The Heroes of Olympus Merciless Fate: The Codex of Cyne

ProdigyMidnight posted on Dec 13, 2011 at 10:43AM
This is the 1st book of a series I am writing. Set after the giant war.

This is a story about a boy named Perseus Jackson, who was "abandoned" and "betrayed" by his friends and family for his overly praised half-brother months just after he saved all their sorry butts. One day,when he was on a run from camp, he stumbles upon the Fates and discovers about the mysterious power of the Oversoul and secrets of the Gods that even the most treacherous creatures will be taken aback. On that day he made a vow. A vow of vengeance.

Setting: Early Summer around May

Pairings: Hmm.. I'll think about it.
Rating: 12+

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from the Percy Jackson and Hereos of Olympus Series. I only own the plotline and the OCs. All rights go to Rick Riordan.

Anyways this is my first attempt on a fanfic so if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment.


Merciless Fate Series Book 1: Codex of Cyne

(1)Percy Aura Color change from green to gold w/ streaks of silver as seen on link - 12-28-11 (12:13 PM)

(2)Book title changed from "The Oversoul" to "Codex of Cyne" - 12-28-11 (12:36 PM)

Note: Cyne is pronounced Sin
last edited on Mar 23, 2012 at 03:10PM

The Heroes of Olympus 15 replies

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over a year ago ProdigyMidnight said…
Update: First Chapter will be posted tommorow. For now enjoy this preview

Chapter I: Forgetten

It all started with a lion. Kinda.

I should probably tell you why I'm in such a bad mood. You see 2 weeks ago, Me and Chris Rodriguez was sent on a demigod retrieval mission due to a certain Lord of the Wild.


Chris and I arrived at the place where Grover told us to go. We saw 3 bodies lying around. We identified them as the 3 demigods Grover described from his IM to Chiron. We then saw some sort of lion figure about a 100 meters away. It seemed like it was sniffing or something. I realized that it was looking for the 3 demigods. I immediately ran towards the 3 demigods with Chris following me. Chris carried 2 of them while I carried the other. One of the demigods that Chris was carrying was female. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Probably a daughter of Apollo. Then I took a look at the male. He had black hair and purple eyes. Mr. D's. Now I shifted my attention towards the person I was carrying. He had black hair and ocean green eyes. A son of Poseidon, a brother mine. I wonder how he survived all this years without any formal training. Anyways they all look like around 16, A year younger than me then.

While we ran, we stumbled upon an unconscious Grover. He was near faucet which seemed because we were in some forest near the school. Also the idea of a forest in the middle of the city also seemed weird. While I dwell on my thoughts the ground suddenly started shaking...

End of Preview

Hope you enjoyed the preview! Anyways I still have to study but expect the complete chapter to be posted tomorrow.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CasentWho said…
Cant wait till tomorrow!
over a year ago ProdigyMidnight said…
Here's the complete Chapter I. Enjoy!

Chapter I: Forgetten

It all started with a lion. Kinda.

I should probably tell you why I'm in such a bad mood. You see 2 weeks ago, Me and Chris Rodriguez was sent on a demigod retrieval mission due to a certain Lord of the Wild.


Chris and I arrived at the place where Grover told us to go. We saw 3 bodies lying around. We identified them as the 3 demigods Grover described from his IM to Chiron. We then saw some sort of lion figure about a 100 meters away. It seemed like it was sniffing or something. I realized that it was looking for the 3 demigods. I immediately ran towards the 3 demigods with Chris following me. Chris carried 2 of them while I carried the other. One of the demigods that Chris was carrying was female. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Probably a daughter of Apollo. Then I took a look at the male. He had black hair and purple eyes. Mr. D's. Now I shifted my attention towards the person I was carrying. He had black hair and ocean green eyes. A son of Poseidon, a brother of mine. I wonder how he survived all this years without any formal training. Anyways they all look like around 16, A year younger than me then.

While we ran, we stumbled upon an unconscious Grover. He was near a faucet which seemed odd because we were in some forest near the school. Also the idea of a forest in the middle of the city also seemed weird. While I dwell on my thoughts the ground suddenly started shaking.

