jhaycee0131 posted on Apr 04, 2012 at 02:35PM




Far, far above in the swirling iridescent rays of moonlight, the heavens lit itself aflame in harmless silver crests and waves to alight the visions of Mount Olympus into clearer clarity.

The muses played their sad tunes of Nocturne as the chariot of Apollo set under the horizon of California's northwest coasts.

The winds swept the cool air throughout the different levels of altitude, bringing the temperature down in a mass plummet like an eagle's dive.

Some gods rested at the Council Circle of their Throne Room, contemplating the unfathomable. Others roamed about their own sanctuaries: the Sea Palace of the Deep was Neptune's, the Underworld's Main Citadel was Pluto's, and the skies was Jupiter's.

And in the woodlands and hunting grounds of California was currently one for the Huntress. It was a place of peaceful tranquility and darkening light as the light of Sol fell underneath the horizon and the light of Luna was given its place among the stars and dusky skies.

There she lay, regally resting on a throne of silver that stood against a huge tree that spread to engulf the world with its claw-like branches. With one hand resting on her cheek, she was the very image of beauty and perfection and purity-innocence so blindingly white it was like gazing at a searing light of the sky.

There she was contemplating the possible lines of the future that ran and split and multiplied. For she was omnipotent, for she was a goddess...

She knew that any moment now…

Overhead, a fiery celestial disturbance swirled across the skies in a spiraling array of blue stars falling like a thousand fallen angels burning. There was a slight murmur-so faint that no mortal could've perceived it.

Suddenly, the goddess' eyes opened in a flutter. "It's time to hunt." She whispered as she stood up and surveyed the constellations and looked beyond the mortal spectrum at the omens—at the Auguries that foretold the coming prophecy…

The throne dissolved into silver sparks that were blown across the skies by the North Wind.

She blew her hunting horn, summoning her chariot of silver incandescence. Flying through the sky, she glanced out toward Mount Tam and then at the sea, and turned her chariot toward that direction. She felt apprehensive, almost giddy.

Something has happened.

It's beginning.

She looked at the stars with relief. "He's awakened."
last edited on Apr 04, 2012 at 02:40PM

The Heroes of Olympus 17 replies

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over a year ago jhaycee0131 said…
over a year ago Meef said…
okay i like your english, i like your description, i like your spacing

over a year ago PrincePerseus said…
big smile
Awesome.But is it just me or did you already write it on Fanfiction?
If yes then Post soon!!!!!
over a year ago jhaycee0131 said…


He didn't know what happened but all of a sudden he was awake, woken up by the sound of the howling winds and the screaming of crows and ravens and birds of night alike, soaring high above him in the obsidian sky, their indistinct shapes almost dancing.

Looking around and taking note of every minute detail of his surroundings, he found himself in the middle of misty nowhere. Fog hung heavily in the air and he couldn't see ten feet ahead of him. But even with the almost solid wall of white vapor, a dark forbidding mountain loomed from the hazy dark obscurity, towering over the place like a giant sentry standing guard; it's mass of black darkness barren empty and evil.

Shivering he sat there, turning his head from side to side.

Everything was weird: the unusually thick mist, the giant dark mountain with its fitting nightmarish scenery, and the night birds whose shapes seemed like dark angels soaring through the air. It was the entire place. Something fainter than a whisper in the back of his head told him that he should know this place, should remember this almost magical place because it was important...

But it was like trying to hold water in the palm of one's hand; the feeling slipped away only leaving a sense of confusion. Only fragments of that familiarity still lingered, like tracks left by a careless animal that just pleaded to be prey of something higher in the food chain.

Even with that jolt of Déjà vu, and even with that familiar feeling, he still couldn't remember a thing, no clue what had happened to him. He felt lost standing there in the midst of hazy white mist with the moon shining brightly above, only barely visible with such a heavy sinister atmosphere.

It struck him funny, or perhaps disturbing, when he realized that he didn't know where he was, despite having the feeling he'd been at this particular part of the world. But the scariest thing about it was that he couldn't remember who he was.

His past? Himself? They were all lost to him as if he'd left the memories behind in his deep sleep.

