The Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptune

ChampionChaos posted on Apr 07, 2012 at 02:48AM
Disclaimer don't own PJATO or HoO
Summary. Percy wakes up on sand and meets Lupa, then for his test he has to fight all the praetors and become praetor of legion one. From there he lives his life as praetor along side reyna. But what happens when the gods what to make him a god? Will he exept?

After you read reply and tell me what you think!
last edited on Apr 07, 2012 at 05:07AM

The Heroes of Olympus 5 replies

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over a year ago ChampionChaos said…

'Percys P.O.V'

I woke up lying on sand with a horrible head-ach. I looked around and saw 4 people staring at me with wonder. The one closest to me had black hair and chocolate brown eyes, her cheeks were red so you could she was crying. Standing to her right was a girl with honey blond hair and stormy grey eyes. Next to her was a chubby 16 year old with short black hair and red eyes, he was also carrying a bow in his hand. Next to him a girl was standing there, she had curly brown hair and gold eyes. The one in the front was first to speak " Who are you"? My answer was just to glare at her. " Well" she snapped, "answer me". Truth be told I didn't even remember who I was so I said " err... I don't remember who I am or my past, but who are you" . The one I was just talking to said " my names Reyna Daughter of Mercury, and Praetor of the 12th legion". The blond one said " Gwen Daughter of Minevera, Praetor of the 4th legion" . The chubby boy said " Frank Zhang Son of Mars, Second of the 9th legion". Finally the gold eyed said " Hazel Levesque Daughter of Ceres, Praetor of the 3rd legion". I looked at them. " Get up I'm bringing you to Lupa". I stood up and followed then we pasted people sword fighting, doing archery, and rock climbing. Finally we got to a 2 story house. When we walked in there was a wolf there. Reyna, Gwen, Frank, and Hazel bowed. " what brings you here Praetors" Lupa asked. Reyna was first to speak, " we'll we were doing border patroll and when we got to the beach he was laying there, so he's obviously a Demi-god. He says he doesn't remember who he is or his past" ."thank you Praetors you may go". That left me with Lupa. She said " so you don't remember who you are, correct?" . Right after she said that, I clutched my head in pain. I started to get dizzy then my vision cleared and my head was fine. But now I knew who I was. I smirked at Lupa and said " I remember now, I am Persues Jackson, or Percy for short." after I announced my name, she stared at me with wide-eyes. She mumbled something I couldn't catch. The she looked at me and grined, or at least a grin for a wolf. She said " do you have a weapon". I searched my pockets caused it felt right. It tooked out a pen and stared at it, I un-capped it and it grew into a 3 foot Celestail bronze sword. On the flat of the blade writtin in gold was the word Ankumalus in Greek or Riptide in English. Lupa looked at in curiosity. She turned toward me and said 4 words that made me shiver " Perpare for your test." and with that she lead me toward the arena where all the Praetors and all the campers were, waiting for my test.
over a year ago ChampionChaos said…
'Annabeth P.O.V

I was in the Athena cabin sitting on my bed with Daedalus's laptop on my lap. Tears threatening to fall, thinking why Hera took Percy away from me. The conch shell blew tearing me away from my thoughts. I got up and walk out of the cabin heading toward the pavilion. Almost every one was her exept a couple people from the Hermes cabin. I took a glance at the Posideon table remembering when HE was there. Chiron pounded his hoof by the front table where Mr.D was sitting there reading a wine magazine with a bored expression. Everyone seemed so down without Percy there, even Clarissie and Mr.D seemed down." Good afternoon campers, I hope your having fun and training hard. As you all know a camper is missing. Percy Jackson" Chiron said. Everyone head went down in sadness. " Also I would like to welcome back the three campers that just came back from a quest" everyone clapped. Then the nymphs brought in are food and we all ate then left to go do are activities. Before I knew it, it was time for the camp fire. We all sat and talked and the flames roared in heat. I also reconised every time someone brought up Percy, Jason's face would twist in annoyinst. I sighed then stood up said good-night to other campers and walked to my cabin. When my head hit the pillows I fell asleep. In my dream I found my self in a cave facing a dirt-lady. Her eyes where closed, it reconised this person right away. It was Gaea the Primordial Godess Of Earth." Join me, daughter of Athena" she slurred." Never!" I shouted. She said in response" You may have Won last time, Daughter of Athena but I am much stronger then my son Kronos." then everything went swirling and I woke up in a cold sweat. It was 3:00 so I went back to bed and had a dream-less sleep.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
this is really good. i really like it.
and i cant wait until u post again. i hope its soon!!
over a year ago ChampionChaos said…
Just posted on Son of Olympus red the new chapter!
Also thanks I read some of your story's there really good
over a year ago ChampionChaos said…
Camp Jupiter
Chapter Three
Percy's P.O.V

