The Heroes of Olympus Memory, Enemys, Lost, And Doomed

rock4ever posted on Jan 11, 2012 at 03:06AM
hi, i'm so so so so so sorry but, i had a dream and i thought it was good so i was like "Hey, this would make a great story, i should post it on fanpop!" so here I am. I well still post on my other forums, but not untill like, 10 difforent people comment on them. So, this is what it is about.

ok, you know The Son Of Neptune ending, right, well, right after percy says "Come on, let me introduce you to my other family" the world freazes, and percy sondonly apeares (is that how you spell it?) in a white room, and well, you know percys enemys, like for example, Nancy Bobofit, yeah they aso apeaer and they can see through the mist when they are there, and then Ares comes and...... well im giving to much away. just read the first chapter and see if you like it, and if you dont, stop reading, its ok with me. just comment and tell me what needs to be changed, and i well fix it if i feel that it needs to be fixed. so thats about it, bye! (oh, and i might not post often, but i well TRY to post every day!)

The Heroes of Olympus 57 replies

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over a year ago rock4ever said…
ok, heres the first chapter! (and remember what i said)


"Come on, let me introduce you to my other family." so there I was, waiting for the doors of the huge ship to open. I sall them creep open but then stopped. I didnt know what happoned untill i turned to my right to ask Frank what happened when i saw that he was frozon, and Hazel to, and the whole camp! At first, I thought "Gaea" but nothing happened. Then a min. or so later, my srounding turned white, and there, in frount of me, the people i thought i would never meat agan, they wore Nancy, and Sloan. "Ware am i, how did i get here," Nancy said "and who are you." she said pointing at Sloan. "and..... thats odd, you seem really......... i....... just cant remember." she said pointing at me. Then Ares showed up, and anger burned in me. "Perceus Jackson," he starded. "WAIT! DID YOU JUST SAY PERCY JACKSON" Nancy asked. Ares just continued.
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
liked it? i well post more toarow, i need to go to sleep so good night!
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
It looks great, but can you share the plot of this story.
Like what's supposed to happen here.
And it's good continue
and oh yea who the heck is Sloan
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
oh, remember, in "The Sea Of Monsters"
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
ok, i well post tonight!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
oh, what happens is his mortal enemys watch him fight every monster he ever faced, and you well fined out what happons later later. ;)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
oh, and you probabary know what well happon next by the title!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
ok, i well post as much as i could but im not supost to be on fanpop now so if i stop in the middle of a sentenes, that means my mom called me so yeah! ok, here it is!

(still PERCY)

"today you well have a fight with your, ammmmmmmmmm, "friends" watching, i bet they well LOVE it!" "wait," i said "they cant see through the mist." "well, they can now!" "WAIT!!!" (oh, and sorry, i rembered it was MATT sloan. my bad) matt started. "percy jackson! hows tyson! (i know i didnt do a ? but that was because he was teasing him) whats the mist, and who are you two?" he said pointing to Ares and Nancy. i only half herd him. "ares," i started. "DID YOU JUST SAY ARES, AS IN THE GOD OF WAR!" nancy asked. "SHUT UP!!!" i said. "why do you want them here? and what sort of fight? do you want me to fight you or monsters?" "MONSTERS!" nancy and matt said at the same time. "monsters" ares said. "fine, lets get this over with." and sondonly, the minotaur opered. "you had to pick THAT monster!" i said. "oh, not only that monster, just some of them are late, oooooo! here they are!"
over a year ago rock4ever said…
sorry, i had to do something, heres some more!

(still PERCY)

first, the ferys showed up. "oh, hello Mrs. Dodds!" i said. "thats mrs dodds," nancy said. "im so glad she was not my teacher! shes so uguly." then, more and more monsters showed up, even C.C! "h.... how many monsters are here, and i thought C.C died by the pierets?!" "no quashons (sorry, but i dont know how to spell "quashons")
over a year ago rock4ever said…
sorry, but my brother didnt know i was on fanpop to, and im useing his DSI. well, hopefully here is the rest of the chapter!

(still PERCY)

"just fight!" ares continued. "well at least tell me how many monsters are over thare!" i said pointing ware C.C and the monsters wore. "oh, thats every single monster you ever faced." ares said as if it was no big deal. "EVERY MONSTER I EVER FACED!!! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE CIDING ME!" i said. "hey, i need action! so, C.C, TURN HIM INTO A GUINEA PIG!!!" ares shouted. "WHAT!" matt asked, "how can a buttiful girl" he winked at C.C. "turn people into guinea pigs? wait, how can a regular girl turn people into guinea pigs?" but the mach allready started. i took out my pen and uncapped it, and it sprange into Riptide. i was pretty sure nancy or matt said something but i coulded listen, i had to foces! first, i sprinted to the minotaur. "hey, ground beef, over here!" i yelled. he made a loud "ROOOOOOOOORRRR" sound and ran tords me. in my mind i was thinking "kill him, and watch out for sneek atacks." (sorry spelling) time slowed down.i felt a tug in the pit of my stomach, and water started forming around me, forming a miny hurracane.

