The Heroes of Olympus My Whole Life Was A Lie! (COMPLETED)

kayleegurule posted on Apr 14, 2012 at 03:47AM
Disclaimer: All rights go to Rick Riordan. I do not own any of this.

Summery: This story takes place in September right after the Titan War, before Percy goes to Camp Jupiter. His life is finally perfect, but of course, it never stays that was for long. Percy comes home one day to some difficult news; his mother tells him that she’s not his mother and that he was really adapted. Fallow Percy and find out what happens as he tries to uncover two very important questions: Who was his mother? And why was he put up for adaption?

My Other Forums:

The Mark of Athena/The Heroes Final Stand: link

The Stolen Trident: link

Taken By The Earth: link

Camp Half-Blood & Camp Jupiter read the Percy Jackson series: link

Camp of Couples: link

The Undercover Hero: link

A Rueful Wish: link

My Wattpad Account: link

My Fanfiction.Net Account: link

last edited on Aug 23, 2013 at 01:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 135 replies

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over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Read ythe summery.

One Sentence Turns My Good Day to Bad in an Instant

I was making out with my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, in my car outside her boarding school when suddenly her cell phone interrupted us. She pulled it out of her pocket and checked it. She handed the phone to me and said, “Your mom.”
I put the phone to me ear and said,” Hey mom. What’s up?”
Percy, I need you to come home right now,” she said. “There’s something important that I need to tell you.”
“Um, can it wait until later?” I asked. “I’m kind of with Annabeth right now.”
No it cannot, come home right now, Perseus,” and with that the call ended.
Uh oh, I thought. It must be really serious if she’s calling me by my full name.
“I’m sorry, my mom’s making me come home,” I told Annabeth.
“It’s okay,” She said giving me a hug. “Call me later?”
I nodded. I gave her one last kiss before she climbed out of the car. It took me about twenty minutes to get home, it would have taken five easily but there was traffic. What do you expect in New York? I parked my car in the apartment building’s car garage and quickly made my way to apartment 12G.
“Mom, I’m home,” I yelled when I opened the door.
“We’re in the living room, Percy,” I threw my keys on the table and headed that way.
When I entered the room, I saw my mom and my stepdad, Paul, both sitting on the couch waiting for me. I sat on the chair opposite of them and asked, “So what’s up? What’s so important that you had to interrupt my date with Annabeth?”
“Well, Percy, I’ve been keeping something from you and I think it’s time that you find out the truth,” my mom stated.
“What is it?” I asked suspiciously.
“The truth is . . . I’m not your mother. You’re . . . adapted,” at first I hoped that she would scream sike! But from the look in her eyes I could see that she was telling the truth.
“Well, when I was with Poseidon, I was expecting but a month later I had a miscarriage and I was devastated. Your father had already had you with another woman, but you were in an orphanage. I don’t know what happened to her. You needed a mother and I needed a baby so your father gave you to me,” she explained.
I couldn’t believe this! The person who I have been calling mom for sixteen years is not even my real mom! Well, than, what happened to my birth mother? Why was I in an orphanage? I started to feel anger at my mom, at my dad, at everybody.
I jumped out of my seat and ran to the door. I didn’t bother with my keys I wanted to run. I wanted to run as far away and as fast as possible. I heard my mom call my name before I slammed the door, but I didn’t bother to stop. When I got onto the street I just ran, to nowhere and to everywhere. Hoping that this is just a bad dream. Unfortunately, I knew I’d never have such good luck.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
IT says he's making out with Annabeth. Of course it's a Percabeth story.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I would like a few more comments before I post the second chapter please.
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
that is really good it is... interesting. it has potential.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Thanks, that like exactly what I thought when I first read your Unexpected forum. Please post on that forum btw even though you just posted. I'll post on here soon.
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Post soon
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

