The Heroes of Olympus The Special Two - Divine Power

Alvin2442 posted on Sep 22, 2012 at 02:22AM
Title: The Special Two - Divine Power

Rating: T, just in case

Type: Action/Adventure, Fiction, Mythology

Summary: So, the gods have been interfering with two very special demigods life, because those two hold divine power, that could end the gods life. It will only activate if the two demigods are in a very dangerous situation or they are forced to use it. With the giants and titans rising, the gods are trying over time to keep them away from the two demigods, but the Titans and Giants capture the demigods, when their sleeping. They try to use their divine power to end Olympus and the gods for good. Will it work? or will it fail?. You will only know when the journey is told, and for that to happen. We must start at the beginning and to the end.

OC Characters: Alvin, Jayla, Kocher, Blaze, Bree, Nick, Kristyn, Alexiei

CC:The gods, titans, and giants. Campers of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter.

Disclaimer: Some of the characters belong to are great friend Rick.

Author's Note: I would want the truth about, what you think of my chapters. I don't care if it's a flame, and I want to know what you think. If you have some ideas, inbox them to me, or just say it here. I also, like always, accept Fan Characters, so don't be afraid to put them up here, here's the thing that you use to sigh up:

Immortal Parent:
Mortal Parent:
Demi-God Abilities:
That is all, for now. Oh yeah, now I remember, the cabin counselor, and the seven are now gods.

Chapter List/Words:
1: A Satyr's Mission/1,108
last edited on Sep 22, 2012 at 07:56PM

The Heroes of Olympus 19 replies

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over a year ago kkw1700 said…
Olive skin, longish dark brown but not quite black hair, warm brown eyes, jeans/nike shorts, t-shirt
That smart girl, outgoing, funny, artistic, likes to travel, animal lover, athletic, friendly, relaxed, brave in battle, perfectionist, witty
Never knew him
Can bless flora, talk to Perephone's sacred animals (pig, lion, bat), skilled sword-wielder, can will the ground to open (refering to Persephone's abduction myth)
Weapon of choice: Sword made of Stugian Iron named Iridessa (derived from 'iridescent'). Hilt studded with various jewels. about 2 1/2 ft.

Looking forward to the first post! :)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I already have the first post ready, but I'm waiting to see if people are interested.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Chapter 1
A satyr’s mission

I WAS SENT TO WATCH 2 DEMIGODS. I smiled at the two” Hello I’m Kocher, can you take me to Mrs. Monroe’s class, I’m new” I asked, and the boy looked at the girl and nodded” Sure. We were already going to that class anyway. I’m Alvin and that’s Jayla” He said, and they started walking. After we got there, Mrs. Monroe said good morning as we came in, and we all sat down, at different tables. I had a good view of both of them, and then the teacher started the lesson.

Alvin whispered over to the Jayla, who nodded slowly, and she whispered back to him, and they returned back to their seats.” Alvin and Jayla come to the office” the loudspeaker screamed out, and the two stood up and walked out of the classroom. I asked to go to the restroom, and I followed the two. They turned around, once no one was in the hall, and they looked at me” Okay explain, why your stalking us?” Jayla asked” Yeah, what’s your problem?” Alvin asked” I-eh…” I stuttered, trying to think of something, and then something boomed and came at us from the side.

That's a preview
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I'm waiting for chapter 2. Still gonna use Blaze?
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
He's in it, and I need one more comment for a different person to post the first full chapter. I'm still working on chapter two.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Name: Alexei Borodin
Age: 16
Appearance: ~
Personality: Easily annoyed
Immortal Parent: Phobos
Mortal Parent: Jasmine Borodin
Abilities: Good fighter. Prefers to use his fist rather then his sword
Demi-God Abilities: Make people see their fear by eye contact. Can teleport with a curtain or purple powder
Other: His mother is half Russian half Egyptian.

Can you use this guy?
Name: Alexei Borodin 
Age: 16
Appearance: ~
Personality: Easily annoyed
Immortal Parent: Phobos
over a year ago corrected said…
now post!
over a year ago corrected said…
is that guy out of yu-gi-oh?
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Yami Marik yes, the dark side of Marik Isthar
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
gtg now, bye guys
over a year ago corrected said…
wtf? never heard of that
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Here's the whole first chapter:

Chapter 1
A satyr’s mission

I WAS SENT TO WATCH 2 DEMIGODS. I smiled at the two” Hello I’m Kocher, can you take me to Mrs. Monroe’s class, I’m new” I asked, and the boy looked at the girl and nodded” Sure. We were already going to that class anyway. I’m Alvin and that’s Jayla” He said, and they started walking. After we got there, Mrs. Monroe said good morning as we came in, and we all sat down, at different tables. I had a good view of both of them, and then the teacher started the lesson.

