The Heroes of Olympus Past, Present And War

anaklusmus17 posted on Jun 10, 2012 at 01:55AM
Hello my fellow readers. This is Anaklusmus17 aka joy, author of The Forbidden Warrior, The Broken Oath's, Triple Sided Being and The Heroes Of Olympus. Anyway, im here to announce that i am doing another story with my good friend MasterOfCards, the author of Immortal Protagonist. (Links for those stories will be posted below). This story will take place after the Giant war. OVERVIEW: Percy lost Annabeth to death, he ran away from the war making the gods lose. The gods and children aka demigods ran away into hiding while giants took over. Percy is founded by Chaos, who wants to train him. Percy accepts and goes with Chaos. There he starts a new life and new love. He trains till his body is ready to break apart. After many years, chaos says Percy needs to go back to earth and finish what he started and defeat the giants and let the gods rule again. So now follow Percy and his new love and friends in a quest to take the world back for the gods.

Please read and comment.
criticism is allowed, spamming is expected.
that's all, see ya when i see ya.
And please before chapter is posted, please give us your thoughts on the idea.

And Rated M, because their will be kissing.(Dont think thats Rated M, But my friend Master is paranoid) lol
last edited on Jun 10, 2012 at 02:22AM

The Heroes of Olympus 76 replies

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over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
sounds like a good idea.
I used to read Broken Oath, then I thought you abandoned it.(Im Jasonfan44)
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
no i didnt abandon it
its still goin on
i will have a chapter up there soon.
over a year ago DoTH said…
big smile
The idea is cool...all you ideas are cool but why are they ALWAYS anti-percabeth?
post soon on ALL your forums.
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ because he hates Annabeth

HEY JOY! Oh I see how it is, still trying to beat me with the number of forums? In good time...AGH speaking of which I haven't posted on any of them for a while because I just got back on fanpop. HAHA.
IT'S ON! No just kidding. Have fun posting on 10 + forums like I try. Yeah it's extremely hard...
Well whatever, post soon! And I was not at all surprised this was anti-percabeth. Because you do that everywhere. LOL.

yeah post soon and stuff... :P
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
YOUR A DUDE? I thought you were a girl......................................­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­... AWKWARD! Like, I used to think Powa was a dude, yeah. Post soon before it gets even more awkward.
over a year ago Avidsel said…
I hate Percabeth too :D so im always happy to read anaklusmus17, and he a good author... Im glad he always doesn't follow the same pattern at the beginning (Annabeth Cheats on Percy... and everyone forgets him -- Gets old) Ofcourse i still perfer those over Percabeth, but i like to see some originality here and there which is what anaklusmus does! :) Good without Percy and the gods being overthrown, the gods might learn some humility being overthrown which will be better for planet earth in the long run...

