The Heroes of Olympus The Mark Of Athena

rock4ever posted on Dec 21, 2011 at 11:37PM
Sorry, but I'm making a new forum. So, this is what I think "The Mark Of Athena" well be, and I well try to post every day!

The Heroes of Olympus 72 replies

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over a year ago rock4ever said…
O.K, I well try to post today, but i well post tomarow!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rock4ever said…
wow... no one is here. I can say whatever I want now.... (im just kidding for what im about to say!) I HATE FANPOP AND ALL THE PEOPLE THAT ARE HERE AND I HATE PERCY JACKSON!!! (copying the bee move)
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Post soon I like ur other forum so far.
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
Hi!!!!!!!!!! POST SOON!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
I will read it! post soon!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Found it!

PS. U might want to give RR the rights.
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
over a year ago rock4ever said…
whats RR? Any way.... here you go!


I coulded beleve it, I was going to see Percy! I really wanted percy to meat peper, leo, and jason! so here i was, 2 min. away from percy. "hi" i looked over and leo was standing there, and he looked really exited. (sorry, im a REALLY bad speller.) "were here!" i coulded move and all i said was "you said 2 more min.?" yeah, i was wrong we are here the ship is landing right now!" i looked out the window, and shr anoth we wore landing! i looked for percy... but what i saw brock my hart. percy was there with his arm around a boy with a babyish face, maby about 15. but..... there was a girl to. i looked at the girl thinking "o no... percy got a girl friend." i wanted to lay on a bed and cry, but insted, i lipsinked there moths. percy said "Come on, let me introduce you to my OTHER family." and the boy laft and said "and we get to meet "Anabeth" to!" "shut up" percy said. and at that moment, i new percy was not taken.

sorry..... not my best work!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
please....... tell me if you liked it!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
(2 min later) IM REALLY BORED!!! its the eve of christmas eve (really exited) and im BORED!!! aaaa.... i well do another chapter!


"Come on, let me introduce you to my OTHER family." Frank laft and said "and we get to meet "Anabeth" to!" "shut up" i told him, and i looked at the ship. it was a really good ship. i looked around and i sall a girl in the window... and she looked as pretty as ever, but she looked a bit uncoforetbill. (sorry REALLY bad spelling) hazel said "what are you looking at?" and a golden bar apered. she sighed and wated for a moment and then it want back down. then i realised why anabeth looked so puzzled. i pushed away from hazel and stared shacking my head. anabeth smrcked and just stared at me, looked relefed but still puzzled. hazel said "well that hert..... WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!! "sorry! why is nobuty coming out, they have bin on the ground for like......3 min.?" "maby thay are gering up, thay might not know that you swore on your life that they wont hurt us." at this anabeth looked starteled. (bad at spelling sorry) "hmmmmmm....." i mumbilled to my self. "she got beter at lip sinking." anabeth smilled and frank said "who is geting beter at lip......" the he sall ware i was looking. "is that anabeth?" i nodded my head. "shes hot" i was about to punch him LIGHTLY but hazel beat me to it, but she did it harder then i was about to do and she said "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!!! WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!" "aaaaaaaaa..... nothing sweaty." then anabeth lefed the window and the doors opened and a boy with blond hair came out and every one (exeped me) yelled "JASON!!!!!"
over a year ago rock4ever said…
please comment!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
now its christmas eve and nobuty is commeting (sigh) owell, i wont post another chapter untill some one comments.
over a year ago rock4ever said…
please someone comment, i really want to post another chapter!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
i'll post a chapter anyway!


