The Heroes of Olympus House of hades

usmc9823 posted on Oct 05, 2012 at 02:40AM
Chapter 1


Nico stood at the helm with Leo. After making sure that the longitude and latitude were correct he turned to leave.

"Hey Nico?"

Nico turned around.

"I'm sry about Annabeth and Percy. It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault Leo. Percy chose to take the path he did. He would rather face danger with Annabeth than without her."

"But it is my fault he had to make that choice. I received a fortune cookie from Nemesis and she told me that she would help us in our quest for a price. Like a idiot I used it thinking it would be me paying it. Now our two most seasoned people are gone."

Nico walked over to Leo and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Look man Percy would have made the same choice even if you hadn't use the cookie. Like I said before Percy is the strongest demigod I know of. Annabeth is the smartest demigod I know of. If anyone can get out of there alive it is those two."

Nico saw that this helped Leo if only a little bit.

"Look I need to go I-M my dad if any of the gods can help those two it is him right now.why don't you have coach Hedge take over for a while and install that ball you have there? It might help you calm down and think of a way we can help them from our side when we get there."

"Yeah I'll do that. Thanks Nico."

Nico turned and walked to the stairs. As much as what he belived in what he told Leo he was still worried about his friends.

As he made his way past the rooms he heard Jason trying to calm Piper down who was crying. He also heard Hazle talking to Frank and saying that Percy and Annabeth were going to be ok.

Nico made his way over to the sink and was dreading talking to his dad. This was a call he wished he didn't have to make. He turned on the light near the sink,grabbed a golden drachma, took a deep breath and threw it into the rainbow.

The Heroes of Olympus 8 replies

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over a year ago ADONIMO said…
That was great! Please keep posting!
over a year ago fireyes said…
Ooooohhhhhhh another HoH forum or at least the third one ive seen :) well fantasticals 8D
over a year ago corrected said…
i declare this forum closed
over a year ago runnergirl13 said…
why? its great!
over a year ago fireyes said…
Is this another joke corrected?
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
I'll post a chapter Tomarrow been driving all day too tired to right now look forward to it
over a year ago usmc9823 said…
Chapter 2


Just when everything was starting to work well between the seven of them Percy and Annabeth fall down a chasm. Now everyone was going to turn to him to be the sole leader of their group and he had no one to help him with it. As he sat there in Pipers room all he could think about was what if he wasn't up to the task. As he sat there saying calming words to Piper he heard someone walking down the hall. He looked up just in time to see the tail of a long black coat and the tip of a black sword pass by the door.

"Piper I'll be right back I need to go talk to Nico, ok?"

"Ok." She said while trying to calm down.

Jason got up the started after Nico. He followed him down the hall and into the dining area. Jason stood for a moment and watched as Nico prepared to make an Iris message to someone.

"Oh goddess please accept my offering." Nico said as he threw the drachma into the rainbow. Then he heard Nico say "Lord Hades."

As Jason stood there wondering what would happen next, he heard a raspy voice answer. "Prince Nico I'm sorry but Lord hades is indisposed. Is there something I can tell him for you when he is not?"

"Thanatos Percy and Annabeth are falling into Tartarus is there anyway we can help them?"

"I'm sorry Prince Nico but there is not. We do not currently have the man power to help them and none of us can go there right now. It is up to your friends to use what is on the way down to their advantage if they can. If they are smart it will help them long enough until you can get the doors closed after that they will have to fight their way to the outer most edges of Tartarus before they will be able to leave."

"My father told you not to help them didn't he?"

"He told us that if Percy died while getting the doors shut then all the better in his mind. He needs us all to try and slow down the tide of people trying to get out. As of right now there is no way we can help them. You will have to believe that your friend will remember what to do when the time comes if he is to last until you get to the house. Now if you will excuse me I am needed else where."

The message faded. Nico turned around and saw Jason.

"I thought you said that Percy was the strongest demigod you've ever seen. If that's true why call someone for help?"

"Percy is the strongest, but even the strongest wouldn't be able to leave Tartarus without help."

"So how long until they reach Tartarus?"

"I don't know. I think it will be a day at the longest."

"I hope you're right about Percy. I really do but we need to figure out what we are going to do once we reach the house of Hades."

"It should take us about three weeks to get there assuming that we don't get sidetracked. Then we will have one week to fight at the doors and get them closed before Gaea wakes up."

"There's been something I've been thinking about. If both sets of doors have to be closed wouldn't that mean someone is going to be stuck in Tartarus?"

Nico looked up at Jason and said nothing. Jason walked over to Nico and said, "we will find a way to get them both out safely. We have to."

over a year ago percabeth1000 said…
Nice! post soon :D