The Heroes of Olympus The Epic Cycle: It's the Final Countdown

_Aphrodite_ posted on Dec 30, 2011 at 08:15PM
This is over hundred years after the giants war. This is the ending to my series, the final story.

You can't run from Faith...

That's what they all say, But they wouldn't know faith if it hit them in the face.

Aleksander Jackson: My mother has been kidnapped ever since I was four, as I ground up, I kept my distants from others, never let no one into my life. I moved with my Grandmother and Grandfather, after I had gotten kick out of my uncle house for being a troublesome. But I have a gift, I heal much faster then any human. Can you explain that?

Cascada Castor: Let's get the facts straight, I'm a bully. I dont want to, but i have to hide the fact that I'm not normal. Now since I got that out of the way, don't mess with me. My Family has a whole line of witches, I started practice writing for a year now after I founded my family's book of sky people. My Father never has time for me, since he's a big movie star actor. I live with my Aunt,Sherley, and her son, Sam, which I call him 'Booger.' I never really met my mother, but every time I asked my Father, he ignores me. But I notice something about me, if I touch something that is dead, it will come back to life. Oh did I told you my biggest fear is heights?
My Aunt told me that my faith was 'It's Written in the Stars, all you have to do is listen.' Explain that how stars can talk?

Hector Leo Valdez: I lived with my mother, and my annoying older brother, Ronny.I wished I knew my father.. I love to get my hands dirty for art class, which is the only class I could succeed in. I'm not those jocks that has the perfect body and that's popular, I'm just a freak with a problem with Fire. You'll see.

Reina Eradescent Devaulty (Red)- I have lived with my grandmother, Nanna, ever since I was born. My grandmother told me my mother dressed like a man to join into Nirbia's army. But when I was a few months old, she died in battle with my father. But I have this curse, if I don't wear my red cloak, people that surround me will die. I live in a poor village, stalk by flesh eating wolves.

Hunter Zhang- I have lived with my mother, Lupa, since the day I was born. I live with a pack of wolfs (Alpha, Dash, Lindelise, Walter, Wilifia, Syca, and My pyscho brother Lycaon) Lupa said she wasn't my full blood mother, but I consider her to be. She told me, my family lives far from the stars. And every night I wonder how my father & mother are doing? Are they thinking of me? Are they dead? Will they ever find me? But I have to control my power of shape shifting.

James Smith- I work with my family underneath King Odin's castle. My family are blacksmiths, that would explain my last name, 'Smith.' my father, uncles, cousins, and I have been working about 20 hours a day making swords & armor for Nirbia's army. The King & his family is very kind us 'peasants.' One of my best companions is Loki, the prince. But lately, King Odin has been preparing for a war, this wouldnt be very pretty.

Zayn Matthew Slade- I was born & raised in Manchester, England. My mother was adopted at a young age. My mother told me 'One day I will find my mum & dad, like you will meet your father.' My mum got a amazing job as a guitarist in band called 'Warriors.' We live in this small town in America, called 'Rocky Mountain.' I'm the only British guy at my school in 8th grade. I made amazing friends, even a girl name Cascada. I notice something, every time I sing I could control any.
Help Me!



The Prophecy of the Circle is upon them, are they going to be ready for it? Who are the other 3 demigods in this mysterious prophecy? Now the must face the wrath of the Zodiacs.

This story would be ACTION PACK!, THRILL RIDE!, SAD!, HUMOROUS!, ROMANCE OF COURSE! MYSTERY! And people told me I write very action/scary in my stories lol

Alek's family has a great line of heroes.

Cascada has to find her family hidden powers and her lost name.

Hector has to control his powers. or else.

I do not own RR or Secret Circle Characters.! xD
RR Characters

The Song that inspired me :D (also songs in my stories leaves little clues on what going to happen next)

last edited on Apr 15, 2012 at 10:51PM

The Heroes of Olympus 35 replies

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over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
big smile
Write! :)
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
I need four more usernames to demanding me to write it xD
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Ooooo sounds kewl!!!!!!!! Post soon!!!!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…

~ALEK pOv~

My stomach felt like it was twisted in knots, my stomach was turning. I hated riding the school bus, the ride gets so bumpy.
I leaned my head against the bus window, as I looked at the people walking on the side walks. I shouldn't have eaten a lot of flap jacks that my Grandma Anna made this morning. I sat in the back section of the bus; I was forced to sit with Hector, Hector Rivera.
Hector was the weirdest, annoying, creative guy in Rocky Mountain High. His hair was black and curly, like the devil. His brown eyes were was wild as the jungle itself. His skin was so tan. He wore a green jacket that had a goofy monkey sign on it. Around his neck were giant green earphones that had a skull on it. He wore simple jeans and black shoes. Hector was more bulky than most guys in my school, even 12 graders. Hector was twisting a pencil in his hands like a ninja, I was afraid it would fly and it me in the eye.

