The Heroes of Olympus The Forbidden Child

lcrs50 posted on Feb 22, 2012 at 11:12PM
Okay, so I'm board, so I thought I would start this forum. I don't really know where I'm going with this, so bear with me whith this story.

Okay, ummm.

Rating: T for teen.

Main Charicters:
Percy Jackson, so of Posidon. He is betrayed by his friends and the olympians, so he goes on the run. He eventually falls in love with a person who can see through the mist and they have a child. Then the woman is killed.

Jack, son of Percy Jackson. He was to young to remember who killed his mother, but when Percy explained it all to him, he makes the promis on Styx to punish the person (or monster) who killed her.

Lilly, Jack's mom. She was killed when Jack was six years old. She is buryed in the New York cymetary.

Nico, son of Hades. He finds Percy and Jack first. He doesn't recgonize Percy untill they meet up for the second time on Olympus. He is one of the people who try to kill Percy when he was betrayed.

Thalia, daughter of Zeus. She meets Percy again on Olympus, along with his son. She was helping Nico during the betrayel.

Annabeth, daughter of Athena. She tries to kill Percy at the lake when they falsely accuse him of stealing The Cursed Scyth of Kronos.

Posidon is the only god that thinks that Percy didn't steal the scyth, but he had been forbiden to help his son. So he does it descretly, by sending him money when needed, and giving him information on his mother and step-father.

Zeus is the one who accused Percy of theft.

Okay, so here's the first chapter.

Chapter 1.
The Lake at Camp Half Blood.

I was sitting on the docks at the lake, eating an apple, when Annabeth, my girlfriend, walked up behind me. She seemed upset about something, so I said, "Hey, Annabeth, what's wrong? Someone hurt?"

She glared at me and said, "No, not yet," and walked away.

'That was wierd,' I thought. I stood up, grabbed my bag, and went back to my cabbin. Chiron was waiting for me there.

"Hey, Chiron. Do you know what's wrong with Annabeth? She's acting strange," I asked.

He jumped and said, "Oh. Um, Percy, it's you. Um, no I do not. Excuse me, I have somethign I have to do now," and ran off.

'What's going on here? Everyone's acting realy strange today,' I thought as I got into the shower. When I got out I changed and went to get some lunch when the conch sounded it was time to eat.

When I got there, everone was allready there. They were talking amongst themselves and the gods where there, too. "Look, there he is, Lord Zeus," Chiron said, nodding at me.

"Percy, come over here," dad said.

"Um, hi, dad. What's up?" I said, walking over. I was rely confused now.

"Percy, we have a problem. The scyth of Kronos has been stolen," Posidon said.

"WHAT? Why didn't you guys tell us? We could help find it!" I yellped, alarmed. If the wrong person got a hold of that scyth, bad stuff could happen.

"Percy, we all ready found it," Hesta said.

"Oh. You know you cold have just said that," I said, relaxing. I was glad that they had found it.

"So, where was it?" I askd.

"That is what the problem is. It was in your cabbin..." dad said.

I was so shocked I said something really smart like, "Huh?"

"Tell me the truth, boy! Did you steal the scyth?!" Zeus demanded, nearly screaming at me.

I blinked and took a step back. "No. Why would I? That thing is to dangerous to have," I said, shaking my head.

"Your liying, Percy. We foud the messages to the enemy that were in your room," Annabeth said, standing up.

"What messages?" I asked, confused again.

"The ones that said that you'ed take them the scyth if they paid you," Nico said, stading up.

I started backing out of the temple, shaking my head. I turned and ran to my cabbin, trying to think. I grabbed my bag, threw some cloths into it, my book, some nector, ambrosea, and the knife that my half brother had given me. Then I ran to the lake to get my boat.

The olympians and campers got there just as I was untying the boat. "Trayter!" they screamed. "Get back here so we can destroy you!"

I stared at them sadly as they got smaller and smaller. Zeus was yelling at Posidon to bring the boat back to them, but he couldn't because I was using my influence over the water to stop him. "I thought you were my friends! I trusted you!" I screamed at them. "I guess you can't trust friends or family!"

I rubbed my face to clear it of the tears that were now trailing down my face. I know everyone on the shore saw that I was crying and felt bad because they made a mistake. When they had disapeared form view, their was a bright flash on the deck and the fates appeard.