Alvin whispered over to the Jayla, who nodded slowly, and she whispered back to him, and they returned back to their seats.” Alvin and Jayla come to the office” the loudspeaker screamed out, and the two stood up and walked out of the classroom. I asked to go to the restroom, and I followed the two. They turned around, once no one was in the hall, and they looked at me” Okay explain, why your stalking us?” Jayla asked” Yeah, what’s your problem?” Alvin asked” I-eh…” I stuttered, trying to think of something, and then something boomed and came at us from the side.
Alvin’s eyes flew towards the damage, and he looked at the monster up and down, before dodging the monster” It’s like playing Hula Hoop Soccer!” He shouted, and Jayla nodded in agreement, as she dodged the monster as well.

I pulled out my reed pipes and played, and vines shot out the ground, wrapping around the monster. Alvin and Jayla looked at each other, and then back at the monster, the mist stopped affecting them” What is that?” They both asked, their eyes shooting out towards me.

“It’s a-“Another loud boom, making me jump in surprise, more monsters start to surround us.” We’re facing the hydra, chimera, and a bunch of Basilisk” I said, and Alvin looked at me like I was crazy, and then tackled Jayla, helping her dodge a hydra head. Jayla thanked him, and charged at the beast, grabbing a vine that was on the ground. She jumped up and she wrapped the vine against one of the heads, and pulled it off, with a little woodland magic.

” Wait!” Alvin called out, a second too late, and two more heads grew back. Give the boy the sword…sword a voice said over and over again in my head, so I threw the pen towards Alvin. He caught it” Am I-“He was cut short, as he dodged some poison “Get ready to taste ink hydra!”He shouted, uncapping the pen, and it turned into a 4ft long celestial bronze sword, known as Shadowcrest. I smiled and Alvin jumped out of the way of some acid, and charged.

The chimera charged at Jayla, who growled” Why don’t I get a weapon?!” She dodged the chimera, and then kicked it in the face, that sent it flying towards the roof. I jumped up, using woodland magic to destroy the basilisks. Jayla punched the chimera, and kicked it in the face. Alvin came towards us, after dodging another acid ball, and then he fell to the floor, as Jayla did.

I was kicked in the face, punched, and then threw somewhere. I heard muffled screams, another boom, and then a roar, which shut the screams up. I slowly slipped away from the light and slipped into darkness. I woke out of it, and automatically remembered the demigods, and I opened the door and charged outside.

No tracks, nothing to follow by another failed mission I thought to myself, and started walking. I heard a battle cry, and a loud scream, so I started charging. I found Alvin slashing to hold back the hydra, with his steamed shirt, and Jayla kicking and punching, with a burn on her arm. Alvin lunged forward, and then he was slapped into the ground.

Jayla charged forward, after passing Alvin she grabbed the sword out his hand, and stabbed the hydra. I noted that the chimera was dazed, and Alvin got up, charging forward, he punched the hydra in the stomach, and then fire was blasted in his face. Jayla sliced one head down the middle, cut it all the way off, and stabbed Shadowcrest through the head’s stump. Two heads didn’t grow back, so I shouted” Do that again!” and she tried to, but the hydra knocked her back, and the chimera lunged onto her.

I overcame my fear, kicked off my shoes, and charged at the hydra. It was brave, and stupid, but I played my reed pipes, and threw some tin cans. They made the hydra mad, and turn my way. I sighed, I had no one to call too, and the gods weren’t talking.

I spun around, jumped up; giving its face a taste of my hooves, and then Alvin grabbed Shadowcrest, off the ground, and charged. I wondered where he had the strength to do that, when I looked at them, and I saw another person around them, but they were faint, and disappeared as soon as I saw them. Alvin spun around the hydra heads, and slashed them all off, and then stabbed Riptide in the stumps, the hydra turned to dust. Jayla kept punching, something went out her hand, surrounded the chimera, and turned it to dust.

They both passed out and I struggled to get them to road, but I did, and I got out a drachma, threw it onto the road, and then the Gray Sisters pop out with their taxi. I moved them into the car, told the Gray Sisters where to go, and closed my eyes. We arrived at Camp Half-Blood, after a few life and death situations. Alvin woke up first, and that’s when I saw the blue marking on his chest, and his arm, which also has a trident on it.

I gasped, after a blue crystal that was glowing, appeared around his neck. He got out the car, swung Jayla over his shoulders, and looked at me.” Okay Kocher, we’re going over that hill right?” Alvin asked and I nodded, so we moved over the hill. We kept moving, the crystal was still glowing, and we went to the infirmary, where Alvin put Jayla on one of the beds, and collapsed.
Some Apollo kids halted him onto the bed, and I collapsed on a bed. I heard a bunch of voices around me, and I tried to hang on to listening. But, darkness clouded my vision, letting me know I was slipping unconsciousness, from all of the work I did.” They’re the special two” I said, with my last effort, before I slipped unconsciousness.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Chapter 2
A Battle

WHEN I WOKE UP, I SAW MANY PEOPLE STARING AT ME. They murmured something like ‘The Special Two’, but I tried to focus on staying awake. They gave me some nectar, which I fell back asleep on. When, I woke up the next time, there was only one person above me, and that was Alvin.
“Hey sleepy head” He said, and I growled at him, getting up. I got out the bed, not tripping over my legs, like I thought I would, I just got out normally. Then, Kocher, and three kids came into the infirmary. I wondered who they are” Who are you?” I asked, and the only girl perked up” I’m Bree Ganis, daughter of Zeus” ( horse22133454 ) one of the boys perked up” Blaze Phoenix, son of Mars” ( Blaze_of_Ares ), and then the last boy looked at us” Nick Horoni, son of Hecate” (aqualad ) He said, and we finally knew everybody. Bree gave us all an inviting smile, and then she gave us a normal look.

