The Heroes of Olympus Jasons Grace's Life

percyiscool posted on Jan 03, 2012 at 12:59AM
How was Jason's Grace life before Hera took his memories and sent him to the Greek camp?
Series of one shots from Jason's Grace's most important or special moments.
Starting from age three up to when he got his memory erased.
Jason Grace
Other characters from SON

The Heroes of Olympus 2 replies

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over a year ago magic-cow said…
over a year ago percyiscool said…
Chapter 1.
Three year old Jason Grace glanced around the wolf house nervously. He felt dazed and sickly looking around at the unfamiliar landscape that he was suddenly in.
Everywhere looked dark and mysterious, and when he turned all he saw was shadows.
It was pitch black, so he couldn't see anything, not even his own hands, which were right next to him. This terrified and intrigued him at the same time. He vaguely wondered if this was like those places he always saw on T.V. Usually what happened in the shadows was that bad guys were prowling in the shadows, waiting to ambush the unsuspected predator. This thought didn't exactly reassure him.
He wished he had a weapon of some sort, like what the guys in the T.V had. They usually used those weapons to defend themselves against the other enemy.

He took another nervous glance around the room, silently praying that he could see something, instead of the quiet darkness that seemed to want to invade his mind.
Nope still nothing, but scary black.
He closed his eyes, wishing this would all go away. He didn't want to be here, he didn't want to be alone. He wished his big sister Thalia, was here. Thalia was big and strong. If anyone could make Jason feel protected, it was her.

It was like his wish had come true.
A silver glow suddenly illuminated the dark house, bringing his surroundings into sight.
Jason sighed. The dark shapes were gone, and he now saw that the place wasn't that scary when it was bathed in light. Infact it looked nice. The interior was red, and wooden, with a bunch of images painted on it. Peering more closely he realized that the pictures were of the weapons, he saw on T.V.
This new information also made him feel better. He sat down on the floor, which he was amazed to see had dirt all around it. He squealed with surprise,and dropped his entire body on the floor.
He started rolling and tumbling in the dirt, getting his entire body,clothes, and feet dirty. This was what he called bliss.

He had been so caught up with what he was doing,he hadn't noticed that someone else now entered the house.

This figure was now silently watching the little boy squeal with delight. She was disgusted, yet amused with the cheap entertainment the boy was giving her.