sorry, i would do longer but i thought now would be a good time for nancys profile so, here you go!


i watched in horror as percy made a hurracane. "h.... h...... h..ow is..he doing that?" i asked. matt just stood thare, looking at percy. he wasont answering my quashon (thare is that word agan, sorry. oh and can someone please tell me how to spell agan, it would be really helpful!) so i grabbed his sholders and shook him. "ANSWER ME!" "oh, ummmmm, what did you ask agan?" matt said. "i said how is he doing that!" "well," he scrached the back of his head. "yeah, i dont know, but maby we can ask percy when hes done? i dont know, but i think im beggining to have respecte for percy." he said. "why?" i asked. "well, look at him!" he said.(sorry it wont let me wright
over a year ago rock4ever said…
sorry but what i ment to say was it wouled let me wright anymore forsome strange reason, anyway, im going to bed at 11:00pm and right now its 10:45pm so i well wtight for 15min. but then im going to bed, so here it is!

(still NANCY)

i looked over to find out that the minotaur was gone, and mrs. dodds was gone, and right now he was fighting vanpiers. (sorry but i didnt know how to spell it) "wow" i said. "yeah" matt said with a dreamy look on his face, but then he fround, i didnt get why but he did. "whats wrong?" i asked. "all that time," he started. "i made fun of tyson, and percy for being his friend, and, i dont know how to say it. i mean, percy saved my life, and others to, and i lied to the teachers and said percy made the fire, and some other stuff to. and really the big mean....." he stopped talking and stared at some monsters and they stared back at him. then, gilt ran all through my body. what if percy saved my life. i mean, if he was telling the truth about mrs. dodds, what if percy didnt kill mrs dodds, then would she kill me? "stop that!" i thought to my self. "percy is your enemy, stop talking to yourself that way!" i thought about my thoughts and started to think "what if i wasint so mean to grover and percy, then would we be friends?" "stop that!" myself said to me. "YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS! YOU WALK ALONE AND THATS THAT!" "but it would be nice to have one friend." she thought agan. "thats it!" she said aloud. "the next time percy needs help, im going to help him!"

sorry, but its 11:10 so im going to bed! good night!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
oh, i forgot to tell you i well post tomarow if i have the DSI. good night agan!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
oh, and i know that thats not nancy but percy, nancy, and matt need to be friends in this story! oh, and i gess i should tell you because i change my mind, here is whats happoning. of coures percy well kill all the monsters but he well be really REALLY tired so ares will get to him and take his memory, but this time it well be totaly wiped and he even wont remember annabeth. so now, percy has to joon with his enemys and get his memorys back! so yeah there it is! bye! oh, and i might post tonight!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
ok, here it is!

(still NANCY)

"why?" matt said. "what" i asked "why are you going to help percy?" he answered "because....." i started but then i looked at the fight. all of the monsters was gone but one, and he was faceing...... shoot what was the name again? i forget but they feed on vilent deaths. percy aso didnt look so good, his purple shirt was ripped and some of it was at the other side of the room. he was covered in skars and scraches, but the wores part was him. he looked exosted (sorry didnt know how to spell it, but it means really really tired) and whenever he swonge his sword, he would stumpled back and all most fall, and finally when he bet the last monster, he looked up at ares, and colapsed on the ground. ares smilled and said "well, that was fun, but not anouth." he walked up to percy and whispered something and percy started to flot in the air. then bubbles with moveing pichters on them started comeing out of his ears, one was a older girl, maby his mom, being strangiled by a big set of hands. another one showed this on girl with bloned hair getting captchered by a monster, and one showed matt takeing a pichter from percy, it showed the same girl with the bloned hair, and matt said "No way Jackson. Who is that? She is not your" and percy shouted "Give it back!" and finally, the last one........ it was one that i knew. "Percy pushed me!" i said. mrs. dodds, hey he was telling the truth! came over, and kids wore saying "Did you see-" "-the water-" "-like it grabbed her-" and mrs. dodds promised to get me a new shirt and tolled percy "Now, honey-" and percy said "I know, a month erasing workbooks." and then the bubble popped. "mr." i said "mr. ares sir" he turned toreds me. "yes" he said. "what are you doing to per-" i started. "FINISHED!" he said. "sir" i reapeted. "what" "what did you do to percy?" i asked. "oh, earasing his memory, which is done so that means i'm leaving, good bye and good luck!" and just like that, he was gone.