"Roarr!!" The lion that we saw earlier was now 5 feet away from us.

"He must have had stalked us!" Chris exclaimed

"Your probably right." Me and Chris quickly laid the 3 demigods and Grover by a rock nearby. I took out my lethal ballpoint pen, Riptide, and uncapped it. A 2 feet long of Celestial Bronze shimmered into existence. Chris took-out his Spear from his back and motioned to battle stance.

Me and Chris nodded to each other.

You see He and I were sent on a few missions before so we pretty much used to each others fighting style by now.

Anyway back to reality, I taunted the lion and seemed upset with it. I have to commend myself later, I really have a knack of upsetting living things. The lion pounced at me and I quickly rolled to the left. Chris then jumped in from behind and quickly stabbed it with his spear. Then something else weird happened. The Lion didn't have any scratch on it and Chris' spear broke in two pieces. I thought really hard on what it might be.

And then it hit me.

"Chris it's the Nemean Lion!" I screamed

"What!" He didn't hear me. Damnit!

"I said that it's the Nemean Lio-" Before I could finish the Nemean Lion tailed Chris right on his face and of course knocking him on unconscious. Lucky me.

This Lion is getting annoying. A few years back Me & my friends fought it and it took 2 Big 3 children, 3 Hunters and 1 panicking Satyr and to stop it. But now I'm all alone as my only companion thought it might be funny to go unconscious and leave it to me to fight the big, scary lion. Hmph.

Well better now than never I always say, so I did the first thing that came to mind. Taunt it.

"Hey you big, fat excuse for a cat!" It wasn't smartest thing to say but hey.

"Roarr!!" It plunged to me at full speed. It tried to scratch me but I quickly dodged it.

I have to find away to make this stupid cat to open its mouth!
And then I saw a creek just 100 feet away from us.

Crazy idea time!

"Yo you big fat pussycat!" I taunted once again, this time earning a roar from it.

I quickly run towards the creek, chopping down a few trees as I did.

When I arrived at the creek, I quickly willed the water to form a huge sphere of water. I saw the lion coming and quickly willed the sphere of water to the lion. Now the lion was hurling in the air, a 100 miles an hour. It got knocked on a tree, incidentally, near Grover and the others. I willed the water from the creek and made a wave big enough for me to surf on it. As the gap between me and the Lion became narrower I prepared myself to attack the lion while it was coughing out the water, if a lion could even do that. But right before I could hit the Lion a blur of bronze, zoomed passed me and towards the lion. Stupidly enough for the Lion it opened its mouth, probably thinking it was food.

The lion quickly vaporized and the 3 demigods awake and standing. I looked at the one who I assumed was my half-brother and saw him smiling, with his hands frozen at midair.

End of Flashback

At that day people started treating the black haired, green eyed boy named, Glen and his friends, Riza and Alex like the greatest heroes ever and while I was completely forgotten, well not completely but still forgotten. At that same day my suspicions about them were proven correct as they were claimed by the same parents that I assumed. Glen was my half-brother.

End of Chapter I

Well that's the first chapter. Expect 2 more tomorrow, as tomorrow is the final day of my examinations.

Anyways tell me what you think. Ciao!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
over a year ago ProdigyMidnight said…
I will need to postpone to tomorrow the next few chapters. But I promise the story will start to get more interesting as Percy discovers secrets that was never revealed by the Gods to anyone

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ProdigyMidnight said…
Chapter II is here! Enjoy!

Chapter II Part 1: Betrayal

Percy POV

It's been a month now since Glen and his friends/lackeys arrived in camp. I gotta say it's getting frustrating here because I have a limited amount of people to talk to since Glen's has the spotlight, heck even Chiron doesn't speak to me.At first I was okay with him getting the spotlight and all but people started to ignore me like this, that's just downright wrong.

I do have a list of people who still talk to me but I can't find it but from what I remember Annabeth, Grover, Nico, Leo, Piper, Jason, Thalia, Reyna are all in the list. But Most of them are all busy most of the time. Like Grover for instance, his always at the wild trying to preserve as much as possible. Thalia is busy with the hunters. Nico is most of the time at the Underworld. Jason, Leo, Reyna and Piper are frequently being sent on missions for the gods and Annabeth is at busy at Olympus redesigning it once again after it was destroyed in the Giant War.

