The Heroes of Olympus Betrayed

meredog posted on Aug 04, 2012 at 07:13PM
So who has read the forum Betrayed by Seaweed_Brain? Well, I did and I loved it! But...... I HATED the ending. I am vary sorry... I really am. But I don't think that story should've ended like that. Well, it is my version of the story. I really love the story but the ending.


Percy is betrayed by the hole Camp Half-blood because of something the Gods think Poseidon did to help Lord Chaos out in a war that is starting. But Percy doesn't believe them. The Gods and the Camp believe Percy helped Poseidon and Lord Chaos with the war. So the camp trys to kill Percy during Capture the Flag. The Gods make some of the campers a God because they tired to kill Percy even though they failed.

What will happen? Read and find out. And Seaweed_Brain, if u don't want me to re-do your story, just say so and I will stop.
hope u enjoy!!!!!

The Heroes of Olympus 437 replies

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over a year ago meredog said…
BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! I woke up in a cold sweet. My dream wasn't pleasant. It was about a new war, but years and years from now, and my mortal parents, Paul and my mom, dead. They were lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Most of my dreams are true, but this one cant be. My mortal parents cant be dead, could they? No! No they're not dead. I took a deep breath and got out of bed. Its just a dream Percy, don't worry, I told myself. I got dress and I heard a knock on my door. I answered it and I saw Chiron.

"Follow me Percy, we need to talk." Chiron say and I follow him to the Big House. Chiron told me to sit.

"What's going on?" I ask

Chiron gives me a sympathetic looks and takes on of my hands in both of his. "Percy, this morning, something bad happened. The cops, were called yesterday, to you parents appartment, because of screaming. When they got there, they found, your parents .... dead."

"W-what?" No, no! This cant be right..... No! It was just a dream!

"You are excused from all your classes for the rest of the week. Im sorry Percy." Chiron pats me on my back and leaves me alone.

No.... they cant be dead!! I ran out of the Big House to my cabin. I need to think.

Chirons POV:

Poor, poor Percy. He didnt have much family. But now he has hardly any. His mother and step Father are dead. Now all the poor boy has is his 2 cosines, that are not even here right now, and his father, a God, that is far to busy to ever see Percy. He loved his mother. More than anything, and now shes gone. Percy, must be hart broken. I stood at the top of Half-blood Hill, just thinking, when Annabeth came up to me, worried.

"Chiron, all the gods are at the Big House. All the Cabin Leaders need to be there and so do you. But they said Percy cant come." Annabeth says "Poseidon isn't there ether."

"Why ever not?" I ask

"They said they will explane everything, but we need to go. Where is Percy anyway?" Annabeth asks

"He-he is in his cabin." I say

"Ok we need to go."

"Vary well." I put Annabeth on my back and ran to the Big House. This must be important if all the gods are there but Poseidon. I do wonder where he is...
over a year ago corrected said…
good idea
i dont think the ending was bad , it was kinda funny
but i still wished that the story could continue
THIS is great btw ill be reading
over a year ago book-worm said…
^was that the story I ended? Cause if so I totally agree, I just didn't want to continue the story and I didn't know how!
over a year ago TwigmanFTW said…
Cool xD
And I found the ending clever, but still not quite satisfiying xD
Actually kinda like the ending of the hunger games, although that was just purely awful :0
over a year ago meredog said…
Book-worm yes that is the story u ended. But don't worry, the ending was good. I just really didn't like that it ending there... that's all. What happened to Seaweed_Brain anyway?
over a year ago corrected said…
@meredog so how often can u post?
over a year ago meredog said…
I will try to post 1 or 2 times a day. Some will be short, that's when I will try to do 2, when they r long, that's when I will only post 1 time. I am going to start writing again now. I couldn't before because I had to baby sit a 4 and a 6 year old. God they r a handful...
over a year ago meredog said…
Annabeths POV:

Chiron seemed upset about something. But I didn't ask why. He looked like he really didn't want to talk about it. Once we walked into the big house, we saw all the cabin leaders, Clorisse (how do u spell her name?) Conner and Travis, Piper, Leo, Chris and more. Even Jason, Hazel, and Frank are here. Why are they here? All the gods were here. Some looked upset, others angry, but most confused. What's going on now? Why isn't Percy here, or Poseidon?

"Everyone, Poseidon betrayed us. He helped Lord Chaos by spying on us, both of us. Greek and Roman." Zues says. So that's why they're here. I just cant believe Poseidon would do that. "He had a christal ball, that records things and once he had what Chaos needed, Poseidon would give it to him."