"I can do this all day long" Hector told me.

I gave him a fake smile, “Good for you."

"Why don't you never talk, you’re like 'I'm Alek, I don't talk to you cause I'm afraid to talk to strangers, Oh no a stranger.'"

"I don't talk like that." I replied.

Hector stop twirling the pencil in his hands, and pointed it to me.

"You don't talk at all," Hector corrected me. "We're like the outcast of our school." You got that right, I thought.

"No I'm not." I disagreed.

Casey, the school bully turned around. "I have to agree with Crazy eyes over here." Even though she's was the schools bully, she was so pretty. Her dark brown hair was down to her shoulders with hot pink & purple streaks. Her eyes were so amazing, her eyes changed from Blue, Green, Grey, Brown, and even Purple. Casey skin was caramel, sweet and harm even though her heart isn't. Around her necklace was a sterling locket, it seem like from the 1950s. She wore a black biker's jacket. Underneath was a white top. She had purple pants, with cool looking pair of combat boots.

"I'm surprise the devil agrees with his handsome fellow like me." Hector smiled.

Casey made a fist; her facial expression said 'Say one more word or I'll kill you.' She then turned around and sat down on her seat.

"Geez, just making conversation" Hector muttered. I looked outside the window to cars passing by us, going the opposite direction of the highway 37. The good things about being on a Coach bus were watching TV.

I turned my attention away from the window, to look at the screen in front of me. Mr. Gutter, or many of us call him 'Mr.CowGutters,' put on the boring News Channel. The hottest News Report, Jennifer Henson was on.

All the guys on the bus turned their attention to the screen, some of the girls rolled through eyes. They can't talk, every time Justin Bieber III songs come on, all the girls screams.

Jennifer Henson places the paper on her desk, and she looked at the camera and smiled.

Jennifer Henson said. "Hello New York, this is Jennifer Henson. After many years, Apollo 237 is coming back from Mars, the nearest planet from Earth. Today, the brave astronauts will be coming back from their 14 year journey to reunite with their love ones." Jennifer Henson smiled, “On other news their being a high number of natural disaster last year, sciences have made a theory----" But Mr.CowGutter, I mean Mr.Gutter changed the channel and put Aladdin.

All the guys complained for a moment. "Quiet down!" Mr.Gutter demanded.

Hector whistled, "The 7 sighs are coming true. Right?" Hector nudged me. But something was telling me, my day isn't going as I plan.

All of a sudden my Mr.Gutter Ringtone came out of no where. "It's the final countdown!!"

I look outside of the window, to see a young girl with a black cloak just staying on the side walk. She was the women that was with my mother before my mother got captured away. The women had blonde hair with eyes from raging clouds. Its 10 years now, and She didn't look like she aged a bit. The young girl must of noticed me because she was staring right back at me.

The girl opened her mouth, and she was speaking. It was like if she was whispering in my ear, but she was in a far.

"Half-bloods from different realms shall come as one,
To protect the world after evil has come.
The keys of death shall------"

"Duck face, duck face, duck face, duck face. You looking mad stupid!" Hector sang horribly.
I look at Hector to see him wearing his yellow ear phone, while jamming to him mp3
I haven't seen a ghost in my life, I felt swear coming down my face.
Hector took off his ear phones.
"Are you okay dude? It like you saw a bigger headed version of Caspor." Hector asked.
I looked back where the girl with the cloak was suppose to be at, but she was gone.
"No, everything is fine," I lied. "How you know how a bigger headed person of Caspor looks like any way."
"Have you met my Tia Syndey?" Hector asked.
"Um no..." I replied.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
I hope everyone enjoyed it :)
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
big smile
I did and can't wait!
over a year ago fros4est said…
post soon
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
yes, I'll post tomorrow. :D
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I love the preview and can't wait until u post tomorrow!!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Thank you :)
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
Can't wait!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
i cant wait either!!!!
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Cant wait
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Toodles? Really? lol
Post soon!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…

I was stuck on a coach bus full of idiots, well not my best friend, Dawn. And a guy that doesn't know I existed, well you don't need to know his name. I took out an magazine about Major Disasters in America. I don't know why but I love freaky disasters. Im not like other girls that only care about boys, make-up, and likes to stalk famous peopIe flipped through the pages.
Then I began to read.