So most of the time I'm miserable here at camp. But today was not one of those days because my friends (Annabeth, Grover, Thalia and Nico.) are meeting at the beach and hangout

Boy, was I wrong.

You see I maybe the Hero of Olympus and the Bane of Gaea and all that but I have the crappiest luck of all. Like at 12 I was blamed for stealing of something I even didn't know until I was sent on the quest to retrieve it. Well you get the idea, I have rotten luck.

But today I was determined to be lucky.

I went on my best beach attire and proceeded to the beach. When I arrived what I saw changed me forever.

I saw Annabeth kissing Glen. While so, Nico, Thalia and Grover were laughing with Riza and Alex probably something about me.

I felt enraged. I marched towards them and angrily shook Nico away from my path.

"What's your problem!" Nico shouted at me

"This is my problem!" I pointed at Annabeth and Glen. My eyes were probably filled with anger as I said so.

Annabeth quickly parted with my stupid brother "Per-per-percy!" I felt like punching her and my brother.

I didn't know why but I raised Riptide from my pocket. "Hello Annabeth." I uncapped Riptide and had an urge to hit her but stopped. But then my stupid brother Glen raised his sword and pointed it at me.

"Don't you dare touch her!"

"What did you say?! Your the one who's suppose to that!"The ground started shaking as I shouted. The trees were shaking from the sheer power of the quake, the ocean was no exception.

I don't where this power was coming from but I felt powerful like I could defeat Gaia single handedly.

I raised my hand and willed the ocean to form a huge tidal wave, ready to engulf the camp anytime.

Annabeth started tearing and looked me into my eyes "Stop that Percy!" I ignored her plead and continued to gather more power from the ocean.

"Let's run!" Grover the coward that he is screamed

"Sounds like a plan." Nico agreed, same for the others.

And here I was thinking they were brave but they're just cowards

"You leave me no choice then. Goodbye Camp Half-Blood." I whispered as I released my grip against the wave I've been restraining.

As the camp was engulf with the huge wave I did the natural thing to do. I ran away without packing anything except for Riptide.

Chapter II Part 2: Percy's Awakening

2 Weeks after Percy left Camp

Percy POV

I was getting tired. The Gods keeps sending monster after monster to attack me. I haven't eaten for weeks now, heck I haven't even had any sleep yet.

I felt the ground shaking. The street lamp was wobbling, trees were trembling. I heard alot of noises like footsteps of huge creatures. I looked to my south and saw thousands of monsters running towards me. Damn I can't fight them at my current state. I have to escape.I run with all my energy but since my energy was low the monsters quickly caught with me. I didn't have any choice but to fight them. I drew Riptide and uncapped it. I quickly slashed at the first monster I saw and continued to hack away but my energy was quickly depleting and the monsters started to overwhelm me.

I started to reminisce about my past. It seemed like something weird to do when your about to die. I remembered the time Frank and Hazel sacrificed themselves so that Me, Nico and Jason can go on to face Gaia. I then thought about my first quest when Zeus and Hades had blamed me for stealing their symbol of power and how my father used me to clear his name. Now since I think about it the Gods have been using me as their puppet, their pawns my whole life.

Stupid Olympian Gods. I was enraged by their manipulative nature and how they used us to save their butts. I felt a weird sensation on my guts and went berserk, next thing I know is that the army of monsters is gone. I found myself glowing a golden aura with streaks of silver which was slowly fading. As it faded my surroundings were starting to get blurry. I coudn't move my arms and legs. My whole body didn't respond to me and then I blacked out.

Chapter End

It's kinda ironic on how the title is Awakening but Percy blacks out at the end of the chapter.
Well anyways I hope you enjoyed chapter.