"That cant be right! Why would he do that?" Chiron asks

"There had to be a reason." I say "And is that why Percy couldn't be here?"

"I still don't see why you would care about that rotten trader!" Athena yells

"Because, because I love him mother!" Shoot did I just say that?!

Aphrodite starts to cry "You might not think of him that way for long, Annabeth."


"We beloved vary strongly, that Percy helped his father. We found a ball, just like Poseidon had, in his cabin. Tonight, during capture the flag, kill him. Kill Percy." Zues says.

Could he be right? Could have Percy been helping? No, right? I know Percy will do anything, just to help a friend in danger, but no one is in danger here, right? I just don't believe Percy would do that. Or do I? Maybe he did. But why? What's has Camp Half-blood ever done to him? Nothing! He cant just betray camp like this!

"Poseidon is dead. We killed him, this morning." Zues looks down, sad.

"W-we, cant j-just, kill Percy. He is our friend." Piper says

"Would you like one person to die or the whole camp?" Asks Ares

"One person...." piper answers

"That's what I thought." Ares says

"Block Percy in, then go for the kill." Hades says "I cant wait to go after his soul!"

I looked over at Hestia. She looked mad, but mostly upset. I want to talk to her.

"So do we all agree?" Asks Zues? Everyone says Aye, but Chiron and Hestia. I did. I didn't want to believe it, but, I just do..... I CANT BELIEVE I LOVED HIM! "Vary well. Dismiss." Zues says.

The gods poof away and the rest walk out but Chiron, Hestia and I. Chiron look heartbroken. So did Hestia. Do they even believe Percy helped? I walked over to them, my arms crossed. I'm heartbroken to, but I cant believe Percy would do this.

"I cant believe it! The nerves of those gods!"" Hestia yells.

"I know...." Chiron says

"Wait, you don't believe Percy did it?" I ask shocked

"No.." they both say

"Why? They found a ball in his room."


"I agree." Chiron says and simply walks away.


"Do you have any proff Percy didn't do that?!"

"No I do not! But I know you people don't have the proff to show Percy used the ball! You, you out of all people, should believe he wouldnt do this, not even his father! Percy is like a son to me, Annabeth. I love him, like a son. And I will NOT let you harm him." She pauses to see if I had anything to say, but I don't. " Percy has no more family. You, and this camp, was the last peace of family Percy ever had! And you are so selfish you would take it away, all of it!" She poofs out. Only family?

Capture the Flage
Percy POV:

I want to do Capture the Flag. I think maybe it will get my mind off my mom and Paul. But I was wrong. It just made me more depressed because of what was happening. Jason, Frank, Leo, Hazel, and Annabeth, were the only ones left standing, when they tried to kill me. But when I think of it, it wouldn't be so bad, being dead. What's Hades going to do to me anyway? If he wants me to suffer the worst pain possible well, he would have to replay this day over and over again. The others weren't dead, just unconscious. And it was hard for me to do, even to Cloreiss.( how do u spell it?)

"What the HELL is going on?!" I shout. They all looked scared, but they held their grounds.

"You betrayed us!" Yells Annabeth.

"What are you talking about?!"

"You know what!" Jason yells

"No I don't!"

"You helped your dad with Chaos! Your dad is dead and soon you will be to!" Leo yells. My dad is dead? No.... no.... NO!!

"What is wrong with you people?! I would never help him! Annabeth, don't you believe me? I thought you loved me!" I say gripping Riptide even harder

"I-i never loved you!" Annabeth says. Now that, that is the thing that hurts me the most. I have no one. The one I love, is trying to kill me. I have no family at all....

They tried to run at me but I stopped them. "The body is 75% water, remember?" They all looked shocked as the through the all against the tree as hard as I could. I will get revenge!!!! And nothing, NOTHING will get in my way!! The gods killed my father, I will kill them, I will find and kill the person who killed my parents. Nothing will get in my way.

I took one last look at all the one's who betrayed me and one last look at Annabeth, I know she was hurting, maybe broken bones. But my pain is much, much worse. And I turned into a light mist of water and went where ever the wind will take me. Anywhere is better than here. I have no one. Friends, and the little family I had, gone. I'm not sure about Nico and Thilia. Do they think I betrayed them? They weren't at camp. I have no one to turn to. I'm all alone, in a big world, with no one to turn to. Don't trust anyone, because in the end, all that will happen is you, and your hart, brakeing, into millions of peace's, and you will have to spend years, putting you, and your hart back together. Don't ever love, because love only leads to hart brake......
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
Yay! I'm Lord Chaos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago meredog said…
Yes u r and one more thing..... if u r so big on people who spam.... y did u just spam??? So I really don't want to hear it about spam anymore...