Can't wait to see the story.. :)
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
Chapter 1
>Percy Pov
> I was doing one of the most desperate and the most stupidest thing in my life, but that shouldn't surprise you, since you know how I am. If you don't, my name is Percy Jackson and I am a son of Poseidon. Currently i was running to save my girlfriend, who I would do anything for. But it's not just her, i would do anything to save any of my friends. That's just how i am, That's how i was born to be. Anyway I was running to a lair full of thousands of monsters just to save my Wisegirl. I just reached the entrance of the lair and I have already killed about hundreds of monster on the way here. Even though this was easy as cutting a cake, it was getting on my nerves.
I was a like a monster destroying everything, no pun intended. I broke through the entrance and went straight to the tunnel that led to the inside of the lair. I was destroying everything in my path until i found what i was looking for.
Sneak Peek
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
thanks for the kind words, avidsel
ill try my best to please my readers
and trust me, the day i do a percabeth story is the day i die
and connerandtravis, you have our gender confused
powa is the girl and im the boy
over a year ago Pegasus100 said…
WOW sounds awesome
POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
Chapter 1
Percy Pov
I was doing one of the most desperate and the most stupidest thing in my life, but that shouldn't surprise you, since you know how I am. If you don't, my name is Percy Jackson and I am a son of Poseidon. Currently i was running to save my girlfriend, who I would do anything for. But it's not just her, i would do anything to save any of my friends. That's just how i am, That's how i was born to be. Anyway I was running to a lair full of thousands of monsters just to save my Wisegirl. I just reached the entrance of the lair and I have already killed about hundreds of monster on the way here. Even though this was easy as cutting a cake, it was getting on my nerves.
I was a like a monster destroying everything, no pun intended. I broke through the entrance and went straight to the tunnel that led to the inside of the lair. I was destroying everything in my path until i found what i was looking for.
It was Gaia with another one of those ugly giants. I really don’t know which one is who but this one was ugly, well every Giant is ugly. Well, another thing was that Annabeth was hanging from the ceiling. Gaia saw me this time and welcomed me warmly, but I just stood there not taking the risk of being captured. I just stood at the doorway trying to get a conversation, but sadly Gaia went straight to the killing. She told that ugly Bastard to kill my Wise Girl. I was furious, I jumped right at the Giant, but it kicked me. If the Giant thought that could injure me it must be wrong. I jumped so fast Gaia nor could the giant see me. I snatched Annabeth and ran. I ran ignoring the arrows. I thought I could have made it, but the giant caught up. It hit me and Annabeth flew and right there in front of me he killed my girlfriend. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I layed there as the giant laughed like a maniac. Tears were flowing down my face on their own will. I stayed there and cried as reinforcements ran in. but they stopped short when they saw what happened. Athena shrieked examining the scene. She rushed forward to Annabeth's side as Zeus took up his bolt and shot it at the giant to make him get away from the young demigoddess. I stood up and walked over to her. I touched her cold body and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I fled from the scene knowing that my girlfriend died to the Giant. I ran for miles and miles until I reached New York. I ran into an alleyway as my lungs caught up with me. I was lacking oxygen and I fainted.
over a year ago demigod324 said…
This sounds soo cool post more(even if you just did)
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
Awesome! Post soon
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
I can't post sry
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
So their is percy+Artemis(2), percy+Thalia, percy+Aphrodite(2), and now will it be an OC or a different character by rick like Reyna. U haven't done percy+Reyna yet, joy. Maybe this story is that one(but I highly doubt that!!), or its an OC(that's wat I think percy new lover will be)


Amazingly awesome chapter guys. Its really really good! !
And I CAN NOT WAIT until u post joy. I hope its really soon!!!!!!
over a year ago DoTH said…
Post soon....I agree with avidsel about originality.
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
over a year ago Avidsel said…
Thanks Great chapter :D
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
should i continue immortal protangonist
no one comments
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
kaia, your going to have to wait to see
and grandpa, you know who your are, i have OD HW, if i finish early
ill hopefully post
but if i cant, just bear with me guys and wait till tomorrow and thank you for your time
and Kaia, you forgot percy and calypso from my forbidden warrior lol
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Aw man!!!!! I knew I for got one!!!!

Well. There's that one too.
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
okay grandma
over a year ago universalpowa said…

OHH I know who it is this time around....I BLAME JOY! No jks, I just guessed and..yeah imm stop talking naooo....


So I'm trying to figure out how you guys will do Percy and ... uh Nvm, I'll just wait.
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
alright guys here you go
its not much, i wasnt able to do alot with the short amount of time i had
i have my global regents tomorrow, so i was studying for that
anyway here you.