Oh, I wonder what they could want?
Comment and tell me what you guys think!

The Heroes of Olympus 40 replies

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over a year ago killer24 said…
loved it but 1.why is nico bad and 2.when did he get a boat?
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
loved it and was it the argo 2 that Percy took?
over a year ago jhaycee0131 said…
big smile
Great story!!!!!!!!

Post again sooon
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Umm, wow. My spelling was really bad in that last post!

Okay, so to answer your questions, Nico isn't bad, everyone just thinks that Percy stole the scyth. The boat is indeed the Argo 2. This story is after the second war with the giants and Gea.

Chapter 2.
The fates give me have more power than my dad.

I walked down to the fates, bowed, then asked, " what do you three want?"

"Peace, Percy Jackson. We are here to give you another chance. We want to offer you immortality. If you accept, you will be stronger than the god, Kronos, and Gea," one of them said.

"Immortality? You mean, you'll make me a god?" I questioned. They nodded. "What would I have to do?" I asked.

"We want you to work for us," the one on the right said.

"Why me?" I asked.

"We have been watching you for a long time, Percy Jackson. You have all of the things we look for in our servants. You are brave, strong, loyal, smart, and kind. Will you serve us?" the one in the middle asked.

I thought about it for a couple minutes, then said, "Yes. I'll work for you."

They made a small circle around me and started chanting in Latin or something. A bright light surrounded me and my body started to hurt. When the light disappeared, I was on the ground, ghasping for breath. One of them helped me up and one of them said, "Percy Jackson, your powers are loyalty,swordsmanship, all water in all forms, and time."

I nodded and the held out their hand. "Give me your weapon," she said.

I handed it to her and it flashed with a bright light. When the light vanished, my pen/sword was still there, but it was now attached to a bracket. The charmed on it were the pen, a bow, a staff, and a knife. "What's that?" I asked.

"The weapons we want you to master. Go to Alaska and find Lilly, Jack, and James. They will train you in your powers and weapons," the one holding the braclet said. I nodded, they wished me luck, and then they disappeared in another flash of light. I motioned with my hands at he sails, and, using my powers over the boat, set my course for Alaska.

While I was doing that, I thought about my mom. She had died after a shoot out in the steers. Paul, my step-dad, died right beside her. Paul h tried to stop her from going outside, but she didn't't listen to him. I had left just two hours before so I could go to school for my last day as a signior. The cops had questioned me, and wern't really nice because I had met them all before. They didn't really like me at all, but they didn't really say anything g mean because my parents were dead.

It took about three days and five hours for me to get to Alaska, after three stops, so I could get food, warm cloths, and four mattresses for the boat. The dealer had given me a weird look, like I was nuts, but he had no complaint when I had pulled out the money that the fates had left in my cabbin. When I found it, I was shocked, but the fares had left a note, so I didn't complain too much. After I bought all of that stuff, I still had 3000 dollars in cash. I had no idea what I would do with it, so I put it all in the safe in my cabbin. When I got to alaska, three people were standing on the dock, staring at the boat and talking to each other. I disembarked and the only girl in the group stepped up. "Are you Percy Jackson?" she asked.

I nodded. "Are you, umm, Lilly?" I asked. She nodded and smiled.

"Yeah. The fates asked us to train you. What are your powers?" she asked.

"Swordsman ship, water in all forms, loyalty, and time," I said. They blinked and nodded.

"Cool powers. Mine power is over fire in all stages,," one of the boys said. "I'm James, by the way." He was tall, tan, lanky, and had black hair and grey eyes. He other boy was tall, skinny, and nice dirty blond hair and grey eyes. Lilly was on the short side, skinny, with blue eyes and brown hair.

"I'm Jazzen. My powers is over quests and monsters," he said. I smiled and nodded, looking over a Lilly.

"My powers are over companionship and hero's," she said. I grinned at her and she grinned back.

"So, umm, where are going to train and live?" I asked.

"We'll train you in the city ruins, and unroll we can rebuild it, we'll live on your ship," James said. I nodded.

"Where are the ruins?" I asked.

"Several miles under the city. We can get to it by using an elevator that goes to a mine shaft. We'll take you there tommorow. Can we take a tour ship?" Lilly asked. I nodded and led them through the ship, and let them choose their bedrooms. Lilly wanted the largest bedroom, which was under mine, and the guys chose the ones on the bottom deck. Later, I made them dinner and we joked around for a little while before we went to our rooms, took showers, and went to bed.