"ANABETH!!!" leo yelled "WHAT!" "we are leaving now!" "coming!" i ran over to the doors and everyone was there. "great" i thought to my self. "i well be the last one out." then the doors opened and Jason told everyone "stay here, i well tell them not to hurt you." and he steped outside. "JASON" everyone outside said. "QUIET DOWN!" he said. "thank you, everyone i come in peace," everyone laft. "in this ship is most of the camp half blood campers...." "STOP!!!" someone said. "ocavian, what is it now!" jason said. "campers, do you really trust this so called Camp Half Blood!" "I do" the girl said. "I do to" said the boy. "and so do i" another girl said. when that last girl said that a hole bunch of "i do" came out. "ocavian, stop and camp half blood is the best camp i know, jason you dont have to do this, i swore on my life that they can trust camp half blood, now can you get everyone to come out i want to say hi and i want them to meat my new friends!" jason nodded and said to us "everyone meet camp jupiter!" and everyone ran outside to percy.

did you like it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rock4ever said…
well did you!?
over a year ago rock4ever said…
i feel like everyone stopped looking at this forum. (sigh)
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
Merry Christmas! Happy holidays! I didn't stop looking. Sorry about not commenting right away, but I was really busy with Christmas stuff. Since it's Christmas not that many people will post though. Great chapters! I loved the she's hot then smacking! I am as bad as you when it comes to spelling, thank god for spellcheck! Amazing job!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
well like i said on my other forum, i do this on my wii so it dosont have spell check. well, it does have this one thing in the uper righthand corner (if you have a wii, you know what im talking about.) that is kinda like spell check! your welcome, thank you, and merry christmas to you to! (oso it just felt like nobuty was looking because for what......3 days no one posted so yeah. i did wate because i new it was christmas and everyone was probabary with there family and stuff.)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
heres another chapter!


everyone ran tords me. i coulded beleve how many campers came here! i saw will, clarisse, draw, (that may not be a good thing) leo-sammy, new kids, but no annabeth. finaly i saw her, and she saw me. she ran up to me and knocked me over, kissed me, slaped me, told me "PERCY JACKSON HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THAT! I WAS A NERVES REKE LOOKING FOR YOU! I BERLY GOT SLEEP AND YOU WORE GON FOR 8 MONTHS!!!!", posed, said "im just glad to see you!", and huged me.

this was only a little bit of the chapter! (hehehehe)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Yay and boo! Yay you posted, boo only a little bit. I can TOTALLY see Annabeth slapping him though...
over a year ago rock4ever said…
here you go number1pjfan! (just to tell you, i am NOT rewrighting the first part so you have to read the first part before you read this)

"me to wisegirl," i said. "me to." "AND YOU REMEMBER WHAT YOU CALL ME!!!! HOW DID YOU DO THAT!!!!" "long story, ill tell you lader cause you have to meet my new friends!" "and who are they?" "Hazel, Frank, and Reyna, lets save Reyna last, first Hazel and Frank." so i ran over, holding annabeths hand, to ware Hazel and Frank wore. "hi" frank said looking at annabeth. "do i know you!" "no" "then why did you say 'hi' to me?" "i didnent, i was saying hi to percy but just looking at you!" (sorry this is more like a leo thing not a "Frank" thing i just thought it MIGHT be funny) "whatever" "Annabeth," i said. "meet Frank. Frank meet Annabeth." they shook hands and said at ones. "good to meet you" "Hazel meet Annabeth, Annabeth meet Hazel." they both shook hands and said "good to meet you." i said "now that thats takin care of, its time for the momment of truth! Annabeth lets meet Reyna."

