The Heroes of Olympus Camp Half-Blood Reads Back In Time.

perlia4ever posted on Jan 09, 2012 at 12:38AM
Hey Guys, as you can see i am starting a new forum. And by the title you can see that its about my other forum, so that answers your question about if i will continue the other one or not. I just wanted to show you how the campers, espically Thalia and Annabeth, would react. i will post on just like my other forum, every week. and again mi am a beginner so i wont be good as like Anaklusmus or HecateA or other writters. but i will try to make this awesome. and i apologize for the grammer and spelling mistakes. I hope you all like it.

The Heroes of Olympus 45 replies

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over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
very interesting.........cant wait to read annabeths, percy, and thalias reaction when they see percy and thalia were making out!
over a year ago perlia4ever said…
actually this will happen durin the time jason piper and leo are in camp halfblood. and percy will be in hibernation. lol
i dont want to embarrass him to death, reading about making out with another girl while he is with annaebeth. so just camp counselors along with jason. no percy. sorry if this dissapoints anyone.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
oh well, still gonna be hilarious if thalia is there!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
that would be funny lol
i cant wait to see annabeth's reaction :P
over a year ago perlia4ever said…
here you go. this is all i got so far.
will post next week.
hope you guys like it

Annabeth was just getting dressed to go to breakfast, when suddenly there was small but really bright flash on her bed. She averted her eyes till the flash died. When she opened her eyes again, there was a small box on top of her bed. She stared at it confusingly as she put her in a ponytail. She slowly walked over to the box. She noticed that the box had writing on the side. It said 'To: Annabeth Chase. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did' 'From: The one who sees and knows all.' 'who the heck is that? There are a lot of people who know and see all.' she thought. She slowly opened the box to find some amazing cool thing, but instead she found a book. Which to her was a cool amazing thing. The book was the size of normal reading book but as fat as a dictionary. She looked at the tittle, which read 'Back In Time.' Then she looked down to see the author, but it was blank. She was confused at first but then shrugged it off and picked up the book. The opened the cover to find a note inside. It read 'read the book with you cabin counselor friends, or you wont be able to read at all.' Again she was confused as to why she could not read the book alone. She wanted to go and tell her friends but curiosity got the best of her. She flipped to the next page to find it blank. She turned the page again, and again it came up blank. She flipped through all of the pages to see all it was blank. “so its enchanted” she said to her self. She put the box under her bed and walked out of her cabin with the book. As she walked to the pavilion the stared at the books cover. The cover showed a big clock, which was rotating the wrong way, counter clockwise. It also showed two kids, a boy and a girl, holding hands and walking backwards. And for some reason, they looked really familiar. She entered the pavilion to see that everyone had already started eating. She looked around and saw that no one had noticed her coming in. She walked over to the head table instead of walking over to the Athena table. She knew she had to tell Chiron before she told anyone else. “Chiron, can I talk to you?” she asked when she arrived at the table. “sure my dear” he replied smiling at her. He waited for her to speak but she said nothing. “alone” she said looking over at the people sitting on the table. “okay, lets go” he said as he motioned her to walk ahead. They walked about 8 feet away from the table before stopping. “what is it?” she asked sounding worried. So she explained to him how the book arrived and it said to read with cabin counselors or the writing won't show up. “so I was just wondering if you could make an announcement saying the counselors meet in the big house after breakfast” she said after explaining things. “sure dear, but who do you think the book if from?” he asked. “i don’t know , it just said from someone who sees and knows all” she replied. “alright I’ll make tell them, go and get some breakfast” she said smiling. “thanks Chiron” she said before going to get food. While she filled her plate and sat down on her table, Chiron stomped his hoof to get everyone’s attention. “I have some news, can all of the cabin counselors meet in the big house for a special meet after breakfast” he stated. And in response the counselors nodded then went back to eating. Annabeth anxiously gulped down her food. She wanted to read this book and find out it's mystery. Why it was enchanted and who sent it. After a vary slow breakfast, the campers went to do their usual routine while the leaders went to the big house. Annabeth was the first one there already in her seat as others cam and took their cabin seat. The only seat that was missing was Percy's seat. She stared at it as sadness came over her. She was all curious over the book that she forgot about Percy, the love of her life. She was so focused on Percy, that she didn’t hear someone talking to her. Thalia nudged her as she turned her head to see everyone staring at her. “yea???” she said but it came out like a question. “tell us what happened” Chiron said as he eyed her worriedly. So again she explained to the campers what she explained to Chiron. At first they weren’t interested but when she said enchanted, they perked their heads up. Anything that’s out of