke is great. I can now make you feel what is necessary and what is not.” Sai dPercy
“Wait I know what thing you could never take away the need for.” Said Thalia
“And what is that?”
“PIZZA” she said and with that she was able to break the trance and run for her stuff.
Percy just ran away leaving the things behind.
“So Jason” said Hazel as they ran to their things. “Do we need to to get you a wig to hide your secret identity? I was thinking of a fake name for you. How about Jason Oregon?”
“Let’s just get our stuff.” He said
But by the time they got to their stuff it all turned out to be a mirage again. When they got back to their cabins it turned out their things were just place under their beds by Percy.
“Hey guys your back I’ve been looking everywhere for you all!” said Rachel
over a year ago Inevera said…
Yes! Our pizza powers combined to let you update!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
hey everybody! i had a concussion from falling out of the chair but im back now! plus i used my super duper pizza powers to turn everyone into pizza!

*cue face-palm*

okay, maybe i need more therapy
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
gives pizza to dasdv post
over a year ago DASDV said…
just pretend the cake is really pizza inside. Camo-pizza looks like cake tastes like pizza
over a year ago DASDV said…
big smile
Chapter 11
Getting kidnapped- bad. Getting kidnapped with Octavian- worse. Getting kidnapped with Octavian by the on eand only Percy Jackson- Awesomeness. Soon rachel found out Percy was alive. She went all over camp to find him. Meanwhile the demigods plotted their revenge.
“So here’s the plan I hunt Percy down and try shooting him to make sure he is real. Then Annabethtrie to tackle him to the ground, Leo will trap him, Jason electrocutes the net, Frank you hold him down, Hazel will be in charge of transporting then Piper will be incharge of humiliating him.” Said Thalia
“I am not doing this.” Said Leo
“And why not?” said Piper
“This plan will never suceed. There is no pizza in it.” He replied
“Fine than we bury him with pizza.” Said Thalia
“With or without a coffin?” said Annabeth
“Let’s let him live.” Said Jason
“Sure Jason Oregon. Have you ever met Rebeccca Black? She is so much like you except while you sing about the girls you’ll never have she sings about the days of the week.” Said Hazel
“5 minutes more waiting at the door
Gotta be fresh, gotta have good cheese
Gotta have my ham, gotta have thick crusts
Eating everything, 2 slices more
Tickin on and on, 3 minutes more
Gotta go down to the door now
Gotta turn the knob, I see the box.

cut the pices and eat it
Use my hands and eat it
Gotta make up my mind
How should I eat it?

It’s pizza, pizza
Gotta eat the pizza
Everybodys looking forward to the pizza, pizza
Pizza, pizza
Ordering the pizza
Everybodys looking forward to the pizza

Ordering, ordering (yeah)
Paying, paying (Yeah)
Looking forward to the pizza” sang Frank
“I love food, you love food
Let’s go out and eat pizza
With some extra thick crusts, and gooey cheese too
Wont you say I love pizza too” sang Leo
“You know you love it, you know I care
Just shout whenever and it’ll be there
It is my love, It is my heart
And we wioll never ever ever be apart

Are we gonna eat now? Just give the box.
“It’s JUST food” what are you saying?
Said “I’ts junk” and looked right in my eyes
I harrased the guy who hates pizza pie

And I was like pizza, pizza, pizza oh
Like pizza, pizza, pizza yes
Like pizza,pizza,pizza oh
I know you’l always be mine” said Jason
(next one’s for you Inevera and magic-cow I heard you both liked Adele)
“There’s a pizza baking in my heart
Reaching baking point it’s bringing me out the dark
Finally I can eat you all alone
I will not sell you out, I’ll eat you all myself

See how I’ll eat every piece of you
Don’t underestimate the things that you can do
There’s a pizza baking in my heart
Reaching baking point it’s bringing me out the dark

The crusts of your dough remind me of us
They keep me thinking I almost ate it all
The crusts of your dough they leave me breathless
I can’t help eating

