The Heroes of Olympus My Mark of Athena

percyisthebeest posted on Oct 17, 2011 at 04:57PM
Title: Mark of Athena
Rating: errr I don't know decide for yourself!
Type: Adventure
Characters: SoN and HoO characters
Synopsis: Sequel to SoN
Disclaimer: As much as I wish I did I don't own Percy Jackson he belongs to RR!
A/N don't read if u haven't read the SoN SPOILERS!

The Heroes of Olympus 148 replies

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over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
I hope it's OK I've never written a fanfic before!

Annabeth's Pov.

Annabeth stared out at the horizon, she hated to admit it but she was scared. Percy was the best thing that had happened to her, it would tear her apart if he no longer loved her, if he had moved on. "Pull yourself together Annabeth!" she thought. Annabeth knew she had to hold it together for the crew of the Argo II.
"Annabeth, Annabeth!" she was pulled abruptly from her thoughts by Piper shouting "Were landing," Piper told her sounding partly nervous and partly excited. Annabeth jumped up and ran to the front of the boat to catch her first glimpse of the Roman Camp.
It was breathtaking, in a way it was similar to camp half-blood but yet it was totally different, she had architectural thoughts buzzing round her head as they approached but mostly there were thoughts about Percy.

Jason's Pov.

This is it Jason thought, i'm nearly there! He wondered weather they would be angry at him for leaving and weather they had chosen a new praetor yet but mostly he thought about Reyna, how could he choose between her or Piper?

Percy's Pov.

There it was. Finally. Annabeth was on that boat. He'd be seeing her soon!

3rd Person Pov.

The Romans stood with there weapons at the ready waiting for the signal from there leaders, but non came. Reyna and Percy allowed the boat to land under a flag of truce, they allowed the worriers to exit their ship and walk onto Roman soil.

Percy again!

"Peeeercy!!!" Annabeth cried she flung herself at me, I was so so glad to see her. "I've missed you wise girl!" I whispered into her ear as we hugged.
"I missed you to Seaweed Brain!" she replied.
"Jason!" I heard Reyna stammer.
"Hi," he said awkwardly.she nodded and called the campers to attention.
"There will be a senate meeting in 5 minutes to discuss what happens next," she announced before turning on her heel and walking away.
I was mobbed by the Greek campers and met Jason, Leo and piper which was fun but I held Annabeth's hand the whole way through and couldn't wait till we had some alone time.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
Good start!

I suggest not changing POV so much and stick to one POV per chapter.
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
k I will, Thanks!
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
this is AWESOME! please keep posting!!!! have a cake!
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Thanks DaughterofEris and Kaity_daAwesome!

