The Heroes of Olympus The Betrayed God

percyRox_ posted on Oct 25, 2011 at 12:30AM
all rights to RR
and all dont own bla bla bla and this is a story of what percy exdpierences after the end of the Titan/Giant war O btw Rated T for Teens

This was worse than dipping into the Styx,
DEFINETLY WORSE then Holding the sky
and then gtting stabbed by Kronos' scythe.
Nothing compared to this pain nothing would ever quench this pain and fury He would never forget the image of Annabeth with him but it didnt matter he could remember it clear as day. I should have just listened but now hundreds of years after I still thought about it. But it all started after He didn't listen to the Warning Thalia gave him

last edited on Oct 25, 2011 at 10:33PM

The Heroes of Olympus 178 replies

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over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Saw the link. It's cool keep posting :)
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
thanks kgirl alot your storys are so great your the 1 who inspired me to write
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Really? :0 wow thanks
Anyway this sounds cool keep posting:)
over a year ago Jokester0 said…
I like it. Very good description and analogies. And thanks for commenting on my story!
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
@kgirl925 thank you for replying i just wanna get this going to see if it will Get going
@Jokester0 Thanks a lot and your welcome its sounds really good keep it up
Chapter 1:

I bounced up and down on my bed wearing sweats and a tshirt it was 5:30 AM and I was going NUTS! Today is the day that i get to go back to Camp Half Blood we were planning our mission to defeat Geia and next week we would strike the final blow and crush her and her giants. If we succeseed then the whole war was over and we won but if we didnt well then lets just say the most powerful camper at camp would be Connor and Travis Stoll. As Sally walked into the kitchen i yelled "HAPPY MORNING!" "Percy "she replied "that makes no sence whatsoever." "I don't care i'm to excited to go to camp." "Percy" her voice softened "We should talk about camp." "What?" I asked " Well remember a couple years ago when I said you shouldnt go to camp?" Sally asked "yesssss?" "Well lets just say Thalia doesn't think its a good idea if you went to camp" I just started laughing "WHAT!"She said immediantly "We had this same exact conversation 7 years ago and do you remember how it ended I went to camp and saved Thalia" "Oh Be quite your are NOT GOING TO CAMP AND THATS FINALE!" She yelled the finale words percy walked out the doors muttering "thas what you think..."

I had some time so i wrote this its not that great i jsut want to get throught percy's past quick
Percy OUT!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
That sounds good but it sounds like the beginning of anakulusmus' broken oaths forum and like annabeths cheating on him. U might want to read it to double check, it sounds good tho
over a year ago magic-cow said…
it sounds good aka i agree
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
big smile
it's great keep posting. :)
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
Sounds interesting... I shall keep an eye on this.
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
thanks every1 for getting this up 2 80 + views i would posy a chapter but my phonea about to die and @pjfan i havent read about him i just came up with this idea with my friends cause we were bored in our 7th hour reading SoN and decided itd be awesome
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
stupid fun i had about 2 paragrapghs written to every1 else but it got dele
ted cause of my phone well anyways thanks alot every
over a year ago perlia4ever said…
Cool start and I agree with pjfan it does sound similer to anaklusmus' broken oaths start
and one more thing, why is Percy calling his mom by her name ‘Sally' insted of just saying mom?
over a year ago goatlypowers said…
Yay it sounds great you should keep posting so exited plese post soon
over a year ago goatlypowers said…
Hey what is your posting scedual like how often cuse even though I just commented for the first time I can't wait
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
comon post!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
post post!
over a year ago v_lav said…
hey percyRox_ it's okay so far just try to describe in whats happening more like you walk into a room and you describe what you see like white walls on each side and so on

also put your rating and prologue in your title description box thing when you make a forum and yeah that's all and your story sounds a bit like mine and if you have time check my forum out link: link
over a year ago Percy2 said…
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
@perlia i must have accidently put that instead of mom lol
@goatly powers hey thanks for checkin it out and i will try to post everyday unless I have a lot of HW and/ or i dont have a chapter so at least 2ce or 3 times a week at least
@Caps AM NOW!
@v lav i havent read any1s exept gods read and kgirl but im starting now but sure ill check it out
@every1 thanks for checking this out and ill put more detail in next chapter i just wanna get to the camp so sorry its short
Chapter 1