the ordinary catch's any demigods attention. “alright, lets start reading” Conner spoke up. “okay who wants to read?” Annabeth asked. “you read first, then we'll take turns” Thalia said. “Okay, here goes nothing” she said as she turned the page. She turned the page and there was another note there. “what kind of book as a warning sign on it” she said as she chuckled. “what does it say?” Jason asked. “it says 'Warning: This will occur in the future, but I am not sure if it will happen in this universe so be warned. And when you are done reading this book, your memory of it will be erased so there is no chance of the future changing. Also if you haven’t figure out who I am by now, I am Chaos. And I wrote this watching this from the future. But again, I am not sure if this will occur in this dimension or not'” she finished reading as everyone stared at the book in shock. “at least we know who sent the book” Conner said smiling. “alright lets read now” Travis said smiling as well. Annabeth turned the book page again and smiled reading the first sentence of the prologue. “okay, Percy Jackson was screwed with over and over again.'” she read and everyone started laughing. “that is so true” Thalia said trying to stop laughing. After everyone stopped laughing Annabeth started to read again. “'It all started when the love of his life left him for his brother.'” she read and fell dead silence along with everyone else. “oh my gods, Annabeth leaves Percy for his brother in the future” Leo said after a while breaking the silence. That earned him a smack on the from Piper and glares from Thalia, Nico, Clairsse, Jason. Annabeth started crying as the book dropped from her hands. “oh Annabeth, Chaos said it might not happen here. So don’t cry” Thalia said putting her arm around Annabeth. She started sobbing into her shoulder. “someone else start reading” Clairsse said picking up the book. “I'll read” Chiron said taking the book from Clairsse. He started reading as Annabeth lifted her head and wiped her eyes. “'His parents got take from him by hords of monsters.'” he read. Everyone gasped in shock. No one expected Percy's parents to die by getting killed by monsters. They always assumed that they would live a happy life and die old. “wow, Percy really did get screwed up” Conner said and got smacked by Thalia. “ow, why are girls so mean” he muttered as he sat back up rubbing his cheek. “'When he became immortal, his father disowned him for falling in love with Thalia.'” Everyone's eyes widened as they looked at Thalia. She looked like someone just smacked her across her face. “Looks like Thalia was there to get the rebound” Leo said grinning. This time Annabeth took out her dagger and threw it, aiming for his shoulder. But she missed as he ducked only to me shocked to death by Thalia. “hey, I am starting to think you guys trying to hurt me” he said still twitching from the zap. “what gave it away” Thalia muttered. “does this mean you broke the hunters code” Piper asked. “hey it said he fell in love with her, doesn’t mean she loved him back” Nico said sounding hopeful. Chiron cleared his throat and started reading again. “'His new love, loved him back but got taken from him by Zeus and got married off to some loser god.'” /[i] “well that answers your question death boy” Leo said grinning which earned him a glare from Nico. “well whats wrong if Thalia loves him back. Isn’t that between them and plus doesn't Percy deserve some happiness. I mean he lost Annabeth and his parents. I think its nice that Thalia was there for him” Piper said as everyone stared at her like she has gone insane. “she has a point, but look how it turned out. Zeus took her away and married her off” Katie said. “haha, looks like Zeus still dislikes Percy. I think that’s something that will never change” Travis said as he, Conner and Leo started laughing. “who's the loser god that she god married off to” Nico asked looking at Chiron. Before he could answer Clairsse spoke up. “yea and what is he god of?” she asked. “for both of your questions, there is no answer here. Maybe we will find out later” Chiron replied. “alright, can you please keep reading” Jason said as he picked up Annabeth's dagger and passed it to her. [i] “'His demigod friends got manipulated by Zeus into hating him. Now he was a outcast among immortals, with no parents, no girl, and no friends.'” he stopped reading again as Conner interrupted him. “that must be sad life. I wonder how I would feel if everyone hated me” he said staring off into space. “okay can please read, and if anyone else interrupts, they are out of here” Rachel said finally talking while looking mainly at Conner Travis and Leo. The three of them pretended to zip their mouth and throw away the keys. “please read Chiron” she turning to look at him. “thank you, ' And seeing his love with some other god was the last straw for him. He along with Thalia, who didn't want to be apart from him, and despised her arranged marriage husband, used his time powers to go back in time to the first day he started Yancy academy,'” Chiron stopped reading as he was taken by surprise. 'he obtained fathers powers' Chiron said in his head. He shook himself out of his daze and started reading again. “'where his problems started. He went back to change his life from the one he currently had and to make sure NEVER to trust a certain daughter of Athena named Annabeth Chase. Follow him on his journey to relive his life and fix his mistakes.'” he finished and looked up. Conner raised his hand like he was in a class room. “what?” Clairsse growled. “Can we talk now?” he asked as he flinched from her voice. “haha...two for flinching” Travis said as he punched his brothers arm. “Dude... not cool” he replied rubbing his arm. “i thought it was funny” Katie said as everyone nodded in agreement with a smile on her face.

