The Heroes of Olympus Demigods Exposed

aqualad posted on Aug 04, 2012 at 08:05PM

“This is Annabeth Chase reporting live from Olympus’s favorite TV show, Cheaters.” Annabeth puts her hair in a pony tail and chooses her next victim of exposure. “Our victim shall be Jason the son of Zeus. Now as you all know he has been dating Piper, but she’s not sure if he is fully committed.” Annabeth lurks inside of the bushes in front of Jason’s cabin. Jason starts to walk out of his cabin and scratches his butt. “This could be a code for his secret lover.” She stalks him just a little bit too hard noticing that he has a gigantic bugger hanging from his nose. “Stay tuned for more.”

The Heroes of Olympus 1 reply

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over a year ago aqualad said…
Demigods Exposed
Chapter 1

“This is Annabeth Chase reporting live from Olympus’s favorite TV show, Cheaters.” Annabeth puts her hair in a pony tail and chooses her next victim of exposure. “Our victim shall be Jason the son of Zeus. Now as you all know he has been dating Piper, but she’s not sure if he is fully committed.” Annabeth lurks inside of the bushes in front of Jason’s cabin. Jason starts to walk out of his cabin and scratches his butt. “This could be a code for his secret lover.” She stalks him just a little bit too hard noticing that he has a gigantic bugger hanging from his nose. “Stay tuned for more.”

“I feel like I’m so close to busting him.” He sits down at a dinner table at the cafeteria. I crawl under his table and notices he has a bunion. I immediately give him a pedicure. “Who the hell is under my table?” I go into stealth mode and put my cap on. “It looks like he was having dinner with a mystery female or should I say mistress?” Night fall was coming and I saw him creeping out at night he is down by the lake and gives the mystery girl a hug and she gives him a bag. I immediately run and tackle him. “Your busted Jason you’re on Cheaters.” He looks confused. “Oh no don’t get my zits on camera then everyone will know my secret that I rub cow poop on my face to get rid of zits.” I stare at him lost. “Dude that’s just sick, you know that right.” The camera man drops the camera dramatically. “Dude that’s fucking disgusting get some damn face cream ok and get a life Annabeth do you have nothing better to do? And Percy is cheating on you with a Nymph/Donkey.”

Annabeth breaks down in tears, and then she starts twitching like she’s possessed by a demon. Percy walks up to her. “Hay babe how’s it going?” She jumped on him and rode him like a pony. Speaking of My Little Pony, Pinky the pony was spotted at a club beating on demigods with her corndog. It went a little like this. “Nooo not the corndog.” “Please don’t stick it up my butt.” Right now Annabeth is sawing Percy’s head open. “I want more brains.” I think Annabeth should be in a mental institution right about now. Piper pops up from hell literally. “I thought your skin was natural.” She said very sadly. “Nope its Zit land.” She laughed as if she was a gargoyle or is she. “Oh I forgot to mention I’m a gargoyle that likes to blahhhhh.” Piper is now attempting to shove a joint of weed up Jason’s nose.

Grover and Leo show up. Now that they are a couple they like to make things hostile. “Ummmm Grover likes to lick my butt when I’m sleep although it makes me poop in his face.” Leo starts to cry. “Get some balls you pussy.” Leo looks up very psychopathically. “What did you call me?” “Oh umm nothing dear.” Leo rips Grover’s hands off and makes him eat them finger by finger. “I’m sorry.” “Awww really?” “No that’s why I poisoned that casserole you ate last night you dumb bitch. Your insurance is going to have me set for life.” Leo crack open Grover’s head and eats it like it’s the last supper.”

Gaea, Hera, Kronos, and Zeus fly in on their ponies. Zeus’s phone rings and he asks Kronos if he wants to go get a beer. “Sure dude. Like totally.” Gaea steps on Kronos and says, “No one drinks beer without me” Narrowing her eyes at Zeus. “Ok….” Hera says incompetently. “Everyone knows I’m the drinking queen. Zeus snaps his finger and 40 cases of beer appear. Meanwhile Kronos and Zeus go knit some skirts for the ball and eat crumpets. Hera and Gaea bash each other in the head with bottles because they’re so drunk. “Give me a ….Bllahhhhhhh.” and the throwing up all over Olympus begins. Leo is farting on Grover’s grave Zeus is taking Kronos to the ball to get married and you don’t wanna know what the others are doing.