The Heroes of Olympus Percy And The Vongola Knights

geass_tsuna posted on Feb 19, 2012 at 05:55PM
chapter 1

third persons pov:

it had been 11 months since percy was kicked out of the camp. now the camp was home to both roman and greek demigods. percy was accused of stealing something very important to zues. obvuisly zues give percy a chance to explain. poseidon ashamed of jis son disowned percy. anaklosmous was taken away form percy so he could not use it anymore. annabeth wouldnt listen to him explaine.

now the young heroe was walking through the snowy terain of alaska where ther gods could not sense his presence. persues was walking until he got to an abndoned factory, being cold and and wet from the snow. he decided to camp out their for the night. when he laid down with his wooden sword which he created out of a very strong branch. a monster poped out of the shadows threatning him with is raer sharp teeth and claws. this wasnt any everyday monster that you would see running after demigods this was diffirent it seemed like it was once human.and it was trying to convince percy to end its misery. percy would not have been afraid if he still had his magicall sword with him or the curse of achilles. but now he didnt have either. all he had was his fighting skills and his wooden sword which had saved hom from countles monster battles. but this monster was diffirent he had never expeirienced fighting anything like it before.

percy redeid his wooden sword to attack or defend. then the moster desapeird. percy looked all around him. when percy thought it was safe to lower his sword the monster appered if front of him and draged its claws acrros his chest.

the next thing percy knew he was on the floor in a puddle of blood. percy thought it was a dream until he saw what he was laying in. he thought he would have deid losing that much blood or eaten by that monster. then percy realized he could not also feel the cold air since his shirt was riped to shreds. then an old man walked up to him." who are you what are you doing here." percy asked. " i am hei, and this is where i live. ive been stuck here for many years hoping someone would save." tghe old man said. " and you think im that person." percy asked with a puzzled look. the man nodded his head." what's in it for me." i asked. i couldnt beleive what i just said. sure i would help the old man but i never ask for something in return. the man looked at me." so you did get clawed." " you saw that." i asked. he nodded. " she showed you mercy letting you keep that face of yours, you must be special just giving you the power and not the form, she must be rying to let you create your own form." he said. " what are you talking about." i asked but for some reason i knew what he was saying. he said that that monster only gave me the powere but not the way she looked. i shivered at the image of myself turning into such a thing. then the old man spoke up. " tell you what, if you get me out of this forzen h*** hole ill teach you the art of assasination." i nodded and we headed out the door of the factory. but before that i took a peice of broken glass and looked at myself i looked completely the same but my eyes told diffirent they showed someone that could wipe out humanity from the face of the world.

tell me what you think

The Heroes of Olympus 24 replies

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over a year ago killer24 said…
Cool love it
over a year ago geass_tsuna said…
chapter 2

annabeths pov.

it had been 13 years since i became a god with all the other 7 minus percy. i still couldnt believe that percy actually treid to steall something but he deserved what he got. but now we had more problems now that the enemy knew percy was gone monsters kept attacking the joint camp. and everytime they attacked we lost more than 5 demigods. we were to have a meeting about this war. then the zues appered with worry in his eyes." what is wrong brother." hades asked. " gaea is waking again." we all sat on our thrones in shock about the news it only had been 14 years since gaea was put back to sleep now she was waking agian." then what must we do brother." asked poseidon. that was kind ogetting annoying having to hear the big three calling each other brother all the time.

then three bright lights appeared in the middle of the throne room.
and the fates eppeared before us. " what can we do for the 3 of you." asked my mother." no it is what we can do for you." they said in unison. we all looked at them with puzzled looks on our faces. " we know a group of people that ma take care of this problem for you." one of the fades said.
" and who are these people you speak of."i asked. the fates turned to me and spoke." the vongola knights, the greatist assasins in the world." they said in of them continued." they are located in alaska." we all gasped since the gods had no rule over alaska. " all of you olympians and the newly young gods will have to go their and convince them why they should help." one said. " why should we need help from them." said ares. " because one of their members can overthrow all of you, now why dont you go to alaska and convince them our live will be also taken by gaea if you dont hurry." they all said in unison.

