The Heroes of Olympus My Mark Of Athena

Nemisis posted on Mar 06, 2012 at 06:41PM
Unless R.R. is a thirteen year old girl, I'm not him.

Percy is at the Roman camp blah blah blah, Argo two comes they set out for Rome then Greece and all that but this has a twist, not every thing is as it is seems or is suspected.

this is my second one of these but I deleted my first I repeat this is not the same story. the other no longer exists.
last edited on Apr 24, 2012 at 05:40PM

The Heroes of Olympus 51 replies

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over a year ago Nemisis said…
Annabeth was filled with anticapation in just miniutes she would see Percy for the first time in 6 months . It had felt like forever, but now she could see him. Then she could beat on him for making her worry ... she hoped walking up and slapping him wouldn't cuase problems with the Romans. She'd just have to find out.
" You alright " she heard Piper ask, she turned and gave a weak smile
"Perfect "
"You sure " Piper said sounding worried " You don't look it "
"Move Princess " she heard a girls voice snap. Annabeth watched as Clarisse shoved Piper out of her way. The bigger girl looked Annabeth in the eyes and said
" Stop worrying, Prissys fine, And if he isn't " Her eyes narrowed " I'll pulverize him "
" Thanks Clarisse, I never knew you cared so much"
" As much as I hate barnacle boy, he's still my friend, and more importantly I've fought beside him, I'm not letting him die now. the gods wouldn't like it. " the Daughter of the War god said
"Wow Clarisse " Leo exclaimed, " that's the first time I've ever heard you say anything relatively nice about someone"
"Don't get used to it Punk " And with that they landed. There was know turning back now.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
okay, one comment I post that's how I write so after each comment I will put up a price about the size of the one above.^
over a year ago swiftwater said…
i post.
over a year ago hazelnut4300 said…
Nice Steph. I finally figured out how to read ur fanfic so know I can read your version of Clarisse constantly insulting people. Your writing rocks.
over a year ago hazelnut4300 said…
Now, not know. btw how do i change my profile pic? I love cats but no one takes me seriously.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
hazzy you got on!!! for the first time in months, I'll. tell you on your wall. thanks for commenting!

As the ship landed Annabeth was afraid she was going to puke. That would be a perfect enterince , barring on the Romans. She let her eyes rush over the sea of armed people looking. Then she saw him. His black hair was messy, and his green eyes were as bright as ever, but seemed to be slightly wary. He wore a dark purple toga. As soon as the boat landed Clarisse jumped of the edge and walked directly to Percy her eyes narrowed but not quite glaring. The soldiers eyed her aprihensivly, but didn't move toward her. She stopped about two yard from Percy.
"Jackson," she called "do you know who we are, or do I have to fix your memory? "

Percy's POV

"Why did that sound like a threat? " Frank muttered in his ear.
"Because it is one " he replied, he was over joyed, part of his family was standing right there only a few feet away. Even if it was Clarisse. She was his friend ... even though she was often trying yo kill him.
"sorry to dissapoint you Clarrisse, but I remember " his face though he tried hard not to smile broke out into a grin.
" You better Prissy, or I will pulverize you " she warned him. but she was smiling softly to. They both turned at an abrupt high pitched squeal. He watched as a mass of blond curls barreled towards him.
" woah Annabeth slow down " he said catching her by the shoulders, to lessen the impact. She hugged him so tight he couldn't breath. Then she looked up at him and glared
"Perseus Jackson " she snapped, than she smacked him. Hard.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
Percy still