“Why are you here?” I blurted out, but asking a question still.” We’re here to…protect you” Bree answered, but you could tell her mind was on something else. I was about to ask another question, before Alvin gave me a look, and I didn’t ask, because I wanted to hear what else they had to say as well. Alvin raised his eyebrows “Why?” He asked “We can’t tell you yet” She replied, which Alvin just walked towards the doorway, after shrugging.

He stopped by the doorway, where Bree, Blaze, and Nick were standing. I undid my ponytail, and it fell loosely, not really helping anyone. I pursed my lips at them “Could you move?” He asked/said, they nodded, but they didn’t move. Alvin pushed past them, with both his hands in his pockets.
I left five minutes after him, and they moved out the way. Blaze disappeared, as I left, using his white pole with gold buttons to leave. I walked towards archery, which the most likely place, Alvin wouldn’t be. When I got there, very few people were there, and I grabbed a bow, and started shooting.

The arrows shot out like bullets, slamming against the target, and sticking on, creating the target to nearly fall over, from how fast it went. I kept shooting, while the people came over to see how I was doing, and I ignored them and kept shooting. I always made it in the center, or around the center, on the dead line, and then I pulled back one more time, and launched an arrow, that flew dead in the center. I put the bow away and walked towards the sword fighting arena, where Alvin was training, with his new sword.

Blaze was there too, using a red sword, but I didn’t really care, and I ignored it, till Blaze’s sword, hit against Alvin’s, and Alvin turned around.” What?” He asked, and Blaze swung his sword, and Alvin used Shadowcrest’s curved appearance, to catch his sword, and push it back.” I challenge you to a fight” Blaze said” Fine” Alvin replied, swinging Shadowcrest automatically, and I charged forward to get a better view. Blaze blocked, and slashed up at Alvin’s face. Alvin stepped back, but got a small gash on his cheek, that he completely ignored.

Alvin and Blaze clashed at each other, as sparks flew past their heads, and Blaze- with more experience- disarmed Alvin, and pointed his sword at Alvin’s neck. Bree walked in at that moment, and her and Blaze had a silent conversation, and Alvin took that distraction, to get his sword, and knock Blaze’s sword out his hand, and it worked perfectly. Alvin jumped over to where Blaze’s sword had fell, and grinned” I win” He laughed, as he said that, Blaze created two fire hands and picked up his sword, and swung at Alvin’s back side, who rolled out the way, slashing through the flames. Blaze’s sword bursts into flames, and Alvin raised his sword high, and then lowered it, charging.

Alvin kept himself at a good distance, not letting the fire hit him, and he blocked, and thrusted Shadowcrest forward” Face the wrath of Pyro!” Blaze exclaimed, slashing Pyro towards Shadowcrest, which was close to the ground. Alvin stopped Shadowcrest, and rolled to the side, attempting a feint to the right. Nick had come in, but he watched the fight as well. Blaze pulled out his white rod, touched a button, and it spun super fast, acting like a shield, and Blaze used it to block the strike, which had got his hand.

A crowd soon formed, but Alvin and Blaze were in intense battle, to notice, and Blaze’s white rod turned into a staff, with spikes at the end. Alvin growled and slashed down at the middle of the rod, and Blaze used his sword to block, and shot fire out his staff. Alvin dodged the fire, and it went towards us, and I simply ducked. Blaze charged at Alvin, knocking his sword out his hand, and Alvin kept rolling out of the way, but he ended up in a corner.

Blaze trapped his there, and smiled” I-“Alvin started to glow, and he made a shape with his hands, and something blasted out of his hands, with the glow, and it blasted Blaze into the other wall. Chiron galloped in, when that was happening, and his face darkened. Alvin fell out on the floor, completely out of energy, as I could tell. I ran up to him” GET THE APOLLO KIDS!!!” I screamed out, and everybody started moving, while Chiron came up to me.

“He’ll be fine” He reassured me, and I slowly nodded, as Apollo’s kids came in with two stretchers. They picked up Alvin on one and Blaze on the other, and I followed them to the infirmary. Alvin’s eyes were opened, and this was the first time I looked at them directly, which had patches of every color, but I wondered how I always saw black, with hints of brown. I decided to ask him, when he woke up the next time. I looked over at the Apollo kids and nodded, and then I left the room.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
Thanks, I think Chapter 3 will be Blaze, Nick, or Bree's.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I'm bored.
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
then post
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
No thank you.