Next chapter will be up about on 2 hours or so.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago universalpowa said…
aweshum!! post soon
why is it that in every story like this, annabeth is always the one cheating on percy? seriously? i luv ur story but someone needs to be more original :P
post soon!!!
over a year ago ProdigyMidnight said…
Haha thanks, I do notice that Annabeth cheating on Percy is mostly the reason why Percy leaves camp but it is essential in this story to happen and here Percy's brother is not just some stuck-up kid who barely pars on with Percy on skill, no. Anyways I already written the next 10 chapters on a notebook so hopefully I would be able to post them all this next 3 days
over a year ago ProdigyMidnight said…
Now here is Chapter 3! This is shorter than most of my chapters.

Chapter III: Dream
I was in a dream. I think.

Well usually my dreams are acutally visions of events that may or may not be happening.

Anyways I was in a house. It was burning. Furnitures were broken. A couch which seems eerily familliar, was halfly burned now. I walked around the house and saw a picture frame. I took a look at the picture frame. It was dusty but still viewable. I saw 3 persons on the picture. A teenager about the same as my age with black hair and sea green eyes. A male which was probably his father

was at his right and a female probably his mother at his left. Wait a moment!Black hair and sea green eyes! That's me! But how?

Then a horrible thought struck me.

I run around the house and looked in every room. All of them were empty except for the burning appliances and furniture. Finally bolted towards the master bedroom just to see 2 bodies lying

around and 4 figures walking. I quickly dashed towards the figures and what I saw made me a scowl.

I saw Glen.

I wanted to kill but I know can't. I was in a dream which means I couldn't even scratch him. Then I took a look at the other 3 people with him. It made me scowl once again. The 1st person was male.He had a scar on his lips.He had tidy cropped blond hair and had tatoos on his arm. The 2nd one was female. She had chocolate brown hair and her eyes were like a kaleidoscope. The last one was male. He had latino skin and had curly black hair.

Jason,Piper and Leo. Even they betrayed me

I was fuming with anger at everybody at camp and Olympus. They all betrayed me!

They soon left and rain started to pour. The house was completely burned leaving me and the 2 bodies, My mom and Dad (Paul). I was filled with a mix of emotions. I felt angry and also sad at the same time. "Damnit!!!!" I could have sworn that the ground started to shake when I screamed but let go of it immediately and pushed my thoughts to my parents.

And then I woke.

Chapter End
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ProdigyMidnight said…
Once again I'm sorry if the chapter is too short but I'll make up for it by posting the next chapter within the hour after this.

Chapter IV: The Fates

When I woke I find myself lying on the former site of Camp Jupiter in California. It was deserted ever since the Gods decided it best to be near the other camp so it was relocated near Camp Halfblood, just a hill away from it.

I was at the bunker of the 5th Cohort, the place where I stayed when I was exchanged here during the Giant War.

I went outside the bunker and scavenged for food. I walked towards the city and went inside the coliseum. Hopefully there would be some rations there. When I arrived at the center, 3 portal like
thingies hovered above me.

When the portals dissapeared, three beings materialized before me. They all looked like ancient and had a bony figure.

"The Fates." I calmly said. From what I can recall their names are Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. I don't know which one is which though

"Yes Perseus Jackson, we are the Fates." I winced at the mention of my full name

"What do you want?" I asked coldly

"We are here to warn you." I eyed the one who was spinning the thread suspiciously "Warn me on what?"

The one who was measuring the thread raised an orb-like material, from who knows where came from and began to shimer.

I was slowly being consumed by the light. I felt a burning sensation through out my whole body .It was draining my remaining strength slowly but painfully. Damn I really have bad luck. First my friends forsake me and then my parents get killed and then this. I guess I'm having a typical ending for a then. A tragic one. I was sick and tired of all this crap anyway so it's okay then.

My surroundings started to look like a distorted horse riding a cloud over the sea. I keep hearing screams and pleads from different people. My vision started to change. I saw a lady in a hotel being struck by lightning. And then in the other -ugh I can't describe it- every time the scene shifts I see a more horrible event. As the rush of memories of the different gods was about to end I saw a memory that shocked me. A memory that would change my views of the universe.

Chapter End

Hope you enjoyed it! Next chapter is "The Vow and the Oversoul"
over a year ago ProdigyMidnight said…
Chapter V:The Vow and the Oversoul

When the vision ended, I'd like to say that I took it lightly and that it hadn't had any heavy impact on me

The truth was, I was terrified. I didn't spoke until one of the Fates, the one who held the scissor did.