I was so happy! Percy and I were finally together! It had only taken, oh, four years. Percy was amazing. I loved everything about him. He just made me want to melt. I was sitting in my dorm room of the boarding school that I attend, when suddenly I heard my cell phone RING! RING! RING!
I picked it up and checked the caller ID expecting Percy. But it wasn’t him it was his mom.
“Hello,” I said answering the phone.
“Annabeth, I’m worried about Percy. Is he there with you?” Sally sounded worried.
“No, I haven’t seen him since he dropped me off. Didn’t he make it home?” I asked getting worried as well.
“Yes, he made it home,” I breathed a sigh of relief. “But I told him something and he left.”
“What do you mean he just left?” I asked, there were only a handful of things that could make Percy act like this. “What did you tell him?”
“The truth is, Percy’s adapted and that’s what I told him,” she informed me.
“He’s adapted!” I shrieked, suddenly I didn’t blame Percy for leaving like that. I probably would too if I was given that type of news.
“Yes, I already called Chiron and he said that Percy’s not there. Would you please find him and make sure he’s alright,” Sally sounded like she was crying.
“Of course, I’ll help. Don’t worry if anyone can find Percy I can, I’ll call you if I find him,” with that last word I hung up.
I immediately went to the bathroom and created steam with the sink. When I had a rainbow I threw in a drachma and recited the phrase for the iris message. “Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow. Please show me Percy Jackson, Long Island, New York.”
An image came into view. I couldn’t see Percy but I recognized the location that he was at. I slashed my hand threw the iris message, grabbed my jacket and ran out of my dorm room.
When I got to the street I hailed a cab. “Central Park,” I told the driver.
When the cab pulled up in front of the park, I quickly paid him and got out of the car. I eventually found him. He was sitting on the pile of rocks that’s also a hidden entrance to the Underworld. I walked over and sat next to him.
“Percy, your mom told me what happened. Are you okay?” as soon as I said that I knew it was a stupid question.
Of course he wasn’t okay, I thought.
Percy just shook his head. “I just found out that my whole life was one big . . . lie. My last name is not supposed to be Jackson. My first name isn’t even supposed to be Percy. I could have a completely different life . . .”
“Whether your Percy Jackson or Larry Angleton,” Percy looked at me weirdly, “I’ll be here for you, okay?”
He looked at me with raise eye brows and said, “Larry Angleton? Really, you couldn’t come up with a better name than that?”
I laughed. “You get what I mean, don’t you?”
He nodded.
“Good, than let’s get you home,” I could see the sunset dropping below the trees.
“I’m not going home. I can’t face her right now,” I could see how tensed he felt.
“Then let’s get a cab and go to camp,” I suggested.
He nodded and stood up. He held my hand as we walked to the street. Little did I know that Percy’s adaption problems were only gonna get worse.
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
love it post soon
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