I'm just saying that to LORDCHAOS because he is always telling people not to spam when he just did...
over a year ago LORDCHAOS said…
No cause Lord Chaos is a character here
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
i really wonder whatever happened to seaweed_brain....
over a year ago meredog said…
That's what u think LORDCHAOS....... just wait and see......
over a year ago corrected said…
anaklusmus17 has abandoned
he has offered to let someone else take over his stories
go to the link above for more info, he says it all there
they r too good to be abandoned!
email him for rest of the plots in his stories
over a year ago corrected said…
that was good!
its spelled "clarisse"
over a year ago meredog said…
^THANK U!!!!!!
over a year ago meredog said…
I thought I was time for me to stop. Stop going with the wind. I turned back into myself. I didn't know i went this far. I ended up in the middle of the woods. Somehow I knew I was in Candida. What happens from now on? Its not like I have anyone to talk to. I have no one. Than, 5 hellhounds came out and jumped out at me. I pulled Riptide out. I slashed and stabbed with all my anger. I cut off ones head, others foot. But little did I know that wasn't even a half my anger. I was covered with blood once I killed them all. Maybe I should've let them kill me. What's there left in this misreble world to live for? Nothing. I have no one. There was a flash of light, so bright I covered my eyes. When I uncovered my eyes, I saw the 3 fates and Hestia.

"What do u want?" I say in a curl voice.

"We know you didn't do it. We also have a good feeling your father didn't ether. You did good with those hell hounds." One fate fates say. So, they believe me.

"Percy, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I love you, like a son. I just want you to know that there still is some one left to turn to." Hestia says and gives me a hug. It is nice to know I'm still loved and cared about.

"We have something to offer you Percouse(how do u spell that?) Jackson. You may not take, or you shall, its your choice." The fates says

"What is it?" I ask. I'm not so tense around them.

"We do not to do this just for anyone. We do this for you out of pity. You lost everything, friends, family, and loved ones. And we are truly sorry for that." You don't hear the fates say they are sorry unless they turly are, I was surprised "You are vary powerful as you stand, but if you take our offers, you shall be more powerful than the Gods and the Titans together. No other demigod could've taken on that hellhounds and live to tell the tall. Our first oder to you is, immortality. You shall make a choice after you hear out second."

"Percy, our second offer is, go west, to land without gods, and you shall train at the best training place ever built. Even without the training, you will be vary powerful if you just took immortality, but take both, you will be more powerful than the Gods, the Titans, and Lord Chaos all together. You would be the most powerful demigod that ever walked this earth. Do you except?" Hestia asked. I didn't care about the power, or immortality. If I take it, I might revenge on the gods, and fined the ones who killed my mother. But I will also live this pain everyday, till the last. I wont be a God, but that's ok. The last thing I want is to be around, the gods and be apart of them.

"I.... I except..... both." I say

Annabeths POV:

The gods are here. They have something they want to give us, some of the cabin leaders, a present. Even when we did fail. When Percy through us, and we hit the tree, my ribs and a arm broke. But thanks to Apollo and his kids, we were better in a day. As Clarisse, Leo, Jason, Piper, Connor and Travis, Frank, Hazel, and I walked, we said nothing. We were still confused on why Percy and Poseidon would do that to us. Percy didn't seem like that kind of guy. Once inside the big house we saw Zues. He told us to stand in a line, facing him. We did.

"I am letting you become a God. Its your choice. You do not have to if you do not want to. Do you all except?"

"We except."

Zeus walked up to Travis and Conner." You two, gods of Pranks and mischief." A green circle glowed around them and poofed away. They looked better than ever. The same with Piper, goddess of natural beauty. Jason, God of flying and leadership. Clarisse, goddess of the fight. Hazel, goddess of gold and silver. Frank, God of shape shifting and trust. Leo, God of fire. And me, goddess of architecture and books. I felt powerful, and great. I felt like a five year old.

"Get what you will need, and head to Olympus. Your new home." Zues says and he is gone.
over a year ago meredog said…
I will only add another chapter if I get commets!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago somisista said…
Omg this's freaking epic!
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Nice chapter!!
over a year ago somisista said…
nooooooooo! why would they do that 2 percy!!!

nooooooooo! why would they do that 2 percy!!!
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago JJFlowers said…
This story is...

over a year ago meredog said…
The fates, Hestia, and my father, that right he is alive, are dragging me up the the Olympians. My dad tricked Zues and the other by fakeing his death. Turning into a mist of water is more helpful than u think. My dad isn't going to show himself yet. He doesn't think its the right time. 300,000 isn't that long to my dad. Wow, I cant believe its been 300,00 years sense I last had anything to do with these fucking gods. I really wont nothingvto do with the new gods.....