"Now what have you decided Perseus Jackson?"Decided on what?

"If I may ask, what exactly do you mean if I have decided?"

They didn't reply

They stood their quietly, staring at me for awhile. While they stood it gave me a chance to think about the vision that I just had a few minutes ago. And then something hit me. I realize now what the Fates are talking about and then I did something weird that even suprised me. I laughed. I laughed maniacally.

I quickly stopped myself and regained my compusure. I have decided "I shall destroy the Olympians."

"Very well then. You must vow upon the Rivers of the Eternal. But be aware Perseus Jackson breaking the your vow against the river will grant a greater consequence than death." I hesitated at first but decided against it other wise.

"I have other choice. I Perseus Jackson, vow upon the Rivers of Eternal, to pursue the destruction of the Olympians." A powerful light flashed before me. It must mean that the Vow is now binding.

After the light faded I felt a powerful sensation. The same as when I fought the monster army when I was on the run. I was glowing with bright green aura again.

"Ah it seems that you know about the Oversoul." When the one who held out the orb a while ago said the word Oversoul I felt a slight twinge on my back.

"Over..." I was overwhelmed of the knowledge I was receiving from the old ladies but urged myself to continue "soul?"

"It is a unique power receiven when a god or a titan or a giant or any divine beings transfers an

amount of their power towards a human. May it be a mortal or a demigod."

"The power that was received then matures overtime." The one who spun the thread continued

"As it matures, it grows stronger but as it grows in strength the toll of its usage gets dire." The one who held the scissors finished

"What kind power does it give you." I voiced out with a slight curiosity

"A unique one." They all replied simultaneously

"Don't mess with me guys, I mean gals! You know what I mean about my question!" The aura that was engulfing me grew stronger as I got mad

"We do." The one who held the orb said

"But we can't tell you." her sisters finished

"Hmph. Let me guess, the Ancient Rules." I raised my eyebrow as I waited for their answer

They nodded and then a blinding light burned my eyes once again. After the light faded the Fates suddenly dissapeared. My aura also faded.

I continued to walk around the abandoned Roman Camp. I remembered what I was doing before the Fates arrived, scavenging for food. I walked passed by the Senate House and saw a small storage house their. I looked around the storage and saw some ambrosia and a few canteens of nectar. I took a whole bag of ambrosia and all the remaining nectar. I then proceeded towards the edge of Little Tiber here in the city and thought, What am I gonna do now?

Chapter End

Hope you enjoyed it! The next chapter is set after 2 years after Percy left camp.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ProdigyMidnight said…
Here is Chapter 6! Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter VI: The Meeting

Camp Half-Blood

Annabeth POV

It's been exactly 731 days since Percy left the camp, flooding it on the process. Luckily for us Glen was a natural on water manipulation and he easily drained the camp from the water before it did real damage. Anyways the Olympians along with Ms. Jackson and Mr. Blofis decided it best for Percy to learn his lesson -uhm- The 'hard way'.

They planned to kill Ms. Jackson and Mr. Blofis.

At first Lord Poseidon was reluctant at letting Ms. Jackson die but Ms. Jackson manage to convince him. She told Lord Poseidon that if taking her life would make Percy go back, she would do anything.
And so after Lord Poseidon agreed to the plan they sent Glen along with Jason, Leo and Piper to execute it. We figured that Percy would eventually go there and he will blame himself for their deaths because he wasn’t able to protect them and that he would go back to camp but surprisingly enough he didn’t.

After the plan failed the Gods immediately requested a quest for camp to search for Percy. Glen volunteered as he felt he was responsible for this mess. He changed a lot from being a stuck-up person to a humble and kind person, much like Percy. Thalia was granted by Lady Artemis to join the quest and so she did. Nico also accompanied Glen on his trip along with Alex and Riza. Unfortunately I wasn’t permitted by Chiron to accompany them due to that Camp would need more experienced campers if it were to be attacked while the others were away but still Jason and the others are just at the other side of the hill but I guessed they needed strategists as well. They searched everywhere even in other continents but they were unable to find Percy as if he disappeared from the face of the Earth.