It was an empty feeling, a sense of such confusion that it overwhelmed him like waves crashing on sand castles; it's gentle yet fierce force toppling the stronghold of memories to be cherished and wiping it clean away. He was an empty shell with nothing inside, a being only guided with instincts and faint recognitions.

Staggering up to his feet as if he hadn't stood in ages, he reached into his pocket for the ballpoint pen almost as if it were a habit and brought it out.

Looking at it, something told him to take the cap off so he did. And it immediately extended into a golden sword with beautifully carved designs and a forever sharp blade. There were crashing waves engraved upon both sides of the weapon. And the handle had the carving of a serpent swirling around from pommel to guard.

He stared at the sword, its tip glinting in the dim lights of night. Who was he?

Questions flooded his mind in torrents of jumbled confusion.

He gazed at the sword as if it would tell him everything, as if it would trigger the past and bring him enlightenment. But there was nothing.

Still, the pen, sword, whatever, held some significance. "Riptide..." the name came to him but that was it: Riptide, his sword-pen.

He stood there, lost and wondering. His mind was flashing through an almost limitless expanse of questions running through his thoughts and confusing him more and more as he pondered over his past.

He stood there, alone and empty, with no recollection of anything, only the sense of Déjà vu and faint familiarity. He was alone and he had nothing. He was lost to the world and to himself. He was a blank existence. He was an empty shell—a shadow of a shade or the shade of a shadow.

The thoughts swirled and clouded his mind; it was like all the mental escape routes from this madness had been sealed. And he was left with no other options than to deal with it and make the best of it. He was left alone in this world to recreate his life all over again from scratch.

Suddenly voices called over to him out of the gloom and doom. From the corner of his eye, he saw the silhouettes of at least half a dozen kids his age running toward him.

He turned to them fully when he heard them call. "Jason! Is that you?" As the party got closer, their hopeful expressions slowly faded, to be replaced with looks of confusion.

He gazed at them for a moment, noticing their armor and weapons, before he answered them. "Jason? Jason...?" he murmured questioningly. He held the sword up and looked at his reflection. "No..." he answered himself. "No, I'm not."

One of the teens began to reply, probably with some sarcastic comment like "No duh!" but stopped midsentence, letting the silence drop upon them.

He shook his head, confused, frowning as he tried once again to unsuccessfully remember. "No. I don't know...who I am..."

Silence overwhelmed them as the group of battle-ready teens looked at him. He didn't really know what they were thinking. If they were surprised, they hid it well. They looked at one another as if they were conversing amongst themselves in silence.

The quiet was deafening, only the screaming of the birds of night and the wind kept them sane enough to not break it.

Then one of the girls seemed to come to a decision, turning her gaze back to him. She seemed to struggle to make eye contact with him for some reason. He didn't know. Maybe she could see how blank he was in the inside. Maybe she could see the confusion, the turmoil within. Was there something in his eyes?

He stared back and a jolt of familiarity crossed him as he took in the stormy grey eyes.

"Come with us." Stormy eyes said finally. "You're obviously a Demigod, so we can't just leave you here and have you killed by monsters. You'll live longer if you stay at Camp and get proper training. Camp's a little short on recruits anyway. "

"Demigod. Half-divine." He stared at his hands, then at his reflection in Riptide again. Right at that moment, he didn't really feel too godly. He was lost in this world and in this emptiness, the void that used to contain his past. He nodded and capped the sword.

"So you don't know your own name?" another 'demigod' asked, he had a look about him that told a person not to completely trust him, funny how he could tell that much about another person and had not a clue who he was when he glanced at his own face. "Hmm."

"Bobby, shut up." Storm eyes reproached and the demigod quieted, hiding his disbelief just as the girl had.

He looked away from the campers, not able to bare the looks of sympathy. His frown deepened and he gazed up at the moon again. It was like a magnet to him, an object that drew his attention as if it selfishly wanted his focus to be on only its incandescent light and beauty and not on anyone else.

He turned back to the group of 'demigods' and found them observing him closely, their silence almost ominous, intentions well-hidden.

