The Heroes of Olympus Unexpected

percabeth13 posted on Jan 13, 2012 at 10:53PM
Percy has a twin sister!i no this has been done so many times before but just give mine a chance ok? Percabeth. NO ONE IS GETTING BANISHED!!! Annabeth just moved to new York from San Francisco. After the last olympian school year before HoO.
last edited on May 05, 2012 at 04:38AM

The Heroes of Olympus 203 replies

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over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Chapter one

   My name is Madeline. I am 16 years old and I have black hair so long that it reaches the small of my back and emerald green eyes. I am a sophomore at Goode high school in manhattan, NY. I love ancient Greek myths. I never knew my real mother or father. Or even my own last name.
My morning started out great (hint: that was sarcasm)
        I had the weirdest dream last night. There was a mother in a hospital bed smiling down at her newborn twins one boy and one girl.( I could tell by the blankets they were wrapped in) they had black hair and emerald green eyes. The mother, who had beautiful eyes that changed colors in the light and long brown hair, looked so happy. Then all of the doctors walked out of the room as if in a trance. The woman didn't notice. Then there was a blinding light, I knew that if I were there in person I would have been reduced to a pile of ashes in mere seconds,the mother shielded her children's eyes then adverted hers. When the flash died down there was a man standing there. He had to be the children's father, for he had the same black hair and green eyes as them. He was wearing a hawaiian shirt and bermuda shorts with sailing shoes. He must have been a fisherman because he had a deep tan and strong arms. He had creases around his eyes which meant he smiled a lot, but now he wasn't smiling. He looked as if he were here to give very unfortunate news.
       The woman looked up at him smiling but it quickly disappeared as she took in his expression.
"what's wrong?" she questioned.
" they cannot stay together,they are to powerful." he said sadly. "one will be taken to a foster home. If my older brother found out that I sired not one but two  mortal heroes after our oath, he'd surely be angry. "
"but didn't he sire a daughter just a few years ago?" the woman asked him desperately.
"yes but still,  it's hard to believe that my little brother kept to the oath."
He explained."I will be back in the morning to get one of the children."
"NO! It's not fair! you come in here, not even asking their names, and tell me I can only keep one!?! Do you think that's fair!?! No it's not!" the woman cried.
"I'll be back tomorrow" he said as he disappeared with another flash. The doctors walked back in to her shielding the children's eyes and crying. She soon fell asleep holding her babies with her tears drying on her cheeks. 
The next morning, she woke up with just enough time to adjust her babies and look away before the man flashed in.
"I've always wanted a boy, take the girl. I know I'll see her again someday."
The mother said handing him the child. 
"what's her name?" he asked.
"her name ? Her name is Madeline."she replied
"and his?" he questioned looking at the still sleeping baby boy.
"his name is-" 
I woke up in a cold sweat.
It was just a dream. it was just a dream. I kept telling myself. But was it really just a dream? I was jerked from my thoughts by my foster mom, carol, shouting at me to help get the younger kids get ready for school. I got dressed and started Getting the kids ready for the first day of school.
When I got to school  there was a new student I've never seen her before so she must have  Just moved here from somewhere she had along blonde hair curled like a princesses with grey eyes. so I walked up to her. She gasped when she saw me.
"hey, is this your first day here?"I asked her.
"yes," she replied." I'm looking for my boyfriend.he goes here"
"ok I know everyone here maybe I can help you. What's his name?"
"Percy Jackson. You know, you really look like him. A lot . Like you could be twins." she told me.
"thanks? I get that a lot. Hes in my first class. Let's look at your schedule to see who you have first."I said.
"oh you've got Mr. Blofis too."I told her.
"Percy's stepdad?"she asked.
"really?" I asked a bit suprized. I mean Percy and mr. Blofis had been close and once mr.blofis called Percy 'son'. I mean he called everyone 'son, but I felt as if he really meant it.
Right as we were about to walk to class, Percy ran up.
"Annabeth!" he shouted."wait."
"Percy! Hi." annabeth said, smiling."we were just about to walk to Mr.blofis' class."
"oh really?"he asked "who's this?" 
"seriously?" I said "you still don't know me? Even after I was in your fifth grade class, your third grade class and your eighth grade class and now here for the past year"
"really?" he sounded surprised."I was kicked out of a lot of schools"
"I know I was too."I said.
"ok, well bells about to ring. Wouldn't look good if I was late to my own stepfathers class. Let's go."
When we got there I was standing next to Percy, who was standing next to Annabeth. When mr.blofis saw me he gasped. Once he regained his composure he told us to sit down. When every one was silently working, he called me and Percy into the hall.
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
What should I have him say to them?
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ idk
maybe that sally told him something...?
once again--idk