so we did as they said we all teleported to alaska and walked all the way to the middle of the state. when we got to the nearest town.their was barely anyone outside.and their were alot of grave at the edge of the town. when we got to the nearest building. we asked if we could warm up inside. the building was the jail house they let us bunk on the prisoners beds. the weirdest thing that we all notist was that their were no prisoners at all. so my mother, aphrodite, artimes, and i decided to ask the cops what hapened to all the prisoners. they hesitated but old us anyway proboly thinking it was a safe thing telling us or warning us. they told us that the vongola knights took care of the suspects and kidnapped the prisoners. and all of the risoners and suspects ended up dead somewhere else. that scared all of us and angered us. i mean what if some of those prisoners and suspects actually didnt comit a crime. then the cop spoke" were kid of glad that these guys came up, i mean now no ones threatening out soceity. the place is actaully peacefull now." then a little boy probobly 11 came in with a bag of fod in his arms. he gave it to us and we thanked him." we ordered those for you since we didnt see you walk in with anything to eat and a storms brewing up out their. if you want little johny here can take you to the vongola hq, he is being trained by one of them." we looked at the little boy he looked completely harmles until you looked into his eyes. his eyes looked like they wanted to kill someone." thank you officers." we said. and intoduced the little boy to every one and told them he was being trained by one of them. when thay looked at him they smiled but when they looked into his eyes they looked terrafeid but the litlle boy didnt care and just went to sleep.

comment please tell me what i could improve on. thanks =)
over a year ago geass_tsuna said…
over a year ago geass_tsuna said…
Chapter 3

Pipers pov

When we woke up we were greeted by delicuis food which were next to our beds. Me and my mother ate our food and finnished right when everyone else woke up. We thanked the police officers for the food assuming that they were the ones who gave us the food. They shook their heads " you shouldn't be thanking us , the little kids' the one who bought the food here." The little boy was sitting on the bench eating his breakfast. " why are youeating here alone." I asked. " I want to be exactly like my master and since he like to eat alone in a dark place I came to the darkest part of the prison to eat alone." He said. " you donthave to be exactly like your master you know." I said. He shook his head." They say my master doesn't bother dodging the weapons they throw at him, he just grabs them when they come at him." We were impresed to hear about the accomplishments of the little boys master. Then he spoke again. " my master also weilds the weakest weapon in the whole world but still wins every battle he had fougth." " what is his weapon." I asked him. " his weapon is a wooden sword, the grand master had found him in an abandoned factory in a pool of blood, some of the vongola knight call him the vongola demon some call him the walking corpes demon." He said then continued." I don't expect you to believe me but its what the vongola knights say. And their terrafeid of my master. And the vongola kbight are the bravest people in the world. And they don't want to mess with my master." he took one last bite and Said." come on I'M leaving if you want to go to the vongola hq you'lL have to follow me around all day." he said his thank yous and goodbyes o the officers and walked out the door we quikly told every one we were to leave now , we said our thank yous and goodbyes and. followed the little boy

i know its short but I'M tired.
over a year ago geass_tsuna said…
please comment.

over a year ago Inevera said…
The first chapter was a bit rushed and confusing, but I like this story so far. Very Cool :)
over a year ago killer24 said…
Sorry it's great plz post soon
over a year ago Seaweed_Brain12 said…
big smile

plz..... post soon...... maybe now!!! :)

I CLAIM TO BE UR #1!!! =)
if u don`t mind =))))
over a year ago killer24 said…
Me #2 plz yeah
over a year ago jhaycee0131 said…
big smile
nice story
over a year ago geass_tsuna said…
i dont mind and thanks

chapter 4

kohny's pov

when i walked out the door, looked around to see if their were any trouble makers. all i saw were people walking in and out of shops and little kids playing in the snow.
when i finished looking around i headed for the flower shop to buy some flowers for the grave i was about visit. i really didnt know him as much as my master did since i jusxt met him a minute before he deid.
when i walked in the other guys walked in since they were following me. i didnt really know them i didnt even know their names. " what are your names some of you already know mine." i asked. " my name is piper." the pretty one said.
xshe continued. " and these guys are athena, apgrodite...." i wasnt really good with names so i juxst forgot them. i notised that they were all named after greek myths. " hey your all named after the greek gods." i said. they all grind. " but your mixssing that drunk god guy, god of wine or something."
" dionysus." athena said.i nodded my hwead in agreement.

camp hal blood

dionysus looked at chiron." whats wrong mr.D" grover asked.
" someone called me a drunk guy." dionyxsus said. " aint that the truth grover thought.

johnys's pov

" what are we doing here." the buff guy asked.aphrodite's eyes lit up. quickly as i could i spoke befeore she could." it's for my grandmaster my master wanted me to pay my respects to him so that's why im here." i said.
after i bought the flowers i went to the graveyard which was for the vongola knights. i sat the flowers down next to the grave and said a few words then turned to the people behind me and said.
" alright then lets get to hq." they smiled and followed me. when we got their we saw a ruined buildings and i saw on their faces shock. so i decided to play a little prank on them i acted devistated. i kneeled in front of them and started to pretend cry.
they started to try to comfort me and i started to laugh.
" why are you laughing." they all asked in unison. " because thats just cover the actuall hq is under neath this hell hole." i said rolling on the floor. i looked at them and they looked pst. i walked all the way to the ground door and typed in the code told them o follow me.

alright i treid my best to make that as long as i could. so please coment.i dont really care if you guys are the only ones commenting as long as someone comments ill post.
over a year ago geass_tsuna said…
if you have any ideas that might fit into the story dont hesitate on telling me them. oh and percy is part demon a new monster i made up. and hes immortal he cant dei he cant go to tartarus or fade he just deis and wakes up a few moments after he got killed so he dosnt bother dodging any thing his wound will just heal. thought you guys might want to hear that.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Inevera said…
lol I like the prank he played on the gods; that was good. Sorry, I really don't have any ideas to give you at this point. Thanks for posting :)
over a year ago geass_tsuna said…
Thanks for the prop seaweed brain.