over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
liked it please comment, because i wont post another chapter untill 5 difforent people comment.
over a year ago rock4ever said…
(hehehe) i said i wont post a CHAPTER untill 5 difforent people comment, i didnt say anything about sneek peeks! enjoy (even though no ones reading this)


i coulded beleave they wore here they wore monsters i just coulded beleave it! percy diffeted them but i still thought about it untill nancy came over to me and said shacking my sholder "come on, percy needs help!" so we want over to percy. "hey," nancy said. "theres a note. it says "oh, i forgot to say percys memory is wipped clean, the only thing he knows how to do is talk and fight just because i was in a good mood. anyways thats about it. ooooooo, just remember to help percy get his memory back! (this is going to be beter than womens boxing) bye!
"well what are we going to do?" i asked. "well," nancy started. " we should...." but then before she could finish, are sroundings turned black and sondonly we wore at a museum. "o.m.g" nancy said. "this is the museum." "what museum?" i asked. "well, its right in frout of you!" she stated. "thats not what i meant." i said. "i know im just messing with you!" she said. "this is wear me and my old class with percy want on a feild trip, this is wear he fought mrs. dodds." "oh," i said. "so what wore you going to say?" i asked. "well, i was going to say we should, like, oh i cant beleve im about to say this, take care of percy, like wash him up and stuff like that." she said. "all right, lets go do that!" i said. so me and nancy pickt percy up, i got the feet and nancy got the head, got to the bath room, and i gess you could say give him a spunge bath, BUT WITH HIS UNDERWARE ON, and we got him a shirt and shorts at the gift shop, and lade him down on the floor. "so," i started. "the museum well open in about 10min. so what should we do?" i asked. "well," nancy said looking at a van. "we could steel that van and put percy in the back, and like go to a hotel or something like that. (sorry wont let me wright more)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rock4ever said…
sorry heres the rest!

(still MATT)

"tell them percy didnt get much sleep and we didnt want to wake him up, get a room untill hes beter, go get his memory back!" she finished. "ok, good idea so lets do it now because the museum opens in 3min." i stated. "wow i talked for 7min., well lets get out of here quickly!" she said. so we got in the van with percy, and luckly the person left there keys so we just went without car jacking (i think thats what its called) it. when we got to a hotel nancy did all the talking meanwhill i helled percy. she said. "hello, we would like to buy two rooms please." "sure," the lady at the counter said. "and how long are you staying?" she asked. "we dont know yet." nancy said. "yes and how much monay do you have?" she asked. "oh, just all of this." nancy said as she lade all of the owners of the vans monay on the couter. "ok, heres your rooms keys." she said. "thank you" nancy said as she took the monay back. "wow, you didnt even need to menchon percy!" i said as we got on the elevator. "yeah, lets just get to the rooms and then we well talk." so we got percy on top of a bed in one of the rooms and got him under the covers. "its 9:00am, ill stay here now and at 10:00am you will come here and i well relax." i said. "fine, bye matt! see you in a hour." and then she left.

ok that was not a sneek peek but i love wrighting chapters, next one well be percy.
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
Hey rock4ever, I read to first few chaqpters and they were godd, but I'm sorry, but I don't really understand the ones after Ares erased Percy's memory so... yeah, but I like the theme!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
oh, well basicly what happoned is percy got his memory lost, nancy read the letter, ares got them to the museum that was in the lightning thief, they cleaned off percy in the museum, stole a van and got to a hotel, got 2 rooms, and finally they got percy on a bed in one of the rooms! well there you go!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
i well hopefuly post today or tonight!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
ok, here you go!


my whole body hurt. every single muscle hurt. i opened my eyes. i was in a room, in a bed, to my left was a boy, and to my right was a girl, the girl said "fine, bye matt! see you in a hour!" and she left. matt sighed and turned on a TV. i was about to say something when i thought "where am i?" and then a scary thought came to me. "wait, who am i, whats my name, and how did i get here?" the more i thought, the more i wanted to know, so finally i made a choice, ask or go back to sleep, and i chose ask. "excuse me," i said and matt jumped back. "wait your awake?!" he asked. "uuuummmm" i said. i was begining to think this was a bad idea. "yes, i just wanted to ask, do you know who i am, and maby my name?" "so ares was telling the truth, i'll be right back!" he said as he turned off the TV and left the room. a cople seconds later matt came in with the same girl. she said. "are you sure, cause i still dont beleve ares." "just talk to him" matt said. "fine," she said. "hello, by any chanes do you know who we are?" "i dont even know who i am, so why would i know you?" i asked. she sighed. "ok, your name is percy jackson," as soon as she said that name my head hurt. "and i dont know you that good, but i well tell you what i could! you live somewhere in new york, you have a best friend named grover," when she said grover my head hurt like crazy. "you wore on the news because you this guy named ares," "wait," i said. "like the guy in greek mufallagy?" (sorry didnt know how to spell it) "yes" she continued.