"Brooklyn Bridge Collapse in August of 2010. Three students from Thoth Academy each had a feeling that the bridge was going to collapse. Moments before the disaster, the three student (Jaseus Maximus, Serena Castillo, and Kaileb Lee) went on the collapsing bridge and saved many lifes. After the Bridge collapse, these students was never found since. Some sources say the student flew on a chariot. But that must be a myth."
The image below had a image of a blonde guy, pretty geek girl, and a asain emo.
"What are you reading?" Dawn asked.

I look at my best friend. She had curly blonde hair which was most covered with a New York Cap. Her eyes was as green as the forest. Dawn skin was tan. She wore simple jeans and black shoes. She wore a orange shirt with faded words, so I couldn't make out what it say. Dawn had two crutches with her because she told me she has weak legs or something. Dawn has been my best friend since 7th grade, and we been best friends ever since.

"I'm reading about the Bridge collapse decades ago." I replied.

"Oh, fun." Dawn said.

I mitted my eyebrows. "Isn't it weird that three students from the same bus had some kind of vision of the bridge collapse, then they magically disappeared."

Dawn shrugged. "I heard of premonitions before, but they probably died or something."

"Yeah." I agreed.

I flipped the magazine to page two. I began to read.

"Skyscraper collapse in the year October 31, 2010. Minutes before the skyscraper burn to the ground, a young man stopped by after school to see his mother. His mother said he had a fear of something was about to go wrong and he pulled the fire alarm. Some people made it out the building on time. But the boy (Ricardo Martin) wasn't lucky and died from the collapse. His body wasn't found under the rubble. Until months later, Ricardo had returned to his family alive. Some myths say he was flying in a flying car."
The image below showed the burning skyscraper.

"I have to say this is freaky. But awesome in a way." I said to myself.

My iPod turned on magically. "Same old song! Just a drop of water in a endless sea. All we do! Crumbles to the ground, thou we refused to see."

"What the.." I turn my iPod off.

"What's wrong with your iPod?" Dawn asked.

"It been acting stupid lately." I lied.

I turn the page of the magazine.

"The major plane accident in America history, Flight 237. Flight 237 took off of JFK Airport in 8:18 pm on June 27, 2015. While on take off, the left engine got shruck by lighting. After getting hit by two other lighting bolts, Flight 237 exploded in mid air. Witnesses along long island sound saw the horrific crash. Only a few people left the plane before it tooked off to Hawaii."
The image showed those few survivors. I looked at the image of a girl with braided bruenette hair. She looked like me.

"Dont hang on! Nothing last forever but the earth and sky." I iPod played the song, but I turn it off quickly.

"Your iPod is really messed up." Dawn said.

"Shut up. Dawn look at this picture. Tell me if you notice something." I showed Dawn the magazine.

"Look at that picture." I poked to the survivors.

Dawn looked at the picture for a moment. "What about it?"

I poked at the girl with her hair braided. "Doesn't she look like me?"

Dawn turn her head side ways. "Kind of, if you was much of a girlie girl."

I rolled my eyes and took the magazine.

I looked at the title "Flight 237." I've seen the number 237, but where? I thought.

I looked at the girl again. Then I heard a male voice whispered in my ear, "Your next."
I closed the magazine. I turn my body to Hector. "Shut up Valdez."

"What I did this time, I did not spit in your lunch yet. Only in my dreams!" Hector replied.

"I will beat you sense less if you whisper in my ears again."

"Huh?" Hector said confused.

"He didn't do anything." Alek said as he took his focus off his window.

"You want me to believe that Jackson?" I asked.

"I don't really care what you believe Cascada Castor." Alek replied. Alek had wavy black hair. His eyes was the color of a green sea. Alek skin looked like he got a tan. He wore a blue sweater with black pants. He wore old shoes with a lighting bolt on it. Alek was 5'6 ft, a few inches taller than me.