Chapter 2
Third Person's POV

Percy's life was hell after he lost one of the most important things in the world. His girlfriend, his Wisegirl, his future to be wife, the love of his life. She was taken from him unfairly. She didn’t deserve any of what she got. And ever since that day, Percy tried to forget. He abandoned his old life and became isolated, or what a New Yorker would call a Hobo. He lived in a alleyway around Brooklyn. He would have stayed at New York, but that place brought too many bad memories. As he lived his miserable life, he heard from some monsters, that attacked him, that after he left the fight, the gods lost and the giants rule the world now. He felt guilty about it but not enough to go back and help them. He also heard that, when the gods lost they ran away into hiding along with their children. He didn’t care enough to go check that theory. He just layed on the ground and watched as the days past by. He was in great need for a shower, change of clothes, hair cut, and a shave. He had been living this life for about a year and a half now, so just imagine how he would look. He had many chances to get new clothes, a shower and other necessities, but he didn’t want to be a thief or go into a random person's house. His life only got worse because even though he ran away, he couldn’t ditch his past. Monsters still chased him, looking for his death. But they didn’t live to tell the tale that the all assumed death of Percy Jackson wasn’t true. While everything about him turned bad, one thing got better. And that thing was his skills. Even though he lived a life of a hobo, he trained everyday. And it helped when monsters showed up because he needed moving targets. On Percy's birthday, making him 20 now, he was walking around minding his own business. People kept away from him because of the way he smelled, and looked. He just grimaced at the way they looked at him. Feeling himself getting mad, he slowly made his way to his alleyway. Once he entered the mouth of the ally, he saw a man sitting next to his refrigerator box, which he called his bed. “who the hell are you?” Percy slurred out venomously. If he were a human, he would have been afraid of Percy right now, who was practically glowing with fury. But the fact that, the man didn’t even flinch showed Percy that he wasn’t mortal. “who ever you are, and whatever your offering, I’m not interested. No immortality nor some other powerful crap. I don’t want it so please leave” Percy said as he sat inside his box. The man looked at him like he was examining him. “I've heard a lot about you Perceus Jackson” the man said in a deep voice. The man was wearing a black tux, with expensive dress shoes. He had a blue cotton shirt and black tie with stars plastered all over it. He was wearing black sunglasses so it hard to see behind them. But Percy could tell something was shining behind there. “well I haven’t heard anything about you, so please leave my house” Percy said scolding the man. “i wouldn’t call this a house. For starters where is the bathroom because you really need a shower” the man said holding his nose. Normally Percy would have been offended, but he had gotten used to being told those things. “wouldn’t that be more of my concern than yours, whoever you are” Percy replied. “Anyway, ill get straight down to business, my name is Chaos Perceus and I want you to come with me so I can train you” Chaos said. Percy straightened out like a pin and looked at the man wide eyed. He was about to say no but he didn’t want to be disrespectful to the creator of the universe. So he asked another question, “why?” “Because Perceus, I have been watching you for a long time. You have the skills, the personality and the looks, according to the girls. And in all my years of living, I haven’t seen a decent man with all those qualities. So I want to take the opportunity to extend my hand out to you and make you better than you already are” Chaos said literally extending his hand. Percy was about to shake it when he stopped to ask a question. “What's in it for you?” “A very clever, yes indeed there is a benefit for me as well. I have an army that protects the universe. They are called the seekers, and they are part of the organization, which is what I call my group. They all live in the void under my protection and supervision. But recently the leader, Nebula, was murdered in a war against a distant race. So I was searching for a replacement and I remembered you. And I thought you’d be the perfect candidate. So I rushed over to earth as soon as I could to get you to join me and lead my army” Chaos explained. Percy sat there listening quietly, comprehending the idea. He had gotten many offers before, from the bad guys that is. They knew he was alive and they wanted him to join them. But he denied their offer and kept ignoring them. But he never knew he would get an offer like that. After a minute he made his decision and said “i will do it but with one condition.” “Anything my boy” Chaos replied smiling very wide. As soon as Chaos said that, Percy felt a pinch at his heart because that reminded him of Chiron. “as soon as we get your place, please let me take a shower” Percy said hiding his hurt with a fake smile. Chaos laughed as Percy shook his hand. “Alright lets go, from here on you will be living in the void Percy, get ready to meet your new family” Chaos said as he opened up a black vortex. To Percy it looked like one of those black holes you see in movies, except it was smaller by couple of hundred feet. Percy and Chaos stepped in and stepped out to a whole different place.

hope you liked it
and tell us what you think by commenting
and keep guessing on the couple, its amuses me lol
and universal, everything is your fault so dont blame
you and your numerous amount of kids
gods damn
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Oh wow………………………… O_O!!!!!!!!!! Percy?!?! A hobo?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I have nothing to say to that…………………… O_O


Amazingly awesome chapter. It was really really good anaklusmus.
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
And I CAN NOT WAIT until u post MasterofCards. I hope its really soon!!!!