not the hole chapter (well maby) agan! (hehehehe)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
over a year ago rock4ever said…
when is thar going to be a new page! so far there has been what...........22 replies (well, 23 couting this one) and is not on the 2ED PAGE!!!!! why is all i have to say! why!
over a year ago percyroxz said…
lol thats a really good preview, and i can see annabeth doing that in the real book to. it would be so funny if it happened in the book
over a year ago rock4ever said…
good buy christmas, see you next year, cause im going to bed! (i well probabary do a chapter tomarow)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
hi, (who ever is reading this which is probabary no one) im really quickly wrighting this because my wii isont hoked up anymore because we are moveing it but my mom hasont disited war to put it so..... i cant play wii. and how im doing this, im wrighting this on 4pees DSI and he dosont know im doing this! (hehehe) so basicly im saying i wont post ANY chapters untill the wii is hoked up. (sorry)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
over a year ago rock4ever said…
wow..... noone is looking at this forum..... im back and i WONT post a chapter untill someone comments!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
not that anyone cares
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
thanks! (smile like crazy)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
sans someone posted..... i might post a chapter in a little bit, or over the weekend! (hehehe)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
wow..... no one is here. i would raver people starting a war agants (spelling, even though no one is reading this.) me then no one here at all! i hate my life.
over a year ago kronosdied said…
I like totally luv ur version
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
thanks! ill post later!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
sorry! i was going to post but now its 1:53am and im tired so i well try to post today! o and i posted a little bit on my other forum if you want to read it! ok, so good night!
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
post soon! really good keep going, you don't have worry about no comments or views, just keep writing and they will come. btw just an advice, I normally type my story on word doc or notes app on the ipod, you know how they have a spell check thing. so if you type it on that, it can check it for you so you storys will look better and will be better to read. [just sayin, dont want to be mean or anything] post soon!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
o i do this on my wii so i cant do that.
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
how can you type it on a wii? just wonderin, I have a PS3 so I don't know the features of the wii. But post soon!
over a year ago shubham06 said…
u r horrible at spellings
But ur stry so far is gud which makes reading it worth the effort
over a year ago rock4ever said…
(sigh) yeah, can we please not talk about the spelling, ok. right now im doing this on the DSI because the wii is not in my room and my mom thinks im asleep right now, (i know i know, i need my sleep but one day, ON A SCHOOL DAY! i started reading the son of neptune at 9:00pm and stoped at 4:00am and i would have not stopped reading but i new it was a school day so i needed some sleep) and how you do it on the wii? first you go to the internet chanal and click on "search". then you tipe in "the mark of athena fanpop" or something like that. then you click on one link that has to do with fanpop and there you go, your on! (of course, i have it on favorats so i just have to click on the link) its just like the computer, but the DSI is a LOT slower and if the DSI stops loading, you have to reload the page to click on a link or something like that. (oso on the DSI you cant see bold so if you wore to wright something in bold it would just look like print) o and i have a PS3 to, but i cant go on the internet on that, for some strange reason it has a passwored on it so, yeah. o what games do you have? cause i want to know! please tell me! o and i well post soon, likely tonight.
over a year ago rock4ever said…
and that was the longest comment i ever done.
over a year ago rock4ever said…
well, im going to bed! sorry i didnt post today, and i won't post tomarow because its 3:02am and i need some sleep so, post tomarow! good night!
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
post soon! FYI, I have alot of games but i'll try to name them all,

Batman lego
harry potter lego [years 1-4 only]
lots of singstar
guitar hero world tour
band hero
lego rockband
tron: evoulution
medieval moves
Fifa 08&09
racket sports
toy story 3
truth or lies
gran turismo 5 prologue[btw not the new one]
sonic unleashed
I think that's all, I want to get COD:MW3 but my mum wont let me but all my friends [they're girls] play it and they said it's a good game :(
over a year ago shubham06 said…
U jokin
Modern warfare 3 is not just good its freaking awsum
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
wow, well i got my PS3 over the summer so i dont have many games, but if you want to know, here they are!

·little big planet
·fallout 3
·fallout new vegus
·sims 3
·2 football games(my annoying brother's game)
·grand thef oto (didnt no how to spell it, and its my brother's game)
·this one ditectof game (my brothers and if you dont know what i meen by ditectof, it those people with the hats and suits) and i think thats it. well.... BYE!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
ok, i will post a chapter later today or tomarow.
over a year ago rock4ever said…
over a year ago rock4ever said…
wow.... no one, not one person. well, now its 20 difforent people. bye now!
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
post soon, +you know I can just make 19 more accounts and post, but I wont do that, post soon! :)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
ok fine, ill do 4 more people just because i want to post a chapter!