"Oh! Cheer up!" the second girl spoke up, her voice and actions bubbly and upbeat as she threw her arms wide in a dramatic pose. It was like she was holding everything in until now, letting her feelings out like an explosion. Immediately the atmosphere relaxed and became almost bearable, almost light.

"We have a lot of kids who have some kind of problem. Don't worry! Once you see one of our healers you'll be back to normal. The Apollo campers are really good with handling these kinds of medical things."

"Yeah and if that doesn't work you can always go to Somnus' kids," the other girl piped up. The others looked at her in surprise. "They say that dreams can wake even the deepest buried past."

"You're really coming out of your cave now, Hazel," the last demigod commented. "You were always silent and shy back in the old days."

"Don't tease her, Dakota. Your bully days are over, remember? You're supposed to be nice now," Stormy eyes snapped. There was this protective aura about her that one couldn't quite escape. It hadn't been there a moment ago…

Hazel flushed a little as Bobby and Dakota started teasing her while Stormy eyes—Reyna angrily reprimanded them. In the end she had to pull the two bullies by the ears to make them stop.

There was a brief silence once again; even the wind seemed to die down. He looked up at the moon and the night sky, thinking.

The mist was clearing…fast. The clouds were racing past them overhead, making his head feel dizzy.

He stared up as his new acquaintances started bickering. Then he looked up as they ran through the mist and darkness. The moon shone brightly as if shining new hope down with its silver beams.

He observed the stars and automatically picked out two constellations out of some subconscious habit: Orion and Zoe Nightshade.

"Hey, by the way…We've all introduced ourselves but we still don't know your name. What do we call you, newbie?" He was driven from his reveries by Bobby clapping a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know," he said, even to him his tone sounded strange, halting the party's bickering, his eyes seemed to glow silver with the reflection of the moon and the stars. "I can't remember…so for now, call me Noctis. I'll go with that."

The name held some meaning to him, like an anchor to his life from now on. It told the story of someone lost and alone with only the mist and dark clouds and the chirping birds and the moon as company. That was his history. That was all there was for him.

Other than that, the past was out of reach from his mind's grasp.

He had not a clue what his real name was and not a clue what person he was back then, before he lost his memories. After pondering over his situation he realized that having no past wasn't that bad. It was just an unwanted fresh start.

"Alright, let's get going." Bobby exclaimed. The group seemed restless the whole time they had found him. But only now the edginess became clear. "We haven't got all day. Are we going to head back and drop the newbie off or are we going to keep looking for Jason?"

Noctis could tell that the group was eager to push forward and find whoever their friend was. He could see their restlessness and…something else. Was it devotion? He couldn't place it, that reverence, but he had a feeling that this Jason character was usually their leader.

Reyna looked over at him again, as if sizing him up. The others held their breaths.

He nodded at her questioning look as if in consent and she sighed with relief, "I think Noctis here can handle a little jog—prepare him for the forced marches we have to do every morning; this will be a little demo." The others seemed to relax, also relieved. "Let's just check with those nymphs or Hesperides as the Greeks call them, to see if they know where Jason went."

Noctis frowned slightly, pondering. The way she said 'Greeks' wasn't exactly scornful, he surmised. But it wasn't respectful either. This realization led to questions but that would have to wait. Now was not the time for idle chatter which was a shame because he had a fair load of questions he wanted answers to.

As the group went onward, their brisk pace becoming a jog then speeding up to a run, a random thought occurred to him that maybe the Romans and the Greeks didn't get along with each other. Maybe they weren't on as good terms to be allies as the gods thought so they separated the Romans from the Greeks. That would mean that if there was a Greek demigod camp then it would be somewhere far away from the Roman's base...

And there were the Hesperides...Noctis turned the name over in his head, trying to figure out where he had heard it from but as usual he came up with nothing. He had a feeling he knew them though...somewhat.

Gwendolyn scoffed as if reading his thoughts as she sprinted alongside him, breaking his connect-the-dots theories and thoughts. "We were never on good terms with the girls. I doubt they will tell us anything."

There were grumbles of agreement at that but Reyna, who seemed to have taken charge with Jason's absence, ignored it.