keep reading and commenting
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fros4est said…
yes first to comment on your latest post. its good but can u make the words in the story book bold so we can read it easier?
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
its based off a story the person did, if u want to read what he/she has so far, read Back in Time
over a year ago perlia4ever said…
i have a question
how do i write in bold, italic and underline
idk how to do that
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ oh its easy
you go like this

[b ] (without the space at the end and end it with) [/b ]
same with italics, except an "i" in the place of the "b"
and a "u" for underline

so yeah

TESTING!@!!!! it works :P
its easy :D
over a year ago perlia4ever said…
whats up
thanks universa, it works
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
^wow, universal. i think ur turning in to leo, or worse, *shuddering gasp* ur one of them!!! *starts backing up slowly until she stumbles and wuickly gets up and scurries away*
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ no!!!!!


i like to fix things....

over a year ago fros4est said…
totally leo style
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I love it!! That was really funny too!!
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
and by 'them' i mean *gasp* Percy Jackson universal is being an annoyig Percy!
over a year ago percyroxz said…
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
(Annabeth trolling phase)]
this is good! :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago perlia4ever said…
here you go
ill be posting slowly on this forum because these kind of chapters take time to write

“so in the future when he becomes a god, Percy gets Kronos' powers?” Nico said. He said it as a comment but it came out sounding like a question. “that’s what the book says” Chiron replied staring at the book in disbelief as everyone stopped laughing and became serious again. “well that's not a bad thing. At least Percy wont abuse the power like Kronos did” Rachel chirped up. “so you don’t think taking advantage of his powers and going back in time to make everything the way he wants it to be isn’t abusing the power” Jason said frowning. Rachel didn’t back down from his sharp voice. She spoke up and defended her friend. “If I was in Percy's shoes I would do the same if I lost everything I cared about and if one of my family members made everyone around me hate me” she said. She said the word family like it was a curse word. “are you blaming my father?” Jason said as he stood up. “yes I am, it obviously says that Zeus made everyone hate him so yea I guess I am blaming your mighty father” she said standing up as well. She said the name of the king of the gods like it was filled with poison. “the fact that he didn’t use his powers to destroy everything, 'cuz I believe even time has a rule over the gods, he could have made everything decay and fade. He could have destroyed the Western Civilization and made the gods fade. So the fact that he went back in time to change things shows that he is still being kind to us” she continued. Everyone stared at her like she was on fire. Jason knew he lost argument so he sat back down and glared at the table. “is it true? Could his powers of time be that powerful that its enough to destroy the Western Civilization?” Piper asked looking at Chiron sounding overwhelmed by the news. “yes, time is the ultimate weapon. That’s why Kronos was so feared. With a snap of his fingers he could have turned buildings and cities to dust. I agree with Rachel, the fact that Percy didn’t do that means he is still being kind to us” Chiron said sounding sad. Everyone stared wide eyed into space. “why did Zeus make everyone hate him?”Katie asked skeptically. “obviously he didn’t want a son of Poseidon to be with his daughter” Clairsse said frowning. “and by the looks of it Poseidon felt the same way” she continued. “what do you mean?” Travis asked looking confused along with everyone else. “the book said Poseidon disowned him for falling for Thalia. Looks like he didn’t want his son to be with a daughter of Zeus. They brought their own rivalry into their kids life” she said staring at everyone. “i don’t understand how Thalia felt the same way when she was in the hunters” Nico said anger and a hint of confusion in his voice. Everyone turned their eyes to Thalia. “yea Thalia, how. Do you have a secret crush on Percy that you couldn’t express till then?” Leo asked smirking while the Stolls high fived him. Thalia just looked down at the ground, not even bothering to look up at them. She couldn’t believe her past was coming to hunt her again. The reason she joined the hunt was because of the crush she had on Percy. But she saw how he felt about Annabeth and how she felt about him. She didn’t want to intrude so she went the hunters. But when she was alone she always thought about how it would have turned out if she had told him how she felt. She wondered if he would have felt the same. Now she knew her answer. “I used to...” she muttered. “what was that?” Nico asked. But by the look on his face, it was clear that he heard her. “I said I used to. But I got over it after I joined the hunters. He was like a brother to me ever since” she lied as she raised her head to look them in the face. She noticed that everyone was staring her in disbelief. Except Nico and....Annabeth. They were both frowning at her. “haha... looks like you didn’t get over it after all” Travis said laughing. “shut up or I’ll fry you” she said as her voice went from hesitant to cold as ice. “okay can we get to reading the book again” Rachel suggested. “who cares about the book” Nico muttered. “so what? You all lost interest after just the prologue. You don’t even know what happened” she said with a bitter voice. “she is right, lets continue reading” Katie said motioning for Chiron to read. “alright here goes. And please don’t say anything unless its appropriate” he said looking at the Stolls while turning the page. “'Chapter 1, Peter/Percy. It's been 2 months since Thasilia(Thalia) and I, Peter(Percy), arrived at Yancy academy.'” he read then stopped when Leo disrupted him. “wait, if there is a Percy already in the past, wouldn’t the future Percy and past Percy look the same” he asked. “well they are gods, maybe they changed their appearances” Clairsse said. “how do you know?” Leo inquired smirking. “i don’t you punk, but if you would shut up and let him read maybe we can find out” she growled. He shrunk back in his seat and looked at Chiron. Chiron nodded and started reading again. “'I got us enrolled in school on the first day. And we accomplished at befriending Percy or the past me.'” he stopped reading again when Conner spoke up. “isn't it going to be weird for Percy to be calling someone else Percy. I mean I would feel weird if I had to call someone else Conner” he said smiling. “well there’s a lot of differences between you and Percy. And don’t ask what because I don’t have time right now to make that big