That was my first day with the three kids that became my best friends. Over he next fifteen years, we trained, worked, and had fun together while we rebuilt the underground city. We ageed to call it PJJL Utopia. We had been arguing about the name of the city until we finally decided to use our first initials and called it a utopia. The Fates had came and told us that once it was completed it, we would house refugees and people-human and other wise- and they become our people.

10,000 years later.

"No, Athena! You will not go to find them!" Zuse shouted at her.

"Their my children! What do you expect me to do, let them die?" she yelled back.

"Athena, my daughter and Hades son and daughter are also gone! We're just as upset about this as you are!" Posidon yelled back.

Just as she was about to scream back, a light flashed in he throne room......

Oh, who was it, I wonder?
I'll post later
Comment and enjoy!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swiftwater said…
dI look forward to your next post.
over a year ago demigodsrule312 said…
big smile
This is awesome post again soon!!!
(pretend this message is in caps I'm just to lazy to do it lmao(not really))
over a year ago AnnabethGranger said…
just found this and im intrigued! cant wait til ur next post! ur plot seems different in a good way compared to all the other banished/b etrayed stories goin around the forum!
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Love it post soon
over a year ago jojo12313 said…
post now
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Okay, since I've gotten a few comments demanding a post, and since school is canceled for some odd reason...
I will post.


Just as Athenna was going to scream something back, a bright light flashed. When it was hon, they all sighed in disappointment. It was just the fates and one of their servants. "Remember, Omega, we do not want you or your son to harm any of the Olympians or demi-gods. We must work with them if we are to find whoever killed Lilly," one said. The guy nodded. They were ignoring the Olympians while they spoke.

"Yes, my lady's," he replied. They smiled sadly athim.

"Don't worry, Omega. Your son will not be harmed in any way at the Greek camp. He knows what everyone expects of him. He will be fine," another of the fates said, trying to calm the man.

"Thank you, my lady's. I'm just not eager to leave my only child at their hands," he said, glaring at us,

"We understand," the third fate said, smiling at him. She waved her arm and two men and a boy, around twelve, appeared next to Omega. "Are you ready, child?" she asked the boy. The odd thing was, everyone but the kid was wearing a mask. The boy was tall, tam, prity well muscled, and had a sword at his waste made of celestial bronze. He had black, messy hair, blue eyes, and the aura around him said you mess with me and I come down on you so hard, your ancestors and decendents will feel it.

"Posidon stood wp, shrank to human size, and said, "What's your name?"

"Jack Jackson. Why?" he replied, glaring suspiciously at the sea god.

"Are you immortal?" Arhena asked.

"Well, no. Not yet. When I turn 21, like my father, I will be given full immortality. Why do you want to know?" he said, staring her right in the eye.

"Why are you trinng to hunt someone down?" Ares asked.

"Someone killed my mother in front of me when I was young. I swore an oath of revenge, and the fates said they would help me find the person or creature that did it," Jack said. Ares nodded in compleat understanding.

"What was her name?" the god of war asked.

"Lilly Jackson. She maryed my father fourteen years ago. She was killed when I was three," he said. Ares then put a comforting arm around the boy and held him close.

"Listen, kid, I totally understand where your coming from. All women get pushed around, encluding your mom, and that's not right. I'm god of war, and I still don't like hurting a woman, but those that die to protect their loved ones.., Well, they're one in a million. I can tell you right now that whoever hurt your mom is, he'll have to face the wrath of Area because killing a woman in front of her child is wrong. Hades, please tell me that Lilly Jackson is in Elesym," Ares said, looking hard at Hades.

The god of the underworld looked at a scroll and nodded. "Yep. She's right here. Lilly Jackson, father of Jack Jackson, husband of......of...... Oh, crap. He's your father?!" Hades yelled. The kid standing behind them looked up in shock. He was tall and lanky. He had black hair, black eyes, and a tan from being in the sun.

"What's wrong with you, Hades?" a voice taunted. They turned around to see Omega standing behind them. Jack quickly ran over to him, feeling a little frightened of the gods.

"Percy Jackson?" Hades asked, stunned. The kid chocked.

"Percy? Is that really you, Percy?!" he demanded.