I could have had it all
Rolling all the dough
I had your cheese in my hand
And I ate you to the crusts.” Sang Hazel
(Percy99Jackson you didin’t mention your fav muscician so here’s what you did mention. I know it’s short but try singing it to hedwig’s theme the first tune always played in HP movies)
“There once was a pizza that I ate
And it was so awesomely good
The cheese had pepperoni
The pizza helped my mood.” Sang Frank again
(Anaklusmus16 I don’t really know the songs but I tried my best. (I hate) everything about you by three days grace)
“Every time I lie awake
After every bite I take
Every feeling that I get
I haven’t stopped eating yet

Every delivery guy kept awake
By every pizza that I take
All the feelings that I get
I haven’t stopped eating yet

Only when I stop to think about it

I love everything about you
Pizza what do you do?
I love everything about you
Pizza what do you do?” sang Thalia
(venus 143 sorry but I cant speak spanish so I did Crazy by Prince Royce since I’m crazy)
“You got me crazy, crazy
Turn me on (will you be my pizza, pizza)
Turn me on (you got me eating, eating)
Turn me on (will you be my pizza, pizzaaaaaaaa)

When I open the door I can smell that it is good
It’s in the box really warm I know it’s been moving fast
Oooooo I can hold her crust
Only uses cheese dust
And every bite I ea… aaat it turns me on” sang Piper
(percyisthebeest you had no specific muscician too so I used the friends theme song)
“So no one told you pizza could be this way [4 claps]
Your jobs a joke, your broke, but pizzas here to stay
Pizza will always be around right here
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year, but...

Pizzas there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
Pizzas there for you
(Like it’s been there before)
Pizzas there for you
(Cause your there for it too)” sang Nico
(cApsLock1 yours was the hardest to choose since you hardly had anything specific so since you said you liked anime I chose I’m a barbie girl since I thought it would be funny. If you don’t like it comment anytime to tell me what song you want and I’ll do my bestt. SAME GOES FOR ALL OF YOU IF YOU DON”T LIKE THE SONGS)
“Hi Barbie!
Hi Ken!
Wanna order some pizza?
Sure Ken!

I’m a pizza girl in my pizza world (Ken at the side looking at her like she’s crazy)
Life in pizza, it’s no barrista (“It’s plastic not pizza! You are made out of PLASTIC not Pizza” said Ken)
You can add the cheese, Spread sauce everywhere.(“Should have just invited Dora at least she had a monkey” said ken)
Pizza is so good, I’ll get fat with this food (“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Ken said)