I ware a black hoody and dark colored jeans. My hood hang over my face so no one can tell who I am. I really didn't want the gods to know who I am. The fates and 4 gods want me to help with the war that is closer than you think, the war with Chaos. But the thing is...... I wanted to say 'Fuck the gods! They left me so why should I come back?' But 4 of those gods will die if I don't help them. They are my only family. I cant lose them. The 4 gods are Nico, Thaila, Hestia and my dad, Poseidon. I know what your saying 'Poseidon isn't a God anymore.' But he is. Sense he didn't die, his powers never left. When Zues thought he gave them to Triton, he never did. Poseidon still has than and is still the God of the sea, storms and earthquakes.

The fates put me in the shadows so the gods couldn't see me until the Fates thought they were ready. As the fates walked in, all the gods froze and looked at them in shock. The fates never come to Olympus unless in great need to. So this only happened 2 times before. Once when the Romans first camp and attacked Greece. The other time is when I went missing and ended up with no memory at a Roman camp.

"Hello, what do we owe this vist?" Zues asks

"We have a proposal for you." The fates says

"What kind of proposal?"

"A life saving one." All the gods look at each other

"Go on."

"We have the most powerful demigod that has EVER walked this earth, and he is willing to help."

"Who is it?"

"He doesn't want any of you to know. But you know him. Without him, you will surely die. If you do win this without him, well I have to say I will be turly surprised."

"Tell us about him."

"He, is more powerful than every one of you together. More powerful than you, Lord Chaos, and the Titans combined. Maybe even more powerful than that, if that can even happen. Hes been around for 306,000 years. He was 17 when he was turned immortal. He was betrayed."

"How?" I know that vocie, Annabeth. I gritted my teeth and gripped my sorwed harder than before., trying to calm down

"You know why." The fates look at my old friends that betrayedAll the gods were confused.

"Could we see him? Is he even here?" Zues asks

"He is in this vary room right this minute. It is up to him weather you see him or not. Now, do you except his help, or no? He doesn't like to wait."

Zues looks at the other and they all nod "Vary well. We except."

I stepped out of the shadows. Part of my hoody covering my face. I had my sorwed in hand and gripped Riptide tightly. All the gods gasped as I walked to the middle of the thrown room. They all stared at me, trying to figure out who I am. 'I'm the saver of Olympus' I thought to myself 'and lately I regret it'. I showed no emotion what's so ever.

"This is the guy?! He looks like a crazy wimp!" Ares says. I turn to him, fire in my eyes.

"Oh gods. Ares I wouldn't say that. Looks arnt always what they seem....." the fates warn

"I'm not scared of this wimp!" He stands up "lets just see how good he is, eh?"

I smile evilly. This, is going to be fun....

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Good luck. You're going to need it." The fates say and move away.

"Lets get this over with." I say in a mean vocie. Ares gets his sorwed.

"I know that sorwed......" I hear Annabeth mumble to herself

I slashed at Ares. I cut his lag. He stabbed at me but I blocked it and went for his arm. He came at me, I didn't move. He seemed surprised but kept running. He was 2 inches away from me when I used my powers and pushed him back so hard he went through his thrown without touching him. He got back up. He seemed mad. Good. He came at me with his sorwed and I blocked. I slashed and stabbed until I stabbed him in the stumic and he fell to his knees. I twisted the sorwed and yanks it out of him. That was the quickest fight I have ever been in. What was that? 3 minutes? Less? He was in pain. Aphrodite screamed and Apollo ran up to Area and took him to his palace to help him. Everyone looked at me him shock.

"Anyone else?" I ask in a deep angry vocie. They all shook their heads "I didn't think so." The fates step infront of me.