Reyna’s Pov.
The Greeks and the Romans gathered together for the senate meeting. I noticed that, although they couldn’t sit together because Percy was praetor, Percy and Annabeth were constantly sharing glances. I didn’t know how to feel about Jason. I wish I had a faithful boyfriend like Percy is to Annabeth, I didn’t like the way Jason and that Piper girl looked at each other, but I couldn’t let a trivial thing like relationships jeopardise my trust for her. After all it wasn’t her that had done anything wrong. “Romans,” I shouted to kick off the meeting “as you all know we have some Greek visitors, now I know we have been brought up to think that the Greeks are weak, No offence Percy!”
“None taken” he replied shrugging.
“Good,” I continued “It is time to put our differences behind us and begin a new friendship.” I told them before nudging Percy to carry on.
“Well said Reyna,” he told me “The Greeks were known for getting on well, so I’m sure we can work together and all learn things from each other as both fighting styles are very different but equally useful in different battle situations, the Romans were strong in teams but the Greeks could beat them one on one, there will be some situations in this war were you stand alone. The Romans can adopt some of the Greek techniques to improve their one on one battle and the Greeks can learn how to be a stronger team from the Romans, not cooperating together was the downfall of Greece but being less capable of fighting on their own proved fatal to Rome.” He said to the crowd, many people clapped after he sat down.
Jason raised his hand tentatively; he seemed embarrassed of what he was going to ask. “Yes Jason,” I asked still unsure about how I felt after his disappearance.
“Err, well I was just wondering how we were going to sort out this praetor problem?” he asked.
“Good point, we can’t just hand the position back to you because Percy is proving to be an excellent praetor.” I said a little too coldly “I say we taken a vote, all in favour of battling this problem out raise their hands,” I said, most hands were raised. “Good, then its settled. The duel will be held at 11:00 tomorrow in the fields of Mars, I and Camp Half Bloods leader will judge, now onto more pressing matters,”
Percy stood up “There will be two quests, 1 to Rome and 1 to Greece I think our best bet is to send half the 7 on 1 of them and half on the other, the question is who should go on which?” he asked
“I think that again we should vote as it is the only fair way of doing it.” I said “Percy do you agree?” I questioned.
“Ye sounds good to me,” he replied casually “Ok who votes for Jason to Greece?” Piper, Leo and a few others of his Roman friends raised their hands, Jason to Rome.” Many people raised their hands (I noticed Octavian and his followers hadn’t voted)
“Percy to Greece,” I said, at this most people raised their hands “Percy to Rome” again many people raised their hands, he’d become quite popular over the past few weeks.
“Well since Percy is wanted on both of the quests I say we send him to Greece with Hazel, Frank and I whilst Jason goes to Rome with Leo and Piper, they can meet up with Nico there to get extra help if needed and the groups will meet up in the middle, I think they both should go were there roots are because that is where they will be strongest.” Annabeth announced.
“That’s settled then, the 7 stay behind to discuss battle plans and strategies. The rest of you, you are dismissed” I told them. I was a little nervous, I had never planned for something this big before but here goes nothing.
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
big smile
Great!Post Soon!
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
THIS IS AWESOME!!!! I cant wait for the fight between leaders, PERCY BETTER WIN!!!!!!!! sorry, but seeing as percy did things that jason couldnt even dream of doing, he better win the fight. besides, u said that greeks were better 1v1, so PERCY MUST WIN (im assuming he will based on your username!)!!!!!!! POST SOON!!
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
well well, this rocks, please post.
over a year ago SeaBrat said…
Good job! I just made a mark of Athena too. Keep going
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Sweet good luck with your forum
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Thanks everyone I'm glad u like it! I'm not too good at the fight scenes but I try. :(