"After this, if we find no leads on Jason, we'll return to Camp and introduce Noctis to Lupa. Then—" before Reyna could finish her sentence, the ground began to shake, the earth's tremor turned into an earthquake, splitting the ground open, releasing a horde of nightmares Noctis had never dreamed of.

The group's reaction was calm and their movements well thought out. Noctis himself found Riptide already unsheathed and his body crouched in a ready position.

He put his back to his comrades and faced the monstrosities, with Riptide in front of him. "Such a large force…Your camp needs to check on its defenses. This is one major security lapse." he backed away slowly.

"I don't understand this either," Reyna muttered. "But recently, ever since Jason disappeared, there have been hordes of monsters attacking our camp borders and the camp itself. It's almost as if…" She seemed to play with the thought but then shook her head. "No, that can't be."

"What can't be?"

"Nothing." Reyna tensed and slowly drew her sword which was strapped to her back, her eyes fixed on the enemy the whole time.

Even though they weren't well acquainted, he could see right through the Roman campers' mask of confidence. He noticed the gathering of perspiration on their foreheads and the tensing of their muscles, and he realized that this wasn't what an average demigod had to face.

Bobby cursed in fluent Latin and when Noctis looked over his shoulder he could see the other's faces darken, jaws set, grimly facing off the army of horrors. "What are these?" he asked, turning back to look at the monsters. "I don't think I've seen these things before. I would know that at the very least."

"It's pretty much everything evil, fickle, heart wrenchingly hideous, and deadly in Roman mythology." Dakota said. "Curse, Terra. The Deity of the Earth hasn't been this active in millennia."

"The Final Prophecy is taking place already." Reyna said grimly. "The Doors of Death are open wide. But none of us ever thought that it would happen so suddenly."

"Right," Dakota said. "Forget the details. Time to wash my hands in monster blood and have it splattered on my shirt again. I just got this shirt washed, too."

Together they charged forward, then divided into two groups and went for the center of the horde, cutting the enemy's forces in half.

Noctis ducked under a wild swing from what he thought might be a demon. He slashed down then whipped around and hacked one of the Dracaenae into fleshy pieces. He was a whirlwind of madness and his fury was devastating. Literally.

Cut. Parry. Duck. Slash. Kick. Thrust. Another thrust. Stab. Duck and a leg sweep.

He checked on the others and saw they were doing just as well if not better but something was off. The army didn't seem to be thinning out at all. The more he thought about it the more puzzled he was. And then it hit him, the realization. The monsters were reassembling, all their dust rearranging themselves like piecing together a billion puzzle-pieces.

Glancing at one of the campers' face he realized that they must've figured out the reason but before he could confirm his suspicions as he lay to waste an entire section of monsters, the ground trembled again.

Another rumble and a huge serpent slithered out of the crack. "Ah, gods darn them. We have the worst luck ever." Gwendolyn murmured, eyes widening.

"It's a Drakon." Noctis said suddenly. The group stared at his back. His shoulders were tense but otherwise he seemed calm.

"You've fought one before?" Bobby inquired, doubtfully.

"I don't know. Maybe, the name just came to me." Then instinct took over and he charged forward, avoiding the tip of the tail of the giant serpent as it lashed out a mere hairs breadth from where he had been.

The others were in action already, moving around, assuming battle formations and taking out monsters by the dozens. Noctis lunged at the serpent and slashed at its hide but the scales proved too thick and tough for even Riptide's razor-sharp blade to pierce.

The blade bounced off and he tried not to wince at the pain of the reverberations. The attack was Déjà vu all over again for the umpteenth time. There was a throb at the back of his eyes. But still, no memory came to him.

The Drakon swung its head around so fast it nearly took a chunk out of him but years of unknown training kicked in and he flipped in the air, landing on top of it. Noctis stabbed at the eye again and again like a mad man before launching himself off as it crashed into the mountain.

"You guys take care of the rest, I'll kill the Drakon." He called over. The others nodded, concentrating on the Dracaenae and Lastrygonians and Hyperborean Giants and other things that they couldn't quite identify, things that seemed to be older than the gods and the titans though how that can be Noctis didn't know.