When we got over Half-Blood Hill I saw all of the campers in the distance heading towards the campfire. I heard the sound of hooves and saw my teacher, Chiron, and my best friend, Grover, running towards Annabeth and me.
“Percy, my boy, there you are,” Chiron gave a sigh of relief. “Your mother is quite worried.”
I could almost laugh. What mother? Apparently she is not my mother? But instead I said, “I had to get away.”
Chiron nodded.
Grover was about to say something but I interrupted, “I’m tired, I’m just gonna go to my cabin.”
I kissed Annabeth quickly on the lips and jogged of towards the Poseidon cabin before anyone could say anything. When I got into the cabin I went straight to my bed and laid down, the second my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.
In my dream I saw a woman with black hair and brown eyes sitting in a hospital bed holding a baby that was wrapped in a blue blanket. The baby had black hair and green eyes and he was crying. The woman looked stressed.
“How am I going to care for you?” she asked herself aloud. “I’m going to try, hopefully.”
Suddenly a nurse walked in and took the baby from the mother. “He’ll arrive at the Newborn Intensive Care Unit in an hour. What’s his name?”
“Alex Brian Lee,” the woman said his full name. The nurse nodded and carried the baby away. When they were out of the room I saw a quick look of relief appear on the mother’s face.
Suddenly I awoke to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Annabeth standing over me.
“Hey,” I said groggily. “What time is it?”
“Its 10 in the morning, you missed breakfast and your first lesson. Chiron told me to come find you before you miss anything else,” she said looking at me with concern.
“Sorry, I had a weird dream,” I told her all about it.
“Are you sure she said Newborn Intensive Care Unit?” Annabeth asked when I finished telling her the dream.
“Yeah, that’s what she said. Why?” I asked.
“Well, the NICU is a special hospital for premature infants,” she told me. It finally dawned on me what she was saying. “If that baby really was you than you were born premature.”
“That’s it,” I said feeling frustrated now. I stood up and started pacing. “I can’t take it anymore. I have to find out what happened.”
“What are you going to do, Percy? Even if you could find out what hospital you were born at, hospital records are closed. No one looks at them, not even the people who they’re about,” she said, trying to talk some sense into me, but a plan was already forming in my head. “You’d have a greater chance of breaking into the hospital after hours and stealing your file.”
I didn’t say anything because that’s exactly what I was planning to do.
Annabeth noticed how quiet I was, her eyes widened and she saw the look on my face, she screamed, “Perseus Jackson! Have you gone OFFICIALLY INSANE!”
“Look Annabeth, this is something you wouldn’t understand,” I said harshly. I didn’t mean to say it like that it just came out. “You know who and what you are. You know where you come from. I don’t know any of that, I-I have to know-”
“Know what?” Annabeth asked. She seemed to sense that no amount of convincing was going to stop me from doing this.
“I have to know why my mother gave me up,” I said sadly remembering the look of relief that the mother had on her face. “I have to find out why she didn’t want me.”
Annabeth pulled me into a hug and a kiss, when she pulled her lips away from mine she said, “Than I’ll help you. So do you want me to call you Percy or Alex?”
I grinned at her. “Let’s stick with Percy please.”
She gave me one last kiss than left the cabin so I could get ready. I couldn’t take my mind off of what I might find in those records. I want to know but I also don’t want to know. What if it only hurts me later? But I instantly knew that if I didn’t find out now then I’d most likely regret it for the rest of my life. When I was done I grabbed Riptide and ran towards the sword arena, it was time to train.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Heres the name of the next chapter

My Girlfriend and I Break Into A Hospital For A Date
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Really? This has been up for two hours and NO ONES commented yet. Was it that bad?
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Thank you for commenting!
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Hey I like it! It's really good and kinda a scary concept. I would hate it if my mom dropped a bomb like that. All that aside I think that this sounds like a very interesting story and I hope you post a new chapter soon!
over a year ago afrodite_11 said…
this is nice, so don't stop writing I love this :))))
over a year ago CalebChase said…
big smile
cool post soon
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
This situation has never happened to me or anyone I know so far the way Percy feels they're mostly just guesses.If you think I should describe them a defferent way then let me know and help me understand. I'll post the next chapter later.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Cool, well welcome back.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

