The Heroes of Olympus Demigod Truth or Dare

klyonsm2 posted on Apr 27, 2012 at 10:58PM
hey, guys! i decided to make this forum cause i thought it would be fun so i hopes you like it!

all rights go to rick riordan

characters: most pjo, and a few oc like: jess rodgers(daughter of neptune) and isabel johnson(daughter of zeus) and a few more.

summary: Camp half-blood and Camp jupiter start playing a huge game of truth or and see what happens............

and check out some of my other forums!
the 7th

my vacation goes wrong

and tortillia's forum:
my life is choas

the daughters of Artemis and Apollo


last edited on Oct 03, 2012 at 09:23PM

The Heroes of Olympus 463 replies

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Showing Replies 351-400 of 463

over a year ago -_-drummer said…
This stuff is to funny, you have gotta keep posting
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
^ I agree!! Post comments people!
over a year ago Kybug17 said…
Hmmmm. . . what was I going to say again. . . OH YEAH POST NOW
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
all you need is 4 more comments!!. you know what, i'll be nice, and count my own comment. so now you only have 3 more comments from 3 more people before i post!!
over a year ago book-worm said…
Do they all have to be from a different person?
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
yep. 2 MORE TO GO!!
over a year ago demigodsrule312 said…
big smile
Post!!!! There now one more
over a year ago -_-drummer said…
Hebe now you have to post
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
well, you guys did need one more comment, but i'll be nice and post anyway. starting chapter thingy..............NOW!
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
"wait, so , we have 7 already hyper without energy drinks, who just drank energy drinks and busted open a can of laughing gas...." jason asked?
"yep..." percy said "and then they sort of...well, they disappeared."
"you let them out of your sight?! do you know what they could do?!" annabeth asked.
"well , looks like we're going to have to rebuild the camp...again..." nico said.
"everyone !! in your gear!! this is not a drill !!! i repeat, this is not a drill !!!" anabeth yelled.
everyone started running around and panicing.
"IS THAT HOW ROMANS ACT?!" jason yelled. everyone stopped. the romans straighten up and went calmly to get their gear. the greeks looked at each other for a second. then they started freaking out again. the romans had never experienced conner, travis , leo, jess, and izzie hyper at the same time.last time, well lets just say, camp had to be rebuilt....twice. now they had katy and piper hyper too. it was almost as bad as the titan war...
sorry guys thats all i have time for right now....
over a year ago -_-drummer said…
Ooooooooooo what's gonna happen???
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
big smile
I'm back to haunt you! Unless you post! Then I'll give you cake! Anyone miss me?
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
hey cinnominbubble!!!! where have you been? i've been gone for awhile too though........
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
im going to to try to post soon...but i have a performance coming so i really need to practice alittle.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
"wait, so , we have 7 already hyper without energy drinks, who just drank energy drinks and busted open a can of laughing gas...." jason asked?
"yep..." percy said "and then they sort of...well, they disappeared."
"you let them out of your sight?! do you know what they could do?!" annabeth asked.
"well , looks like we're going to have to rebuild the camp...again..." nico said.
"everyone !! in your gear!! this is not a drill !!! i repeat, this is not a drill !!!" anabeth yelled.
everyone started running around and panicing.
"IS THAT HOW ROMANS ACT?!" jason yelled. everyone stopped. the romans straighten up and went calmly to get their gear. the greeks looked at each other for a second. then they started freaking out again. the romans had never experienced conner, travis , leo, jess, and izzie hyper at the same time.last time, well lets just say, camp had to be rebuilt....twice. now they had katy and piper hyper too. it was almost as bad as the titan war...
"EVERYONE!!!! GET TO YOUR DESIGNATED SHELTER!!!!" Annabeth yelled. the shelters were built after the last time.. every cabin had it's own shelter. they were built just in case this very thing happened.
everyone hid inside they shelters and waited.after a couple hours everyone was let out of the shelters, but katy, piper, jess, izzie, leo, conner, and travis were still no where to be found. but as everyone went back to their cabins to get ready for dinner. most cabins got a little surprise. the athena cabin got covered in fake spiders, which they still screamed about. jason and thalia got covered in freezing cold and hazel found their cabin pink and sparkly, which made them have mini heart attacks.the ares cabin found all their weapons replaced with fake rubber ones. the ahrodite cabin found all of their makeup crushed into pieces, and everything that was pink, was now black.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
IM BACK... Sorta...
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I read the DD!!! THALIA IS CHUBBY!!! No offence to her...
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
my friend got that book. i have to wiat until she finishes so i can read it.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
^btw i saw the pic too. but i think if the characters were real they wouldnt look like they do in the protraits....i mean they'd probably lokk sort of like that,but not exactly.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
btw todays is Tortillia's birthday! shes turning 13. her computer is broken, but if you tell her happy birthday, i'll tell her you said happy birthday.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
hi i like apples
im going to post soon but i have like 2 different school projects due this week, so it might have to wait till thursday or friday. im so sorry. i ll post as soon as i can.
btw tortillia got her laptop back so she should be posting soon too hopefully.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
after the camps finally got their campers out of shock they continued to search for jess, izzy, piper, katy, conner, travis , and leo, with no luck though. they had searched everywhere. eventually they set up patrols to watch out for them.
everyone else sat in the circle again.
"ok, what now? who goes next?" percy asked.
"i'll go." annabeth said " thalia, i dare you to torture, i mean, talk to the ahrodite cabin."
thalia evilly smiled and got up and motioned the ahrodite cabin back to their cabin so she could "talk to them".
shortly after , everyone heard screams but pretended not to notice...
so they the ahrodite cabin came back and............
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
^sorry it was so short :(
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
shortly after , everyone heard screams but pretended not to notice...
so they the ahrodite cabin came back and they had black paint all over them. and they're clothes were torn up.
they were shivering , probably because the paint was still wet.
"well don't you guys look lovely..." Reina said sarcastically
"do you guys want me to warm you up?" leo, who had just came back, asked
"ummm....Valdez, that wouldn't be a smart idea," annabeth said "because paint is flammable. so unless you want to catch them on fire, which im pretty sure most of us would be okay with, you probably shouldn't touch them."