"ow " he muttered
"SIX MONTHS " she yelled "THAT WAS HOW LONG I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU " she continued, Percy had no doubt this was going to be a long rant, he probably did deserve it though, "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED EVERYONES BEEN, HOW WORRIED I'VE BEEN, AND YOU DONT EVEN HAVE THE DECENCY TO STAY IN ONE PLACE " she took a breath and begain to scream again "AND WHEN I FINNALY FIND YOU YOUR LUAGHING WITH THE ROMAN NOT BOTHERING TO CARE ABOUT WHAT WE'RE GOING THROUGH, YOU COULD HAVE CALLED OR I.M.ED OR - I DONT KNOW SENT A PEGASUAS WITH A MESSAGE, ANYTHING! " then she broke down and started sobbing, the Roman were staring at her, and he heard one kid mutter in Latin,
"who is that bipolar phsycopath " , needless to say, he got Percy's death glare, but it didn't have much fire in it since he was focusing on comforting Annabeth .
"Wow Kelphead, you really did it this time " he looked up at the familliar voice, and saw a girl in a pair of shredded black skinny jeans and a dark purple t-shirt that said looks can be deceiving, and had a picture of a fluffy rabbit on the front, knowing who it was the back probably had the bunny killing something.
"Got that Thalia " he said, suddenly Annabeth regained her composer, and glared at the staring Romans. At this most of them looked away. But then they looked at the pool of about a dozen Greeks at the bitten of the ship, and all eyes fell on one figure that he didn't regonize. A tall guy with blond hair and blue eyes. A guy who Percy took to be Jason Grace. The small Mexican guy bounced forward and looked at Percy with awe.
"Your Percy Jackson " he said
"And? " Percy asked werrily
"Your like a ledgend " he said staring at Percy
"Glad to know people talk about me " Percy replied
" Your kidding?" a girl with brown hair who he ammidiatly took as a duaghter of Aphrodite " Your all anyone talks about " she exclaimed, then she looked at the guy with the black hair " sorry, I'm Piper, and that's Leo. "
"Oh " Jason exclaimed "oops " he looked at the crowed with weapons "I have returned, with the Greeks, and I'm going to ask you to do something you wont like, I'm going to ask that you trust the Greeks, who though warry, trusted us enough to send only twelve soldiars into our midst, some of which who are not going to stay for long, if you agree, than we will come and speek with the priortor, if you don't we will take Percy Jackson and leave" as soon as he said that a circle of warriors formed around Percy, and all others raised there weapons.
"Jason, you may not remember ", Reyna said with raised eyebrows " but Romans do not take to threats well, ecspeically when focused to there priortor. " to which Jason replied immidiatly
" it was not a threat merely a fact " the old priortor stated.
"Either way, you will find that the Romans agree to your terms" Percy puased " do I have permission to give our word centurions? " he asked
a "Yes " came from Dakota and was collectively agreed with soon after
"then I give our word " Percy said simply " come speek with Reyna , you are welcomed as guests "
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nemisis said…

Leo was disappointed. The 'great Percy Jackson ' was a normal looking guy, he looked like your every day sixteen year old. When he talked he seamed to have this air of authority though, not when he spoke to Thalia or Clarrisse, but when he addressed the Romans, it was like he was saying, 'disagree with me, I dare you to ' and when he came closer Leo felt like this wasn't a guy he should mess with, he just seemed so powerful, a African American girl who looked about thirteen was just behind Percy on one side, and a round faced Asian guy on the other , both looked at the Greeks like they were a animal that might bite them, but they both aproched keeping pace with the guy in the purple bed sheet. Percy walked up to the Greeks and glared at them. They all looked at him, worried. What was their old friend going to do?
"Stolls " he barked, the Stoll brothers looked at him terrified, " give Annabeth her hat back " Percy's face broke into a grin.
over a year ago Nemisis said…


The Stolls faces turned sheepish and Conner handed Percy Annabeths Yankees hat .

sorry be right back
over a year ago Im_rock4ever said…
over a year ago Im_rock4ever said…
sorry, *clears throt* Hello! I just found this forum . . . and I could only say 2 words to explan this . . .