Oh and btw. Wats up with all the grandma and grandpa comments?! Its totally confusing!!! Like lordchaos with his pineapple comments!!! There all CONFUSING!!!!!!
over a year ago Avidsel said…
Thanks for great update.. I think next chapter should be rebal demigods/gods, just a suggestion :D
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
Yay yay that would be kewl!!!

NEW PAGE!!!!!!
over a year ago percyroxz said…
this is a really good story hope one of u can post again soon
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
I can't post today sry
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
S'okay. I understand.
Just post as soon as possible
over a year ago Pegasus100 said…
WOW can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
big smile
you want me to post again masterofcards
i dont mind, i have nothing to do
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
post again then
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
alright here is the third chapter guys
hope you like it. and im guessing you guys can guess who his love will be
anyway enjoy

Chapter 3
Third Person's POV

Percy and Chaos stepped in and stepped out to a whole different place. The place was very bright, with so many large buildings, and filled with nature. It was like a farm land and city built into one. Percy looked around with wide eyes. “What is this place?” Percy questioned. “this is the Void, this is where the Organization lives trains and more” Chaos explained. “you have a whole planet for your warriors?” Percy inquired looking shocked. “well I have a lot of warriors and this planet isn’t big. It about the size of earth's moon. And also this planet has a the prison that contains all the bad guys from many galaxies so its pretty big” Chaos stated. “so where do you live?” Percy asked. “i live over there with the commanders of the armies” Chaos replied pointing at a large tower that was longer than the Twin Towers and wider than the Hoover Dam. The building was all white with a big “C” on the top. It was glowing red while it was rotating. “and also that's where you will live” Chaos added. “that’s a really big place. How many commanders do you have?” Percy asked as Chaos and him made their way toward the building. “well I have two hundred teams, and each team consists of two commanders, the primary and secondary. So about four hundred commanders. Also my counsel lives over there with me” Chaos explained. “What counsel?” Percy inquired. “the counsel of the Perimordiel's, my first children” Chaos replied. After that Chaos and Percy went inside the building. Chaos introduced Percy to just the counsel. Then Chaos took Percy to another planet, that was abandoned, so he could start his training. The training lasted for twenty years. That’s how long it took Percy to master all of Chaos' powers which was every beings power. If any being in the entire universe had powers, than Chaos had them too. Also Chaos made Percy immortal so he could handle all the intense training. So after twenty one years Chaos and Percy went back to the Void. As Percy and Chaos stepped out of the portal, Percy, for the second time, looked around in a shock look. “wow nothing changed. Usually things tend to look different when your gone for a long time” Percy said smiling. “well not this place. Now lets get you introduced with your new team Aquas” Chaos said. In the twenty years, Percy changed his name to Aquas. He didn’t want to be called Percy Jackson anymore. That name brought bad memories to him. They walked through the streets as people saw Chaos and bowed. They didn't know who the other guy was but since he was with Chaos, they bowed to him too. “I hope that’s not going to be a usual thing” Percy said frowning at the bows. “i tell them to stop but they don't listen” Chaos said frowning as well. They walked inside the building as the soldiers were still bowing. As soon as they walked in, they were greeted by the counsel. “Welcome back father, Aquas” Aether said smiling. “Thank you Aether. Now please go tell the soldiers to meet at the pavilion. We are going to introduce our new commander to them” Chaos said smiling at Percy. “yes father” they all said and flashed away. “but before that, lets introduce you to the commanders first” Chaos said he made a microphone appear in his hands. “ALL COMMANDERS, PLEASE COME TO THE CAFETERIA. THIS IS C HAOS AND I WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE YOU TO SOMEONE” Chaos said. After that the microphone flashed away as Chaos started walk through the hall with Percy following him. “I'm kind of