Percy’s Pov

Ok I admit that I didn’t pay the slightest bit of attention to the strategising. I wasn’t a strategist, I preferred just to wing it. What I did pay attention to was Annabeth, the way the sun caught her hair making it shine like 1 million gold drachmas, the way her smile lit up the room and the way her eyes shone bright calculating thousands of possibilities all at once. Gods of Olympus she was beautiful.
When the meeting was over I took her to my favourite place, the place Hazel took me the first day I was here. We held hands gazing at the view and chatting about what had happened whilst we were apart. I loved her worried face she gave me when I described the quest. I couldn’t help it I leaned towards her and we kissed, for what was hours to me. In my mind we stayed there together, just the two of us with no war or giants or Gaea or quests to disturb us. It was bliss. “I’ve missed you so much wise girl, and I love you, I will always be there for you,” I whispered into her ear, but even as I said it I knew it was a stupid promise to make, Ella’s prophecy kept ringing in my ears “Wisdoms daughter shall walk alone. The mark of Athena shall burn through Rome.”
“No!” I thought “I won’t let that happen, I will always protect her.” I looked back at her, her cute smile, her whole face alight with happiness and I knew I couldn’t tell her. Not yet anyway.
“I love you to seaweed brain, and I always will do.” She breathed, and we shared another kiss with the sun setting behind us over the beautiful view.
Next Morning (still Percy)
I wasn’t at all worried about today’s fight. If I won (and Annabeth said I would, she’s a daughter of Athena I trust her judgement) then I kept the job that was good. If Jason won then hey he obviously deserved it that was good to. Jason and I were defiantly not on the same wave length. When I strode confidently to a table at breakfast with Annabeth, Frank and Hazel he looked at me darkly over his food, I grinned at him. At the end of the day we weren’t really enemies! We were a team and needed to act like it.
After breakfast we headed down to the fields of mars for the battle. I had my own Greek amour on which was much lighter and far more comfortable. All the Greeks and about half the Romans were backing me. It looks like I’m more popular than I thought! We stood opposite each other, me grinning and casually swinging my sword back and forth practising a few basic moves and Jason looking slightly nervous trying (unsuccessfully) to strike up a conversation with Reyna.
“Contestants prepare” Reyna barked. We both turned to each other very focused, just because I wasn’t a sore loser doesn’t mean I wanted to lose! “Jackson are you ready?” she asked.
“Yes Ma’am!” I said saluting sarcastically.
Reyna raised her eyebrows but decided it was best not to comment “Grace are you ready?” Jason nodded. “Good, then we may begin. three, two, one FIGHT!” Reyna shouted.
I was a demon, my sword a blur in my hand “Hope you enjoy losing!” I said slamming the butt of my sword into his helmet and denting it. He was concentrating too hard to comment. He brought his hand down and lightning flashed from his fingertips. I sidestepped and made a watery shield appear in front of me. “Lighten up a bit dude!” I said glancing at the dead serious expression on his face as he fought. Duck, dodge, slash, roll. I moved so quickly he could barely land a blow, Annabeth, the Greeks and the Romans who were backing me up cheered as a pressed him harder and harder. It was obvious who had the upper hand in this fight. With a final effort I hit the flat of his blade and twisted upwards, his sword was sent flying. I kicked him in the stomach so he fell to the ground and put my sword to his throat. He tried to get up but I kept him pinned down. “Do you give up, or are you thirsty for more?” I said making a huge icy fist appear in mid air behind me to help him with his decision. Jason gulped shaking his head rapidly; I took my sword away from his throat and offered him my hand to help him up, the fist disappeared from behind me. Reyna lifted my arm into the air,
“I declare Percy Jackson the winner and praetor of Camp Legion!” she announced to the cheering crowd. I grinned at them before shacking Jason’s hand.
“Good fight man.” I told him he just nodded in agreement and went to join Leo and Piper, I saw Reyna giving them dirty looks. My friends and I left together; after all we had a lot of catching up to do!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
THANK YOU SO MUCH ! ! ! ! ! ! That was awesome, and im so happy that percy won. i cant wait for your next chapter, so post soon!!!!!
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
THAT....WAS...EPIC!!! i think jason should of put up more of a fight instead of just losing.... but i still LOVED it! keep postin!
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
"3, 2, 1 FIGHT!”
^In any piece of writing,you don't write numbers unless it is year.
Ex. >The second world war ended in 1945.

>"Three,two,one,fight!" would be the correct way to write it.

Hope that's not confusing! Post soon!