Annabeth met me on the beach at midnight. We had to hurry. If the harpies catch us out of bed then they’ll eat us. Well I’d be okay, Curse of Achilles and all, but Annabeth would die and I do not want that.
“You ready?” I asked her.
She nodded. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“I have to,” I said simply.
“Then call him,” she told me.
I put my pointer fingers in my mouth and called Blackjack, my Pegasus, who insists on calling me boss.
Blackjack swooped down and landed next to us. “Hey, Boss,” he said in my mind.
“Hey, we need a lift,” I told him as I got on.
“No problem, hop on,” he invited.
He flew into the air with Annabeth and I both on his back. Annabeth wrapped her hands around me and put her head on my shoulder. I couldn’t help but smile.
“Thanks for helping me,” I said.
“Anytime,” she whispered in my ear.
It took about half an hour to reach our destination. I told Blackjack to fly around for a bit until we needed him again.
“I’ll see you in a bit,” Annabeth said giving me a kiss before putting on her invisibility cap.
The plan only just begun and I was already feeling edgy. The plan was for Annabeth to turn invisible and go get the keys form a security guard. One she’s inside, she would open the window that’s in the Personal Records Room and let me in.
I ran to the window that she would open and sat down under it waiting. I waited . . . and waited . . . and waited some more until she finally opened the window. I climbed in, the only problem was that the window was several feet high and I fell on my head. If I didn’t have the Curse of Achilles, that would have seriously hurt.
“Smooth,” Annabeth’s voice said from somewhere nearby. She was still invisible so I couldn’t see her.
“Will you take off your hat already so I can see you,” I said standing up and getting the flashlight out of my pocket.
Annabeth took off her hat and appeared in front of me. ‘Happy?”
“Yes, now I can see your pretty face,” I told her, while giving her a kiss on the cheek.
She blushed. “Come on, let’s go find your file,” she took my hand and led me to a filing cabinet with the year I was born on it.
Annabeth picked the lock with her knife and opened the cabinet. There were four files in the August section. I gave Annabeth the two girl files so she could put those back. I opened up one of the files, this one was about a boy with blonde hair, so nope not mine, and I gave it back to Annabeth. I looked at the next file, it wasn’t about me either.
“Are you sure those are the only files dated for August?” I asked her.
Annabeth nodded.
That section was empty except for the four files that we’d just put back.
“Are you sure this is the right hospital?” Annabeth asked me.
“I’m positive,” I said remembering the name on my birth certificate. “This is it.”
“Well, then, where’s your file?” She asked.
“Not here!” A voice boomed behind us.
Annabeth and I both jumped and whirled around expecting a security guard, only instead we saw . . .
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
2 hours and still no comments. Was it that bad?
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
No! It wasn't bad at all!!
I like the concept. It's an interesting thought. :D:D:D
Nice chapter!!!! Post soon!!!:D:D
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

Percy and I both jumped in shock. We seriously weren’t expecting anybody to be here. We turned around and saw the last person we expected to see, my mom, Athena was standing there watching us.
Percy looked at me nervously. I understand why, of course, my mom’s not exactly proud that her favorite daughter is dating a son of Poseidon, even if he did save Olympus and all.
“Mom?” I asked a bit shocked to find her here. “What are you doing here?”
My mom looked down and saw that Percy and I were holding hands. She gave a godly glare to Percy. He shifted nervously but I hung onto his hand. Eventually she took her eyes off of him and brought them back to me.
“Don’t worry, Annabeth, I would give anything not to be here,” Athena said with distaste in her tone. “But Poseidon did something for me and this is how I’m repaying the favor.”
“By coming here and telling me that my file isn’t here?” Percy asked. “Strange favor, dad.”
“By coming here and telling you that it is not wise to go looking for the answers that you seek,” Athena corrected him.
“But mom I thought it was you who said that looking is the nature of wisdom,” I quoted the line that she told me long ago.
“It usually is, but in this case, it is dangerous to go looking,” She explained.
“I don’t care, Athena, I have to know the truth,” Percy declared.
“The things in that file will only hurt you,” Athena said actually with sincerity this time.
“I don’t care,” he said sternly. “Whatever it is I can handle it.”
“Well, then, let your father witness that I have tried,” Athena said after a few moments of silence. “Check the June section.”
And with that note my mother disappeared, leaving my boyfriend and me alone in a room full of stranger’s personal records. I looked at Percy and saw that he was already moving towards the June section. He looked through several folders until he finally found his.
“Here it is,” he said proudly.
“Are you sure?” I asked, trying to brace myself for what he would find.
Percy nodded and said, “It’s all of my information.”
Percy just stared at the closed file in his hands as if willing it with his mind to open. I could see that his hands were shaking a little. I saw a new side of Percy in his eyes. I saw a scared, nervous, anxious side of him and I didn’t like it. I want my fun, brave, confident, funny Percy back.
“Percy, you don’t have to open that,” I whispered taking one of his shaking hands into mine.
Percy waited a couple of minutes before answering, “Yes, I do.”
He slowly opened the file and began reading. He was to the fifth page when suddenly he froze. His expression turned hurt and angry. I could feel his whole body tense. His face turned hard and cold.
“Percy? Percy, what is it?” I asked getting scared.
He handed me the folder and I began reading until I found the part that must have made him act like this, I looked up at him shocked.
“Willing closed adaption?” I asked even though I know perfectly well what it means.
“My mother gave me to the orphanage because she didn’t want to care for me,” Percy said, his tone was sad but also angry. “My mother never wanted me.”
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Thanks I just try to make my chapters as interesting as I can. If you like this then you should check out my MOA forum.
over a year ago afrodite_11 said…
AWESOME!!!!!! I love this story :DD can't wait the next chapter :))
over a year ago afrodite_11 said…
AND post soon please ??? :D
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I'll try to post either today or tomorrow. And Rhgbdhbd have you read the story at all Annabeth kisses Percy in almost every chapter so yes it's Percabeth.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