"Well, I guess you all know who this really os now don't you?" They all nodded and still started at me. "That right. The hero of Olympus has returned." I remove my hood from my face so they could see me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
AWESOME!! Please please please post soon!!
over a year ago somisista said…
big smile
OMFG!!! i bet the gods reactions will be priceless! I ❤ UR STORY
OMFG!!!   i bet the gods reactions will be priceless!         I ❤ UR STORY
over a year ago iluvcats said…
omg i am not lying! best story on fanpop ever! please post
over a year ago ihatekronos123 said…
please post! you cannot reject the adorable fluffy kitty
please post! you cannot reject the adorable fluffy kitty
over a year ago extremeriordan said…
over a year ago fireyes said…
Great chapter but no offensive but I think when that happened was better in the original one.
over a year ago meredog said…
^its ok really

Thanks so much everyone!!!! I am starting a new chapter now!!!! I'm posting because of the Kitty ..... cant resist!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ihatekronos123 said…
big smile
over a year ago meredog said…
"That's right. The hero of Olympus has returned." I take off my hoody so they can see me. Everyone had looks of shock. Zues had his eyes wide, Hera had her mouth hanging open, but all the new gods faces were priceless. Annabeth looked like she was just pranked by the Strolls. Thaila, Nico, and Hestia didn't seemed surprised but they tried to act like it. I showed no emotion.

"H_how..?" Leo started

"I was given immortality." I say in a emotionless vocie

"Take this." The fates hand Zues a coin, my coin. "Use it so summon, the saver of Olympus, Percuse(I still don't know how to spell it... is that right?) Jackson. Just flip it." Zues nodded his head. "Good. Does anyone want to talk to Percy? I'm sure he wants to leave as soon as possible so make it quick."

All the gods hestitaded but one spoke "We would like to have a word." Annabeth says. Leo, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Piper and Annabeth all stood up. Hestia had a look of consern on her face. I titan the grip on my sorwed. I do NOT want to talk to them at all. The fates study me and whisper in my ear "Remember the deal." I nodded

"Vary well. But make it quick." The gods nodded and the others left and so did the fates.... this should be good...
over a year ago somisista said…
big smile
can u put down a link to the original one meredog?! please!
over a year ago somisista said…
it is perseus
over a year ago meredog said…

Its really good but he kinda went away and book-worm finished the story in a way u would've never guessed.... ENJOY!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago meredog said…
Y isn't that working!!!!!!!! Do use that link!!!!! Its not working!!!!!!
over a year ago SilverOwl2233 said…
Nice post!!
over a year ago meredog said…

Ok somisista go on page 4 of the forums and look for Betrayed by Seaweed_brain. That stupid link wont work!!!!!
over a year ago somisista said…
big smile
ohhhh okay thx!
over a year ago meredog said…
Tell me when u read it!!! Ok now I'm going to write now... for this...
over a year ago meredog said…
I bowed to the line of gods infront of me. I don't want them to think I remember them. But if they do than oh well. They nodded for me to get up, so I did. We were silent. All of them looked at me with sad eyes... I was emotionless.

"P-percy, where did you go?" Piper asks. I glare at her.

"Somewhere that isn't your consern." I says

"We are so sorry. Sorry we didn't believe you." Hazel looks down

"I am done in the past. But that doesn't mean I forgive you."

"Percy please. We are sorry. I'm sorry.I didn't mean anything I said." Annabeth says

"If you didn't mean it, lady Annabeth, why did you say it? You all left me alone."

"I didn't know what to think...... I'm sorry...."

"Sorry doesn't make me forgive you, none of you. I am here to help with the war, than I am leavening. You will never see me after it. But don't think I will help. I said I was 'willing' not that I 'will'" I say

"You have to forgive us. We didnt-" Annabeth started

"I don't have to forgive you. I don't have to do anything you say! I am more powerful than all of you and don't think I wont use my power on you! You left me! All of you! I had no one! My mother and father had died! You guys were my only family left! And you try to kill me?!" Storms start and the earth shake. I can feel the ocean getting out of control. I cant help it, I am more mad than ever. I cant believe they just expect me to forgive them!! "I will not forgive! I am doing this for one reason, and one reason only. To save my 4 family members I have left. But I can still back out anytime I want. And don't think I wont!" I was almost out the door and someone yelled:

"Stop!" U gripped my sorwed. I turned around with fire in my eyes. I walk up to them sorwed in my hand. What did he just say to me? They all looked scared out of their minds as I got closer and closer.

"Is that a challenge?!" I say to Jason, the one who said it. He looked more scared than anyone I have ever seen
over a year ago fireyes said…
This will end bad,really really really bad.
over a year ago corrected said…
those posts were really great! but could u plz fix ur grammar and a little detail to the story
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
i liked the othr story cuz it had a bunch of violence xD but this story has much more drama...i like it
over a year ago meredog said…
Is the drama good?? Lol!!
over a year ago fireyes said…
I like drama action
over a year ago somisista said…
big smile
I like your version of the story way better!
over a year ago somisista said…
Omg I love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love low love love love love love love love love love love love ur story and you where right about the other story how you hated he ending I agree!