nervous now” Percy said rubbing his neck. “don't be, some of them will be old faces to you” Chaos said smiling. “wait what?” Percy asked. Chaos was about to answer him but they heard loud noises. Chaos smiled hearing that and said “you will see, lets go.” They walked through a double door and emerged into a big room filled with people. Since this was a cafeteria there was benches everywhere, which was either occupied by a boy or a girl. As soon as they saw Chaos, they shut up. Percy put up his hood to cover his face, since he was uncomfortable with having all the people look at him. “good morning my commanders, its been a long time hasn’t it” Chaos said smiling. “GOOD MORNING LORD CHAOS” everyone yelled back. “my'lord, I have heard that you were gone training a new commander who will replace master Nebula” a girl from the seat said standing. “yes Stephenie I have and he is right there” Chaos said pointing at Aquas. Everyone started muttering. “He goes by the name of Aquas, and he is even stronger than Nebula. And he will be leading this army from now on. Come on up here” Chaos said motioning for him to walk up. “show them who you are Aquas” Chaos said stepping back. “Hello my name is Aquas, and I’m looking forward to working with all of you” Aquas said taking off his hood. Some of the girls started muttering saying he was “cute” stuff. Suddenly six people stood up and yelled “PERCY??” Percy looked closer at the standing people and saw that it was Zoe Nightshade, Luke Castellen, Bianca De Angelo, Michael Yew, Charles Bekendorf, and Selena Beauregard. “Holy Hades...” Percy said looking back and forth from the six former demigod/titan to Chaos. “is this what you meant?” Percy questioned as he looked at Chaos. “come up here and say hello to your old friend commanders” Chaos said grinning as everyone else looked confused. The six immortals flashed themselves next to Percy and five of them jumped on him in a bear hug. The only one who was standing was Zoe. While they were doing that, two more flashes appeared next to them. When the light was gone it revealed two pretty girls standing there. One of the girl had pretty brown hair with kaleidoscope eyes. She had pale skin and was pretty tall. The other girl had white blonde hair with brown eyes. She had a tan and was also pretty tall. “I don't know who he is but can I jump on the pretty commander too” the girl with the brown hair said. As soon as she said that, Percy's Eros's powers along with some unknown love powers kicked in. “Only if you tell me your name” Percy said grinning as he stood up along with everyone that jumped on him. The girl blushed and said “Katelyn Garten, daughter of Aphrodite and commander of the sixth squad” Katelyn said. Percy looked at the girl with blonde hair and waited for her to answer. “My name is Katherine Woods, daughter of Khione and commander of tenth squad” Katherine stated. “you can't jump on me but you can get a hug” Percy said opening his hands. Both girls jumped in with a wide smile. As this occurred, Percy's old friends watched with wide eyes. “Percy what happened, did my mother bless you or something” Selena asked. “yes and she made drink a potion, after that every time a girl flirts or says something, I can't help but do it back. And now its only worse because I have her powers along with Eros's. And one more thing, my name now is Aquas not Percy, so please don’t call me that” Percy said realizing what he was doing. “so why are you here, what happened to Annabeth?” Luke asked. As soon as he said that, Aquas turned sad remembering what happened. He flashed away before anyone could say anything. “what happened?” Luke asked confused. So chaos explained what happened on earth as everyone listened intently. “alright ill get him back, and you better apologize Luke” Zoe said and flashed away following Aquas' teleportation trail. The trail led Zoe to the roof of the building and she saw Aquas looking over the edge as tears fell from his face. She slowly walked over to his side and looked at the view. No matter how many times she saw it, the view still amazed her. “Beautiful isn't it?” Zoe said looking him from the corner of her eye. He didn't say anything, just looked off into the far distance. “look Per... I mean Aquas, I heard about what happened and I'm really sorry. You are a good guy and you don’t deserve what happened to you” Zoe said turning to face him. After a minute she thought he wasn’t going to so anything but then he spoke. “thanks, that means a lot” he said wiping his eyes. “your welcome, but don't make it mean into something because