I walked out the door and kicked rocks I was so angry. Why did they want me to stay? I turned to the house Paul and my Mom boght this year. I turned sadly towards the house "This might be the last time I'll see this place ever i thought sadly." but then I whistled a good New York Whistle that probably could go all the way to Long Island.
I waited for 10 minutes but Blackjack didn't come "hmm"I thought "I guess Ill just have to go "borrow" a car....Again." I started walking down town looking for a place where i wouldn't attract notice. I saw a hotel with about 20 to 25 cars. Then I heard the flapping and my first thought was 'HARPIES!" I uncapped brought out riptide it didn't look like
much but it was made from cestial bronze sword mined from Mount Olympus itself. I jumped up from behind the car and almost sliced Blackjack ino pegasaus soup! "WOAH BOSS don't want to become a Shish-ka-horse!" He spoke in my head "Jeez Blackjack you almost gave me a heart attack." "I gave you a heart attack yeah right you probably thought i was Kampê
and was ready to slice my furry mane off!" I laghed at that and said "OK can you take me to camp?" Blackjack snickered "Can i have a sugarlump?" "Sure." i replied not realy complaining but a little bit of annoyance in my voice "GREAT I know just the place!" Blackjack said "Jump on!" We flew for about 10 minutes and then Blackjack landed on a sidewalk of
Giant Sugar Lumps .ink I looked at him and said "You devilish little horse." All he replied was "No sugarlump no ride!" He skittered away when I pulled my sword out and slashed at him "I should've known when you said sugarlump instead of cube." "Your bad" and he started laughing fine I said and went inside. The shop looked like a regular shop but the
shelves were lined with sugar. Each row had at least 100 pounds of candy and other sugary goodness. On the last shelf were the giant sugar cubes and when I said giant I meant it. They must have been 5 pounds each "Holy Zues" Percy said "Those are the biggest Sugar lumps in the United States said a assistant. She had blonde hair and amazingly green eyes
she was wearing a white apron with a name tag that said "Hi Im Mormo."

"Uh hi Mormo?" "Well" she said "Mormo isn't really my name it's just what I am."
"What do you mean?"
"Well wouldn't you like too know Perceus Jackson." she spat the last two words at me like it was poison "But you have been a BAD LITTLE BOY!"
I reached For Riptide but before I could she lunged I jumped onto the cashier counter and thought "ok ok Mormo who is she...." then it clicked Mormo was the spirit that bit bad children "Ok how do i kill her" i kept thinking as I jumped around "I have too suprise her to kill her" I jumped inside a room through a door that was labled Employees Only and hid behind some boxes
she came into the room and said in a beautiful voice "Percy come out i just want to talk" and I almost did but then I thought she doesn't know where I am this is great she passed right by me without noticing I jumped out behind her and with out making any sound cut off her head well i tried to but it went halfway through but then she blew into dust.

As I walked outside I grabbed a sugarlump and looked Blackjack straight into the eye and said


Every1 i have a character im going to introduce... guy and girl who do u think there parents should be?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago goatlypowers said…
A girl that is a daughter of zues
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
big smile
Please no children of the Big Three.
Maybe a child of a minor god/goddess.
Great story BTW! Post soon!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
a child of hecate and the other a child of mr. d
idk it's up to you I agree with DaughterofEris maybe only one of them a child of the big three but not both the camp is already flooded with them but that was really good post soon!
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
Nice! Ummm... I don't know...
over a year ago magic-cow said…
Don't ask me
but great story.......................
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
omg! poost! post1 ill go crazy!
over a year ago parras2 said…
post soon
over a year ago parras2 said…
big smile
coon i started pg 2
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
thx fr posting! plot line is good. must hv taken alot of time. appreciate ur work and effort!
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
nice couple of chapters, post soon!
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
son ill post in 15 min k and @ every1 thanks for reading
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
Chapter 2