Please post again today/now!
over a year ago Nemisis said…


The Stolls faces turned sheepish and Conner handed Percy Annabeths Yankees hat. Then him and Travis both grinned at Percy.
"Hey Perce" they said in unison.
"Conner, Travis " The guy grinned so big that even Leos mouth started to hurt from looking at it. Percy placed the hat in Annabeths arms.
"What's up guys? " the living legend asked casually
"Kelp head your such an idiot " Thalia said plainly
"Missed you to pinecone face " he looked slightly hurt. Leo immediately wondered if this guy was close enough to Thalia that he could get Leo a date with her. Remember Valdez : eternal maiden a voice in his head reminded him.
"You know we all missed you " the hunter sounded exasperated "We all did, the whole camp wanted to board the ship to see you " that was true, they had so many volinteers to be Roman diplomats that they just took the head counselers.
"Speaking of camp" Percy said " why'd you come with them, shouldn't you be with Artemis? "
"Glad to know you missed. me so much " she replied sarcastically
"I did " he said "in the twenty four hours Ive remembered who you were " Leo thought that must be hard, to just remember all your friends and family, and know you wouldn't get to see them.

okay that's all for now next chapters gonna be long because its going to have the war games
over a year ago Im_rock4ever said…
and does 'be right back' meen 'be right back in 5 min.' or 'be right back in 20 days'?
over a year ago Im_rock4ever said…
oh, you posted!
over a year ago Im_rock4ever said…
WAAAA! its short! Dl
over a year ago Nemisis said…
I'm sorry most will be longer. and ill post more often on this than most my others although this ones my second prioraty. (the outcasts is my first) and I'll try to post tomorrow!
over a year ago Im_rock4ever said…
over a year ago Nemisis said…
The only thought running through her head was : He rembers! and he did! She had been prepared for the worst, but according to Percy, he had never forgotten who she was in the first place. That was much more than she had hoped for. Now as she walked through the city holding Percy's hand, she felt like she was in one of her dreams, she had had a lot of dreams like what was happening right now in the last six months. . She barely noticed the graceful sloping arches, or any of the other artistic architecture. That in its self was proof enough of how happy she was. Ecspeically since Percy was going slower than normal just so she could take it all in. Suddenly Percy and the rest of the group stopped. They were standing in front of a large building. White with beautifully sculpted pilars.Reyna turned around and looked at them.
"Greeks " she said grandly "Welcome to the Princapia "
"Not the head quarters " Percy added. Reyna closed her eyes and took a breath. Annabeth could imagine how fruasterated she must have been with Percy when he got there. Percy walked in, and a bunch of white marble bleachers were full of people wearing togas, and some ghosts to. When they saw Percy and Reyna they all rose until the two had reached these high backed thrones.
"Jason " Reyna commanded " sit with the two centerons of your cohort." she motioned towards two guys in red togas, ones was a purple red, and the other was more like the color of blood. Jason shrugged and sat down next to the two guys. Percy frowned and looked at Reyna and they seemed to be telling some secret message between the two leaders.
"Greeks " Percy said "please sit there " he pointed to a row of metal chairs. So She, Conner Travis, Thalia Clarisse, Will, Leo, Piper and the rest all sat down in a line there.
"Okay so we are assuming every one here knows of the issues with Gaea " Percy said, he sounded so sure of himself, as if he knew these people would agree with his every word. It slightly unnerved her, the changes her boy friend had gone through. His eyes were bright and shining like usual, but they were also dangerous, as if he was daring someone to challenge him. He seemed so much more athoritive now to. like he knew he was in charge, and that no one should question his right to be.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nemisis said…
I'll post after I get one comment!
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
this is a comment:
over a year ago Nemisis said…
I'll post tommorow, cuase right now where I am its almost ten at night, and I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open :)
over a year ago stormyseas said…
how do i post my own versions of mark of athena? i have some stuff but a little confused on where to put it...fanpop isnt very use friendly. thanx in advance! also, nemesis, you stuff rocks!!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
you want to make a forum? if that's what you wanna do, go on the page with all the forums listed, and in the top corner, there's a 'start a topic,' button, press that.
over a year ago Nemisis said…

