The Heroes of Olympus (Mark of Athena)

Jokester0 posted on Oct 25, 2011 at 01:43AM
This is my edited version of the upcoming book.

The Heroes of Olympus 13 replies

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over a year ago Jokester0 said…
(Chapter One)

Annabeth leaned over the railing of the Argo II; the sight that greeted her shocked her. Demigods of all ages and sizes stood before her gazing apprehensively at the golden ship. The well constructed buildings intrigued her as the origins of their designs seemed unfamiliar and mystifying. Well, she thought to herself dryly, this is the Roman's design.
When she thought about Rome, a shiver ran through her spine. An instinctive urge to run away as fast as possible from the other camp rippled through her body. She could tell Leo and Piper felt the same way as they were looking at the hundreds of armed demigods with pale gray faces.
Jason was the only one who looked normal. In fact he looked utterly excited and lighthearted at the sight of his old friends.
"Hey," Piper said walking up to Annabeth, "You excited to see your boyfriend, Percy Jackson?"
"Yeah, I am," Annabeth grimly admitted. Piper examined Annabeth worried eyes as if she believed that Annabeth was hiding something from her.
"You're worried he has another girlfriend at the Roman camp." Piper deduced.
"A little," Annabeth admitted, "I'm just scared he won't remember me at all. What if he does have another girlfriend? What if he likes that girl more than me and doesn't want me back?"
"Oh relax Annabeth. You're gorgeous! Percy will remember you. I'm sure of it. Anyway we're going to land in five seconds, and then we'll see what happens." Piper smiled reassuringly. Annabeth tried to return the smile, but…..she failed.
The Argo II gently bumped down onto the grassy area, and then completely stopped. Jason locked eyes with Annabeth, and nodded. Without another word, he stepped out of the Argo II and on to the Roman's turf and towards their possible death.
A gasp rippled through the crowd as their former leader stepped out. Everywhere whispers could be heard, as they gasped in disbelief. One voice stood above the rest.
"JASON!" the girl in the purple cape screamed. She ran towards him and immediately flung herself into his arms. The Romans snickered and punched each other on the arms, some even turned bright red as they felt uncomfortable just looking at the couple hug one another.
Annabeth examined the couple and immediately noticed that while the purple cape girl seemed comfortable, Jason looked awkward.
Piper blankly stared at the two; her eyes were two void less black holes. Annabeth immediately tore her eyes away from the reunited couple and immediately started staring at the crowd desperately trying to find Percy.
It seemed as though the Gods were on her side that day, as a certain boy with black hair and sea green eyes stepped out of the crowd with a dark skinned girl, and an Asian boy with chubby cheeks in his arms.
Annabeth's mouth dropped open. It was Percy, the stupid boy she had been searching for all these months. He was here, in the flesh.
Percy stared into her eyes for what felt like the longest time and finally, he walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. So he had remembered her, possibly never forgot her as well…
Finally everything felt right. All her worries melted as she lay in his warm familiar hug.
"I missed you Annabeth." Percy whispered.
"You never forgot me?" She asked.
"I remembered you even though Hera took most of my memories. You were the one thing that stood in my mind." He replied simply.
"Thank the Gods I found you Seaweed Brain."
"Um, Jason, Annabeth, I know you're like really into your reunions, but let's get to the introductions before Piper and I begin to die in boredom." Leo jokingly exclaimed.
The two couples immediately broke away from their embraces. Their cheeks burned bright red as the crowd curiously surveyed them. Percy cleared his throat and immediately said,
"Hey I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. This is Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto," Percy gestured to the dark skinned girl, "And this is Frank Zhang, son of Mars. They're part of the fifth cohort."
Annabeth smiled at the two of them. They hesitantly smiled back, as if she was some dangerous person they needed to treat with delicacy.
Jason broke away from the girl in the purple cape and gestured towards Leo and Piper.
"This is Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, and this is Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite. I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter."
Percy grinned welcomingly towards Piper and Leo. Leo returned the smile cheerfully; Piper on the other hand, seemed lost, and a little dazed. The girl in the purple cape stepped forward and held out her hand towards Leo and Piper,
"Hi my name is Reyna, praetor of Camp Jupiter; I'm Jason's — err, girlfriend." Leo willingly shook her hand and immediately shot a pity look towards Piper, who seemed to have been jolted out of her thoughts when she realized Jason already had a girlfriend.
She grimly shook Reyna's hand cringing all the while. Not noticing this Reyna turned towards the campers and broadly grinned.
"Romans, today we shall begin a friendship with our former enemies the Greeks. I expect no arguments or maiming towards them, understand Octavian?"
Octavian's cheeks flared bright red and he walked away muttering insults which were probably directed towards the Graecus.
"Furthermore, with the war going on we will discuss what we should do to stop Gaea and the giants from overpowering the Gods of Olympus. But for now, we will kindly show our guests around the camp. Percy, you can show you're err—girlfriend Camp Jupiter. Hazel, you can show Piper and Leo around. Treat your guests with respect, and do not injure them in any way, or else we will all be doomed. Oh, and come to the Senate House at around 7:00 PM, we have much to discuss. Jason, I wish to speak to you, come here."
Jason obediently went forward without a second thought. Piper looked at Reyna with a murderous glare, and left with Leo and Hazel.
Percy stepped forward, silently thanking Reyna for giving him and Annabeth some alone time. He smiled at Annabeth who immediately felt wobbly.
It had been so long since she had seen him smile so confidently. He took her by the arm and led her around the camp, telling her about the cohorts, the war games after dinner, and the baths, something she thought was odd to mention but that was okay, it was just so great to see him once more, and to sink into his cushiony arms.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Hey, this is really good but can you please change the name of your forum a little bit because it is exactly the same as mine...
post soon! this is really really good.
over a year ago Jokester0 said…
(Chapter Two)