Percy Pov

We flew for what seemed like forever the view was amazing though so i was able to look at each skyscraper as we passed them.There was one that really caught my view about half way there. In a window there was a bunch of sticky notes in the shape of Blinky
in Pacman. A memory came back to me about Mr.D screaming "BLINKY I WILL HAVE YOUR SOUL!" I started laughing and couldn't stop. The
roads got less and less populated untill the only car on the road was a white van. We folowed it all the way to Camp Half Blood.
As soon as we got close a horn sounded and thalia came out and shot a arrow with a fist at the end at me. "What the heck?" I said
"Perseus Jackson" she yelled as we landed " DO YOU EVER LISTEN! "Nope." Blackjack says "Shut up and Thalia I listen just when something gets in my way I go after it."percy said " I told you not to come." she stated
"Well last time someone told me that I saved grover got the Golden Fleece and made you a human again."
"Gods You are SO annoying!"
"Like when I'm right?"
" Ok sure. Hey guess what there is 2 more new campers!"
"Cool what are there names / parents?
"A um boy named Dyllon Drake and a girl named ....Zoe Bawin."
I noticed her change in mood at the mention of the former liutenent and said "Don't worry you wont share her fate. Who are the parents?"
"Well the girls mother is Hecate and the boy is the son of...............................

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
No!!!I hate cliffhangers...Who's the parent?! Post a.s.a.p before I lose whatever sanity I have left...
(UU)<Bunny =3
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
daughter dont worry ill post soon i write my chappies during school so i might write 2 this weekend
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
Post Soon!!! Hate cliffhangers!!!!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
curse you cliffhangar!
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
curse you and your dang cliff hangers.

post, or you shall be perminatly but into the game packman. you will be a target, just like blinky.
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
NOOOOOOO not a cliff hanger, please post soon!!!!!!!!!! Great chapter by the way
over a year ago magic-cow said…
oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
i wont be able to post tonight but ill postn a SUPER long chapter tomorrow
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
Chapter 2
percy's Pov(still)
We flew for what seemed like forever the view was amazing though so i was able to look at each skyscraper as we passed them.There was one that really caught my view about half way there. In a window there was a bunch of sticky notes in the shape of Blinky
in Pacman. A memory came back to me about Mr.D screaming "BLINKY I WILL HAVE YOUR SOUL!" I started laughing and couldn't stop. The
roads got less and less populated untill the only car on the road was a white van. We folowed it all the way to Camp Half Blood.
As soon as we got close a horn sounded and thalia came out and shot a arrow with a fist at the end at me. "What the heck?" I said
"Perseus Jackson" she yelled as we landed " DO YOU EVER LISTEN! "Nope." Blackjack says "Shut up and Thalia I listen just when something gets in my way I go after it."percy said " I told you not to come." she stated
"Well last time someone told me that I saved grover got the Golden Fleece and made you a human again."
"Gods You are SO annoying!"
"Like when I'm right?"
" Ok sure. Hey guess what there is 2 more new campers!"
"Cool what are there names / parents?
"A um boy named Dyllon Drake and a girl named ....Zoe Bawin."
I noticed her change in mood at the mention of the former liutenent and said "Don't worry you wont share her fate. Who are the parents?"
"Well the girls mother is Hecate and the boy is the son of............................Artemis!&quo­t; she exclaimed
"WHAT! Thats insane she must have broken her oath!"
" I know but he isn't that bad he's really charming and nice and his eyes are silver and so pretty."She droned off
"Uh ok I thought Hunters weren't aloud to" he dropped his voice "like boys."
"OH shut up I should kick your but for even thinking that!"
"Yeah cause that'll happen" I laughed
She gave me the ultimate glare and I laughed harder than right as we passed the Heremes cabin a roll of duct tape went flying out and hit her on the head.
"Stupid Stolls" She said as she threw the duct tape back and it hit Travis on the head.
"So where is the kid?" I asked
"Probably down at the beach"She said "but lets not go see him now it will be uncomfortable."
"Why you afraid hes a better shot than you?" I challenged as I jogged down the hill to the beach.
"NO Percy stop!" I didn't of course and right before I got over a sand doon so that I could see the beach I heard thunder and the next second I blacked out.