over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Hey I hope they become friends though it gets awkward after a while post soon
over a year ago fusshi123 said…
big smile
HaHa great! post soon kay?
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
who's pov shall I do next?
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
big smile
LEO'S pov!!! you havent done leo yet!!! WE LOVE LEO!!!! POST SOOOOOON!
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
did that post^? if it didnt i said do leo's!!
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Leo’s Pov
Jason seemed a little down about losing his praetor duties but of course he had me, supreme commander of the Argo II by his side, plus we were at a camp were Gaea wasn’t, so things could be worse, far worse. On top of that he felt kinda bad about being so cold to Percy when Perce was just trying to be nice; I mean it wasn’t like it was Percy’s fault that he had incredibly awesome powers (like me) and cool sword skills. I didn’t tell Jason this because I didn’t think his best friend telling him his powers weren’t as cool would cheer him up so I settled with saying that he put up a good fight and almost won! Jason left to apologies and hang out with Percy (providing he wasn’t making out with Annabeth of course) so Piper and I started towards the boat. When we were about halfway there a hot girl with dark hair and tanned skin caught up with us. Defiantly on my list of Roman- Girls-I- want- to- go- out- with. After looking at me as if I’d sprouted antlers she pulled herself together. “Hi,” she said breathlessly (I didn’t know whether she had run all the way or my incredible good looks had taken her breath away) “I’m Hazel daughter of Pluto or Hades in your case, one of Percy’s friends.”
“Oh hi I’m Leo son of Hephaestus or as you call him Vulcan and this is Piper daughter of Aphrodite, that’s Venus by the way.” I introduced us.
“Err ye I know, Reyna told me to fetch you. She needs to decide which legion to put you in.” She said
“What Legions are the others in?”
“Jason’s gone back to his original Legion, Percy’s in that too and he’s got Annabeth in with him, it wasn’t hard since he’s praetor and all, so if you two and him know each other I guess you could just ask him and he’ll get you in, Jason will probably put a good word in for you too since your his friends.”
“Thanks but we’ve never met Percy, he left just before we arrived, so are you currently involved with anyone at all?”
“Leo!” Piper hissed “We’ll be down there in a sec.” She told Hazel.
“Kk I gotta go, see you down there.” She replied hurrying off. She stared at me weird over her shoulder again, as if I had 3 heads.
“You can’t just ask out everyone you meet!” Piper sighed exasperated.
“I don’t ask out everyone, I told her rolling my eyes “I mean I don’t seem to remember asking you!”
Piper grabbed me by the arm and began pulling me after Hazel “Come on Leo, hurry up!”
We stood in front of the legions, rows and rows of soldiers split down into to legions then cohorts. Percy and Reyna stood at the front with us and Annabeth and Jason were with the 12th legion 5th cohort. “These two soldiers need to be accepted into a legion for a short while,” Reyna announced “This is Piper McLean daughter of Venus and Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus. Will anyone stand for them?”
“I will,” Jason said. I looked at him gratefully, if Percy, Annabeth and Jason where in it then it must be good.
“Very well, Leo Valdez and Piper Mclean you have been accepted into the 12th legion 5th cohort.”
“You are one lucky cohort to have Leo Valdez supreme commander of the Argo II or “The Leotron” amongst you!” I informed them. Piper rolled her eyes and pulled me into place next to Annabeth.
Reyna stared at me before clearing her throat and announcing “War games tonight, Percy and I will be referring.”
“Oh man, we don’t have Percy!” I groaned. Other members of the 5th and coolest cohort seemed disappointed too.
“Leo we’re going back to the ship before you can embarrass us even more!” Piper told me before hurrying back to the Argo II with me running after her.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
lmfao...leo's soooo silly!! i love leo! keep posting!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Go Leo!! Oh he makes me laugh and he's awesome! I wish there are more Leo pov's but sadly no. I really really really want you to post

