The Heroes of Olympus The Mark Of Athena

hero100 posted on May 05, 2012 at 08:46PM
Hey guys im going to be posting my version of the mark of athena but hopefully I will finish this one as I didnt finish my version of SON, id tell you why but you wont really want to know why. sorry agen as I said in my last topic but this time I hope to finish it. Title: the mark of athena
disclaimer: I do not own any of the material in this fanfic nor in any that I write all rights go to rick riordan :) I hope you will all enjoy this as much as you have other fanfics ( as in kgirl925s version) but I just enjoy writing as I have a very big imagination so yeah plz follow, read and any constructive criticism wont go amiss. Im not too bothered about spam just dont in overboard lol thanks first post will be tonight after I finish writing up the copy pls read

The Heroes of Olympus 9 replies

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over a year ago Im_rock4ever said…
FIRST TO COMMENT! i really love these kind of storys, hope you will post tonight! oh, and just to tell you, the first chapter of the mark of athena was relesed may 1st! check it out! got to youtube and type in “rick riordan reads the mark of athena first chapter”.
over a year ago hero100 said…
Thanks @Im_rock4ever didnt know but it will prob ruin the start of my story lol

Never mind not going to bother watching the first chapter ill just wait till book comes out lol
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hero100 said…
Sorry if the writing is cramped had to do this on my phone and it hasn't come out right Here we go guys heres the first chapter
Chapter 1

Annabeth gripped the wheel in front of her tightly, she wanted to be there already, she wanted to see him. 'Percy' she thought 'you'd better be there when I arrive'. She was only steering the boat because she knew if she was steering then nothing could go wrong. Previous to setting off they had had bad luck with accidents, monsters and of course Geia.

Leo had sent word to the other camp of their impending arrival but she still hoped for a smooth journey, she had even prayed to the gods (except Hera of course), in truth she'd been a wreck since the disparearance of percy, she had felt lost and alone, but now she knew were he was, nothing was going to stop her from getting to him.

Her knuckles turned white from gripping the wheel in anticipation of there arrival, the pretty girl who stood next to her looked in concern "its alright annabeth" said Piper softly "percy will be there and so will we, according to to our supreme captain - admiral or whoever says we'll be there in about five minutes" she gave annabeth a warm smile and whether it was the smile or maybe charmspeak she had woven into her voice it seemed to make annabeth relax a little. They both looked over to were Leo was stood almost bouncing over the side of the ship with glee. Annabeth also noticed the looks on the other campers faces as she looked around, they like her were also waiting to see percy, they had in fact been searching for percy hoping againts hope that he was still alive.

"Thanks Piper" annabeth said "why dont you go see how jason is doing" Piper looked at her doubtfully "you sure" annabeth smiled "yeah im fine, ive got it here" Piper still looked unsure but walked over to were jason was standing at the prow.

"Shes only trying to look out for you, you know princess" Annabeth turned to see clarisse stood arms folded leaned againts the railing with a grimace on her face "ive missed the little punk too" she paused "i haven't had good sport to beat on for a while" she actually smiled at this, annabeth was about to retort but then Leo from the front shouted excitedly "land ho" both clarisse and annabeth stopped and look to front to see camp jupiter in all its glory. Annabeth was just about as good with roman history as she was with greek and could name nearly every building laid out ahead of her but she really wasnt paying attention to that because in the city she noticed a large group of people, nearly 200 strong stood outside what she took to be the senate house, a huge marble building that she could of quite easily stood there and talked about for hours, but she wanted to get down as soon as possible
And find percy. Just as they were nearing the border of the city itself jason ran out of nowhere shouting " stop, pomerian line, terminus, god of bounderys, cant go into the city, sacred ground" jason seemed to be in shock but before annabeth could ask what he was shouting about the argo II reached the city limits and hit what felt like a brick wall stopping the ship dead in its tracks and sending shockwaves through the entire ship and hurling everyone on board forward with such force everyone fell to there knees.