Everything was a blur, monster mixed with humanoid-like figures as the amnesiac dodged around, weaving through the horde of demonic creatures. The Drakon whipped its head here and there, striking like a snake, continuously battering against the ground where Noctis had stood milliseconds before, sometimes even killing its own forces, as it vainly tried to have its late dinner of demigod meat. Of course they had the advantage of regenerating minutes later and the Demigods didn't.

As he ran through the enemy lines, the only thing differentiating enemy from ally was the Roman Campers purple shirts that stuck out like sore thumbs from the monsters scaly hides or other. The monsters that were distinctly human even held weapons varying from ancient to modern but he couldn't make out the details as he ran past, dodging here and there.

Noctis ran like a demon, cart wheeling off a Giant's back then breaking another monster's neck with his legs, then a stab into the face of a Telkhine. He took a storm spirit, a Ventus, by the arm and grabbed its weapon which turned out to be a shotgun and fired at the horde before throwing the spirit into the ranks of zombies and monsters alike.

In seconds, half the army of hell had been vaporized into yellow dust, but a fat lot of good that did anybody except help them catch their breath before the dust shifted and reformed back into monsters and the campers were at it again.

The Drakon was nearly on him now as Noctis ran along the valley of hills around Mount Tam.

I can't keep this up…I'm gonna die. He thought angrily, frustration overtaking exhaustion.

He fought at the boiling, surging anger, but it wouldn't be contained. From overhead, a storm cloud swirled like a funnel, like a giant whirlwind or whirlpool in the sky, black clouds gathering more and more but at the eye of heaven's hurricane, the moon shone through, brighter than ever.

Under the moon's gaze, the sea roiled restlessly as if sensing all the action and wanting to be a part of it. The waves crashed together, its rhythm lost in the excitement of the events occurring.

The Pacific had become a living organism, not a mere biome for living things but a seemingly chaotic, sentient force of nature that had gone into frenzy, its fury matching Noctis' own.

He whipped around, standing firm as he faced the Drakon head on. As it showed its poisonous fangs, Noctis brought Riptide forth. Now the wind was picking up and the storm swirled faster above, it reminded Noctis of those hypnotizing swirl patterns he'd seen before, but he didn't have time to try and focus on bringing the past back.

He charged, yelling something like "ARGHHHH!" and the Drakon lunged, roaring a battle cry of its own. Lightning shattered the sky.

The ferocity of the attack stunned him, vibrating from the blade of his sword to his arm which went numb immediately. Luckily the beast didn't spit any of its poison or else he'd be dead. The serpent monster roared and the very world seemed to tremble. It reared its frightening head, glaring at him as blood gushed at its mouth but that wasn't enough to kill it, as if that mattered anymore anyway.

Noctis took advantage of its distraction at the agony and leapt onto its tail. "This is crazy." He muttered, taking a deep breath. And he ran up its length, up toward its head with his sword held high.

The Drakon soon realized what he was doing though and it writhed about, lifting itself high up then flinging itself toward the Pacific. To say it was a rollercoaster ride would be like comparing a pond to an ocean.

Noctis could see houses that were situated on the mountains' outskirts and he could see the boats sailing in to dock at the harbor as he held on for dear life as the giant serpent monster thing went flying through the air in loops.

They crashed through trees and the Drakon twisted here and there trying to get him off but he held on, all the while clinging to his lifeline with numb fingers. His grip slipping as he readjusted his hold every now and then.

It felt like an eternity, and soon his impatience sparked and he hurled himself atop the nightmarish creature's body, as it twisted itself. Running on a Drakon while it twisted and turned and did all sorts of contortions was like wrestling with a tornado. Completely one-sided. Nevertheless Noctis ran, sometimes running with the ground as his ceiling and the sky as the base below. The only thing keeping his feet on the Drakon was his momentum.

And then they crash landed into the Pacific Ocean in a gigantic explosion of sea spray and foam and water. The impact was cushioned by the Drakon's body but he still felt the sudden stop come painfully. As it swam outward to less shallow ends, Noctis ran up to the head as fast as he could, before it decided to take a dip in those very deep parts.

