The Heroes of Olympus My Mark Of Athena

Athenaswisdom posted on Mar 03, 2012 at 02:41AM
ok.ok. first off i dont own anything. no cussing unless i write it and ill ony write arion cussing. must have some peeps post before i have enough confidence to put first chappie.
I have another story too but its on another club I would put up the link but i dont know how.
If anyone dares to steal meh ideas ill make u wish you had never nheard of fanpop! jk.jk. NOT! Anyways please read and review!
Save the endangered animals!
I have another story but its in another club and i cant get the link to work soo you go to my profile and find it there. check out my profile while your there.
ok.ok. first off i dont own anything. no cussing unless i write it and ill ony write arion cussing. m
last edited on Mar 20, 2012 at 12:21AM

The Heroes of Olympus 76 replies

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over a year ago precious211 said…
I don't usually give out confidences
But post!
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
peoples please post. No postie no chappie!
over a year ago precious211 said…
Hahhah I usually would actually help but none of my friends are online.
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
oh my gods of olympus. thx sooooooooooo much precious211. i postie now. chapter 1
i leaned over the side of the argo 2. not to far, i didnt want to fall. Piper had already done that. Hmmmmmm Piper.Where was she anyways? It was time for the training session. After all i was the only one who could fight with a dagger on this whole ship. I made sure Leo know that beforte he even got on the ship.

ok i lied. only a sneekie peakie.
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
hey precious211? can i be your friend? I need friends. My life is sucky right now.
over a year ago precious211 said…
Few things:
Isn't it third percent not first
Sorry am kinda peeky these days:)
Kinda short
Sure I have like a whole pile of them no joke:)
And alot on here
I always have open arms
but other than that good job:)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
hellooooooooooooo? See, sucky life.*ssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooobbbbbb­bbb­bbb­b*
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
oooooooooooooooooooopppppppppppppppp. sorry. didnt see your post and as to the first thing wwhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa? sleepy time!
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
k.k. now tat parents asleep can post but super quiet.
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
sorry for not posting i had groundation.

first chappie

I leaned over the side of the Argo 2. Not to far, I didnt want to fall. Piper had already done that. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Piper. Where was she anywas? It was time for training and as far as I knew I was the only one who could use a dagger on this ship. I made sure Leo knew that before he even got on. I mean how dare he try to hit on Thalia! How dare he! I mean I know that Im younger than her and Im not her biological sister, but i still feel...protective of her.
While I was lost in my thoughts I didnt relize that the ship was desending untill i was able to see people that is. "Umm, Anabeth can you please move. I kinda wnt to get off the ship first." Jason. Oops. "Of corse its ok. Between you and me I want to get off last." Jason grinned. You know now that I thought about it he really did look like Thalia. I wondered if Percy had found any new sibilings. Of corse that made me wonder if he found somebody new. Just as i was about to star crying there was a big bump and the ground met the ship. Or the ship met the ground. What ever.
It was time to greet the Romans and hpoe that WWIII wasnt about to start.
Sorry for not posting for a long time but i got grounded and then i got writers block. Life is hard when you 11 almost 12.
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
P.S. Sorry about how short it is but Im scared that no one will like it.
over a year ago demigodsrule312 said…
big smile
I really like it no I LOVE it post now please!!!
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
wow thx.

next chappie
Chapter 2


The ship landed with a loud thump. Terinous wasnt going to be happy. In fact I could hear him now. Percy took his arm off my shoulder and went to stand by Reyna. She gave him a... simle? No. Way. I looked closer and thought I saw a tenderness when she looked at Percy. Her eyes flicked up and met mine. Her face went back to mask mode.
The ramp on the ship went down. It was time to meet the greeks.
Great. Percy had said that he'd had a girlfriend. Just what her life needed. Anothe love triangle and more drama.
*****************************************­***­***­***­***­***­***­*** Sorry for the short chappie (again)
I also thougt that I should clarifie what I said at the end of the last chappie incase anyone was confused. Im turning 12 years old on the 14th of March. No joke. Sooo if it was bad cut the little kid some slak.
thx to demigodsrule312 and precious211. R&R! tell your friends!
I'll try to post the next chappie soon. Critics are very very welcome. In fact anyone is welcome. Just remember my one rule. NO CUSSING!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
Oh I thought that Id add that spam is okay. I dont really get it but its okay dokay.
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
One more thing... PLEASE SOMEBODY COMMENT! If you dont I will cry untill the world drowns in my tiers. *sob sob*
over a year ago universalpowa said…
srsly! dont cry!!

