The Heroes of Olympus Harry Potter reads the Son of Neptune!

yellowandpurple posted on Mar 15, 2012 at 04:52AM
I know this has been done before but I want to try it out myself.

All rights go to Rick Riordan, and J. K. Rowling.

Their Characters:
All Son of Neptune People
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Neville Longbottom?

Ron's mum sends 'The Son of Neptune' for Ron, and Harry to read at school. Intrigued by the book they start to read. What will they think of the book? Will they hate it? Read to find out!

Posting Policies:
At least two repies before I post another chapter.

1 Rule:
No swearing

Complaints are allowed, I except constructive critisism.

This is my first forum so enjoy!


The Heroes of Olympus 47 replies

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over a year ago swiftwater said…
That was a chapter? sounds good.
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
Chapter 1:

"Ron!" I yell. A very large, very confused owl just smacked into the window, Errol.
"What?" He mumbles stepping into the boys dormitory.
"Errols here," I say pointing to the large feathery owl stuck to our windowsill.
"Errol," Ron moans. We both have to go over to get him off the window.
It's not easy to get a ten pound bird off your window. When we finally did get him off he collapsed on my bed.
Ron rolls his eyes. "Stupid bird," he grumbles.I look over to the parcel attached to the scrawny birds foot.
"Ron," I say reading the tag, "Your mum sent it for both of us."
"Really?" he asks, plucking feathers from the windowpane.
"Yeah it says, 'To my Ronald and Harry.If you have some spare time in between classes, why not look over this? I picked it up in a muggle book shop. The man said it was one of their best sellers! Have fun! Love Mum/ Mrs. Weasley.'"
"Not another bloody book," Ron says picking off the wrappings. It turns out it is a book! Who knew?
"She said she got it at a muggle shop?" Ron asks, inspecting it. I look at the tag again.
"Yeah a muggle book shop." He shrugs.
"Let's go ask Hermione, maybe she's heard of... 'The Son of Neptune.'" We both step out of the dormitory, and into the main room.
"Hermione?" Ron asks once we get down. She's got her nose in a book, her eyes darting back and forth. She slowly looks up.
"What? I'm in the middle of reading 'Hogwarts, a History.'"
"Haven't you read that like a million times?" Ron rolls his eyes, "And this is much more important."
"I doubt it," She scoffs.
"Anyway," I cut in, "Have you ever heard of 'The Son of Neptune'?" Her eyebrows bunch together. She hates not knowing things.
"No, I've never heard of it. Is it from a muggle shop?" she asks, now reaching for the book.
"Yeah, mum just sent it," Ron holds the book out to her.
"Hmm, by Rick Riordan. I wonder if it's any good," She's now looking it over.
"Only one way to find out," I snatch the book from her hand and sit down.
"Hey! I was looking at that!" Hermione protests.
"Just sit down," Ron pulls her into the seat next to where he is now sitting.I clear my throat.
"'Chapter 1, Percy: The snake haired ladies were starting to annoy Percy.'"
"He's gone mad!" Ron exclaims, "There's no such thing as a snake haired lady!"
"Shhhh Ron! This isn't real, it's make believe," Hermione shushes him.
"At one point didn't you think wizards, withches, and magic were make believe?" Ron asks. Hermiones cheeks glow red.
"Maybe," she mutters. Ron nods in satisfaction.
"Moving on! 'They should have died three days ago when he dropped a crate of bowling balls on them at Napa Bargain Mart.'"
"What's Napa Bargain Mart?" Ron asks.
"A place where people buy stuff," I say, "Though I prefer other stores."
"Mum goes there quite often to buy things," Hermione says.
"Really?" I ask, "I'm not that fond of it. Though the Dursleys' have only taken me there a couple of times. Usually they just drop me off at Mrs. Figgs'."
"Oh, I love Napa. They have such a variety of things!"
"I guess..."
"Could we please get on with the book?" Ron asks.
"Fine. 'They should've died two days ago when he ran over them with a police car in Martinez.'"
"I wonder how that boy got the cop car. Do you think he stole it?" Hermione gasps.
"No, he's a police officer in Martinez that runs over snake haired ladies, and goes to Napa Bargain Mart," Ron says. Hermione narrows her eyes.
"Don't be fresh, I was just wondering," snaps Hermione.
"Let's get back to the book," I say, "'They definetly should have died this morning when he cut off their heads at Tilden Park.'"
"He cut off their heads?!" Hermione shrieks. We get a couple glances from some annoyed Gryffindor students.
"Quiet down, would ya?" I ask, "People might start to think we aren't talking about a book." Hermione closes her mouth tight.
"I wonder where he got the weapon to cut off their heads," Ron whispers.
"Ron!" Hermione gasps.
"What? It was a fair question!" Ron defends himself.
"Let's find out. 'No matter how many times Percy killed them and watched them crumble to powder, they just kept re-forming like large evil dust bunnies.'"
"What an interesting comparison. Though why do you think they crumble to powder? Are they real?" Hermione asks.
"Beats me," I say.
"Sounds like a nice guy, goes around killing people and watching them re-form. Super!" Ron says dripping every sense of sarcasm he can into his words. Hermione punches him in the arm.
"What?" Ron asks rubbing his arm.
"Quiet! Let's continue!" Hermione snaps.
"Actually," I yawn, "We can continue this tomorrow. I'm going to bed." I stand up from the plush red chairs.
"I guess," Hermione says walking up to the girls dormitory, "See you tomorrow." And with that she waves us good bye.
Once we're in the boys dormitory I slip into my pajamas, and climb into bed. As soon as I close my eyes I'm asleep.