I woke up in the infarmary with a kid at my side. He was wearing a green Hollister shirt and ripped jeans and red Jordans. But that wasn't the weirdest part he had silver eyes that instead of oval shaped were crecent moons. I sat up and said " So your Artemis' son huh?"
"uhh yeah. How are you alive?"
"I am that awesome" I replied "NOW whens dinner?"
Dyllon looked at me like I was crazy and said "In about 5 minutes."
"Great I'll see you there"
As soon as he left I sat in a chair and thought of all the names I was going to call Thalia...

Nobodys Pov

Dyllon and Annabeth walked outside and he said
"When are you going to tell him? Everyone at camps accepted that were dating. Why not make it official? Hell Thalia knows and she's ok with it.
"I'll tell him tomorrow she promised and held his hand as they walked away from the Big House towards the dining pavilion...

Yea I kinda got tired of percabeth in every story soooooo yeah dont hate me for it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
big smile
Yayyy! You Posted!!!!!!!!!!!
Yayyy! No Percabeth!!!!!!!!!
Yayyy! I now know another way of spelling Dylan!

(Off Topic)HALLOWEEN IS IN 2 DAYS!!!!!
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
Awsome man
no percabeth
and you said Percy was in the infirmary so why did you say they walked away from the big house
but still awesome
stupid son of Artemis
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
Well, I'm a Percabeth fan and a fan of a maiden Artemis... Oh well, let's see where this leads since this actually seems good!!! So yeah, POST SOON!!!
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
@daughter of eris IKR HALLOWEEN!
@akaklusmus17 i always think the infairmarys in the big house it might not be but thats just my way of thinking ill chacge it to whatever if you tell me where it actually is
@bornhuntress well i like percabeth and maiden artemis too but i wantted a twist and I just am getting annoyed with all the happy percabeth couple storys and a child of artemis just sounds AWESOME!
@every1 ill post more tomorrow or really late tonight it depends cause i just got back from hockey and have another game 2morrow
over a year ago percabethrules said…
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
nice chapter, keep up the good work
over a year ago percyRox_ said…
Percys Pov
Chapter 3
Percy went to dinner late, well it wasnt that late just sunset. Only Chiron And Mr.D were still there. A harpy came by and threw a apple at me and said "Leave you missed dinner."
"I feel so loved." Percy muttered as he walked towards the beach and hopefully towards annabeth. He could sense that she was near him and that feeling grew stronger as he went closer to the beach, but as he walked to the beach he got an uneasy feeling he wouldn't like what was there. He shook off that feeling and kept on walking. He walked over the last sand dune and was shocked by what he saw...

He rubbed his eyes 99% sure he was seeing thing. He couldn't believe it. After he rubbed his eyes several times he brought a wave upon the new couple who was kissing. Annabeth and Dyllon looked up suprised. Annabeth saw him then and was shocked that he was their. "Percy I can explain she said."
"So can I your a a fricken Sl*t!" He Shouted back
She took a step back shocked then dyllon stood up and said "Don't talk to her that way."
"Or what?" percy replied "I can't believe you annabeth."
Anger surging through percy he wanted to kill dyllon and annabeth but he knew what would happen if he did. Chiron would banish him and nobody would be able to talk to him without getting banished. So he just turned his head and walked away with annabeth calling his name behind him and dyllon comforting her...

well guys i liked this chapter it was longer before but then it got deleted so i typed it up again while i waited for the movie to start THANKS TO EVERY1 FOR READING!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago caleb2962lummus said…
big smile
keep posting
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
Post more!!!!!!!!
over a year ago magic-cow said…
yAY !!!