over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Piper’s Pov
The Leotron, seriously! I figured I ought to take Leo to the ship before the Romans completely lost any respect they had for us. I spent the afternoon training, planning, training, lunch, training, training, and training. Is that all they do in this place? I was looking forward to the war games, it was nice to know to that soon we would be proving to that Octavian dude just how strong we are! The guy was seriously annoying, he always had something to say and the worst of it is people actually seem to listen to him even though it’s all a load of rubbish, which makes me wary of him.
The evening came around slowly and we suited up on the ship, when we got down to the field’s of Mars as Jason called it (I just called it the battle grounds) Percy and Reyna where on their Pegasus’s, since camp only had one Percy was using blackjack. I was slightly nervous about facing the Romans for the first time but kinda excited too.
“Soldiers are you ready?” Percy called
“Yes!” we cried as one.
“Then Fight!” Percy told us. The effect of those words was instantaneous, both the Greeks and the Romans charged into battle, using Annabeth’s strategies of course. Leo set the Left section of the fort that he had help build ablaze giving the defenders something to think about whilst I charm spoke the right warriors into beating each other up and jumping off the wall, that left Jason to use a well placed lightning bolt to take out the middle warriors, the other soldiers charged through their other defences whilst Annabeth now having al the defenders either engaged in fighting, putting out the left wing, knocked out or else beating each other up, was able to slip invisible through the now clear route and win the game for us! Well that was the plan anyway. I wasn’t sure how well that was going. After playing our main roles Leo, Jason and I helped the rest of the 5th on attack. We charged into the fray, it was an intense fight. Much like capture the flag really I slashed and dodged, trying to keep it one vs. one as much as possible as that is what I am best at. I knocked the helmet off my opponent before kicking him in the stomach and turning to fight another person. Who would be next? Octavian. It had to be Octavian. I’ve never seen this guy fight before; I don’t know his style or how good he is or anything about him. I considered charm speaking him but it didn’t feel right. I had to face him; I had to show him what happens when you mess with Greek Demigods.
“Well, well well. Piper Mclean daughter of Venus, the love goddess whose children are famous for sitting out and watching, let’s see how you fare against me!” he sniggered.
I charged straight at him, he parried my strike and went for an over head cut; I brought my sword up just in time to meet his.
“Hmm, not bad, now let’s see if you can block this!”
He feigned left before tripping me up, I staggered but kept my balance, I had to admit he was good. I then went in for attack. Using the butt of my knife to slam into his helmet sending it tumbling to the ground. He looked faintly surprised; he’d been comfortable with me constantly on defence. He hadn’t been anticipating my sudden change of tactic. I took this moment of shock to hit him over the head and be done with him. Octavian fell. I just stood there amazed at my victory and the sheer luck I had experienced. It took me a moment to realize that everyone had begun cheering outside. We had won!
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Percy’s Pov
Everybody gathered together on the fields of Mars whooping and cheering, I couldn’t help but clap a little more enthusiastically then I should have done. It was my cohort after all, even though I hadn’t been fighting! Some of the Romans and all the Greeks were laughing and sniggering when they saw Octavian had been defeated by a daughter of Aphrodite. Boy would he be mad. I was feeling real cheerful when the ground began to shake. It was only a little at first, most people barley noticed but it quickly became worse and worse until we couldn’t stand. All around me people were screaming and grabbing each other for support; it wasn’t long before everyone was on the floor looking terrified. Then the earth began bubbling. I figured I ought to do something since I was praetor and all so I shouted to them all “It’s OK, stay calm and back off slowly.” They rallied to my voice, felling braver now that they had a leader. Reyna encouraged them too.
“There is nothing to worry about if you back away!” It was pretty obvious that there was something to worry about but it was working so hey I’m not complaining. The people who had been on the edge of the group had now broken off and were now hurrying back to their cabins, then it all stopped and from the Earth came a women, a woman made of dirt.
“Gaea.” I spat drawing Riptide.
“Hello Peruses. It is good to know you recognise me,”
“Bad hair, horrid dress and an awful complexion, who else could it be?” I asked, my friends looked nervous that I would be killed for my insolence.
Gaea growled “Join me Percy Jackson, join me and you will be rewarded!”
“Err. You’ll just use me as your pawn to take over Olympus, kill my family and friends then forget about me, so in case you didn’t pick it up its a NO!” I told her.
“Oh we’ll see about that!” she replied, Gaea waved her hand and out of nowhere an image appeared and I instantly knew who it was, bound and gagged, struggling with all there might were...
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…