Jason awkwardly nodded at whatever Reyna was talking. He wasn't really listening about what she had to say; in fact he was dealing with a mini World War III event that was raging inside of his head. Reyna or Piper?
The decisions he had to make were driving him nuts. On one hand he had known Reyna for a much longer time. They had had many great experiences together, like flying on Skippy being Refs for the war games. Or when they cuddled together by the fire, or like that one time when they—focus Jason, he severely thought, you need to make your mind up!
Piper on the hand was beautiful, and she seemed to truly understand him, even though they had only known each other for a few months.
But those few months to Jason felt precious, just like how he thought the years he had with Reyna were just as precious.
"Jason? Jason, are you listening to me?" Reyna snapped. He blinked twice and confusedly he looked at Reyna.
"What did you say?"
"I said," she growled, "Isn't it great that we're together again?" Her eyebrows were scrunched together, and her pearly pink lips were pulled into a frown. Once again he was perplexed, who to pick, Piper or Reyna.
He cleared his throat uncertainly, "Yeah…Yeah it's really great." Reyna seemed slightly satisfied with his answer, but the look in her eye also looked slightly suspicious. To cheer his old friend up, he teasingly said,
"You look so cute when you're angry." Reyna laughed, and all her worries seemed to melt away. Seeing Reyna so happy made Jason feel guilty. Here he was humoring her reassuring her that he still liked her, when he actually also had feelings for Piper.
He looked up at the blue sky, asking Aphrodite or Venus to help him make a decision. Suddenly an answer came from the goddess, although not the way he wanted it to happen.
"Jason!" Piper bounded towards the two, "This place is so awesome—" Her voice faltered when she saw that Reyna was tenderly holding Jason's hand, "Oh, you two are talking, I'll just, I'll just g-go."
Piper ran away from the loving couple. Jason's stomach immediately lurched, and without a second thought, he broke away from Reyna's grip, and ran after Piper, leaving Reyna standing on the hill looking completely dumbfounded.
And furious, with a burning rage of hatred directed towards one person. Specifically towards a certain weakling daughter of Venus.
over a year ago Jokester0 said…
Thanks for commenting! And I changed the title.
over a year ago Jokester0 said…
Please, more comments!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
awesome chapters!
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
DUDE, that is awesome!!! i cant wait, post soon!!!!
over a year ago Jokester0 said…
Thanks everyone!
over a year ago Jokester0 said…
(Chapter Two)

Jason felt sorry for abandoning Reyna, and igniting her rage. Like oil added to a small fire, it was sure to become bigger and bigger, harming someone in the process. In this case, the person who would be murdered or at least seriously injured would be Piper, and Jason couldn't let that happen. If the two couldn't coexist, then the Romans would surely back up Reyna and accuse Piper of boyfriend thievery and the Greeks, would back up Piper saying it wasn't Piper's fault since Jason's memories were muddled and damaged. Soon the two camps would be at an uproar and both camps would cease to exist in the hungry flames of war, and it would be his entire fault that Gaea had won because of his pitiful romantic life. He set a determined look on his face; he would explain everything to the two girls. Everything.