"You have gusts to talk to me like that." I smiled. "I like you. But if you or Valdez tell anyone, you know what will come." I

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…

over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Thanks David for that smiley face lol
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Anywas, Alek Jackson POV is next.
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Alek Jackson
Alek Jackson
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…

over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Blank lol
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…

Alek POV

Things quiet down in the coach bus. Hector was buisy molding clay into weird shapes. After about 15 minutes, he had made many animal creatures; monkey, bird, horse and lion.
Mrs.Lane, our Spanish teacher, put on the movie "The Impact."
The beginning of the movie losted my interest. Why would a boy be name after a asteroid that will destroy the Earth? So what he discovered it.
I look out the window as we were finally off the road, and heading into traffic.
A big green sign above the highway said, "Highway 13"
It took 49 minutes, and now our bus was half way in Highway 13.
Many New yorkers were honking there horns. The horns were like millions of elephants roaring.
"What's going on?" I asked as he put his claydo away.
In the distance, like a few hundred feet away, cops was stopping driver.
"Urgh got to hate the Po Po." Hector said.
Then chaos burst out in the Coach bus, many of the students were complaining how they waste their money to go to the National History Museum.
Mr.Gutter raised from his seat.
"Quiet down now!" He ordered.
Everyone in the bus quiet down.
"I'll ask if there is another way to go through," Mr.Gutter said.
"Can you open the doors?" He asked the old bus driver.
The Bus slides open by itself. He left to go to the officers.
"Finally Mr.Milk left, Right?" Hector smiled.
"Yeah." I agreed.
Before I could hear more of Hector's mouth, I took out my IPod and started to listen to music.
I closed my eyes, and listen to the greatest band in the world, 30 Seconds to Mars.

Closer to the edge by 30 Seconds to Mars. Until it paused.
"What the.." I said as I opened my eyes to see my iPod glitching.
"It's the Final countdown!" Burst into my ear drums. My iPod switched all by itself.
Then my IPod crashed.
"Your iPod broke," Hector notice. "I could fix it for you."
"No thanks." I replied.
"Are you sure? I fixed my mom's car after I cr---"
"Hector, it's fine." I said as I put my IPod into my back pocket.
"Fine." Hector replied, "But don't come crying to when you explode for not hearing music for months."
I smiled. "I will survive, Monkey boy."
Hector mouth dropped. "Look who talking Alek lolipops."
A dark shadow passed by my body. It was cold as the artic winds, I've even saw fog coming out my mouth.
"Look out the window. It's coming. Watch out for the winds." A voice whispered into my left ear. The voice made the back of my spine tiggled.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
big smile
Awesome chapter! Can't wait for the second part
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Sorry it took very very long. I just did alot, alot of research. I have amazing ideas and myths for my characters. I will post this amazing chapter on Thursday.
Just know that some mythology that I have,you probably never heard before :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
big smile
It's okay. I know it's going to worth the wait!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Casey POV

"Dawn, when will you get better? You had those crutches for over a year." I said as I look at the two crutches that I seen Dawn using ever since I met her. She said she had some kind of disease in her leg, but I haven't seen no improvement.
"Trust me, I will get these off soon." Dawn replied.
"I hop---" I got interupted by a voice.
"Hey Cassie." A voice said with a British accent.
I look right next to me to see my best friend, Zayn, that I had a crush for a year. Zayn moved to America from England last year. It was our first year here in Rocky Mountain, or I call it 'Boring.'
"Can I sit with you guys? It's getting way to hot in this bus, and James is starting to stick." Zayn said.
I couldn't help but stare at him, he was so handsome. Zayn's black hair was dark ad night and well cut. His hazel eyes made want to melt. Zayn skin tone was like caramel. He wore his favorite football jacket, with his lucky number '93' on his left arm. Underneath his jacket, he wore a white tank top. Zayn had on black pants with his black, white and blue nike's.
"That's not my name." I replied.
Zayn laughed. "I love bugging you. So can I sit with you before I die from James stinky armpits?"
I look at Dawn as she was picking up her crutches from the floor.
"Sure. It's fine with me." Dawn replied.
I look back at Zayn, "Okay."
Dawn and I made room for Zayn could sit down, but it wasn't that much room for him to feel comfortable.
"Thanks." Zayn replied.
"So what you did in the first row of the bus?" I asked.
"Other then many of us getting bored from this traffic. I was hearing songs from my iPod, until James just killed my nose. If my nose was a person it would be crying saying 'Help me!! help med!!'"
I couldnt believe I was best friends with him, it sucks. Not that I hate him, but i like him more than friends. Ever since i met him in eight grade. Zayn came into our school during the two weeks of the school year. Zayn came from England, but he never told me which part.
"Ohh you see that Casey?" Zayn said as he pointed out the window.
When I looked outside the window, I could see a giant version of my dad on a billboard.
I rolled my eyes. I couldn't never forgive my father for leaving me with my aunt in Rocky Mountain, while he goes about his life. But then I thought, I wouldn't met Dawn nor.... Zayn.
I read the billboard "' No on is safe,'" it was bolded. It showed my Father, Julian, wearing a black suit with a rightful. "'It's coming soon.'"
After I eat dinner, I'll post again tonight.
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Finally! It's here! I will post two chapters for the most epic opening I have every did and more gruesome. I will post it around 9 pm ish. This is the final story.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
big smile
:O Her father?! Lol One Direction. James...sounds like a handsome and sweet smelling person!
Whatever, love the chapter! Can't wait for those potentially epicly gruesome posts!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Alek's Vision