When I walked into the arena, excited whispers broke out. I Heared someone say ' Wonder what his test is' or ' He's probably going to die' I also heard one girl say ' he's so cute I hope he live'.
Lupa barked, meaning for everyone to quite down.
" This is Persues Jackson" she growled, then looked at me and walked of. I heard a Roar then, the Minitour walked out. How I knew this monster, I don't know, but it seemed not to like me, so I can only guess I fought it before. It had a axe in its hand and it eyes were stuck like glue on me. Then it charged, right when its horns were about to hit, I jump to the side. It charged right pass me. When it was about 15 away it stopped and turned toward me again. It charged again. This time I took out my sword and stood in a fighting stance in its way. When it' was close enough, it slashed it cut its chest but did nothing. It roared in anger, it brought up its axe but before he could bring it down, I stabbed it in the rib cage. It exploded into dust and the breeze took it away.
Lupa walked back out and said " good, now time for your real test" she said.
Someone in the audience said, " I thought that was a test"
Lupa chuckled then said "no, his real test is to fight all the Praetors"
I looked at her in shock. This was going to take some time

Reyna's P.O.V

When Lupa said he had to fight all the Praetors, I was shocked. He wasn't even worthy to fight with us. Not even Jason fought the Praetors, and Jason was the best swords-men in the camp, and he defeated Krios!
" Praetor of Legion 2 come down." Lupa said
Emily Praetor of legion 2 came down and introduced her-self. I saw the Percy kid but away his sword. I laughed he was going to die! When they got to their sides of the arena Lupa said begin. Emily charged at him. She slashed, cut, kicked, but nothing hit. When I think he got bored he ended the fight by grabbing the sword out of her hand. How he did that I had no clue. Then Lupa called Hazel down. HA, he totally going to get crushed, she's one of the top archers. Lupa said begin and Hazel started fireing arrows, but again nothing hit. She dropped her bow and took out her Gladus and charged. And again he just moved out of the way. When Hazel was bringing down her sword he kicked it out of her hand, and she surrendered. He kept disarming them, then finally, the Praetor of the 7th Legion hit him In the stomach, but it bounced right off, I was shocked. The last person to verse was me so I made my way out there, some people were saying he was going to lose cause I was the best swords-men since Jason left. My plan was to get him angry so his attacks were wild. When Lupa said begin he brought out a pen, everyone, including me laughed. " what are you doing to do draw on me" I said. He grined the un-capped it. It grew into a 3 foot long sword. I was shocked I charged at him. I swiped, cut, slashed, but he just parred every move, finally I stareted my plan to get him angry, but nothing would. He smiled at me then said " Don't get me angry, you'll regret it"
I didnt listen to him, I kept going but then I said, " I bet your family and girlfriend didn't care about you so they god a god to wipe your memories"
His eyes stared glowing in anger, but not the wild anger, the anger that gives you more strength.
He charged me, he brought his blade down in a arch I tried to parry but it was to strong, I fell down, he stood over me eyes still glowing
" i surrender" I said
Bu he didn't listen he brought a blade down right when it was about to hit, a shimmering light came in a blocked the blow. The I blacked out.

Hazels P.O.V

When Percy brought his blade down everyone closed their eyes, cause they thought he was going to kill her.
But then a shimmering light, and a man in golden armor blocked the blow. Standing their was Mars, The god of war. 4 more lights came and they were Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, and Minevera. Mars charged Percy And swiped but Percy was to good and blocked then kicked Mars in the chest, and he went flying 20 feet away. Then The Big Three Charged, the were moving so fast I couldn't see them but when they broke apart the Big Three had cuts and scrapes all over there body.
Another shimming light came and there was standing Diana.
She was wishpering Percy words, Percy stopped attacking and fell to the ground. Diana picked him up. Looked at the other gods, nodded and they all teleported away.
Lupa came out smirked and said, " that was his test"
I looked at her in shock.
Percy Jackson just fought 5 Olympians and won.
This kid was Strong!