Anyways that happened 2 years ago. I was heading to the big house because Chiron requested all Counselors, Centurions, Senior Centurions and Praetors.

I arrived at the entrance of the Big House. It was much bigger than compared 2 years ago after Percy left. We had to renovate it big enough for it to support at least a few thousand people. I was assigned to design the new house. Also Mr. D was forced to expand the land needed for the 2 camps so it could be enough to contain all of the citizens and campers. All in all the camp is about as big as the whole of Manhattan which is pretty big considering that we have to hide ourselves from mortals. We added a few more amenities to give the campers more spots to train or rest. We also added recreational rooms such as gaming rooms to help the campers have some fun once in a while. Sadly though, those were all suggestions of Percy when he was still at camp.

I entered the building. The hallway was amazing. My brothers and sisters did a good job at designing the interior of the Big House or should I say the Giant Humungous House. They were different sculptures of different events during the quests of different campers. Pictures were hanging around pillars that would put the architectural designers of the Parthenon to shame. The pathway towards the Rec room was simply amazing; it was made of stones of different varieties sprinkled with Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold. I also passed by an exhibit of weapons. I saw a sword labeled with a name of Luke Castellan. I wandered for a while on how they acquired that sword .I was walking towards the Rec Room, observing the different work of arts in the hallway. When I was getting close to the room I saw a statue of a boy fighting with another boy swinging his sword. I read the label, lucky for me there was also a Greek Translation “The battle of the Titan Kronos and Perseus Jackson, the greatest hero to exist”. It was a statue dedicated to Percy. I stood there for a while staring sadly at the statue of Percy. A tear poured down to my cheeks as I remembered that fight with Luke/Kronos.

I was standing in front of the statue when a hand reached my shoulder.

“Are you okay Annabeth?.” It was Piper. Before Percy left, she was the second closest person to me. She was like a sister that I could go to whenever I have a problem.

“I’m alright.” I answered wiping a the tears on my cheeks

“If you’re sure then let’s go. The others are waiting for us.” Darn! I forgot that we had a meeting.

“Sure.” Together we walked towards the Rec room. When we arrived we saw that everyone was already seated. I greeted all of them and then turned to Chiron.“Sorry if we’re late Chiron.” I looked at Chiron and he nodded. I took a seat beside Katie Gardner and Piper.

“Now that everyone is here we can now start the meeting.” Chiron looked at all of us.

“It seems that remnants of the previous war had started become active again.” Chatters and whispers started in the room. Chiron stomped his foot and the room fell in silence. I looked at Chiron’s face and noticed that his expression was quite… terrified.

“Now as I was saying the remnants of the forces of Gaea is active again. The leader however remains unknown to us.” Murmuring and chatters started again. Chiron stomped his foot again “Silence!” the centaur shouted. I noted that his voice was decomposed for some reason.

“The gods have alerted that the titans Hyperion and Atlas had escaped from their burdens. Their current whereabouts are unknown but there is one thing that we know for sure.”

“And that is?” Jason stood from his seat which was adjacent to Glen’s.

“That a new threat is brewing.” Chiron said. Jason sat down to his seat.

“Is that all?” Glen asked rising from his seat as he spun his necklace on his fingers which given to him by his father.

Chiron didn’t replied

“His right isn’t he.” I saw Leo also rising from his seat.

“Yes he is.” The wolf goddess Lupa entered the room.

“So what else is there?” I asked

Chiron and Lupa both looked at Jason sadly but didn’t answer.

“What is it?” I observed that Jason was getting nervous from the stares of Chiron and Lupa.

“Thalia was kidnapped.” They were quite a number of gasps including mine

What!? When did that happen?” Was my genius reaction

“Yesterday. When the hunters were resting.” Lupa replied

“Who did it then?” Jason asked fiercely

“We believe that it was the work of the same forces that we had informed you about.” Chiron said sadly

“Whoever did that must be really skilled.” I was surprised to see Glen talking. She and Thalia never were on great terms but I believe that Glen respects Thalia as much as I do and the same goes for Thalia to Glen.