Percy’s Pov
“Oh we’ll see about that!” she replied, Gaea waved her hand and out of nowhere an image appeared and I instantly knew who it was, bound and gagged, struggling with all there might were my Mom and Paul. “No!” I said “Not them, please don’t hurt them!”
Gaea merely laughed “You have three days, if you haven’t agreed to join me by then they will both die!”
“Where are they. Where are you keeping them!” I won’t make the same mistake twice, you will never know therefore you can never come and rescue them.” She laughed again at the look of fury on my face before melting back into the earth.
Everyone stared at me wondering how I’d take this, I threw riptide as far as I could in my frustration, knowing it would return to me later. Before turning and running to storming back to my cabin.
I sat on my bed with my head in my hands not knowing what to do. I couldn’t betray my friends but I couldn’t let my Mom and Stepdad die, there seemed no chance of a rescue mission. It would be impossible to find out where they were and get them back. A comforting hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked to see Annabeth smiling down at me. “Don’t worry seaweed brain!” she told me “It will be alright!” But I knew they were empty words. My Mom was captured and was probably going to die in three days, how could anything be alright again? Annabeth sat down next to me and snuggled up close “We’ll figure something out, we always do!” she told me before resting her head on my shoulder and closing her eyes. I sat stroking her hair for what seemed like an age before I fell asleep too.
When I awoke it was dark at the camp was silent. Annabeth was still curled up with her head on my chest so I slowly and gently lifted her up before placing her in the bed properly and pulling the covers up over her. She was cute when she slept, I planted a kiss on her forehead and she smiled in her sleep, Gods of Olympus she was beautiful, I couldn’t betray her I just couldn’t!
I walked out of my cabin and down to the beach to clear my head. I needed to figure something out here. There had to be a way. I sat down on the soft sand and had just begun to relax when I bright light appeared startling me, I pulled out riptide and then turned to face...
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
nice! that was cool it was like pipers problem
and how bout the icon^ eh?:) isnt he cute!(it was dare so dont ask)

over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Ye unknown I luv ur icon! ;)!
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Percy’s Pov
There had to be a way. I sat down on the soft sand and had just begun to relax when I bright light appeared startling me, I pulled out riptide and then turned to face the goddess of family herself, Juno. “What the Hades are you doing here?” I asked her giving her my deluxe ‘go away or I’ll make you’ stare.
“Why I was just making sure the little hero knows where his loyalties lie.” She answered coldly.
“I’ll figure out a way to save them all, I have to!” I told her exasperated.
“We are not in a story book Perseus, not everything can go your way, in the life of a demigod there aren’t often happy endings.” She calmly said. I was itching to draw riptide and run her through but I knew that would just anger her and an angry Juno is someone you don’t want to meet! Instead I settled with kicking a large rock and breaking my toe. I cursed in Ancient Greek rubbing my toe.
Juno smiled and said “Goodbye for now young hero I do hope you figure a way out of this, if not you know who you must save.
I averted my eyes as Juno vanished in another flash of light.
I sat there, just sat there all night long with my head in my hands and didn’t get a wink of sleep.
Annabeth’s Pov.
When I awoke I realised I was still in Percy’s bed! ‘Holy Zeus I slept here all night!’ I thought jumping up and pulling on jeans, a t shirt and a pair of sneakers. Once I was washed and dressed I made my way to breakfast, Percy was already there, he looked slightly ill. His hair was messier then ever and his clothes were crumpled as if he hadn’t changed from yesterday. There were dark rings under her eyes and he seemed pale and much thinner than usual. I guessed he hadn’t slept. I need to think up a plan! I came up with something that could work but probably not, it will have to do for now just to give him hope. I walked over to where he was sitting, people were giving him worried and sympathetic looks. I squeezed his shoulder and he looked up, his sea green eyes were clouded with concern. “You look cute when you’re upset!” I smiled at him. “I have a plan, not a very good one but better than no plan at all. I probably won’t work but this is a difficult situation to get out of.” ‘Way to cheer a guy up Annabeth!’ I thought that’ll just make him feel worse.
He looked at me gratefully and said “So what’s the plan!”
“Err well I was thinking if you were to persuade the Roman and Greek goddesses of the mist to create a powerful mist convincing Gaea was with you she may make an image of your mother appear to check it wasn’t a trick hence showing us the location, anyone able to manipulate the mist may also help. I’m sure the Gods will help as if you do join Gaea it could be the downfall of Olympus! It may not work but you never know!” I nervously told him, it had sounded much better in my head then when it was told aloud!
“Thanks Annabeth, I really appreciate it. It may not work but I think it’s worth a try.” He told me smiling sadly. I was relieved that he had so much confidence in me but also nervous, what if it didn’t work?
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Jason's Pov