Lunging forward at its head, he leapt up into the air and brought his sword into an aggressive thrust just as it whipped around, opening its jaws, to make a meal out of him. Riptide struck home, slashing its hide apart and tearing into the flesh.

The great beast froze and for a moment Noctis thought that maybe beheading the gods' forsaken thing wasn't enough. Then its head fell into the water and the scaly body slumped, going completely limp.

He stood there, half expecting it to disintegrate and half expecting it to come back to life but it didn't stir.

Slowly and tiredly he sat down, hoping the tide would push him back to the shore. Then he caught sight of something dark and really long and serpentine swimming close to the surface of the water. Actually, a little more than something: there were dozens of them.

Then one hideous head of what looked sort of like a snake burst from the surface with a shriek then another, then another, and another. Noctis stood up once again, cursing as one by one another head appeared, all around him as if trying to trap him. He staggered up to his feet again; fatigue was catching up to him. "You can't be serious..."

It was a Hydra. But how was it in the water?

He brought Riptide in front of him, brandishing it in the many-headed monsters many faces as if a piece of metal was enough to kill the legend that was said to have multiplying heads. Between Riptide and the monster's many fangs, his sword was pretty much a toothpick and he was a kid size happy meal that the monster would have to tear into tiny pieces to share with its heads.

He got into a ready position just in time as one of the monsters heads went lashing out in a frontal assault. He leapt up and met it in the air but of course because of his mass being much smaller than that of a gajillion ton Hydra, he was slammed through the air like a rag doll. The force blasted him off his feet and sent him flying back but the storm winds slowed his speed and he back flipped onto another head as it tried to snatch him for itself.

Obviously the monster didn't know any better than to attack him while he was on one of their heads because the other jaws of the beast came snapping at him as he stood there, bracing for the impact that would send him into the air once again.

He leapt and blood exploded behind him like fireworks as the creature tore the head he had been on seconds ago to shreds. That didn't do much but one less head was better than a full house. Of course, 99 heads were still terrifying and they were angry now, too. He kind of wished he was fighting a regular dragon and not an almost impossible-to-kill monster.

His small triumph was short lived through because when he tried to do the same trick again the heads didn't fall for it.

It's intelligent. Is this the goddess of the earth's doing? Noctis thought as the head he was on flung him in the air.

Now he couldn't control his trajectory or where he landed.

The remaining heads of the creature all lunged at him from different directions, sealing all escape routes as if he could escape in midair anyway. He tried to bring his sword up to protect him somewhat but his arm was still a little numb and for some other reason it wouldn't lift. A head that was quicker than the rest, however, rammed into his chest and slammed him into the sea brutally.

He coughed up blood. Scarlet globules seemed to blotch the skies for a moment as his vision flashed white.

The attack should've killed him and if that didn't the impact against the sea surface before he went under should've. But surprisingly he wasn't dead. He thought that maybe he should feel blessed by that fact but at the moment he didn't feel too lucky.

Ironically enough, the attack had saved his life; if the heads had attacked in unison then he would've been a dead man or more appropriately dead demigod dessert for the glutton of a monster. If the Hydra had attacked more quickly or that one head more slowly, there would've been nothing left of him.

He slowly sank down deeper and deeper until he didn't see the serpents. He realized that he wasn't suffocating but that could probably be that he was unconscious and having a really realistic dream.

My own personal hell, Noctis thought. Wonderful. But it wasn't. He had to die when he had already lost practically everything. He had to die when he didn't even get the chance to find his past and his life. He had to die like this after fighting only that many monsters on the outskirts of Mount Tam and the Drakon and the multiplying many headed nightmare. He had to die so young in his life. He didn't want it to end.

Don't die like this.

Anger flared, coursing through his veins once again like liquid fire, like molten lava, burning his patience to ashes of nothing. And the boiling pressure escalated higher and higher. This time it cleared his mind and disorientation. His mind was working overtime. His senses sharpened to the extent that he felt more alive than he ever was.

More reflex than anything else, Noctis consciously willed the water push him up; it was like flexing a muscle, the feeling of it so natural that he felt he had been connected to the sea for a long time, maybe from the very beginning.