of a list” Rachel said smirking. The room was filled with people said “ooooooo, burn.” “can you read Chiron before Conner gets himself insulted again” Travis said still laughing. Before he could start reading again, Grover along with Juniper. “hey guys, whats going on” he said taking a seat next to Thalia. “oh nothing, just reading a book about what happens to Percy in the future after Annabeth dumps him” Conner said. “huh? Was all Grover said looking confused as ever. So they took the time to explain to him what was going on. “wow, rough future” Grover said after they were done explaining. “can you believe Thalia and Percy together. Its like a tsunami and tornado going out” Travis said laughing. “yea Thals, I didn’t know you had a thing for Percy” Grover said smiling at Thalia. “turns out she always did. That’s why she joined the hunters in the first place” Nico said bitterly. “why are you in a bad mood. Are you jealous” Leo said smirking. Travis and Conner started laughing while the room started getting colder and darker. “alright calm down Nico. He was just joking” Jason said sensing the power rising within Nico. “I don’t have that good of a sense of humor. So watch what you say” Nico said glaring at Leo. “alright...that’s enough. Lets calm down and continue reading” Piper said standing up with her voice dripping with her charmspeaking power. Suddenly everyone felt like sitting down and relaxing and just listening to Chiron read. Everyone except Thalia Nico and Jason. “Nice try, but children of Aphrodite aren’t strong enough to have effect on the big three children. No matter how powerful their abilities are” Nico said turning to look at Piper. “b-but it always worked on Jason” she said looking shocked. “well then he must be a good actor. Must have inherited his fathers theater abilities” Nico said smiling. Everyone else smiled hearing that, only Piper Jason and Leo looked confused. Percy always used to say what his father told. That Zeus acts more like the god of theater then the sky. “what do you mean?” Jason said looking confused. He place his hand on the hilt of his Gladius, taking the comment as a insult. “forget it Jason, its just an inside joke” Thalia said still smiling. “yea listen to you sister and sit down” Nico said smiling. Jason reluctantly sat down glaring at Nico. “alright Chiron can you please read, and no one disturb” Thalia said looking at Chiron. “okay 'Actually I was more like a big brother to him. The three of us always hung out, and with me around no one picked on him like I remembered how it used to happen. Now you might be thinking wouldn't you two look the same? Well no, because Thalia and I used our powers to make our selves look different from the way we used to.', Conner does that answer your question” Chiron said as he stopped reading. “yes sir” he replied smiling. “looks like Clairsse was right” Rachel said smiling. “okay shush children, 'But she still had her sparkly beautiful blue eyes and instead of spiky and short, she had long and straight black hair. And I still had my deep green eyes with my messy black hair.'” Chiron stopped reading to look at a blushing Thalia. “wow, he thinks she had sparkly blue eyes. I wonder what else she think about her” Leo said wiggling his eyebrows up and down as the Stolls high fived him. “alright quite down, 'Also it's been one month since I told Percy that he was a demigod. Now the only reason I told him for was because two immortals attract a lot of monster and since he saw them we had to tell him about them and himself. I told him we were demigods too, and that I knew who his parent was but I wouldn't tell him because it was a surprise for him. His first reaction was the same as I remembered and also the dis-likeness came as well.'” Chiron stopped reading to look at the page. “i didn’t know Percy was unhappy when he got claimed” Rachel said looking confused. “so does this mean Percy will know about us when he gets to camp” Katie asked. “if he even gets there. Didn’t you hear, they are attracting a lot of monsters” Grover said looking scared. “don’t worry, Percy will protect them. If he didn’t, what was the point of going back in time” Juniper reassured him as she wrapped him in a hug. “I'm not going to like the way things turn out here” Chiron said with a frown as he turned the page. “'Since he knew who he was now, his smell would get stronger. So I gave him a sword, that turned into a key chain version when he needed to hide it, and trained him to fight.', wow so he will be a pretty good swordsmen when he gets to camp. I wonder if Percy taught him everything he knows” Chiron said as his eyes stared off into space. “what do you mean everything he knows?”Jason asked. “well Percy is a master swordsman, he has his own trick that he made up. Every swordsman has their signature technique” Chiron explained. “oh, so what's Percy's signature move?” Jason asked with a raised eye brow. “i don’t know, but what's your Jason” Chiron asked. “I-i don’t have one” Jason said looking down. “oh, so does this mean Percy is a better swordsmen then Jason” Travis asked smiling. “no Greek is better then a Roman” Jason stated standing up. “uh huh, yea now sit down. And I think you shouldn’t say that here, you are surrounded by Greeks. Save your trash talk for when you go back home” Nico said pointing at Jason's seat. “It's not trash talk. No Greek is better then a Roman” he said placing his hand on his sword hilt again. “Jason enough, sit down” Thalia said speaking up. Jason reluctantly sat down glaring at Nico. “please continue reading Chiron” Thalia said turning to face him. “okay' Day after day he trained as he got better and better. I trained him for a month and after we were done training, he was good enough to beat this time period's Luke. And when we had free time, he told me about mom, and I wanted to cry at the sound of her but I held it in.'” Chiron stopped reading as Clairsse interrupted saying “wimp.” “shut up Clairsse. How would you feel like if your mom died and you had to hear people talk about her” Thalia growled at her. She slumped in her seat and didn’t say anything. Chiron took this as a cue to start reading. “'And we told him that we were orphans because both of our parents are dead. And technically that wasn't a lie, since Thalia and my mom were dead from our time period. Also Grover was here as well, he enrolled about couple weeks ago like I remembered.'” Chiron stopped reading. Grover started smiling when he heard his name in the story. “why did you stop reading? Keep going” Leo said getting jumpy. “does someone else wants to read?” Chiron said laying down the book on the table. “I do” Travis Conner and Leo shouted at the same time. “wait, wait when did they learn how to read” Rachel said laughing. The rest of the people joined her while Conner Travis Leo started muttering some stuff. “lets give it to someone who knows how to read or this will take forever” Katie said still laughing. “okay so who wants to read?” Chiron asked again. “ill do it” Rachel said as she took the book and opened it to the page.