post soon!
i think its good, but its just that its not like--real
like, percy never had a twin sister
but its good all the same!! :D
over a year ago kronosdied said…
Percy should get banished its fun post soon
over a year ago killer24 said…
you are great keep it up
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Sooo kewl. Its really good. Wait no its not good its AMAZING and AWESOME!!!!!!!! POST SOON!!
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Ok first of all I'm not banishing Percy! Why on this big green hearth would you even suggest that!?!.!
Do you want percy to become all powerful and kill everybody who turned against him?
HINT:that was a rhetorical question Percy will neverbebanished in any of my stories! Any of the stories I read that Percy gets banished in I hate with. A passion I'm sorry I you ace here expecting percy to get banished but it's in. The title: unexpected!!!!!! I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings I'm just alittle miffed that you would suggest that.
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Omg I'm soooo sorry for my rant I just had to gt that out.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Wow your rant was pretty crazy but I do like only one banished story calle the banished three that ones good. And so far your story is good. But I got kinda confused whom is the new person Madeline or annabeth
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
New school year,Madeline's been there freshman year now this year, annabeth just moved from San francisco to new York.
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Btw huge percabeth!!!
Oh and also@ puggylove17, I've read that one I think it was mean how one person could get everyone turned against him enough to banish him.
over a year ago fros4est said…
wow thats a great start i love it

paul should ask them if they know about each other and they reply(your words) then paul is thinking while sending them back to class

thats what i want paul to do the rest its up to you
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
How do you guys like the name Madeline?
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
That is a gr8 name post soon
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
I like the name.
Post soon!!
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
It will take me awhile to write a chapter that long.
Also I think the next chapter will be short and in Paul's POV.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Ok. I will wait.
over a year ago ImAnnabeth said…
lets get something straight:
percabeth13+ImAnnabeth= the same person!!!!!
ill be posting from both!!!!
over a year ago beba157jello said…
i love it really good post soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago beba157jello said…
pliz post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Post soon!!!!
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Chapter two

The ball was about to ring and three students still weren't here yet so I looked at the roll and saw that Percy and annabeth were in my class along with a girl named Madeline. The three of them. Walked in right as the bell rang. Percy was in the middle with annabeth on his right and on his left was a girl I assumed was Madeline. I gasped. Madeline looked exactly like Percy.(if Percy was a girl that is) I told everyone to take their seats and get started on their class work. Once they were all working, I asked for Percy and Madeline to meet me in the hall.
"do you know each other?" I asked.
"nope" Percy said popping the 'p'.
Madeline gave a look of irritation to Percy. "no we don't know eachother, even thou we were in the same class for third, sixth, eighth, and last year. Not including this year because it just started." Madeline told me.
"you look a lot like Percy" I said . "so much alike.....go back to class."
I needed to talk to Sally.
All class long I kept stealing glances at Madeline.when class was over, I couldn't concentrate the rest of the day because I kept wondering why that girl looked like my stepson.
When I got home Sally was cooking. Percy had gone to help annabeth finish unpacking her things over at her house.
"so there's an interesting young lady in my class." I said.
"oh really? What's she like?" she asked.
Well, her name is Madeline-"
She stiffened ever so slightly.
"and she has long black hair and green eyes" I finished
"really?" she asked forcing her voice light and feigning suprize. 
"yeah, you know she looked like she could have been Percy's twin, but she can't be, you would have told me."
When she turned around I saw there were tears in her eyes.
"I meant to tell you Paul,it just,you can't tell percy." she begged
But I didn't notice.i was still trying to process the fact that I have a suprize stepdaughter.i stared at her with a blank expression on my face. Then the door opened and Percy called, "mom? Paul?" 
"we're in here" Sally yelled back, wiping her tears. 
"hey whens dinner?" he asked.
"it's almost done sweetheart. Will you set the table dear?"she replied.
"I won't tell Percy." I said in a hushed voice when he was in the other room. "but you have to."