it takes longer than 45 minutes for someone to comment...sometimes it takes a few hours...

but great beginning! and i was twelve once too, but would you mind capitalizing your "i"'s? i dont mean to be picky, but they look so small and....improper lol

awesome! post agaiinnn
and i hope you actually finish this forum...dont abandon it...that makes me sad when so many people abandon -_-
over a year ago puppies76 said…
big smile
i like it so far. post!
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
Aww! Thx!
Chapter 3

Hazel knows I'll have to corner her later. But for now, its time to meet the Greeks.
Slowly and warily a blonde boywith electric blue eyes stepped of the boat. "Jason Grace," I called, "Nice of you to join us." 'Nice to see you to see you too Reyna." A latino santa elf and indian girl raced off the boat and skidded to a stop beside Jason. The girl grinned, "Hi! i'm Piper Daughter of Aphrodite actually I think you call her Venus? But don't take it easy on me. I'm wicked good with a dagger." "No. Not when your skipping training sessions your not. But try to beat me. Now, I f you win then you'll be wicked good." All the Greeks backed up. Aparently this girl was pretty good. Percy stepped forward.The girl who issued the challenge smiled. "Annabeth." Ilooked into my partner's face. Pure joy and...Love. "dude, don't get near Annabeth, she bites. Litterally. I'm Leo builder of the Argo II. Don't get near Annabeth. She is dangerous, that goes for everyone." He said all this as if he was highly caffinated. Then he started giving me 'the eye'. Note to self: stay away from highly caffinated santa elves. Percy laughed. "She won't hurt me. I'm Percy Jackson." All of the mouths of the Greeks except for the blonde and Percy's formed little o's.
Longest chappie yet! That calls for Cake. Luv ya'll!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
i put up a...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh whats it called Fan Pick? Anyways, Do you think that Reyna will fall for Percy? I do. Go pick!
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
Hey universalpowa, I was reading what you wrote and youy didn't capitalize your i's. Hehehehehehehe.
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
I have a bad case of writers block! plz help me! I dont know what to do! i've never had writers block before! What do I do!?!? HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL­LLL­LLL­LLL­LLP­PPP­PPP­PPP­PPP­PPP MMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
over a year ago dogcat207 said…
Post or parrish
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
^ Oops! srry I had a stupid pre-algebra finals and writers block. im not abandoning i promis! my life is just hard. but now its spring break so ill update more often.
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
New chappie srry u had to wait so long.
Chapter 4
ha! Oh that was kinda funny and dramatic now that I think a bout it. Annabeth smiled I couldn't belive it. She lookeed so... harmless. But, if this was the Annabeth Percy had told us about, then I wasn't about to get to close.

"Who are you?" Oh Jupiter, she had noticed me staring at her.

"Annabeth, this is Hazel. She kept me from dying most of the time on our quest."Percy quickly said.

Annabeth smiled at me. "then I give you my thanks and sympathies.
Keeping percy away from death is quite a full time job." She said jokingly.

"Oh yes. I think you can take back over there." I felt myself smile. So far I liked Annabeth. She wasn't as bad as I thought she would be. We could get to be really good friends.

Well as long as I didn't tell her that Reyna had a thing for her boyfriend we could be good friends.

"hi! Your Hazel right?" I looked at the girl who had spoken. Piper. That was her name. I think.

"Sorry I didn't mean to evesdrop but, I kinda was wondering who you were becaus I saw you with Percy and then I wondered if you were coming on the quest with us." Wow. She really cared about what I thought of her as a person. She didn't say it outright but thats what I knew she ment.

I think that I'm gonna like these Greeks.

As soon as I get to the bottom of the whole Leo/Sammy thing that is.