Percy felt so weird talking like that to his friends. So tight and emotionless, it just didn't feel natural . It was like during the Titan War, when Chiron had told him he was the leader . It wasn't logical, it wasn't safe.But it was happening. After assuming the Greeks knew about what was happening, he asked Jason , to come forward and tell them what had happened to him in the last eight months. He said he had woken up on a bus, with Piper and Leo, with no memories . The bus was on its way to the grand canyon , where they were attacked by storm spirits. The protector , was taken by the storm spirits , and Annabeth , and butch had picked them up with the flying chariot. Which crash landed in the lake, the got a quest to get Hera out 0f her prison -so these were the idiots who had done it - saved her out some giants and rescued Pipers father . The rest of the time was spent training , and building the dragon headed ship - which happened to be the head of the bronze dragon- which Jason called the 'Argo II'. Percy then got up and explained his , Franks , and Hazels , quest. After Reyna told the six of the seven who were known , to stay and get to know each others strengths and weaknesses. So a messenger was sent to retrieve Hazel. Percy , having won ADHD poster child of the year looked around the room passing , and tapping things, not staying still , for the next five minutes , all eyes followed him .Frank looked amused , but the other three looked shocked . At his questioning look Leo exclaimed
"Dude! your more ADHD than me!"
"didn't Annabeth tell us that?" Jason asked.
"Yeah" said Piper, " we figured she was exaggerating"
"Annabeth doesn't exaggerate" Percy informed them, Just then Hazel arrived.

there its longer than most of them .
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Yay! I just caught up and this is awesome! :D this rocks!! POST SOON!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Wasn't it 8 months?
over a year ago Rickfan said…
post soon!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
it was for Jason, he went missing in the fall. but if you remember, the lost hero takes place in the winter, and Percy's only been missing for a few days in that one. most people get that confused. And I'll post tonight
over a year ago Nemisis said…
(I don't like him, he just seems so self obsorbed, and so serious, so you wont see much of his point of view, but I wont go out of my way to make him a bad guy, just letting you know)

Jason was shocked at just how ADHD Percy was. It was crazy. When Hazel walked in Percy stopped moving and looked at her.
"Okay ....." Percy trailed off "Um first we should probably introduce ourselves .... um you wanna start " he looked at Leo,.
"Sure dude, 'Kay I'm Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, or Spock, supreme comander of the Argo II, fire User "
"Leo ... " Percy looked at him weird "don't you mean Vulcan, theirs no Roman god named Spock, as far as I know," he looked at Hazel for clarification
"theirs not " she replied. Leo blushed.
"oops "
"I'm Piper Mclean, daughter of Aphrodite, or Venus " she paused and looked at Jason. He nodded "Charmspeaker "
"Jason Grace, son of Jupiter or Zues, former Preator of the twelfth legion, toppler of Krios' throne, I can control wind and lightning."
"Frank Zhang, son of Mars " he looked at Percy "I don't know his Greek form "
"yeah Ares, decendent of Poseidon, shapeshifter, and my life relies on a stick, if it burns, I die. "
"uh I might wanna stay away from you " Leo looked worried
"I'm not the one who keeps it "
"Thats me, " Hazel put in "I'm Hazel Leviesque, daughter of Pluto, or Hades, gem bringer, earth user. I came back from the dead, and grew up in the nineteen fourties. "
"Dude! " Leo exclaimed "Your a zombie! "
"No " Hazel sounded annoyed " I'm a person! "
"Sorry! " Leo exclaimed, Jason guessed he hadn't meant to offend Hazel with his joke.
"And I'm Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon, or Neptune, I can breath under water, and control it to a point -"
Frank cut him off
"To a point? " he sounded outraged "Dude you can make hurricanes! "
"-As I was saying, I can make earth quakes, and blow up volcanoes. My fatel flaw is loyalty. Which I was warned by a goddess, would one day destroy the world " Percy finished. There was a long silence
"Dude! no wonder everyone loves you, Your amazing " Leo exclaimed, he seemed in awe. Jason was slightly surprised that Percy had said nothing of any of his accomplishments. All they had heard at camp Half-blood was about him being this big hero, completing huge feats. He had been looking forward to hearing exactly what Percy Jackson had done.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nemisis said…
Ooooh its longer than I thought!
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
big smile
I just read all of your chapters and I adored them,post soon!!!!!!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
over a year ago beba157jello said…
just started reading this i love it !!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Nemisis said…