Hope you guys liked it! I need to get to bed, it's 12:40 where I am! Good night!
over a year ago athena_rules said…
Post soon!!!!

over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
24 views and only 2 responses? Speak ur mind! I except critisisim!
Thxs 2 the peeps who did respond!
I still need 1 more response 2 post another chappie!

over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
over a year ago iheartskittles said…
Post Soon! I'm new if that helps!
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
Thx's for replying! I'll be posting soon! And welcome to fanpop skittles- lol, that's your new nickname!
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
I need more people 2 reply if im gonna continue! 46 people have viewed this, but only 3 replys that aren't mine! Comment!

Chapter 2:

"Percy...Percy. Percy!" Ron's standing over me shaking me awake. I shove my glasses on, blinking repeatedly.
"What time is it?" I groan.
"Eight. Hermione has been pestering me all morning. She really wants to keep reading the book. So... wake up!" Ron yells. As fast as I can I change into my regular clothes, and slip downstairs, The Son of Neptune clenched in my hand.
"Harry! Thank goodness you're awake! Can we continue with the book now? I want to know more about Percy!" Hermione shrieks once she spots me.
"Okay, okay. Let's go sit down," I say walking over to a clump of empty chairs. Hermione runs to get a seat, and looks up at me waiting. She reminds me of a pre-schooler waiting for story time.
" I'll start on the last sentence. 'No matter how many times Percy killed them and watched them crumble to powder, they just kept re-forming like large evil dust bunnies. He couldn't even seem to outrun them.'" Hermione's eyes shine with sympathy.
"Maybe he's a lot like us," she says, "It seems like he has some crazy adventures."
"But we aren't a total phsyco like this guy! He kills people!" Ron says. Hermione shoots him a glare.
"Some people might think that we're phsyco's," she protests.
"Oh, yeah like who?" Ron asks. In response he gets a deadly glare again from Hermione.
"Let's move on now.'He reached the top of the hill and caught his breath.'"
"Keep going!" Ron, and Hermione yell at the same time.
"Alright, alright! 'How long since he last killed them? Maybe two hours. They never seemed to stay dead longer than that.'"
Ron whistles, "Well, he's got a problem on his hands doesn't he?"
"Ron this is serious! He could die!" Hermione yells.
"Who could die?" A voice above us asks. We all look up to see Neville Longbottom, still in his pajama's. "Is Harry in danger?" He gulps.
"No, sorry Neville. We were just talking about a book," Ron explains, "And some of us," He shoots a look at Hermione, "Were being a bit over enthusiastic." Not wanting to yell again Hermione slumps back against her chair, arms folded.
"Oh, all right. I'm just heading off to breakfast. See you," Neville waves out the door.
"Hermione, please be quieter next time," I plead, "Anyway, let's continue. 'The past few days he'd hardly slept. He'd eaten whatever he could scrounge- vending machine gummi bears, stale bagels, even a Jack in the Crack burrito, which was a new personal low.'" Hermione wrinkles her nose in disguist.
"What? You've got to eat something," Ron says. Almost on cue, his stomach growls.
"Speaking of eating," I say, "Lets go to breakfast ourselves."
"But what about Percy?" Hermione whines.
"We'll read about him after, you'll live," I say walking out the door.
"Fine," She grumbles, and marches straight past me. Someones cranky.