I felt really sorry for Percy, it must be so hard to leave a mom who loved you so and who you loved just as much to just die! Annabeth was desperately trying to think up plans, it was clear to everyone that she was also really worried for Sally. It was hard to find a way out of this one, the IM signal was blocked and Gaea wouldn't be stupid enough to not make Percy swear on the Styx not to betray her. We were all just hoping that we could create a strong enough mist to fool Gaea but it would be tricky and we'd need all the help we could get.
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
I'll post the rest later, I'm at a sleepover now so I'm doing this on my blackberry!!
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Jason's Pov

The demigods gathered together (octavian didn't even bother to turn up but we were better off without him anyway!) Everyone knelt down at silently prayed to the mist goddesses for help. I was beginning to think it was fruitless when a puff of smoke appeared, it steadily grew larger and larger until out of it two kids formed. No wait there were 10. No now there were hundreds, I didn't know where to look. The kids laughed before promptly turning back into 2. The half bloods bowed. The one nearest to Percy took his hand and said "I'll help you if you will be my friend!"
"Err ok." Percy replied in a questioning tone.
The Goddess smiled "well then let us begin."

Sorry it's so short!
over a year ago parras2 said…
its OK post soon
over a year ago jjspecht said…
Post please.
over a year ago LAALAApercabeth said…
plase post soon.
this is awesome (just to let you know)
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Thanks for all the comments guys!
Leo’s Pov
This was awesome! We were going to trick Gaea! I know I shouldn’t be excited, Percy’s parents are trapped and are probably gonna be killed by Gaea and we were about to perform a trick that would get incinerated by Gaea if she found out what we had done but I couldn’t help but think that playing a trick on Mother Earth would be seriously cool.
Percy created a stream of water to create a rainbow whilst Annabeth threw a coin in and began “Oh Iris,” before Percy interrupted her.
“We met Iris on our quest and she doesn’t deal with the messages anymore, you have to say ‘oh fleecy do me a solid show me Gaea.”
Annabeth and the other campers except Hazel and Frank stared at Percy as if he’d finally lost it when suddenly an image of dirt women shimmered into view.
“Ah it’s my most valuable pawn, have you come to give me your answer?”
“No!” Percy said (at his queue the demigods and gods began to create a mist Sally.) “You tricked me my Mom’s right here!” Gaea looked startled at the image then laughed and said “We’ll see about that!”
“Wow her laughs creepy!” I said.
“That was soo the right moment to say that Valdez.” Percy said rolling his eyes. He’d decided to call me Valdez ‘cause for some reason he kept calling me Sammy instead of Leo.
The plan seemed to be working well or at least this stage was. Gaea waved her hand and an image appeared, we concentrated on the background, on the buildings and the people, on the light and the music. I on the other hand couldn’t concentrate on anything because I got bored.
“You have a tough choice to make Jackson and only two days left in which to do it!” Gaea laughed before clicking her fingers and making the image vanish.
Percy’s face broke into a wide grin “It worked, it actually worked!” he turned to his friends only to find hazel looking shocked.
“That was New Orleans, that was the street I used to live on!”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabethrules said…
over a year ago 131newbee313 said…
Keep going! Great story!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
nice someone should explain the Sammy situation to Leo he seems confused ha ha
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
AWESOME STORY SO FAR!!!!! keep up the good work and POST SOOON!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago parras2 said…
post soon
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
post soon awesome story
read my forum
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
@ Nemesis, all will b explained when they get to New Orleans...
Do u want Leo/Sammy and Hazel or Frank and Hazel?
Thanks for the comments everyone!
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Hazel’s Pov
I was totally confused. It can’t be a coincidence; thoughts were chasing each other round my head. What if Gaea had meant for us to see the location after all, what if she was only pretending to keep it from us so it didn’t seem like a trap? I didn’t want to go back there but I knew I must if I were to help Percy.
I didn’t listen to a word of the quest planning. Frank told me it was decided that the 7 should go as we would pass near it on our way to Rome. Frank told me we would border Las Vegas, go through Dallas and hit New Orleans before crossing the Ocean to Rome, a more direct route would have been to cross the ocean form Washington DC as it was nearly opposite Rome when you looked at a map but that would mean leaving Percy’s Mom to die and we couldn’t do that! Annabeth said it was 1920.54 miles to New Orleans from San Francisco which would take us only 6 ½ hours (A/N this is how long it takes on a plane so we’ll just imagine it’s the same on a flying boat!). It was 10 o’clock now so we’d arrive at 5, (we were setting off in half an hour) and have the evening to find Percy’s parents. We wouldn’t attack till tomorrow, we would keep under cover and formulate battle plans once we saw how serious the situation is and attack the next day. That’s the long and short of it all. Frank said there were a lot of other theories and plans but this one seemed the most sensible.
I was terrified, not of monsters (don’t get me wrong they can be pretty scary though!) but of memories. I was frightened that I would have a flashback and blank out in the middle of a battle and my friends would have to save my useless butt.
I thought of these things as I was packing for the trip, once my own (very small) bag was ready I helped load medicine and weapons, ambrosia and nectar, and tons of paper for drawing out plans for battles as well as food. Percy could change salt water into fresh so we only needed enough water for the journey from here to New Orleans.
Finally the ship was ready and so were its crew. We stood on the deck waving whilst those who weren’t going shouted good luck don’t get killed and Octavian and his followers scowled up at us. We were finally in our way!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
hello! this is great :)
I just have a suggestion. Could you double space between paragraphs and speech? It will make it easier to read. Other than that, stick to one POV per chapter (like daughteroferis said), and you're set! post soon :)
over a year ago parras2 said…
post soon
over a year ago fishhea6 said…
Post Plz
over a year ago kristalovepercy said…
cool story! post soon
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
Annabeth’s Pov
I had our journey all planned out. We would arrive in New Orleans this evening and asses the danger before going in. Percy felt really bad and told us we could stay behind if we wanted to and he’d rescue his family but we were like Heck no! He couldn’t have all the fun. So far our journey has been really calm, not a single monster attack and we were already half way there! Great I just jinxed it. I’d spent the journey making battle plans for as many different situations as possible, Percy and Leo steered the ship in turn as they were the best at it. My thoughts were broken by shouts from the deck above and with a sigh I took out my knife and hurried upstairs in the direction of the noise.