keep reading and posting
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
its good :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fros4est said…
great i wanna
over a year ago jenn008 said…
I love this story!!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
hi! i....... LOVE IT!!! please post soon on both of you forums! :D
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
cool, it worked!
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
Id rather u do it on the other forum but this is really good to
I wanna see Thalia and Annabeth fight :D (im just that evil)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
ha ha ha, you ARE evil! ha ha ha you are funny Lt_Pupster! post soon on BOTH forums! :D
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
Awesomeness perlia
pure awesome
I'm am blown away by your writing and cratevity
please post soon
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Post soon, please.
This is really good.
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
someone comment! he wont post if no one comments! please post soon! :D
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
^^she is a she
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
cool post more soon!
over a year ago percyroxz said…
post soon plz plz plz
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
over a year ago rock4ever said…
over a year ago percyroxz said…
big smile
plz postt soon on both forums.
for the reading one to make it easier just copy and past the chapters on word or something and the where ever u want then to talk just add it on. that way u don`t have to rewrite a whole bunch of chappies. plz plz post soon.
over a year ago jenn008 said…
Please Post!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Pretty please post soon!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago percyroxz said…
big smile
hey plz post soon. and if u want to make writing this easier copy and past the chapters from the ur other forum ans add watever u want
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
nice work, keep writing.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i weep for this abandoned story. i liked it.
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
this story isnt abandoned guys
perlia said she will be continuing it soon
just doesn't know when
over a year ago PiperXJason said…
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
ahh anaklumus you son of a bitch of course its abandonded!