Sorry, I don't think it was my best... but remember COMMENT! AT least 2 comments before I post another chappie! Gotta go! Hope u enjoyed it!
over a year ago demigodsrule312 said…
big smile
Plz post just found this post!!!
over a year ago athena_rules said…
That's awesome! Post soon!
over a year ago CalebChase said…
big smile
post it souds awesome
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
I love it!!! Please post soon!!!
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
Thx's 4 commenting everyone! :D
I'll be posting soon!
I'm almost done with writing the next chapter! :D!

over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
Post soon! I just found this post and never mind the comment on your forum, but plz accept the prop! :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
I'm really sorry about this spam but can you read this? It's not mine.
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
Thanks 4 putting the link on my forum!!!!!!!!! I read it and it's super good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posting soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
How soon? Because its midnight here. Lol.
Bye and Good Night!
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
It's midnight where I am 2! Well, now it is at least...
I started writing the chapter, and I'll post tomorrow, idk when.

over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
Post soon! :D
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
Here's the next chappie! Hope u like it! :D


Hermione kept on begging for me to read during breakfast, so I had to run it all the way back to my dormitory, set it down, and then run all the way back to the Great Hall.
In a about 5 minutes, we all headed back, due to Hermione's constant pestering.
"Run! Go get the book!" She literally pushed me up the stairs.
"Jeez, okay I'm getting it," I yell back down to her. It takes me less than two seconds to grab the book, and run back down.
"Read!" Hermione shrieks, I think she has an obbsesion.
I clear my throat, "Ah-hem. 'His clothes were torn, burned, and splattered with monster slime.'"
"Monsters have slime?" Ron asked.
"According to Percy they do," I mumble.
"I believe Percy," Hermione snorts.
"I never said I didn't," I say.
"Mm-hmm, continue," Hermione says, unconvienced.
"Anyways, 'He'd only survived this long because the two snake-haired ladies-gorgons, they called themselves- couldn't seem to kill him either.'"
"What does he mean?" Hermione wonders, "Does he re-form too? Because that would be creepy."
"Maybe they don't have anything to kill him with," Ron says, "Plus, what are gorgons?"
"Snake haired ladies," Hermione says.
Ron rolls his eyes, "Oh, right. How could I forget that?"
"Let's just continue," I cut in, "'Their claws didn't cut his skin. Their teeth broke whenever they tried to bite him.'"
"Interesting!" Hermione squeals.
"What if he's just imagining them?" Ron asks, "Like they can't kill him, because they're not real, and he can't kill them because they're in his head."
"Maybe," I muse, "But I doubt it. If he is imagining this he's crazy."
"That's what I'm saying! He could be a total nut job!" Ron exclaims.
"Don't talk about him that way," Hermione says.
"But he's not real!" Ron yells.
"Moving on. 'But Percy couldn't keep going much longer. Soon he'd collapse from exhaustion, and then- as hard as he was to kill, he was ppretty sure the gorgons would find a way.'"
"No! Don't die Percy!" Hermione is standing up now.
"Sit down! He won't die!" Ron hisses, "He's the main character!"
"Alright! But still, I'm worried."
"Hopeless," Ron mutters.
"Stop it," I command, "Let's read. 'Where to run?'"
"Keep going!" Hermione shouts.
"Okay, okay. 'He scanned his surroundings. Under different circumstances, he might've enjoyed the view.'"
"Don't stop, Hermione may have a panic attack," Ron grumbles.
"I will not! I just really like the book," She crosses her arms.
"Next sentence," I say, "To his left, golden hills rolled inland, dotted with lakes, woods, and a few herds of cows. To his right, the flatlands of Berkeley and Oakland marched west- a vast checkerboard of neighborhoods, with seven million people who probably did not want their morning interrupted by two monsters, and a filthy demigod.'"
"Poor Percy," Hermione mumbles.
"Don't worry about it," Ron says leaning back.
"I've got homework, excuse me," I say, standing up.
"But Percy!" Hermione yells.
"Percy can wait," I shout back.


Hope u enjoyed it! Remember to comment!

over a year ago the-time-thief said…
cool!!! Post soon!!! You do italics by [ i ] insert word here [ / i ] with no spaces. i think Does it work?
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
yep it works!!!!!!
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
no problem!!!
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
just cuz im bored, i'll post again.


