The Heroes of Olympus Arik alternate canon fiction fusion part 5

Spikegilfer1997 posted on Sep 30, 2012 at 04:01AM
5-Character cast
Thanatos portal land impression one: "Ow"
Impression two: "Oooooowww!"
In summary: It pretty much sucked like everything else.
Visual Impre- I'll stop this now.
I opened my eyes, It was blurry, was bright, it was a forest. My entire body was sore, I was resting on a log and felt like rolling into the campfire beside to subside some pain. On that delightful note my weapons where bundled up beside me resting on a freshly felled doe. I was in a camp with a small circle of fallen tree's serving as bench's surronding a small campfire. Everything past the bench tree's on the ground was like sand and the midday sun flashed in my eye's. Next thing I heard was a thump, somebody had jumped out of the tree's and land right beside me without my even noticing them until they where right beside me. Sluggishly my eye's followed the person studying them. A fair bit shorter then me, well muscled, agile, body language that said eternally vigilant, a tried and tested fighter without a doubt. Black clothes modern style a hoodie and such, a silver bow over the back fiddling with a bag of supplies for something.
"Who....?" I managed to croak but thankfully didn't have to say much more.
"Who am I? Your going to be asking question's like that a lot I feel." She pulled a waterskin out of the bag and tossed it back to me. "Here, get drinking we'll be moving before soon." I did as I was told and sat up, I kept my hood on to keep the sun out of my eye's and drank deeply.
"Well," My voice as Arik as ever. "Explaination?" She sighed in a manor I can guess only as exasperation and turned around. My head nearly split in two. She wasn't the only I was looking for but......
Dark weathered eye's, long straight black hair, I couldn't tell you what color her skin was because sometimes it was silvery white, olive, tanned, like a conflicting nature it seemed to change. She noticed my surprise sighed more, she seemed so passive like it'd been year's before she'd shown emotion one way or the other.
"I suspect you've realised this already Arik, but it's me." I did realise but even saying the name redoubled my shock.
"Bianca di Angelo."
I'm sure needless to say I tumbled backward's, my thought's like a colision of the world's most fierce explosions of nature, earthquake's twisters, volcano's, you name it. I'd heard of Bianca di Angelo certainly, I made it my buisness to know stuff she'd died on a quest two year's before the titan war, her life as a demigod spanned less then a week. I'd arrived at camp only about 3 week's prior to the current day and swiftly claimed command on the Nemesis cabin, yet she said my name and refered to me with such familiarity I had no doubt we'd known each other. Not extremely closely more like acquaintences, still how did I know a dead person and how was there one right in front of me?
"You're not dead if that's what you think, I suggest you get that shock under control before the pirate arrive's."
"What was that?!" A voice snapped like this pirate thing had been a running gag.
I turned around feeling fever-ish and couldn't help but yell.
Short cropped black hair, a agitated eye, yes eye the pirate thing came from a eyepatch so I was looking at.........
"Ethan Nakamura, half brother to you at your service.
I blacked out

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