Chappter 5. Right?

Artime's pov

When we followed the little boyy into the underground tunnels I was kind of nervous since I did have to bear the weight of the sky. And I didn't feel like being underneith anything else but a roof.
As we finished walking through tthe tunnel we came out into a gigantic room which was prroboly twice the size o the throne room in olympus. Their we saw cranes and other machines. Staking giant boxes on top of each other in rows.
Johny kept walking through the room so we followed him to the other side where theirr was another door. We entered the room to see teenagers about the age of 15-17 when I looked a little more closer some of them sere probobly23 - 30.
Their were atlest 300 hundred of them. Why are their so many eople around here." Piper aasked. The little boy turned around and looked at her. " like I said were like the mafia we take in people who don't have real families." He said.
" so how do you guys mange to feed and shelter all these people." aphrodite said. " that room we passed by was the supply room." He said. " where do you get the money to buy all that." Piper asked. " alaska may look like a ice box but its filled with gold I assume that you use that for your suppleis." Athena said looking at the boy. He nodded his head and continued to walk.
We keept walking until we saw a bunch of children rolling around on the floor playing. One was throwing tennis balls at a boat that had little toy sodiers on it. 2 were playing chess on the floor. And they had permenent markers on their faces. Then we walked into a small hall with doors on each side he kept walking until he got past the last door. He turned to us" this is the barracks where all the members of this family sleep and rest." He said. then he continued. " the next room we aree going to enter is the one that connects all the families together. Their youl see 7 doors including this one." He pointed at the door behind him. Like I said were like the mafia we had the grandmaster as the knight of one since he deid their going to vote on a new one today." Johny said.' " what role does the grandmasteer play." I asked. " its kind of like king aurhter and the knights of the round table thing, every one is equal but here when it comes to important decisions what ever the grand master says is the rule. And he unites all seven families together." He said. " well why don't we go in their and watch the voting." John said.
When we all walked inn we saw a big stadiom like the roman kind but 3 times the size.and it wasn't. Decorated or anyhting it was just plain. When we got in their, people streamed in , and when they all finaly found seats. 7 bpeople made their way to the round table in the middle.

Then they started to talk. " so who do you thinki should be the new grandmaster. The guy in purrple said. I think it shoul.d be the knight of 7 since the former grandmaster was his mentore." Said the guy in gray." Ill have to decline that offer." Said theb guy in red. "Whatt but you have his wisdom you fight exactly like him." The guy in gray said." So who do ou think is capable of such an important role." He said. " sebastian, I think he is capable of such a role." The guy in red said. Thn johny spoke to us." See that guy in red over their thas my master." He said.
He was wearing a mask I wondered how he was able to see through that thing. When I went back to listening to the coversation again they had put the sebastian guy on a big chair and bowed to him." This meeting is dimissed." The guy in black said. Then johny's brother walked away and into the door that said # 7. Then johny and a couple other people followed him. And so did we some stayed back to talk each other.

When we got their johny was talking to his master already and I could tell he was talking about us. And I figureed out how he could see where he was gooing because their were holes on the mask so he could see. And he looked angry thwen the blood streamed out of his room and he said." Why did you bring them here.......

cliff hanger hahahaha
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
that is sooo good i just finished getting caught up anyways...

over a year ago geass_tsuna said…
thanks everybody, and kust to let you know during xschool days the chapters might be short cause of school and chores. hw doesnt bother me i do that at school but it does put presure on me. lol
but i will be posting tommorow
over a year ago trivia101 said…

ugh let tomorrow come quicker!!
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Love it post soon
over a year ago geass_tsuna said…
Chapter 6

no one'ss pov

" do we know you." Aphrodite asked. Thinking that they would find out who he was if he said he knew them he decided to pretend he thought they were someone else. " never mind, I thought you were someone else." The man in read said." Oh its alrightwe get that a lot." Piper said. " my name is red, tthats what every one here calls me atleast." Red said. " what is you real name." Haddes asked, he had been quiet through the whole tour of the hq the whole time."johny take them to the cafetiria and stay their with them, then show them to their rooms and go to bed after that." He said. Johny nodded his head to his master's orders. Then his master walked out of the room. " well let's get you guys to dinner." Johny said rubbing his stomach.When they made their way to the cafeteria we had to make several stops, it was usually johny's fault because he would stop walking and talk to people for like 5 minutes. And we couldn't just ditch him because we would get in trouble if we ran around freely looking forr the cafeteria with people who don't know us. And two we wopuld probobly get lost.