hope you liked it
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Wow...... I love it!!
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
I'll try to post at least twice a week.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Chapter three

My dream started like this:
It was my mom and my dad, Poseidon. She was crying but she was also smiling she was holding me, just born and Poseidon was holding a baby girl who looked exactly like me.  "might, i like it."Poseidon was saying "and his?" he asked looking at the sleeping baby me.
"his name is Perseus." she said.
As my dad turned to leave, mom shouted, "wait, when Percy's old enough, can I tell him about her?"
"no." he replied then flashed out.
I woke up in a cold sweat..
I didn't think much of the dream and quickly forgot about it because I had other things on my mind like Annabeth moving from San francisco. She'll be in all of my classes this year. I put on a green shirt and jeans.
"Percy? Your pancakes are getting cold!" my. Mm called.
"okay!" I shouted back. When I got to the kitchen, mom had a plate of hot blue pancakes. My favorite.
"ouch!" I yelled when I shoveled a huge piece of pancake into my mouth. "mom, these are still really hot!"
"i know honey,it was the only way to get you to hurry up. You look so handsome, Percy."
"mom."I said.
"what?" she asked innocently.
I gave her a look.
"all ready for your first day of tenth grade?"she asked changing the subject.
"yeah. Don't forget, I'm going over to annabeths house after school to help annabeth unpack h things" I reminded her.
"okay sweetie." she said.
 I took a ride with Paul to school. He dropped me off at the front entrance, then went to park In the teacher parking zone. I walked in and went straight to the bathroom the fix my hair. Then I went to my locker to put some things in and get ready for my first class.
 Then I went to find annabeth.
When I found her she was talking to a girl, I couldn't see her face, but she had really long black hair. They were about to walk away so I shouted
"annabeth! Wait!"
"Percy, hi."annabeth said, smiling."we were just about to walk to Mr.blofis' class."
"oh really?"i asked "who's this?" 
"seriously?" the girl said "you still don't know me? Even after I was in your fifth grade class, your third grade class and your eighth grade class and now here for the past year"
"really?" I  said surprised."I was kicked out of a lot of schools"
"I know I was too."she said.
"ok, well bells about to ring. Wouldn't look good if I was late to my own stepfathers class. Let's go."
When we got there I was standing in the middle with the girls on either side of me. When mr.blofis saw the girl he gasped. Once he regained his composure he told us to sit down. When every one was silently working, he called the girl, madeline, and Me into the hall.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
I probably won't post for the rest of the week Ill be working on my other forum
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Thats ok. I will wait. Loved the chappie though. It was really good.
over a year ago beba157jello said…
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
I will not post another chappie till I have at least four fans. You need to click on my name and then 'add to Fan list'
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
You need to check out my mark of Athena.
I have three chappies up so far!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Here's a sneak peek.

Chapter four

The Next day, mr.blofis acted really weird around me. I mean sure Percy looked exactly like me. In my dream I had a twin. But it can't be Percy, and besides, my dreams never come true. I was still thinking about this when Percy came overto me.
"hey." he said
"hi?" I said/asked because he never talked to me before.
"do you want to um come over to my house for dinner tonight not as a date but my mom wants to meet you."
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant wait until u post the rest!!!!
over a year ago beba157jello said…
awesome preview !!!!!!!
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Chapter four

The Next day, mr.blofis acted really weird around me. I mean sure Percy looked exactly like me. In my dream I had a twin. But it can't be Percy, and besides, my dreams never come true. I was still thinking about this when Percy came overto me.
"hey." he said
"hi?" I said/asked because he never talked to me before.
"do you want to um come over to my house for dinner tonight not as a date but my mom wants to meet you. She said that she needed to tell us something."