Hector and I was in a silly arguement.
"Dude how can't you like AC DC?" I said.
Hector shrugged. "There too too old man. They I'm surprise their not ABCD."
Then Zayn Malik turned around. "Yeah, Alek right how can't you love them?"
Zayn gave me a facial expression like 'Can't you believe this guy.'
"There songs remind me of Mr.Gutter." Hector shivered.
I flip threw my mp34 player that my mom gave me for my when I was 8 years old.. It was black and tiny, but I never complained
"Not even the It's the Fi---" Zayn got interrupted as I played 'Its the Final Countdown' out loud.
"I think this isn't one of there lame songs!" Hector said, then he started to make silly beats to go with the song.
Zayn and I covered our ears, Hector voice was a big mess. He sounded like a dying cat.
I turned off my mp34, and told Hector to shut up please.
Zayn laughed. "Hector can I call you Heck?"
Hector made a confused face. "Heck? Is that for Heck I'm awesome?@
"Wait? I thought I was awesome!" Zayn joked.
What is wrong with them?
"Zayn, Why are you talking to those loser?" Casey asked.
"That's what I was going to ask you the same earlier." I blurted.
Casey face turned red at my comment, I think she was going to get out her seat and slaps my face.
"They're alright," Zayn look at us. "Being a loser is awesome. Being different is cool."
I was shocked, like someone like Zayn would talk to us.
"It depends." Casey replied, then she turn away to talk to Dawn.
Zayn smiled. Then he whispered, "Don't worry guys, she's a softy."
"Like ice cream." Hector said.
"Yeah, something like that." Zayn haves us his fit. "Talk to ya later."
"Okay! Don't let the softy eat you! Good day young chap!" Hector replied.
"See you next fall." I said.
"Yeah." Zayn mitten his eyebrows, then he turned forwarded.
I looked outside the window. There was two big billboard, one was a new movie with words on it that's say, 'No one is safe!' and the other billboarded showed Planet Earth. That billboarded for recycling, but the words where strange. Big white bolded words on the billboard said 'It's end with you.'
The sky became darker and darker by the second. Raging grey clouds block the sunlight. I could hear the wind whistlting through my ears. After about a minute, the traffic moved on.
Everyone one of my class mates began to cheer, idiots.
"Alright!" Hector whistled.
From the front row of the bus I could hear Mr.Gutter telling everyone to settle down.
As everything was quiet on the couch, I could feel the wheels of the bus moving.
The coach bus began driving through the highway.
All of a sudden I heard a squiking noise which was annoying. But then I notice a nail right next to the left wall, the wall I was right next to, the nail was coming off.
"Is this bus built right?" I asked Hector.
"I'm guessing as long you can drive, it works. Why?" Hector asked.
I look at Hector's crazy eyes.
"Something.....doesn't feel right." I said nervously.
I looked above the drivers seat, There was a number of the bus, '0237.'
As I look at the number, I could hear millions of people screaming.
"Did you heard me dude?" Hector said.
"What? Sorry.. I wasn't listening." I replied.
"You see that Tow Truck right there?" Hector said as he pointed at the Old rusty Tow truck that cutted our bus.
"That looks like a mess up transformer. Looks like a beat up version of Octamus Prime." Hector laughed.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
I'm writing the next chapter.
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
I know it's scary chapter, but I'm going to another chapter tomorrow that would be awesome. Sorry I couldnt post on Gladiators Today, I had to catch this story up more. Um I will post another chapter or chapters tomorrow.

Will Alek change the future?
Hector will uncode and ancient artifact by his ancestor?
Something about Mr.Gutter is strange, you can't trust your own teacher.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Oh and YOU'll see ANNABETH very soon. Also you meet demigods from a distant land, more farther than Alaska.
over a year ago Jupiter305 said…
big smile
That sounds interesting, can't wait until the next post!