As I said it I knew that it was true. My own mother didn’t want me. I began to feel angry again. Angry at my mom, my birth mom, my dad, Athena, everyone. I’m glad Annabeth’s here but I also want her to go. I feel like punching a wall. If she wasn’t standing right next to me, I would have.
Annabeth’s grey eyes were watching me carefully. Waiting to see how I’d react. I was trying to be strong; I didn’t want her to see me break down. But every second I stood there thinking about what I’d just read in the file, I came closer and closer to flipping out.
I eventually grew tired of just standing there I sat on the ground and rubbed my forehead, not exactly sure what else to do. Annabeth sat down next to me and put her head on my shoulder. I know she’s trying to comfort me but it didn’t help, I still felt like punching a wall.
“Percy-” Annabeth started but I interrupted her.
“Don’t say it,” I assumed. “We shouldn’t have come.”
“That’s not what I was going to say,” Annabeth whispered, watching my face. “I was going to say, that it shouldn’t matter if you were wanted then or not. The important thing is that you’re wanted now. You are so blessed, you don’t even realize. You have your mom, dad, Paul, Tyson, Grover, Nico, Thalia, me. You have friends and family, who want to see you happy, not depressed and angry like this.”
As she said it I knew that she was right. It shouldn’t matter, it was in the past. But I couldn’t help but think about why. Why did she give me up? Why didn’t she want me? I looked at Annabeth and that she was watching me again, lovingly this time.
I pulled her into a hug and whispered into her ear, “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Well, then, looks like we’re on the same page when it comes to that,” She whispered back.
When we pulled away I checked my watch and saw that it was three in the morning. Everyone would be waking up in a few hours, we had to get back.
“Come on,” I said standing up. “We should get going before anyone catches us.”
Annabeth stood and nodded. “I’ll meet you outside.”
She put on her hat and turned invisible. When I heard the door slam I picked up my file and looked at it. I knew what I had to do. I folded it in half and stuck it in my jacket pocket. I still had a lot of information to go through. I ran over to the open window, jumped up, and climbed out. This time I didn’t land on my head.
I met Annabeth at our rendezvous spot. When she arrived I called Blackjack. It took him several minutes to show up but Annabeth and I didn’t mind we found a way to ‘entertain’ ourselves. His arrival was a bit disappointing but we got on his back anyway.
It took about half an hour to return to Camp Half-Blood. Blackjack set us down on the beach. Annabeth and I kissed goodnight and quickly ran to our cabins before any harpies could find us. When I closed my door I settled down on my bed, took out my stolen file, and began to read. I have to know, I thought as I continued to read about the day of my birth.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
big smile
Awesome so interesting
Post soon!
over a year ago afrodite_11 said…
big smile
awesome chappie :D post soon !
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Hey everyone, I just anted to et u know that now I have four forums so I might not post everyday like I normally do. I will post as often as I can though. I post on here tonight or tomorrow.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