Chapter 4:

"Harry!" Hermione has been knocking on my door for the past half hour. I know she's really excited about the book, and everything, but she's going over the top. Bang! Bang! I can't take it any more, it's giving me a headache. I throw open the door.
"What?" I ask. She looks surprised.
"Oh, I was just wondering when you'd be done with your homework," She mumbles. Yeah, right she just wants to read more.
I sigh. "Fine, we'll read some more."
"Yeah!" She jumps up and down, "Get the book!"
"I'm getting it," I yell over my shoulder. I threw the book on my bed earlier, but now it's not there.
"I look over at Hermione who has her wand pointed above my head. She must have used the Wingardrium Leviosa (I know I didn't spell that rite) spell!
"Hermione!" I yell, and jump up to grab the floating book. Her cheeks turn red.
"Sorry," she says sheepishly, "Come on let's go!" She dashes downstairs, her hair flying behind her.
I sigh, and trudge down.Once down, i slump into the nearest chair. Ron looks about as thrilled as I am right now. Hermione is practically bouncing up and down in her chair.
"Chill," I say, "'Farther west, San Francisco Bay glittered under a silvery haze. Past that, a wall of fog had swallowed most of San Francisco, leaving just the tops of skyscrapers and the towers of the Golden Gate bridge.'"
"Wow, he's pretty descriptive," Ron observes. Hermione is nodding her head so fast, she looks like a bobble head.
"It's a wonderful story! Don't you think?" She asks, looking at us both.
"yeah it's good," I say.
"I'll stick to the Quidditch books," Ron mumbles. Hermione gives him a death glare.
"I mean, it's really great! Love it! Could you keep reading Harry?" Ron begs. Hermione smiles, at his new comment.
"Yeah, sure. 'A vague sadness weighed on Percy's chest. Something told him he'd been to San Francisco before.'"
"Why can't he remember that?" Hermione asks, "Was he in some sort of terrible accident?"
"I dunno, like I said, he could be crazy," Ron says.
"He's not crazy! He's lost in San Francisco!" Hermione wails.
"About that, where is San Francisco?" He asks.
"California," Hermione says.
"Back to the book. The city had some connection to Annabeth- the only person he could remember from his past. His memory of her was frustratingly dim." Pity pools inside Hermione's wide eyes.
"Who do you think Annabeth is?" She asks, "And why can he only remember her? Why not someone else?"
"You think I know?" I say.
"Just read," she snaps.
"Alright, 'The wolf had promised he would see her again and regain his memory- if he succeded on his journey.'"
"What wolf? There's a wolf involved?" Ron questions.
"What journey? Is he on his journey now? Is it a deadly journey? Could he die?" Hermione rambles.
"We'll find out later, lunch time."


Hope u like it! Comment! I don't care if u spam, just comment! I know this 1 was a bit short, so sorry about that.
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
Yes! My italics worked! thank u time thief!!!!!!! yes!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
It's so good!! Please make it longer !!
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
thx! I'll try to make it longer next time!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
this is really good , but you should try using italics or bold for the book part
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
Okay, I'll try it on the next chappie, which I will try to post tomorrow.
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
No problem!! I love it!! Post soon!!!!!!
over a year ago iheartskittles said…
Super Good! Post soon!
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
Post sooN! I love the 2 chapters!
over a year ago kristalovepercy said…
big smile
THIS. IS. EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
Yeah definitely make it longer!!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Woops! Ment a smiley face
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
I'll try 2 post as soon as I can, but I'm really sick rite now. ):.
over a year ago trivia101 said…
thats ok please post as soon as ur better!
over a year ago universalpowa said…

for all cross-over forum owners, there will be no more crossovers on this HOO fanclub because they should be on the F.Fnet or on the Fanfiction club here
BUT for all existing forum crossover owners, you dont need to abandon or remove your forums

SPREAD THE WORD! were trying to make this club like it used to be..
except there's WAYY more fans (lol the more the merrier!) and more forums :/
but we can do it! put this on other crossover forums, thanks! :D
~from the Committee
which is basically just all us fans who care about the club :P
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
@universal thx's 4 letting me know!
sorry 4 not posting in a realllllllllllyyyyyyyyy long time! I wuz sick, and then school, and I have a lot of finals coming up, so I might not be posting as often. Still I will post whenever I have free time! Tell me if this one's long enough!


