The Heroes of Olympus Clarisse's Story - KatieK101

KatieK101 posted on Sep 07, 2012 at 12:51AM
All rights to RR!

Clarisse La Rue is a fave character of mine and is in my top 5. But if you ask me, to many people ms-understand her. I am tired of how everyone hates her because she is a jerk to Percy. But even though the books start out like that, Rick does stat that Clarisse do consider each other as valuable friends/allies.

Another thing, everyone is also going on about how mean, ugly, and rude she is. But a couple of weeks ago I was searching for stuff on the MOA when I came across an old chat RR had. In it he told about some of his fave characters he created and Clarisse was one.

He said that he hates how people dont get Clarisse at all. And that it isn't a none face but her mother was never really their and like Annabeth's father, treated her like a freak. And that Clarisse's own cabin gave her ALOT of trouble for a long time. From teasing her to dis-obaying her. Clarisse is also thought to be really ugly. Rick said she isn't ugly at all. And the reason why she can be such a jerk is becouse of the way she was treated.

So anyways, I can't find the website and I'm driving myself crazy looking for it. But I see so many remarks on how people just hate her and the way she acts. I'm sick of it. ANd most of it isn't on FP, but on other websites I'm on.

So one day during math the thought came to me. To write a story about Clarisse's life. So, here goes :)

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