“I’m afraid so. But we do have one possible witness though she is still unconscious.” Lupa replied this time. Her face was expressionless but base on her tone she’s obviously concerned.

“Chiron! Mr. Director sir!” I turned to see the new camper, Rhea, standing on the doorway looking panicked.

“What is it my child?” Chiron asked with concern

“There’s a horde of monsters that looked like huge black dragons walking towards camp!”

“When did you find out?” Reyna asked

“Just a few minutes ago when I was exploring. I saw a girl lying on the ground near Peleus and then I went and took a look at the girl and then I looked down the hill and saw a horde of monsters coming towards camp.” She explained hastily obviously panicked

“Wait. Did you say that they looked like huge black dragons?” I saw Nico standing. I didn’t notice that Nico was here. Rhea nodded in response to Nico’s question.

“Impossible!” Nico exclaimed

“What do you mean?” I asked Nico. Everyone’s attention shifted to Nico. Nico glared at me obviously uncomfortable with the attention but he continued to speak

“You see-“

“We don’t see.” Leo butted in

“Shut up Leo.” Piper punched him on his arms

“Ow! That hurts you know.” he shouted at Piper

“I know. Now seat down quietly.” Leo sat down quietly. Piper obviously charmspeaked him.

“Continue Nico.” I told him

“Last Summer when I was at the Underworld with my dad. I was sparring with some skeleton warriors when suddenly a huge wave fire incinerated the skeletons luckily for me I managed to shield myself with the shadows. I then saw a group of Drakons as big as the biggest airplane.” We all motioned for him to continue.“We barely managed to capture them even with the help of Hecate, Thanatos, my dad, Bob (AKA Iapetus), Demeter and Persephone.”

“So?” Was Leo’s brilliant answer. Piper punched him again this time on the head

“You really are an idiot aren’t you.” Piper simply said. I saw Jason laughing at Leo’s slowness at things like this. “I think what Nico is trying to say is that we can’t beat them.” Piper gestured at Nico. I always admired Piper for her knowledge of different things. Unlike most of the children of Aphrodite I know. Take Drew for example.

“How strong are those Drakons anyway?” Alex asked. I forgot that he was councilor of the Dionysus Cabin ever since Castor stepped down.

“1 Drakon would probably equalize to at least 1 Olympian when scaled in power.” Panic engulfed the room. They’re too powerful for us if only Percy were here he would be able to handle them, he is after all the greatest hero to ever exist.

“Stay calm everybody.” Jason commanded. Ever since Percy left camp, Jason stepped up into duty as the leader of both camps. Also I have to commend him that he is able to stay calm despite the fact that her sister is kidnapped.

“His right panic will only lead us to our destruction. We have stay organized.” I analyzed our situation for a few seconds and decided to direct everyone.

“Ok then, Rhea go to both camps and warn everyone about the upcoming danger. Gather as much fighters and medics as you can. Look in the City if you have to.” She nodded as I gave her orders. I faced towards Jason and he nodded.

“Everybody follow me! We are going to face the Drakons!” as he said the last sentence the counselors, the centurions and everybody else cheered.

“For Olympus!” Jason raised his sword as he shouted

“For Olympus!” we all cheered as we followed Jason’s lead.

Chapter End

Just to make things clear to you guys that when Annabeth told Rhea to look in the city she meant Rome, the one in Camp Jupiter ok.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
AWESOME! Sorry I haven't been on in a while....PLEASE POST WHEN YOU CAN!! :)
over a year ago ProdigyMidnight said…
Sorry if I haven't posted for a week a now but I'm really busy this holidays and I still won't be able to post for the next few days but I'll try to write them. Anyways next chapter will be Percy's POV and it will tell on what Percy did the past 2 years specifically the day before Chapter VI.
over a year ago ProdigyMidnight said…
Changelog Update:

(1)Percy Aura Color change from green to dim yellow w/ streaks of silver as seen on link
(2)Book title changed from "The Oversoul" to "Codex of Cyne"

Note: Cyne is pronounced Sin
last edited over a year ago