*****************************************­***­***­***­***­***­***­***­** I hope that the chappie was okay. I really like using Hazel's P.O.V. Shes easier to write for. Yes Annabeth yopure still my favorit e character you dont have to hold your knife to me. I'm just saying that Hazel isn't as emotional. Yes, you are to emotional. You were all depressed when Percy dissappeared.
Sorry. i was having a mental argument with my inner Annabeth. Tryed to improve the format of my chappies. R&R! No cussing! If no reviews then the world will drown in my tears!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
I relized that I frogot to add that my b-day was on pi day. i told my pre-algebra teacher and she was all "luck your b-day would be on pi day." wierd huh. i hate pre-algebra but the teacher is ok. cake! i am now 12!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Happy birthday!!!:D I remember turning twelve....I got to visit Greece!!:D cake!!!! You're twelve!!!:D and post soon!!!:D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
^U got to visit Greece!!!!!!! Lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someday when I make my way as a singer by winning American Idol and am rich enough I will go there. Just watch.
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
Oh my gods of olympus I just now registered the fact that thers a new page. wowzers am I slow.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
I wish I could get rich and travel more...when this summer is over, I'll have been to twelve different countries!!!:D yes!!! I can sing fairly well but I think I write better than I sing....:)
Post soon!! And Greece is awesome!!!:D
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
twelve! really?!?!? i'm an okay writer i hope but random people will walk up to me at school and tell me what a great voice i have and they'll be tenth graders and i'm the youngest sixth grader there! singing is my life. not to brag or anything...
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
Next chappie not sure what number it is though...

people think that I'm little miss independant but I'm not. Some people who usually turn out to be my friends can tell that. This Hazel was one of those people.

"No. No. thats fine. Are you two going on the quest?"

Annabeth grimiced. We had talked about this and while I was going no matter what no one knew about Annabeth.

Hazel seemed to relize exactly what I was thinking and widened her eyes.

"Ohh! Sorry! I didn't relize!" 'It's fine," annabeth assured the girl. But Hazel still looked upset with herself.

I studied her closly. She seemed young. about 13 and she was having to go save the world on a suicidal mission.

she and I were going to be good friends.

Then I noticed who she was looking at.

We were going to be great friends once I warned her about what a flirt Leo is that is.
Hoped you enjoyed! I just have the feeling that Piper hazel and Annabeth are going to get along well.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Nice!!!! I liked it!!:D
And yes, twelve:D I can't wait!! And my sister wants to be a singer too:D good luck to both of you!!:):):) she's eleven, twelve in October. I can sing but I hate doing it in front of crowds. It's freaky. I like writing more:) I hope you become a wonderful singer!!
Post soon!!!:D
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
Aww!!! Thx! tell her I said good luck. I love singing in front of crowds its a way to get out any message i may have. sorry for the short chappie. i really am trying to make them longer. its just harder for me. good thing i'm not Rick Riordan
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
Oh no! I won't be able to post during the day. Only in the evening or when i sneek on at night. Oh well I will try not to cry out in pain to muchj. srry I'm in drama at school and it's first hour. Soooo in other words right about now I'm usually getting ready for drama class. One of my favorite exercises is being over dramatic.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Nice!!! I really don't like drama because I don't like acting...I'm funny with people but I cannot act:). And I can tell you like the over dramatic stuff. You seem pretty good at it too:D. Ah, I suck at drama, but oh well. Writing is my thing, but it's hard for me to write RR's stuff because he made the chracters and it's very hard to pinpoint them. I want to make Jason funny, I don't want to make Hazel too serious, Percy is in between, but I want to mess with him. I just can't stay in the same place with the character's personality and that's my problem:(. Oh well. Post soon!!!!:D:D:D I'm on spring break!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
And yes, quite frankly, it's a good thing we're all not Rick Riordan:D
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
haha!Lolz. I love drama, i'm the worst actor but my teacher makes me feel so good about myself and makes me feel like I can do practicaly anything so long as I have the nerve to. she was the one who helped me to build up the courage to sing and write this story in the first place. Although honestly I'm a crap writer. But I am stayin with this storyu! It makes me sad when peple abandon.
Thx Ms.Lawrence.

Wow, Jason was cool. Not like Percy but still cool. He has a bigger head than Percy.