I can’t believe Percy’s birth mom would give him up like that. Who would ever give up their own child? I know there must be another reason other than just not wanting him but still. But I also knew that no matter what happened Percy would never stop wondering about his mother. I knew he had stolen his file, I after all watched him do it. If he really thought that I would leave him alone after that then he’s insane.
I want to help him in every way that I can but, I hate to admit it, Percy’s right. I will never truly understand the feelings and the questions that he has right now. All I can do is be there to help and support him. Only what he doesn’t know is that I, like always, have a plan. When he finds out he’ll be mad at me for sure but it’s worth the risk.
I walked out of my cabin and towards Percy’s. It was one o’clock so he’ll be at sword practice for at least another half an hour. When I opened his cabin door I realized that this may be harder then I originally thought. Let’s just say Percy’s room is a pig sty.
There were clothes and food wrappers everywhere. His bed wasn’t made. There was pretty much a mess everywhere I stepped. Finding his file was going to be difficult. I began to search the place. I checked under everything yet I couldn’t find that file. I don’t know how long I searched for only I realized too late that Percy was coming back.
When I heard his footsteps on the porch stairs I quickly hid under his bed. Only later, when I saw a pizza box from who knows how long ago, did I realize that this was a truly horrible hiding spot. I put my hand over my nose and did my best not to gag.
As Percy opened the door I realized that he wasn’t alone. I watched as Nico di Angelo came into the cabin behind Percy.
“-are you doing here anyway?” Percy asked.
“Can’t I come and visit my second home?” Nico asked innocently. “It was you after all who made me that sweet Hades Hideout after all.”
“Actually I only asked for minor gods to have respect, it was Annabeth who made you the cabin,” Percy corrected.
“Whatever. Speaking of Annabeth, where is she anyway? I’m a little surprised to find you alone and not in the middle of a lip lock with here somewhere,” I rolled my eyes.
He is such a kid, I thought.
“I think she’s in her cabin,” Percy told him.
“Okay, come on Perce, what’s going on?” Nico asked suspiciously.
“I don’t know what you mean?” Percy said stupidly.
“Stop trying to hide it. I know you, I know that something’s wrong and it’s bothering you. So why don’t you just save yourself the trouble and tell me the truth,” Nico declared.
I heard Percy sigh and say, “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Okay, now I know something’s definitely wrong. I’ve never heard you sound so . . . upset,” Nico sounded surprised. “Are you and Annabeth in a fight or something? Oh Hades! What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything,” Percy said offended. “And by the way, no we are not fighting. I found out something really disturbing though.”
“What’d you find out?” Nico asked curious.
“Annabeth and I were . . . on a date-” I’d bet you fifty drachmas that Percy was blushing right now.
Nico snorted. “Yeah, ‘on a date’ alright,” I watched through Percy’s sheet as Nico put air quotes around ‘on a date.’ “More like making out.”
Percy threw a pillow at Nico and teased, “At least I have a girlfriend unlike you who will die alone with only your father to talk to.”
Nico glared at him but Percy ignored it and continued, “Anyway, my mom called me and told me to come home, I did, that night she told me that she wasn’t my mother and that I was adapted.”
Nico looked shocked. “How is that possible?”
“Apparently, she had a miscarriage with my dad and so Poseidon gave me to her.”
“What about your birth mother?”
Percy shrugged. “She put me in an orphanage. I wasn’t wanted by her. But Annabeth and I snuck into the hospital I was born at and, Annabeth doesn’t know this, but I stole my record.”
“You stole your birth record?” It sounded more like a statement then a question.
“Yup,” Percy admitted. “I hide it in my hamper.”
“What hamper?” Nico asked surprised.
“Annabeth bought me a hamper a few weeks ago, I guess she thought I’d actually put my clothes in it,” Percy told him.
“Yeah, that’d happen when I start listening to Justin Bieber,” Nico joked. “So that was a waste of money.”
“Pretty much,” Percy agreed.
They are lucky I left my knife in my bedroom, I thought.
“Anyway come on, we should go tell Chiron and Mr. D that you’re here,” Percy said walking towards the door.
Nico groaned. “I don’t want to see Mr. D. He hates me for some reason.”
“I think it’s because you called him the wine dude,” Percy chuckled.
“That was almost three years ago,” Nico argued. “Get over it.”
“Whatever, man, come on,” Percy ushered Nico out of the room and walked behind him.
As soon as they left I crawled out from under the bed and took a gasp so big, someone would probably think that I hadn’t breathed for years. I quickly ran over to the green hamper that was hidden in the corner and began to look through it. I found the file at the bottom. I quickly grabbed it and ran out of the cabin, making sure no one saw me first, and back to my own. When I arrived I turned on my laptop and turned on the internet, knowing that I’d have a lot of work to do.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Idk when I'll post. But it will be soon, just remember I have three other forums to post on, not just this one.
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
big smile
I know i just love this one!!!!!!!!!! :D
over a year ago afrodite_11 said…
poost soon that was a nice chappie :)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I'm dying posssst!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I'll post tomorrow or this weekend
over a year ago ontril86 said…
Looking forward to it!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I ys sorry I haven't posted lately but I'll post tomorrow. Get ready for a fight.
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
HMMMMMMMMMMMM! You better post!
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Yay fights
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Sorry I changed the fight to the next chapter.