Annabeth smiled at her boyfriends introduction of himself. She had missed him for over six months. Now she had him back. So she was going to do what she did best. She was going to make him squirm. She walked into the room.
"Percy! " she exclaimed "Don't be so modest " she looked at Hazel. and Frank earnestly. "hes done so much, he beat, what three Titans in a fight, four? and he fought Ares and won, and he beat the Minotaur single handedly without a weapon, and he - " Percy cut her off
"Annabeth " he whined "Stop it "
She grinned, her plan was working.
"only if you list off all of your achievements to these five demigods " She smiled at him with her eyes wide and innocent. That started a round of comments
"Come on " Leo said " you have to "
"Dude do it " Frank exclaimed
"Really Annabeth " that was Percy
"Would you? " Piper looked hopeful
"C 'mon your a living ledgend " Jason said "you've got to tell us why "
"Percy " Hazel said "Please " her large gold eyes.looked soft and pleading.Percy stopped protesting while looking into Hazel's eyes.
"Fine" he grumbled "he glared at Annabeth " My first monster was a fury, I beat it without training, my second was the Minotaur, which I once more beat without training, or a weapon. I fought Ares on my first quest when I was twelve, a week before that I beat up half of his cabin. on my first quest, fought medusa, I got stuck in the lotus hotel and casino, got out and found and returned the master bolt and helm of darkness. On my second I went to the sea of monsters and fought that big cyclops that oddisius fought. I also fought the hydra. on my third I snuck out of camp, after promising Nico di Angelo I would keep his sister safe, to save annabeth and Artimis. I fought Atlas and held the sky. on my fourth quest, which was really Annabeths, I went into the labyrinth, fought some guy who owned a ranch where they suplied mythological armies with monsters, fought in the battel of the labrynth, went to ogoia, and saw Kronos rise, and in the second titan war I gained the curse of Achilles, fought Kronos several times, fought half the army of the Titans, and fought the titan of light. I also beat the Soe. There, those are all the ones I remember "
Annabeth could hear a hint of pride in his voice by the end. She looked around the room, folowing Percy's gaze. Every one looked at him with awe. She grinned at the way he squirmed, literally, in his seat.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Awwww so cute that annabeth can make him squirm :)

over a year ago Nemisis said…
sorry for not posting for so long!!!!!!! I didn't relize how long it has been since I posted
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
^ it's ok :D

over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
i love it
over a year ago Nemisis said…
my next chapter will be up tommorow
over a year ago Nemisis said…
Here it is


Percy was uncomfortable with the way the others were looking at him. As if he was some amazing hero or something. He glared over at Annabeth, she wasn't even supossed to be in here ... not that he could complain, after how much he had missed her in the last few days, he had even missed the way she would question every thing he said and make arguments out of nothing. Well, he thought she was definetly a bittersweet girlfriend. He looked at the others.
"DUDE!! "Leo screamed " I cant believe you did all that "
"No wonder we won the war games " Frank mumbled looking at Percy with shock.
"Wait " Hazel said. "You knew Nico before "
"You mean you know him " Annabeth exclaimed
"Yeah " Percy replied "he missing, captured by Gaea. And when we see him Im gonna wring his neck "

sorry don't have time to add anything else
over a year ago ReadingGurl said…
Love it
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile

So post soon Nemisis
over a year ago Nemisis said…
I post ..... tommorow!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
over a year ago avatarfan800 said…

Please post and i love how leos like, your a living legend to percy
over a year ago kinzie3 said…
big smile
please post sooon i just finished reading all of them and your rlly good!!!!!!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
thanks guys ! i wont be writing very often , because this site messes up my kindle which is what i use most of the time to write , but im not going to abandon
over a year ago DoubleK10 said…
over a year ago Lt_Pupster said…
lol @ the 4 months ago post 2 morrow
over a year ago darange said…
post please?