When I got onto the top deck I launched straight into battle. Percy’s dear friends Echidna and Chimera were our opponents. The Chimera was spitting acid which a dodged trying to get in close Percy approached from the back and almost got hit by the tail. I went for the right side. Echidna was on the right, the tail was on the back and the acid and teeth were at the front. Whilst the beast was engaged with everyone else I scrambled onto it’s back. It lunged and I almost lost my balance but years of training had taught me how to stay on. It had also taught me how to be light on my feet so the minster had no inclination that I was there. I was so concentrated on staying up I didn’t realise Percy was behind me until I felt his warm hands close around my waste preventing me from falling. I smiled to myself. I know I have the best boyfriend in the world! Together we raised our weapons and in one large swipe chopped the head of the Chimera. It exploded into golden dust distracting Echidna enough to let Jason, Leo and Frank finish her. Percy and I came crashing down from an enormous height and hit the deck with such force I was sure I had broken every bone in my body! Groaning I rolled onto my side to see if Percy was alright, he was bruised from the fall and had blood trickling down his face from where he had hit the deck but other than that he was fine. There was no serious damage. He got up slowly and came over to me. “You OK?” he asked me concerned.

“Ye, you?” I asked him.

“Yep.” He said offering me his hand. He helped me up and walked over to the others.

“Are you Ok, that was I huge fall!” They asked I wiped blood of Percy’s face affectionately and smiled
at them.
“Were fine are you guys alright?” they nodded and offered us some ambrosia. We took some before tracking downstairs to shower off and change before we arrived.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jjspecht said…
Post please
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
please post