I searched everywhere. Under my bed, in my hamper, in my dresser, even in my un-used garbage can but I can’t find my file anywhere. After Nico and my little sword fighting competition (I won) I came back here to look at my file more, but it was gone. It can’t just disappear, it must have been stolen.
“Conner, Travis will you come here?” They Stoll brothers are the best thieves in camp so, naturally, I question them first.
“What’s up, Percy?” Travis said. I knew it was Travis because he was a little taller than Conner.
“First of all, swear on the River Styx to answer my questions honestly,” I recommended.
“Why?” They asked in unison.
“Just do it, please,” I said getting desperate. They could probably tell from the way I sounded because they made the oath.
“Did you steal anything from my room today?” I asked them.
“Nope,” Travis answered simply.
“Haven’t stolen anything from you since last week,” Conner agreed.
I nodded. “Did you see anyone come into my cabin today?”
They shook their heads.
“No one besides you and Nico,” Conner added still in the trance.
“Thanks,” I mumbled. They left and the second I stopped asking them questions they looked like they got an idea and ran towards their cabin.
I started pacing in my room. Who would have stolen it? Who could have stolen it? No one knew where I hid it. Well, no one besides myself and Nico. Immediately I scolded myself.
“I’m an idiot,” I said to myself and ran towards the Hades cabin.
When I walked in I saw a sight I never thought I’d see. Nico (who hadn’t seen me come in yet) was staring at himself in the mirror and he was putting eye liner on his eye lid.
“Dude!” I called out.
Nico jumped and looked completely shocked that I had seen him doing that.
“Are you wearing makeup?” I demanded.
“No,” he answered automatically.
I raised my eye brows in a you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me sort of way.
“Swear on the River Styx you won’t tell anyone,” Nico demanded.
I raised my hand in a surrender gesture and made the oath.
He seemed to relax and said, “Good. Now what are you doing here?”
“I can’t find my birth file,” I told him. “You’re the only person I told the location too. Did you take it?”
“Nope,” he answered popping the p. “Why would I want your file anyway?”
I groaned. “Then I’m out of ideas. Who else would take it?”
Nico laughed. “You seriously don’t know?”
“No, no idea.”
“Percy, who do you know who can turn invisible?”
“Why would Annabeth want to take it?
“I don’t know. She’s your girlfriend. Why don’t you go ask her?”
“Fine, I’ll ask,” I was about to leave when I turned around and said, “By the way, if you’re gonna wear eye liner you might want to add some blush too.”
He had a skeleton chase me out for that comment. I kept running until I got to the Athena cabin. I really hope that Annabeth doesn’t take it the wrong way and think that I’m accusing her, I thought. I tried to brace myself as I walked into the cabin, prepared to confront my girlfriend. Oh Joy.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Oh crap.............. xO!!!!!!!