Chapter 5:

"Hurry up!" Hermione yelled, ushering Ron, and me down the corridor.
"Will you stop that?" Ron asked, his face red with anger. Hermione pursed her lips.
"Fine. But I just want to learn more about Percy. And Harry, no offense, you read really slow," She commented.
"I do not!" Harry protested.
"Mm-hmmm. Anyway, we're almost there! Harry where's the book?" Excitement gleamed in her eyes. I pulled the book out of my bag. Hermione's eyes widen in shock.
"You had the book with you the entire time! Why didn't we read it at lunch?" She asked.
"We were trying to eat! What are we supposed to do? Starve?" Ron questioned. Hermione glared at him.
"No. Look we're here!" Hermione shrieked. She rushed through the password, and threw them all inside.
No one else was in the room yet, that didn't really surprise him though saying Hermione made them leave lunch fifteen minutes early.
Hermione pushed them all into chairs.
"Harry! Open the book!" She yelled. Harry flashed her a look.
"Don't get your wand in a knot, I'm working on it," he snapped. Hermione was sitting forward in her chair, her hands clasped.
"Okay, here you go. Should he try to cross the bay?."
"No Percy! It has to be a trap!" Hermione yelled. Ron rolled his eyes.
"It's not a trap! How could there be a trap in the bay?" Ron asked.
"I don't know!" Hermione snapped, "Keep reading Harry!"
"Alright, alright! It was tempting.He could feel the power of the ocean just over the horizon.."
"How is it tempting to cross a bay? I bet he would die if he crossed it," Ron snorted. Hermione folded her arms.
"I bet Percy would live," She said, sending Ron a stern glare.
"Wanna bet?" Ron asked. They were now in a death glare competition with each other. Harry cleared his throat uncomfortably.
"Um, moving on," he mumbled, " Water always revived him. Salt water was the best.."
"Hmmm... I wonder why water revived him. That's a bit... odd," Hermione said.
"Like I said, he's a looney," Ron muttered.
"He is not!" Hermione practically shouted.
"Prove it!" Ron yelled.
Hermione was smart enough to not answer. It could only escalate from there. Akward silence filled the air.
"I'm going to get back to reading now," Harry mumbled, " He'd discovered that two days ago when he had strangled a sea monster in the Carquinez Strait./"
"He strangled a sea monster?" Hermione gasped, "Wow!" Yet again Ron rolled his eyes.
"He's not real Hermione," He said.
"I know that! I'm not stupid!"
"Depends how you define stupid," Ron muttered.
"For your information-" Hermione started.
"Yep, okay," I cut in, "Let's keep reading. If he could reach the bay, he might be able to make a last stand./"
"A last stand!" Hermione squealed, "No!"
"Hermione calm down," I said.
"I can't calm down! He might die Harry! Can you imagine the horror?" Her eyes widen for effect. Now it was Harry's turn to roll his eyes.
"Hermione he. Is. Not. Real." Harry explained.
"Like I told Ron, I know! But it's quite frightening even if he isn't real!" Hermione screeched.
"Why don't we continue?" Ron asked, "Harry? If you will."
"Of course. Maybe he could even drown the gorgons.."
"Don't say that Percy! You can do it!"
"Jeez Hermione!" Ron said, "You seriously need to calm down. I'm worried about how obsessed you're becoming with this Percy guy." An evil grin passed Hermione's face.
"Jeleous?" She asked. Ron's ears turned redder than his hair.
"No, I'm not jeleous," He muttered.
"Guys," I said, checking my watch, "Sorry but I got to work on Snape's homework. He'll kill me if I don't finish it."
"What? No!" Hermione yelled.
"Aren't you the one who's always telling us to do our homework?" Ron smirked. Confusion passed her faced. She seemed to be weighing her options.
"Fine," she snapped, "Go do your homework."
"Don't worry," I said standing up, "We'll read after dinner."
"After dinner!" She screamed. She also screamed something else, but I couldn't hear, I was already in my dorm. I breathed a sigh of relief.
I plopped on my bed, and opened my new Quidditch book.
What? You seriously thought I had homework? I finished that days ago.


Done! Hoped u guys liked it! Remember comment!
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
Wow, I just realized it wasn't that long, sorry!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
Wow harry finishing hw early I seriously doubt that but it's ur story :)

U should do it like they actually meet and then hermione like is obsessed with him and them Ron gets mad and they fight and stufff.... I dunno make up the end urself :)

over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
big smile
I do have some tricks up my sleeve 4 the ending, but you'll just have 2 keep reading 2 find out what it is.
over a year ago yellowandpurple said…
Okay, so I decided that I'm going to continue this on the crossover club page thing.
I think it's a really good idea that everyone's trying to cleanup the club, so I'm going to try and do that to. I'll post the link on here in a little bit.
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Ya I'll have to do that! POST
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
How come u didn't put up ur already written chappies on ur crossovers one? U should and keep on posting!