Percy/Omega, laughed and nodded. "The one and only," he said, taking off his mask. He glared at the gods and the kid. "Any of you hurt my son, and you'll pay the price," he threatened.

He then grinned and flashed him and his sin to camp Half Blood. When they got there, they were in......

Oh, wonder where they were?
Okay, I need you guys help.
I need powers for Annabeth, Nico, Thalia, Chlarisa, Jason, Leo, Puper, and, i can't believe I'm gonna say thus, but the Stoll brothers.
Please help me.

Thanks for reading and, enjoy!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nemisis said…
okay that was really good. ummm... Nico should have ultimate power over ghosts since hi is the ghost king.and Clarisse should have like combat or something .... the Stoll brothers hmmm.... jokes, pranks, that kind of thing ... Jason clouds and air maybe ...that's all I can come up with. Hope it helps
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
big smile
i think piper should be the goddess of natural beauty and charmspeek. (yeah i know aph-what ever already has that power but thats one of her extras) the stolls should be pranks. leo should be jokes. annabeth, i dont know!
over a year ago Annabeth_Rocks said…
big smile
oh, and i just found this forum, IT AMAZING.... and please post soon!
over a year ago swiftwater said…
over a year ago AnnabethGranger said…
loved it great of course! Leo should be technology maybe? Piper~vegetarians and natural beauty. and idk for the rest but cant til the next chappie!
over a year ago jojo12313 said…
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Thanks for the ideas guys.

Nico-god of shadows.
Annabeth-godess of thoughts.
Thalia-godess of archery.
Chlarisa-godess of combat.
Jason-god of flying.
Leo-god of fire.
Piper-godess of charm speaking.
The Stoll brothers-gods of pranks.

Is that okay with you guys?
This story if for you guys to enjoy, so I wanna know if you guys like my ideas or not...

anyways, here's my post.
hope you guys like it.

Chapter 3.
The camp.
Jack's POV.

He then grinned and flashed him and his sin to camp Half Blood. When they got there, they were in the camp pavileon, standing ob at table. Jack's foot were in some girls plate and she was covered in pasta sauce. The campers were eating and when they showed up, they froze. "Who are you?" a young camper asked.

"This is my son, Jack," dad said, just as a tall, tan, blond girl shot and and glared at us.

"Percy Jackson!" she shouted furiously. "We thought you were dead!"

"Well, I'm not, and I'll give you immortals the same warning I gave the olympians. You hurt my kid, I'll mess you up. I'm not loosing him like I lost him mother," dad shot back at her. Then we got off the table, bearly stopping ourselves from laughing at the second girl covered in pasta.

"Remember, Jack. You can't kill any of them untill we have proof that anyone here killed her, understand?" dad asked.

"Yeah. Don't worry, dad. I injure them...permanitly, anyways," I said.

Dad gave me that look that said 'No-joking-around-Jack-I-mean-it.' I nodded.

"Yes, dad. I understand. I won't start any fights," I said. He nodded and smiled.

"Good. Now, you got your gear in your bag? Your sword, shield, armor, necter, ambrosea, the bottle of wind, the magic vitimans, and all of that?" he asked.

"Never go anywhere without them," I replied, grinning. He handed me a small package from his bag.

"Open it when your alone, okay?" he asked.

"Sure, dad. Good luck finding the person that killed mom," I said, looking him square in the eyes. He nodded and teleported away.

I turned to face the campers and gave the one that had yelled at my dad the evil eye. "Why'd you run my dad off? He isn't a theif," I told her, walking up the the girl.

"He stole the scyth of Kronos and was consperiting with the enemy," she shot back.

"Did you even ask him his side of they story? Or, did you just give up on your old boyfriend because you beleved someone elses lies?" I shot at her.

She stared at me, shocked. "Yeah, I know about that. Dad told me everything about what you people did to him. How you all betrayed him when all he wanted to do was protect you from the enemy. I don't know why I had to come here, but when the Fates asked me to, I told them about my oath. They told me that my mothers murder might be here. That's the only reason I came to this place," I snapped at her. The tall, black haired, pail, black eyed boy stared at me like I was a compleatly nuts, but I ignored him.

"He was consorting with the enemey. We found the notes in his cabbin," the girl isisted.

"You mean, these notes?" I asked, making them appear in my hand. She glared at them. "Look closely," I told her, pushing them close to her face.

"What about them?" the boy demanded.