I looked over at Leo getting ready to ask him about himself when I noticed him smiling flirtaiously at Hazel. She was staring back.

Then she saw the look on my face. I heard Piper say,"hazel,don't pay any attention to Leo. He is the biggerst flirt ever. He even tried flirting with an eternal maiden. It didn't help that she was Jason's biological sister either."

Hazel laughed that beautiful laugh at her.

"ude, your staring," Percy wispered.


Well, I couldn't help it. I was in Love with Hazel Levesque.
Hoped it wasn't to mushy. I just need to start a relationship somehow and someone has to fall for someone. Frank was just easier to manipulate.

How come I feel like not very many peoplen are reading? You mean peeps who are reading but not revewing or commentig are drowning in my tears. *Loud bo-ho*

I got the Kanes Chronicals Survival Guide today! I am soo loved!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Sweet chapter!!:D I like this:) its really good. Can you check out my forum, Stalker's Mark of Athena? The last chapter I did I think was better but idk:). Post soon!!:D I'm trying not to abandon my story....
It's good for teachers to build up confidence!!! My teachers do it and it's very nice:).
Please post soon!!!:D
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
^k. going to check out your story now
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
I can post link if you need it.:) but thanks!!:D post soon!!!:D
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said… if you are reading this read icuSTALKER's story. I think that it is the best yet.

I will try to post soon.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
^Aw thanks!!:) thanks for taking the time to read it:) I love this story you're writing!:D please post soon!!!:D
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
No my story is awful but i try and i am not abandoning no matter what. The idea that Piper changes Reyna into a better teen is so coot! I would do that to but first of all' its your idea, then tere is tha fact that i dont like reyna and finally i already wrote the chappie where i could have put that in and it would mean changing my whole story and id rather not do that.
if you want to leave a message you may do so after da beep XD
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Oh hello Ellie, this Jasmine:D. You DID say leave a message so here I am:D. I like Reyna. Quite frankly, she appeared to be scared, helpless, and irritated, unable to relax, in the Son of Neptune so I didn't want her to suffer too much. XD and your story is awesome!!:D you're not THAT bad of a writer as you say you are. And I'm sure you're a wonderful singer:). Post soon!!:D
icuSTALKER has left a message. Dial one to hear the message. Dial two to exit. Dial three to hear more messages. Dial four to go to contacts. Dial five for more options.

Peace out.
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
I will dial 3
Actually... I will write a new chappie! yayness

Hmmmmmmmm. I wonder..."Haze?" I asked. "Idont wanna pry but I hate not knowing things so... are you with that one kid who was staring at you. He looked Canadian. If you are I can get Leo to stop flirting with you. Its really easier than most people think."

"Says the super powerful anb scary Annabeth,"teased Piper. But she wasnt done yet. " I mean its no wonder hes scared of you. You can beat Percy Jackson, the most powerful demigod of the century at sword fighting and you use a dagger."

She turned to Hazel. "Did you know that her dagger is the one Percy used to kill Kronos with?" She turnesd pale as she relized her mistake and I could feal tears forming.

I had made her promis not to tell anyone.Not a soul. I was going to tell Hazel eventually but...

I ran to my room on the ship and started crying. A few moments later I heard knoking on my door. "go away Piper. I cant belive i trusted you!" "Its not Piper"said Percy from the other side of the door.


"Come oin in" I told him.

He sat down on my bed beside me.He took a deep breath and started to talk. But before he could say a word I kissed him.
Percabeth! I love percabeth!
try to post more soon!
happy readings!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Aw Percy and Annabeth:):):):):):)!!!
Awesome chapter!!:D
Lolz you dialed three. There might be some from precious or fanforbooks but not me:(. Oh well...:):):):) Piper, how dare you! *scolds* Annabeth trusted you!!:(
Awesomeness as usual:D post soon!!!:D
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…
I just needed to put that in some how and you know how I like being overdramatic. In all the versions of the MoA running through my head rightm now somebode mentions that and makes Annabeth cry wich leads to a talk about prophecies and Luke. And that of coarse leads to Percabeth.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Percabeth forever!!!!:D
over a year ago Athenaswisdom said…