Suddenly Reyna tore past Jason, and launched herself towards Piper, distracting his train of thought, leaping with the grace of a gazelle, and with the strength of a tiger. Piper and Reyna immediately topple over down onto the grass. Reyna took out her gladius, while Piper immediately unsheathed her dagger, Katoptris. The two immediately engaged into a battle, slashing and hacking at one another.

"How dare you try to steal my boyfriend!" shrieked Reyna.

"I didn't steal him. Rather the Mist manipulated my thoughts, but that doesn't change the way I feel about him." Grunted Piper, already a bead of sweat had popped on to her forehead.

"Then stop yourself from falling in love with him before you get hurt, your relationship was fake, it never happened fool! My moments with him were reality. So back off! Jason's mine!" hissed Reyna.

"A human being can never belong to another," Piper countered back, "They can always change their mind, and until Jason rejects me, I'll never stop fighting for him."

"He'll reject you alright. You're nothing but a useless vain daughter of Venus. You'll never beat me for I am a daughter of Bellona, the Roman goddess of war. I am undefeatable!" exclaimed Reyna.

"I may be a daughter of Aphrodite, but that doesn't mean I have a head as big as yours, Miss 'I'm undefeatable.' Maybe it's time for someone to annihilate you to shrink your egoistical head. Someone like me." Piper yelled, pushing Reyna to the ground with a new found strength. Before the other Romans could see the fight, Jason immediately threw Piper off of Reyna before both of them got scarred. Reyna threw a smug look towards Piper, as she got up and interlaced her fingers with Jason's. Piper's face immediately looked pained, as it was obvious who Jason had chosen. Or at least so it seemed…

Jason immediately tore his fingers away from Reyna's making her face turn a puce shade, the kind of color you see on Uncle Vernon's face in Harry Potter. Piper's face immediately relaxed a tiny bit. At least he hadn't officially chosen.

"Look, you guys are both wonderful— " Jason began.

"GUYS?" Reyna and Piper yelled out. Jason immediately put his hands in front of himself in defense. Fighting against two girls armed with deadly weapons was something he definitely did not plan to do.

"So sorry. Girls. Look as I was saying before, you're both really great. Really. Reyna we spent some amazing times together, like being Ref for the War games, or those times when we sat before the fire. Those memories to me were really precious. They meant a lot. But when Juno took me away and completely screwed up my memory, I couldn't remember you at all. My Gods, I couldn't even remember my own name. But Piper thought I was her boyfriend because of the Mist. But I went on a quest with her, and well the times I spent with her were really momentous." Jason took a huge breath taking in the girls' faces. So far so good, they looked passive, although they kept throwing glares filled with hatred towards one another.

"What I'm trying to say is that, well I'm just not ready to pick up a relationship from the past, or start a new one with someone I've only known for a few months. I think I'll stick with sailing on the Singles ship, at least until I sort out my feelings. So can you two get along until then? I mean we have to beat Gaea, and in order to do that, the Greeks and the Romans have to get along, starting with you two. I mean look at you two, you're fighting like there's no tomorrow. If both camps saw this, wouldn't they start a fight with one another picking either side, and Gaea will prevail, and the Gods of Olympus will fade away." He hesitantly looked at the two. The two girls hesitantly looked at each other, then back at Jason. Then the two of them put on their deliberating face.

"Fine. But I'm only doing this for humanity. But know this Reyna, I will be fighting twice as hard as you for Jason, and I'm not quitting until I find someone who understands me more than him, which is impossible, so let's just say I'll be fighting for him forever." Piper snapped.

"Well said Mclean, then I'll be doing the same thing. Truce for now?" Reyna grimly stated.

"Truce. For the time being at least." Piper warned. The two shook hands, although it really looked like a match to squeeze the life out of each other.

"Okay, let's go to the Senate House, its 7 PM." Jason said breaking the death grip and dragged the two sworn enemies towards the place that would decide it all.
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
great story dont stop now
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Finally a forum where Jason gies single not everyone has to have a boy/girlfriend. Especially at 16 maybe. Even 15 anyway I luv the forum and you icon is just like newbees and that made me laugh a little anyway post soon:@)

over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
Great story so far.Do post soon
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
post soon !!!!!!!!!!