"Their not in his handwrighting, that's what," I snapped at him. They stared at it more closely.

"He's right... That's not how Percy wrights," Annabeth said finally.

"Next time... Oh, that's right. Their won't be a next time," I said, grinning evily at them. A nimph brought me a plate of pepperonie pizza, cookies, a brownie, and a mountan dew. I thanked her and took the plate to the cabbin that had just magicly appeared. The fates were standing outside the door.

"My ladys, what can I do for you?" I asked, smiling at them and bowing just a little bit.

"Jack, are you settling well with the campers or are you fighting with them?" the one on the right asked.

"Umm....A bit of both?" I said uneasily. The one in the middle smiled at me.

"Well, I'm not surprised. You have a tendency to fight with the people who do not like you and vice vercia," the one on the left said, laughing.

I shrugged and the one on the right lauhed. Then they scowled at the people walking up behind me and said, "You all are to be kind to Jack. He is our youngest servant and we would like to keep him alive for a long time." They nodded ang glared at me.

"Calling the fates to protect you, Jacky?" a tall, bulky, tan, blond girl snapped at me.

"No. They brought me a privet cabbin for my personal use while I'm here. If I'm not mistaken, it's the one Uncle James made for me, right?" I asked, glancing at them. They nodded.

"Be careful and do not harm anyone, Jack. We will send you information about the man hunt for the murder as we get it," the midle one said. I nodded, bowed, and they left.

"Them being able to come an go as they please is unsettling," the boy said.

I shrugged, went inside my cabbin, "Are you going to come in or not?" I said, looking at them. They shrugged and walked inside as I put my plate on the table.

It was a medium, six room cabbin with a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, a small library,, a weight room, and a lounge.

will post the rest later.
gonna go get somethin to eat.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago jojo12313 said…
over a year ago Nemisis said…
nice I like it
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Love it post soon
over a year ago jojo12313 said…
now i understand
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Okay, i'll post when I get home because my iPod's gonna die fin a minute.
See you guys later.
Thanks for reading!!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
post asap
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
I have a freaking sinus infection and an ear infection!!!!!
It's soooo not cool!

Anyways, since I promised, here's my next post.

Chapter 3.

The kitchen, lounge, and weight room were on the bottom floor. My bed rom, the bathroom, and the small library were on the second floor. Uncle Jazzen and I had spent days filling it with the books I liked, and we enjoyed being able to hang out. His work for the fates had him away from home a lot, but when he came home, we would all hang out together.

I sat down and said, "So, are you all going to sit down it what?"

They sat down and looked around the rip on as I ate. When I finished my pizza, I took a couple gulps of my drink and Annabeth said, "So, why did the fates send you here?" I stared at her for a minute.

"My dad convinced them to get me out of harmed way. He lost my mom when I was really young, so he and my uncles became protective of me. They trained me in every weapon unroll I could beat dad in just a few minutes, and so that, if I had to to, I could protect myself and anyone else," I told her. "Now they won't let me get anywhere even remotely unsafe because danger seams to follow me wherever I go. Uncle Jazzen and Uncle James think I'm just like dad when he was young."

They smiled, then noticed the time. " It's late. Get some rest and your training well begin tommorow," Annabeth said. I nodded, they left as I put my chips into the cabinet, showered, and went to sleep. The next morning, I went outside to find half of the Ares cabbin outside my door......

Oh, what could they want?
I'll post the rest later.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
over a year ago Percyfan44 said…
Awesome story
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
All right, here's my next chapter!

Hope you guys like it!

Chapter 3.
The Initeation.

I stepped outside to face the Ares cabbin. They were led by a bulky girl, about 6'11, tall, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a spear in her hand. "Your the runt that messes with Selen?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Was that the girl that got splattered with pasta and sauce?" I asked.

She scowled and nodded. "You messed with my friend. Anyone who messes with my friends messes with me," she snapped. I shrugged, grabbed my belt, strapped it on, and grabbed my shield.

"Tell me, how did a child of Ares become friends with a child of Ahrdiety?" I asked.

"I'm not going to tell you," she replied. I shrugged and started to walk away when she grabbed my arm. "I won't let you get away with that," she snarled.

I whipped her in between the eyes with my hand ans snarled, "I recognize you now. Your Clarisa de Rue, child of Ares. You tried to kill my father while he was here." She shrugged, so I hit her with my shield and drew my sword.