Love the chapter, btw. It was really good.
And I cant wait until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
big smile
Haha lol Percy you are dead :D
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
hey everyone, sorry i haven't posted on this frum in a while but I will tomorrow. I promise.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
S'okay. And I cant wait!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Here's a preview!


As soon as I saw the door to my cabin open I quickly began to panic. I hid Percy’s birth folder under the comforter on my bed. Luckily I did too, because just that person walked into my cabin. I turned my laptop away so he couldn’t see the screen.
“Hey, Seaweed Brain,” I greeted him with a kiss when he sat on my bed.
“Hey, Wise Girl,” Percy looked nervous. “You haven’t been in my cabin today by any chance, have you?”
“Actually, I was,” I admitted pulling out his file and giving it to him.
Percy looked shocked. “Why? Why did you steal my file? How did you even know I had it?”
“I saw you take it when we were at the hospital,” I told him. “Did you really think I would leave you alone after you found out something like that?”
“Why did you take it?” Percy asked again.
I stayed quiet. He’s going to hate me when he finds out the truth.
“Why, Annabeth?” Percy demanded.
Before I could tell him the truth, there was a bright flash of light. Percy and I both closed our eyes so we would be killed. When the light died, we opened our eyes and saw . . .
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I wont post the full chapter til someone comments.
over a year ago ontril86 said…
WHAT! Ah cliffhanger! Please post the rest!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

As soon as I saw the door to my cabin open I quickly began to panic. I hid Percy’s birth folder under the comforter on my bed. Luckily I did too, because just that person walked into my cabin. I turned my laptop away so he couldn’t see the screen.
“Hey, Seaweed Brain,” I greeted him with a kiss when he sat on my bed.
“Hey, Wise Girl,” Percy looked nervous. “You haven’t been in my cabin today by any chance, have you?”
“Actually, I was,” I admitted pulling out his file and giving it to him.
Percy looked shocked. “Why? Why did you steal my file? How did you even know I had it?”
“I saw you take it when we were at the hospital,” I told him. “Did you really think I would leave you alone after you found out something like that?”
“Why did you take it?” Percy asked again.
I stayed quiet. He’s going to hate me when he finds out the truth.
“Why, Annabeth?” Percy demanded.
Before I could tell him the truth, there was a bright flash of light. Percy and I both closed our eyes so we would be killed. When the light died, we opened our eyes and saw Hermes.
When Hermes noticed that Percy was here he looked nervous for a moment but quickly changed his expression.
“Hello Annabeth, er, Percy,” Hermes greeted. “Nice to see you both again.”
“What can we owe this pleasure, Hermes,” Percy looked confused.
Hermes turned to me. “You have a letter.”
I looked at the nervousness in his eyes and suddenly I knew who the latter was from. I took the pen from him and signed. He handed me the envelope as if pleased to be done with his delivery. He quickly flashed out leaving Percy and I alone with the dangerous letter.
“Was it just me,” Percy began, “or did Hermes seem kind of scared to you.”
I looked down at the envelope. It felt heavy in my hands, as if ten bricks were in it.
Percy must have seen me looking at the letter because he said, “Annabeth, whose that from?”
I took a deep breath and handed him the envelope.
“It’s from your birth mother,” I announced.