When we ffinally got to the cafetiria people were already eating. And 6 people were eating at a big circuler table. Johny walked that way and introduced us. Then we found out that their name swere based on the color of their shirts.
Please sit down gray said. But their were no chairs so we sommuned them the 6 knights looked shocked to what they had just witnised." What are you people." Orange said. We are the greek gods." Athena explained. Which zues was pretty upset about because he wanted to anounce it but athena kknew he was going to brag about it and rub it in their faces causing them not to help them in their time of need.

" ah I see the guy in white said. He was the grandmaster sabastian. " then you won't be getting along very well with red." He said. " why is that asked hestai. " well you see red is a demon, he sees his enemies as prey, he shows them no mercy hell make their death slow and painfull." He said. The others nodded." Where is he anyway." Asked poseidon." He must have gone hunting, hunting those who killed his family and the grand master you see, their use to be more than 300 memmbers in the funtumhive family reds family, their use to be. Atleast a thousand o them, until 3 years ago when the varia family attacked the hq.the other families were weak and helpless at the time and we were all in the infermury.
They held them back while the others helped us. Out those who fought all deid but johny and red. 700 had been killed of that family. Atleast 300 varia memmebers survived that attack but rred won't forgive them and neither would we. Now reds probobly hunting them all down the 19 varia memmbers that are left." He said. Why aren't you stoping him some of those may have actuall familes." Said aphrodite said." So did all those 700 who deid saving us." Said the leader. All the knights looked down in shame remmembering those who saved them at the cost off their own lives. Just to save them.

Well what do you think and sorry for the mistakes I was rushing and thinking of excuses to tell my teachers why I didn't do my home work. Well sorry if its short I told you guys. Well comment if you want. Oh and I'm thinking about adding some new characters on this so if you guys want make up some and post them here because I can't think of names and what they should look like. I need atleast 3 new characters for the next chapter cause they will play a very important role in this story later on. Thanks and here is a cake.
over a year ago geass_tsuna said…
Ah noone posted ill wait 2 more days till I get the 3 characters until then ill bthink for myself
over a year ago Inevera said…
Do the knights know why the Greek gods are there? They seem to be just hanging around when they should be on urgent business. Thanks for the update. :) I would have commented sooner, but I just saw it now.
over a year ago geass_tsuna said…
Chapter 7:

Aphrodite's pov
When I we finished dinner we explained everything to tthe vongola knights. " if this earth goddes destroys you would that endanger us aswell." The leader asked. The other nodding to the question. " they will eventually try attacking alaska." I said.
" then we will help you." The leader said. " thank you we all." said inh unison. Then they had us sent to bed by johny.
We all slept peacefully but me. I saw a vision I didn't know if it was the futer orr the past or the present. It was percy. Their was a battle going on people were evacuating buildings while other ffought and held offf the others with b32s and
swords. Percy was fighting hand to hand with a someone. He knocked him out and finished him off with a bullet to the
headd. He dominnated with his skills and beat every single one who treid to strike him diwn. Then out of nowhere a monster came oout. Percy redeid for the coming fight. I thought this would be easy but this monster was diferent I had never seen it in my whol life. Percy charged it but he missed cause it dissaepeared. Percy looked aound the battle feild to look for the monster. He droped his gaurd so he could help someone else fight,but the monster appeard in front of him and it draged its claws across his cchest. Then percy felll onto his own pool of blood.
I couldn't believe what I saw but I was shook out of my dream by artimes." You were having a vision weren't you." She asked.
I nodded my head I told her to wake evryone up and I told them what the vision was. Annabeth was crying. Poseidon was also and all the six demi-gods. Then I realizeed what that battle was about. The escaping people the battle the knights told us about. It was the battle between reds family and the varia family, after thatv I told them that and we looked for red. He was walkinh ibn the halls covered in blood. We stared at him in horor but he ju7st wled past us and went into hias room. he was about to close the door until hades pput his foot between the door and the the wall we all waked in i know it soounds rude but we wante answers." was percy part of this family." annabth asked. he looked at the wall behind the door. e looked and we saw pictures of percy with8 kids and an old guy. one of them was wearing a mask. i guessed that was red." did you share this room with him." poseidon asked. red smiled at that state ment. he nodded his head.


my plan worked i made thatb fake dream. and made them thhik i was dead.

whqat do you think.
over a year ago killer24 said…
yes great you rock
over a year ago trivia101 said…
yes thats great!
can't believe no ones reading this

ps: ugh gotta do my hw