leo got a disappointed look on his face and sat down.
just then, piper, katy, izzie, conner, travis, and jess came back.
"WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN?!?!" jason and percy asked at the same time.
"places. by the way, have you guys been in your cabins yet?" katy asked
"YES, WE HAVE." said all the cabins had had surprises in their cabins.

"okaaayy, back to the game." izzie said "percy truth or dare?"
"awww. i was hoping you'd pick dare. anyway, is it true like popcorn?" izzie said with an evil smile.
"umm.. yes." percy said
"good. because your going to be seeing alot of it...NOW!!!"

someone pulled a lever and a couple tons of popcorn came pouring down. everyone was buried above their heads in it.
soon everyone had at least gotten their heads out from under the popcorn pile.
"what are we going to do with all this popcorn?!?!?!?!?" annabeth asked.
"i have an idea..."

~ a couple hours later~

"okay campers," chiron said " since we seem to have an abundance of popcorn and no way to get rid of it, tonight were holding a horror movie fest . so if you are weak-stomached i suggest you go back to your cabin now. thank you."
everyone muttered as the first movie came on.
everyone watched and stuffed popcorn into their mouths. everyone was quiet most of the movie except the ares cabin , who was sitting there, laughing their heads off.
suddenly, just as someone in one of the movies was murdered , a red, sticky, liquid came down on everyone. everyone screamed and some people (mostly guys) passed out . it looked and smelled exactly like blood.
hey guys, sorry it was short. :( . im going to try to post more often again, so you probably need to keep checking on this. i probably won't post on weekend though.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
hey guys. i wont be able til post til next week because i have ALOT going on this month.sorry. btw this first one to get to the 380th comment wins!
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
big smile
btw i made a new forum and its called my summer camp gets ruined.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
well i am now a teenager (my 13th birthday was friday.) and me and my friend dyed my hair so now it looks good but is a little wierd.
im so sorry but i have barely had any free time this month. i am so sorry
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Hi! N E 1 missed me?
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Ok evry1 hates lately:*(
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
i dont hate you cinnominbubble :)
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
after the apollo cabin brought some people out of shock, izzie explained the "blood" was actually just red kool-aid.
everyone breathed a sigh of relief. though, some people looked really freaking mad. some people went to wash up, while others knew better. other people probably knew that izzie was going to be pulling more pranks and it would make more sense just to go shower after them all.
everyone went back to watching the movie. jess came walking up the stairs popcorn. and tripped. lets just say, izzie will be picking popcorn out of her hair for weeks.
so izzie dumped a whole bucket on jess's head. and then jess grabbed nicos popcorn and threw it at izzie , who ducked. so it hit percy. annabeth started laughing so, percy threw popcorn at her. pretty soon there was a full out popcorn war. between both camps.
no one walked away from that fight w/o looking like they swam in popcorn.