"I'm a goddess now, punk. You sure you want to fight me?" she said. I swung my sword at her and we caught. At the end, it was a tie, wich shocked everyone.

End of flashback.

I was standing at the archery range two weeks later, practicing with Selene, when a light flashed beside me. The dates and my dad were standing there when the light dimmed. "Dad?" I asked. He grinned at me.

"Hey, son. We got news for you. We've got a lead!" dad said.

That officially made my day better. "Really?!" I asked. "Where's it going to lead us?"

"The thing is, son, is that immortals can't get there. Only demi-gods can," dad said.

"And you want me to take two others with me to go and find the guy who killed mom?" I asked. He nodded sadly.

"Yes, son. Only you can avenge your mother," dad said sadly. I knew he wanted to kill the whoever had murdered my mother. I nodded.

"So, your assigning me a quest?" I asked, looking at the fates and my father. They nodded.

"Then we gotta give me a prophesy or something. Then I have to tell Chiron... Wich is something I don't want to do, because it'll sound like I'm asking for permission," I said, making dad laugh.

"Very funny, son. Really amusing," he said. I laughed with them as we walked with them to the big house where the centaur and the god of wine lived.

I'll make up a prophesy later and post it with the next chapter.
over a year ago killer24 said…
cool great
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I love this story.
It sooo amazing.
And I cant wait untill u post again.
Hope its soon.
over a year ago jojo12313 said…
post soon
over a year ago Nemisis said…
awesome, post as soon as you can!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Please post soon!!!!
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
You guys really like this story.
That's great!
Thanks, guys!

I'll post the next chapter later. I have to work on other stuff right now and my iPod is going to die soon.
over a year ago jojo12313 said…
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
I cant wait!!!!!
over a year ago perceus121 said…
plz post
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Sorry, guys!
I really hate tests. I can't post today because I have to study for a Biology test.

I'll post as soon as I can, I promis.
Again, sorry!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
okay! but post soon!
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
I'm really sorry guys!
I totally forgot.

I will be pisting on my forums tommorow.
If I don't, you guys can yell at me on the forums and on my wall.
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Sorry about not posting for so long.
I've been reallybusy with homework and stuff.
I might be able to post more during the summer, but no guarintes.

Jack's POV.

Okay, the thing you need to know about Dyonysis is that you can't call him the wine dude. He hates that. The first time, and last, time I called him that he threatened to turn me into an Atlantic Bottlenoise or shrimp. I wondared ifhe would kill me if he turned meinto an animal so I just called him Mr. D from then on. Chiron, the Centaur, thought how Mr. D had looked when he had found out that he had threatned a servant of the fates was very funny. I had silently agreed with him.

When we walkedin, I thought the god of wine and the centaur would have a corniea. "My lady's," Chiron said, bowing to the fates. Me. D nodded to them.

"Chiron, we are sending Luke on a quest. He will have to take two others with him," dad said. They nodded.

"Who are you going to take and where are you going?" Chiron asked.

"I'll take Sam and Jasper," I said. "As to where we're going, dad has yet to tell me." I looked at him.

"Hollywood, Calafornia," dad said. Chiron nodded and cantered out the doir. I blinked. After a few minutes, Sam and Jasper walked in with Chiron. We told them what was going on and they accepted my offer.

"Isn't that where Hades lives?" I asked. Dad nodded and handed me a duffle bag and a book. It was mom's favorite.

"Mom's book?" I asked. Dad nodded.

"I figured you would like to have it. You liked to read it with her," he said quietly. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Thanks, dad," I said as be stepped back and the fates stepped in front of me. The onefates handed them a duffle bag each. Inside we each had a canteen of nector, a ziplock bag of ambrose, a ziplock bag of cash, a ziplock bag of gold drachma's, a sleeping bag, spare cloths, and something personal for each of us. Mine was a picture of me, dad, mom, and my aunt and uncle. Sam had a charm necklace and Jasper had a charm bracelet.

"Ready?" dad asked. I nodded and the fates and dad walked us to the boarder lines. Argose was waiting with the van at the bottom of the hill.

"Be careful, son. I'd rather not bury you beside your mother," dad said. I nodded, the fates wished us luck, an they teleported away. We climbed into the van.

"Argis, to the bus station, please," I said. He nodded and we pulled away from the camp.

How was it?
Comment and telk me, please.