Ok thats my version of the first chapter hope you like it, post, any criticism - love it, and keep reading ill try to get the next chapter on in the next few days, maybe tuesday enjoy
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
love it post soon
over a year ago hero100 said…
Hey heres the second chapter hope you like it and post me your views on this.

Chapter 2

Percy looked up in awe to see an old greek style trereme gliding on air towards camp, it may have looked old but below the surface, percy could see signs that this wasnt just any old boat, it held massive scorpions on all sides that fired huge and devastating bolts that could have easily wiped out the senate hall that stood behind him. It was also covered with bronze shields along its lengths and dotted along the side of the ship were points that percy recognised as cannon holes but what stood out most was the huge golden dragons head that fitted to the prow of the ship.
Annabeth was on that ship, he knew. Percy started shaking with relief and anticipation of seeing her again, the one thing that had kept him going and he was finally going to see her.

Reyna, the other Praetor stood next to him "I hope for your sake your right Percy" Reyna told Percy quietly "your life depends on this, you'll remember". "Dont worry so much Reyna" Percy consoled "dont forget they are my friends". Reyna scowled at this "yes, that may certainly be true, but are they ours" Reyna retorted, indicating the roman campers around them. "as I said before Reyna" said percy now getting irritated at this line of questioning "if it does come to that then I will fight along side you as camper and Praetor, but I am not worried and neither should you".

The campers were becoming increasingly restless as the ship drew nearer. "There going to land in the city" shouted octavian "they just cant, this is sacred ground, there are no weapons allowed inside the pomerian line" he turned to percy and reyna "well, what are your orders, your not seriously thinking of letting them land here" he said his face slowly turning red with rage. "quiet octavian" replied reyna quelling his look with a stare "without able means of communication, theres nothing much we can do but let them land". On hearing this octavians blood seemed to boil " This is unbelievable" screamed octavian "first we get a graceus as Praetor, And if that wasnt bad enough, your going to let an enemy ship fly straight into the heart of new rome, which is sacred ground" octavian stopped to take a breath and looked at reyna "you of all people should understand and respect this and shoot the graceus ship from the sky".

Reyna looked stunned at this and was floundered by octavians reasoning, percy noticing that many of the campers (probably most of octavians followers) were nodding and looking enraged at the thought decided it was time to Step in "quiet octavian" percy said forcefully making everyone not just octavian shut up and listen "as a fellow camper and newly appointed Praetor it is within my interests to follow rules and tradition" octavian was about to start rebuking his speech but percy put up a hand to silence him "but we are not going to shoot down the ship, I will stop it before it crosses into city grounds".
Octavian laughed at that "and how do you propose we do that, oh fearless leader" said octavian in mocking tones. "not you" percy retorted "me, I am the son of the sea god,
I have command over all ships" (Or at least he thought he did, he hoped). He turned to reyna then "ill handle the ship, why dont you get the cohorts together and join me on the fields of mars". Reyna regained her composure then "are you sure you have the ship covered, because the campers wont be to happy if that ship Lands here, we'll have problems if that happens". Percy smiled then "sure, watch" he then turned towards the oncoming ship and held up his hand in a stopping gesture and praying to the gods that this would work willed the ship to stop. Percy felt a slight pressure in his head and the ship came to a bone jarring halt. Many of the campers gasped behind him but percy was relieved that he'd done it. He then turned to reyna "I have the ship under controll here why dont you -". Wrenching her gaze from the ship with a dazed expression she turned to percy "yeah, Ill, er, meet you on the fields of mars".

over a year ago blakerose12 said…
That was great !!! Loved the chapter :) your a really good writer keep up the work can't wait till you post again :DDDDD !!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
Amazing post really soon please!
over a year ago Neptune2148 said…
big smile
Love the chapter poost more soon
over a year ago hero100 said…
thanks to neptune2148 - blakerose12 - nemisis and Im_rock4ever for the comments please keep them coming.

As for the third chapter it will be either tonight if im not too tired (a guy has to work doesn't he lol) or definatly tomorrow.
hint: there will be a battle - but whom... think on it, see ya's
last edited over a year ago