I know how you males work” she said with a hint of a smile. His lips turned up into a small tiny hinge of a smile as he said “if I do, you can blame Aphrodite and her son.” “well maybe you can control it now since you have the power too” Zoe said. “I can control the power but that potion and that other thing still effects me. But whatever, it'll go away. Anyway how are you and the others here” Aquas asked. “well Chaos came to me on day and said he could use my skills and so I agreed to join him. Same thing with the others, same thing with everyone actually. Everyone here had a hard life so Chaos tried to help them by trying to give them a new home” Zoe explained. “guess that's why he came to me then instead of before” Aquas said looking at the city. Zoe looked closely at Aquas and realized what the other commanders were saying was true. Aquas did look cute and his tight muscles and black wicked hair helped make the look better. She blushed and looked away from what she was thinking. “you know the worst part of it was” Aquas asked looking back at Zoe. She blushed again looking at his green eyes that glowed in the sunlight. “what is?” Zoe said hiding her blush. “she told me that she loved me and I didn't even get to say it back. And after that I didn't even avenge her, I ran away. I'm such a coward” Aquas said as he leaned against the walk and slide down. He hugged his knees and looked teary eyed. Zoe said down and slowly put her arm around him in a comforting way. “you are not a coward Percy, you were a kid and you were scared. No one blames you” Zoe said as she looked up so he wouldn't see her red face. “i am a coward” Aquas said ignoring the fact that she called him Percy. “trust me Percy, you are no coward, if you were you wouldn’t have held the sky to save Lady Artemis. You are anything but a coward, you are brave, courageous, and handsome” she said the last part before she could stop herself. Aquas chuckled hearing all of that. “thanks, and for what it's worth I think you pretty too, sort of” Aquas said smiling. She caught the sarcasm and said “this is what I get for trying to help you, not anymore” she as she shoved and tried to get up. But grabbed her wrist and pulled her down. “i was only joking okay, your very pretty. Thought since the day I saw you” Aquas said adding the last part with a blush. He hoped she didn’t hear that but she did and bursted with happiness inside. She didn’t know why, it wasn’t like he was going to go out with her but hearing that made her happy. “thanks Zoe” he said as he placed a hand around her shoulder. “your welcome but if you get sad again I going to shoot you with a arrow” she said smiling. “ill remember that” he said grinning. “now lets go Chaos is waiting” she said standing up. He followed her example and said “okay” as the both of them flashed back to the cafeteria.

hope you liked it
and tell us what you think by commenting
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Pegasus100 said…
Wow AWESOME chapter.
POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
fuuuuuuuu i cant post
A17 plz post and i promise that i will post when i get home
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
alright ill try to post on this
over a year ago Avidsel said…
Great update :D
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Interesting choice you got there anaklusmus. Very interesting indeed………………………


Amazingly awesome chapter. It was really really good!!
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!
And I CAN NOT WAIT until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!
over a year ago Magic1799 said…
Percy 💗Zoe?
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
I GET NO CREDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
okay its fathers day so i think u wont be busy for a while grandma
over a year ago Kaia143 said…

anyways………………… post soon!!
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
see kaia
isnt he being mean by saying that
thats mean, saying i dont have a father
i dont know why i put up with you grandpa
wait i know, because i m WAITING FOR YOU TO POST
post ima troll the shit out of you gramps
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
U boys crack me up!!!!!!!!! XD!!!!!!
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
nah i troll back
like a boss
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…
troll back like shit grandps
your garbage and so are your trolling skills
but at least your good at writing (somewhat lol)
so FING post grandpa
over a year ago MasterofCards said…
over a year ago anaklusmus17 said…