(“Now say it ken!” said Barbie “but I don’t want to!” said Ken “You are just my accesory so say it now!”)
Come on Barbie let’s go party
Ah ah ah pizza
Come on Barbie let’s not party
AhAh- wait that’s wrong!
Come on Dora Let’s go party!
“Dora Dora Dora the explorer she and Ken-“ sarted Dora
WAIT it’s supposed to be me and you Ken
Not anymore Barbie purple is the new pink plus I like wearing red boots and continiously telling foxes to stop steling useless stuff and talking to squirrels, cows, iguanas…
But what about us ken?
“Where’s ken? Can any of you find ken?” asked Dora
Sorry Dora just hiding from my ex
WHAT! I just got dumped! But I’m Barbie I have to have a perfect life filled with plasti, It’s fantasic!
Let’s go Dora before she makes me appear on one of her movies again
“Come on bamanos! Everybody let’s go come on and let’s get to it I know that we can do it!” sang Dora
“Nico stop it it’s getting scary you talking to yourself about Barbie getting dumped it’s just UGH!” said Jason
“Oh sorry it’s just I got carried away aith it all.” Said Nico
“Let’s just go find Percy before we hear what happens next time on “Barbie the pizza addicted Dora assasin”” said Jason
“Awww but I wanted to hear what happene next!” said Leo
“I’lll tell you later. Oh and Barbie teams up with Barney and they become the B-team in the next episode” whispered Nico
“Wow” said Leo
“So Dora and Ken go to take refuge with the My little ponies who nare being attacked by the three little pigs and Dora later on becomes a Jedi and Ken becomes evil but Barbie doesn’t know that and that Ken wants her again so she kills him and Dora tells her that Ken loved her and she was so angry that-“ said nico
“That she killed Herself!” said Leo
“No she kiled dora then Barney. Then she nuked the my little pony rainbow bridge thus angering Thor who gets help from spiderman to bake Barbie a poisonous cake but spiderman falls in love with Barbie and joins her and that is why spiderman is not in the Avengers OR the Justice League cuz being Barrney is a crime. Look at Barney and Ken they both died. So then the Avengers go after them both except Captain America who doesn’t come after Barbie since she is an American icon and his name is captain AMERICA. Then the Justice League helps them but Spiderman starts a gossip column on the daily bugle about them then Superman does so too about Barbie but then they both lose their jobs so it becomes a blog war. While all this happens Barbie becomes so fat with pizza she becomes a sumo wrestler so strong that the Transformers themselves have to take on Barbie but Barbie has Harry Potter on her side by using the Imperius then Ginny frees him and they leave to get help from Artemis Fowl who uses his cunning to dye Barbies blonde hair red thus making bulls go after her. Barbie then becomes Bald and becomes the next avatar saves the world and finds the blue alien avatars from the movies theb she tries ti kill them to get her movie ratings up. But on Avatars side are the Dark Knight and the Titanic. They send Barbie ona cruise and sink the ship and think she drowned but instead she meets Ariel and Barbie and her team of Disney princesses take over the hunger games but then the mockingjay comes and mocks barbie of he baldness. She becomes so mad the world explode. The end.” Said nico
“WOW. Too bad there was nothing about greek mythology there.” Said Leo
“Yeah right something involving greek mythology becomes famous. Maybe even a bestseller. Face it myths will never become famouse millions of people will never hear about the great Perseus Jackson.”
“Yeah maybe your right but maybe just maybe out there is a mortal who really knows what happened and writes a book about us. How are we suppose to know we cant read.” Said Leo
“YEAH sure people crazy over greek myths that they go around dressed like us and write their own madeup stories about us.”
“Fine your right.”
(this is not the complete chapter so wait for the continuation. this part was all dedicated to all those who stuck on and supported this story thank you thank you immensely all)
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
yes! soo funny!

p.s happy diwali (fest of lights)
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
over a year ago Inevera said…
Oh, the randomness! Nico should start a soap opera.
over a year ago DASDV said…
I don't think I'll post until all of you tell me what you think of the songs. If you like it great. Hate it I'll make a new one. wont stop till all of you are contented.
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
the songs.... rock! how did u modify them so that they still rhyme? i have a problem even getting two measly lines to rhyme! (i am so honoured to me mentioned is your hilarious writing) keep making funny songs and stories and ill be in ur debt forever!

ps if u can, include a monkey! thnx
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
haha lol so funny i friken love your stoey it's awsome!!!!!!!!

OH MY GODS the songs were perfect but how didi you know i liked prince royce well not like LUV i especially love the song rock the pants i practice my dancing to that all the time your an awsome writter and just like cApsLock1 i feel honored to be mentioned in your story awsome can't whait till you post laters:) oH ps pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DASDV said…
I still need to hear from magic-cow, anaklusmus16, and percy99jackson before I shall post.
the next post may contain:
-vats of toxic wastes
-nerf guns
-martha stewart
(I just listed down random stuff in my head as fast as i could. this will be a challenge putting all these things in just one chapter will i accept the callenge? Hades yes and make sure to check if I got everything on the list and remember no posts till I get everyones opinion on the last chapter and till everyone is pleased until then PIZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­AAA­Awa­it what again? oh AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
comon give comments on her most rhyming and hilarious song, or ill cut ur heads of!

*cue face-palm*

okay seriously, when is my next therapy session?

comment magic-cow, anaklusmus16, and percy99jackson! or ill send..... greek fire duisgused as pizza.