The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena Ch1

Percy_12 posted on Feb 07, 2012 at 03:17AM
Note: I dont own any characters,or settings all credit goes to Rick Riordin.
On the Argro 11 Annebeth's heart hammered in her chest. It would be the first time in eight months that she would be seeing Percy. But doubts clouded her mind. What if he had lost his memory just as Jason had. What if he didn't remember her or worse what if he he had met another girl at this other camp. "Are you ok" Piper asked "You look like your going to be sick" "Yeah. it's just what if Percy doesn't remember me what if.."she chocked back a sob"... What if he met a another girl"? "Trust me he will" Piper squeezed her hand reasuringly. A voice broke through Annebeth's troubled thoughts "Well'l be ariving in about 1 minute." Leo yelled from below deck. Annebeth could see what looked like a coliseum but insted of it looking older it was clean with white new paint.The ship was coming closer an closer to the camp and Annebeth could make out a small group of campers wearing purplet-shirts before they even reached the ground Annebeth could hear Percy calling her name trying to get her attention "Annebeth!".
last edited on Feb 07, 2012 at 03:36AM

The Heroes of Olympus 1 reply

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over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Loved it post soon