When I was Putting on my shoes to leave, the doorbell rang. Carol answered the door and called me down.
"look who's here to pick you up, Madeline."Carol said winking at me. Percy paled.
"eeeeewwwww!" I shrieked."it's not like that! His mom just wants to meet me. Plus hes dating Annabeth."
"yeah that'd be really weird" Percy added
"oh alright."You'd better get going then."
While we were were driving over to Percy's house he tried to make little small talk.
" do you like mr.blofis?" 
I gave him a questioning look"really? Small talk? Your mom needs to talk to me in person for the first time. Something to important that I have to eat over. And needs to be heard. And your trying small talk?" I asked incrediously.
"your right. No small talk."he said 
For the rest of the way he drove in silence and I rode in silence.
When we got to his apartment, he came and opened my door for me. Oookaayyyyy. Weird...
Once we got upstairs, Percy shouted,
"I got her!" then led me to the kitchen where his mom was putting the food onto the table.
"Percy will you set the table please?" she asked.
"sure mom."
"where's the washroom?"I asked.
"down the hall to the right" mr.blofis said walking in.
"um hi mr.blofis. Thanks for the light homework this weekend." I said awkwardly.
 "no problem!" he replied. I went to go wash my hands. As I was walking out, the doorbell rang. Percy went to get it because his mother aand mr. Blofis were busy. He looked really familiar like and old memory or dream.
"dad!" Percy said.
"what are you doing here?" Percy's mom asked.
"oh, I'm here for the dinner conversation. I couldn't let you do It without me."he replied."oh hello Madeline. How have you been?"
"ummm, I don't know you." I said a little weirded out.
He acted like I hadn't said anything.
"dinner time." Percy's mom said and we all went into the dinning area.
Once we were all seated I finally got a good look at Percy's mom and his dad (not Paul) I gasped. They were the parents from my crazy dream! Percy's mom, mr.blofis looked a little nervous. I couldn't read Percy's dads expression his face was blank, like a calm ocean.
"Percy,  Madeline, we have to tell you something that we should've told you long ago."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fros4est said…
they get to know each other yes!!!! post soon
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Hey guys in had an amazing idea that came to me in a dream!
Sally panics doesn't tell them they find out on their own in a different chapter!
over a year ago parras2 said…
you have an awesome story post soon
over a year ago beba157jello said…
wow awesome chapter pliz post more thiz is so gud
love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I love the chappie!!!!! Its was awesome.
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
this is Madeline
last edited over a year ago
this is Madeline 
over a year ago parras2 said…
post soon
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Chapter five

I Was going to tell them, I really was. But Paul and Poseidon were staring at me so I panicked and said something random.
"um... Madeline. Ah... we need to tell you We just want you to know that,ah. You see, we are going to the beach and we were wondering if you would like to come?"I asked hesitantly.
"are you serious? You had me come over here for dinner for something that could be said over the phone?" Madeline almost skreeched.
Posiedon and Paul looked disappointed in me. 
"I just thought you would Like to go to the beach with us." I said innocently recovering from my panic.
"we're going to the beach? When, where, and how long?" Percy asked getting excited.
"any beach you'd like Percy" Poseidon saved me from panicking again.
"montauk?" he asked.
"anything for you son."
"so Madeline will you come with us? Annabeth is also coming." Paul questioned.
"sure, I love the beach"Madeline replied.
Afte dinner was over and Percy was taking Madeline home, Paul, Poseidon confronted me.
"I thought you were going to tell them." Paul said.
"I thought it would be best if I heeded Poseidon's advice and let them find out later." she replied.
"oh really? Poseidon asked suspiciously.
"yes. End of story. I'm tired. Paul would you show Poseidon the door?" I  said walking away down the hall.
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
I think this forum I dead.....

Comment if you want more!
Has to be more than three comments.
over a year ago beba157jello said…
really awesome pliz post soon !!!!!!first to comment
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
There's one...
over a year ago parras2 said…
big smile
sorry I didn't comment before i'm grounded and I can only get on when my parents leave:( your story is amazing post soon
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
here is three!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
here is four now you post!!!!!!!!!!!!!