He burst from the surface right in front of the Hydra. Lightning danced across disturbed skies. The full fury of the storm tore at the many-heads of the Hydra. Rain fell with the ferocity and force like bullets. Hail showered down like cannon balls, exploding everywhere.

The hydra let out torrents of fire and flames as it battled the tempest. But soon the flames died and it began to sink into the sea, exhausted and beaten.

A typhoon swirled about the beast like a prison cell of angry waves rising to take its prisoner down, down, down. Then a giant wave sealed the exit like a huge maw closing in on the many-headed dragon. It brought the beast into its depthless stomach, letting it fall under until it was at the bottom, holding the weight of the ocean.

The ocean which had become a furious tempest of sea spray and waves was more than obliged to consume such a monster, bringing the beast down under, down to the ocean floor where the pressure of the sea would kill it.

The whirlpool died down to nothing and the sea calmed to its usual peaceful scene, its gentle waves crashing on the shore so far off, beating out a rhythm of the sound of the sea and the tempo of its ebb and flow.

The storm funnel overhead faded, the dark angry clouds blown to wisps of vapor then disappearing entirely. Like it was only a dream.

Noctis sighed. Out at sea, the world didn't seem so confusing and empty anymore. The feeling of being lost seemed like only a concept and nothing more.

The sea was his dreamscape and his home. It was the perfect place to rest and sleep.

He felt so elated just standing there in the water, staring at the stars and the moon that seemed like it was about to engulf the world in its silvery incandescent light. Its rays of white and silver beams shone through the meteor black night. And Noctis somehow felt that it was watching over him, him alone at the moment.

Shrugging the thought away, he headed back to the others. But when he stepped from the water, all the energy drained out of him and he staggered. The adrenaline that he had pumping through his veins minutes ago seemed to completely vanish and his mind began to shut down. His body ached all over and he was panting as if he had run a marathon.

His vision blurred for an instant just before collapsing he found himself staring at a girl with auburn hair and silver white eyes that seemed to glow as bright as the moon.

She was breathtakingly beautiful and he had to stop himself from losing his calm composure.

After that he was falling, falling to the sandy ground as his strength escaped him completely, falling down into peaceful slumber, the sand as his pillow and bed. Riptide fell from his hands and impaled itself beside him.

He felt someone stop his fall and the next thing he knew he blacked out, his sight engulfed in darkness as his mind collapsed under all the stress and events that had gone flying by this night, almost more than he could take, almost more than he could comprehend: waking up to the howling wind and the mist and the sound of night's birds and the glowing moon, the feeling of not belonging and the confusion followed by the realization that he was lost with no memory nor any clue of who he was, then the Roman campers, leading to the horde of monsters crawling out of the chasm, then the Drakon, and the Hydra...

And the feeling of confusion was lost to him once again, just like the time he gazed at the moon...
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
you write realy well I'm you're new fan!!! plz post again soon!!!!

you realy know how to enchant a reader with the right words!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
big smile
Oh my word! :O
I am sooo jealous of your writing, dude!!!:OOO
That was amazing!!!:D like, a 100000 people should be commenting!!! An awesome story like this must not go uncommented! :D
That was epic!!! Who cares if it's a SoN!!!! This is epic, awesome, descripted, well-written, and fantastic!!!:OOOOO
Lolz now I'm crazy :D
Amazing job!!! If I were a teacher, I'd give you ten A plusses :P
Please post soon!!!!:D
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
iucstalker we should go find some people for this story shouldn't we? because you are ssooooooo right.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
post!! soon!!!
over a year ago afrodite_11 said…
AWESOMEEEEEE! please post soon :D
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
post soon!!!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
That chapter........ there r NO words to describe how good it was.
But the few I would pick r AMAZING, AWESOME, and we cant forget EPIC!!
I LOVED IT!!!!!!
and I hope u post again really soon!!! Pretty please!!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
oh. my gods that was epicness your an amazing writer
over a year ago Annabeth788594 said…
i love it can't wait to read more
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
plz post!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
plz post more!
over a year ago annabeth523 said…