the next day, after everyone had gotten most of the popcorn off of them, they gathered in their circle and played truth or dare.
"whos first?" jess asked.
"i'll g-" izzie started to say, but before she could finished , everyone yelled "NOOOO!!"
"I'll go first." rachel said. "hmm......conner and travis... truth or dare?"
"dare." they both said
"i dare you... to chug a whole gallon of hot sauce!"
"you heard me. now where do we find buckets..." rachel said as she walked to go find bucket for the hot sauce.
then izzie said "ok while we wait for conner and travis's funeral," conner and travis whimpered at that "lets do some truths. thalia, is it true that your going to kill leo?"
"yes. very very true."
leo ran so fast that he left a dust cloud after that.
pretty soon rachel came with buckets full of hot sauce and tiny glasses of milk. by that time leo had come back.
"ready?" rachel asked conner and travis
rachel shrugged and said "well.....too bad." and she shoved their heads in the hot sauce buckets.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Thanks. And ur older than me. And can u tell me ways going on? I lost where I was. Ralph is now trapped in a morph suit.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I LOVE LEO:(!!!!! THALIA!!!!
Me: Time for my special...
Thalia:Which is...
Me:HUG ATTACK*glomps very roughly*
Will you kill Leo now?
Thalia:Probably...ouch that acctually hurt...
-Repetes several thousand times-
Me:Will you kill him now?
Thalia:*whimpers* N...No...
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
emo (death breath) dude
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
hey how about when the stolls are finished they die but in the circle someone dares nico to go have some aphrodite kids redo half his cabin and half his body with pink and all that s***
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
whoops no they pass out (sorry want my brother to die) or els who will steal pickpocket or prank
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
i like you , watchyourback . you have good ideas. very very good ideas....
cinnominbubble you can post if you want to. you probably just need to read my posts on 14 and 15 and then you should be caught up enough. or you could just message me if you want me to post.
you guys are awesome
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
OKk but not now. I have LOTS of forums to post on and I'm posting in secret when I'm supposed to be asleep.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Still a lot 2 do. But I don't know if when I post, it's gonna be very long. That okay? I'm reading a forum called This means war... SOOOO GOOOOD!!!!!!!
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
i know if i smile its a " OMG never tell her any good pranks/sharp objects" smile and idk how people can do an innocence smile i am mischevious
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Ok then...
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
haha that is so funny!!! i loved it
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Hiiyo tortillialuvsrr!!! Remember me?
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
yes i do cinnominbubble I posted two chapters on Daughters of Artemis and Apollo...:) still catching up on my life is chaos though
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
:) I know how it feels...;)
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
haha cool......
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
So I am on an iPhone making it very hard to post. BUT I WILL TRY!

When the Stolls were finnally out of the hot sauce, Conner was steaming but Travis looked perfectly fine. With a sickening "SHLOP" he pulled his face mask off and threw it to Leo."Your right Leo, it really is hot sauce proof. And now..." he grinned slyly before pressing a button on the side of his belt. Random animal crackers started to fall from the sky. Butch and his sister, Irene, we're fighting about which cracker was best."I wouldnt do that if I was you..." Travis muttered and got a good distance away from the crowd of animal cracker obsessed demigods. Annabeth found this suspiciose and walked away from that zone. No sooner than she had crossed 3 meters did she hear an explosion. She ran back and found that one particular cracker had a fire cracker hidden inside and Irene had almost eaten it. "Well back to the game." Travis smugly stated. "TRAVIS!!!!"

-Meanwhile in Bejing-
Random Bejien-Did you hear that?
His friend-What, that random noise that sounded like Travis?
RB-Oh that's what it said? I thought it said something about Banana's
-Back at Camp Half-blood-
"Suddenly I'm craving Bananas. Okay who's turn is it? " asked Piper.
"Mine." both the Stolls said."NO WAY JOSE!" everyone else said.
"I'll go!" said an Athena camper by the name of Quinn.
"Ok. Tyson true or false?" he directed the question to Percy's half brother, who was building a small mechanical snow globe."Umm... Truth." he took a while before responding."Is it true that you and Ella re dating and Briares loves her too?" Tyson turned bright red."...umm...yes.." then he ran under a randomly huge blanket in the corner.

last edited over a year ago