sorry but i should go upstairs, good bye!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
ill post tomarow!
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
um so he can't remember who he is, or anything right? so wait, what happened to Annabeth or the rest of the people at camp jupiter-half blood?
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
ha ha ha, i was about to ask you the same thing! if you ever read this one forum for the mark of athena and they did like shout little things that had nothing to do with the story line? yeah well i was about to ask you if i should do one chapter about what happened when percy left. if you want me to i well do that tonight.
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
can you? because i want to know :)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
sure, but it might not be tonight because i dont have the DSI so i well try to post tomarow! good night!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
awesome, NEW PAGE!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
yes! ok, i WELL post a chapter because i stole (hehehe) the DSI from my brothers room! but first i well have to cach up on the forbbinen worior so bye for now! mmmmmmooooooaaaaaaaaaa!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
you know what just happoned? i finished it and i was just about to hit submit when the f****** DSI shut off! that took me 40min. to wright that and now its all deleted. uuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggg! now its 11:35pm and tomarow i have to go to school and i really badly wanted a good night sleep because yesterday i stayed up untill 3:30 in the morning and i just........ uuuuuuuuggggggg! it turned out the DSI was blinking red and i was about to get the charger and it shut off. prfecte timeing. crap! sorry but im going to do it tomarow im just really tired and sorry about my lagulage to! im just SO mad! good night! D:
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
you should do it on something that you can save it on you know what mean?
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
o and rock4ever, you can maybe get more readers if you like spelt the title right [don't want to be mean or anything] but it's couldn't
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
what do you mean by that? and ill post tonight!
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
for your title, the word 'coulded' is actually 'couldn't' I don't want to be mean but yeah that's how it's spelt
over a year ago rock4ever said…
oh, ok. anyway, i cant post a chapter tonight (its 9:00 right now) because ryan (4pee) took back the DSI, but who knows, i might steel it back! well good bye/night! :l
over a year ago rock4ever said…
oh, and sorry its not 9:00 its really 9:26.
over a year ago rock4ever said…
well, now its the next night and still no one commented, (sigh) right now its 1:32am and today is friday so tomarow NO SCHOOL! so i might post a chpter tomarow, but not tonight because im SO tired so good night!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
here is a little bit!


the doors opened and the first person to come out was jason.... wait, did i just see jason, jason, "JASON" I screamed with the whole camp. jason smiled and said "hello camp jupitar, the campers inside this boat are percys friends, and i think everyone know percy so you can trust them." just then hazel screamed. "hazel what is it?" i asked. "I CANT FIND PERCY!!!!!!" she yelled "dont worry hes right...." but then i notest he wasint thare.

sorry but thats all for right now.
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
ill post at 5:30pm
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
sorry, i didnt post at 5:30 but i promes ill post tonight!
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
poooossst sooooooooooooooooon! sorry I just had to do that :P
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
o and sorry I didn't post before, I was busy and I was using my dad's phone and I couldn't really go on for that long, but now I'm using my computer so it's all good :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
I don't get this
What the hell is going on?
Flameouth is right
you could like fix you're grammmer and stuff
am just saying

raises hands*
over a year ago rock4ever said…
well, if you go back to the first page, right after the 8th time i posted, it examples what happened and when your done reading that then read this comment again and you will know whats happening!

ok, then after that percy wakes up and they basicly talk the whole chapter. anyway then flamemouth27 wanted to know what happened with camp jupiter so the next chapter was the doors of the ship opening, jason talking, and finally hazel notesed percy was gone! well, thats about it! bye! (and sorry, im not that good at spelling, grammer, wrighting, and a whole bunch of other stuff. but im the MASTER at math and sicens.) (sorry but didnt know how to spell 'sicens'. sorry D:)
over a year ago rock4ever said…
like i said, (sigh) a REALLY bad speller. D:
over a year ago this-is-me said…
big smile
I like the idea! keep up the good work (for your spelling problem ~i have one too~ type it on microsoft word so tht you have spell check! :))
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
(smile) cool your still checking out my forums this-is-me! :D anyway that would be a big help, and thanks i would do that if i could but only computers have microsoft and even if i was aloud to use my moms computer we just got a new one and my mom didnt bye microsoft for it yet so, yeah! ill post soon and i might post on my on the sea of monsters one tonight! bye! :D
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
some one comment!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
big smile
i wont post till one person comments!
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
poooost!!!!! there I commented poooooooosssstttttt!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago rock4ever said…
ok, like i said on my other forums, its 1:53am, im tired, and i have to go to school! so i well try to post tomarow, or some time this week. so bye! :D