The Heroes of Olympus Yet Another War Book 1: Mistress of Madness

GamingWarrior posted on Oct 07, 2012 at 05:03PM
Title: Just look at the title.

Rating: YA 13+

Genre: Fiction,Adventure,Mythology,Romance

Everyone from the previous books. Hopefully no one important dies. :)
Luke (sequel)
Some other people I don't know about yet
All of the above are OC

Disclaimer: R.R owns the world but I own the plot and some characters. Go R.R!

I might post some pictures of my characters so don't freak if you don't recognize someone. The stories going to be in two parts and there might be a sequel using different povs. The povs are usually going to be Nico,Autumn,Cleo,Arthur,Lucy. I'm going to try to keep the facts the same as in PJ world but don't get to crazy. Thanks! Enjoy!
p.s I'm not going to put a summary because I'm going to ruin it for you. Evil me! Mwahahaha.

last edited on Oct 10, 2012 at 05:19PM

The Heroes of Olympus 52 replies

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over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
big smile
Prologue: Percy

I was about to snap. I survived around a month in Tatarus. One day longer and the dark will finally get to me. The only way I survived this long was Annabeth. She was about to drop but she looked beautiful to me. As always. Our journey was near an end. A rectangle of light shown up ahead. We tried to hurry but the Pit of Death was getting to us. Suddenly We turned a corner to reveal a whole crowd of hideous monsters. It looked like a Rhode Island. Me and Annabeth pressed into the shadows. We forgot certain things thrive in the dark.
“Well I haven’t seen a live demigod down here for a long time.” whispered a female voice. She sounded like leaves falling and streams bubbling.
“Who are you? Show yourself!” I whispered strongly didn’t want to draw attention to myself.
“I’m right in front of you dear. No need to get aggressive. I’m not like those monsters. I’m like you. A demigod once. My story, though secret, became great. The gods offer me immortality. I had no one to love, nothing to tie me to earth. Or so I thought. My best friend who turned out to love me tried to fall into Tatarus. I stopped him, but for a price. I had to jump instead he was to far down. So here I am. I’m here because of my inventions. You know I inspired the iPhone and other electronic devices? Don’t worry, I’m not going to bore you. I’m going to help you out, for a price.” the voice replied sending shivers down my back.
“What price?” I asked scared it wouldn’t cost me Annabeth.
“Why, you help me out too! I cause a diversion then you slip out and join your friends fighting some monsters out there. When you close the doors and you will, don’t worry, Allow a sliver for me to slip through. One good thing about being dead is that you can slip in between a person’s teeth. I swear on the River Styx that I would never purposely harm a demigod unless it’s for their own protection. Do we have a deal?” negotiated the ghost,god,whatever. I considered my options. I liked the promise and it was a good plan that wouldn’t involve Annabeth getting hurt. I looked into her tired gray eyes that were now almost whitish. She smiled and touched my cheek. I turned back to where the voice seemed to be coming from.
“We have ourselves a deal.” I announced. A whispered chuckle answered me. I felt a breeze like a person passed me. Suddenly fresh sticky blood filled the air. It smelled strange like it was electrocuted.
“So this is what Zeus’s kids smells like to monsters.” I murmured to myself. Annabeth squeezed my hand and I looked at her. She nodded and in that moment she looked like the Annabeth I knew before we feel into Tatarus. New strength filled my body and we pushed through the shadows. We kept our heads down in cause monsters noticed us and to avoid seeing creatures that would make us finally snap. We somehow made it too the doors. We creeped through suddenly aware of a great battle going on. Skeletons fought more monsters. Seven of our friends was leading the battle. Nico shadow traveling stabbing monsters in the back before they even seen him and getting hellhounds to fight for him. Hazel was burying monsters in insta-death jewels. Frank changing into drakon, monsters, and various beasts. Leo was grinning wickedly and using a magic sphere and making automatons fight the monsters and certain monsters catch fire. Piper was charmspeaking beasts into sitting at her fight and having little gladiator matches. Jason was electrocuting anything that came a single step near her.
Then there was Coach Hedge braining monsters with his club and screaming die at the top of his lungs. Annabeth smiled and touched my shoulder. I let her lean on me as we tried to avoid the fighting. Piper spotted us first. She tapped Jason on the shoulder and pointed toward us. Jason smiled and ran over. He put Annabeth on his back and helped us to Piper. Annabeth still held on to my hand. He set her down between him and Piper. Piper started examining her wound telling her over that it will be okay. I drew Riptide in many months and felt like I was just reborn. Happily I felt a river somewhere near me. I commanded it and a huge whirlpool circled around me. I sent whips of water to monsters. Everyone looked up at the new attack. The demigods cheered and hugged each other. The enemies just growled. I drowned them all. Soon the old seven reunited rushed the doors. Me and Jason kept the monsters away. The others fit enough closed them tight,but just before the Doors of Death were closed forever I paused them. They stared though I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to break my promise. I felt a breeze and a slim form appear. It was of a girl with jeans and a Death To Barbies T-Shirt on. She kicked a pebble with scruffy Vans. She looked up and smiled. She had short spiky purple hair and a crazy smile. The only thing off about her was deep brown eyes that seemed ageless.
“Thank you Percy Jackson. I felt it when you came to this world and I gave you my blessing as I fell. You seemed to deserved it. Now you should probably draw your attention to Annabeth and let me disappear in my mysterious magician like way.” she proclaimed. When we turned there was a flash of light with a chuckle and we were wearing casual modern cloths with fresh backpacks full of electronic devices. There was a note that said,
Dear Percy and Company,
These devices are totally me approved. They won’t attract monsters and they have all contacts you’ll ever need for the rest of your life. If you find a new contact ignore it till the time comes. Thanks for letting me go.

The Greek Goddess of Modernism and Demi-gods
(Yes Candace is a Greek name,look it up)
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
This is the songs for that prologue. I will have songs for every important bit in this story.
A Thousand Years-PERCABETH!
Lights-Stuck In Tatarus
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
5 years later

Chapter One: Annabeth

I was looking at the mirror. I was wearing a wedding dress. I designed it myself. It was a pretty white with a simple veil. My hair was piled up on my head with strands falling down. I was holding a bouquet of pink roses. The only thing spectacular thing about my outfit was a secret pocket. It holds my yankees cap and my knife. I had to be prepared for an attack. Rachel,Piper,Hazel,Katie,Juniper,and Reyna came in. They all crowed around me adding a few details I forgot. I noticed Piper and Hazel both had new rings on their fingers. Rachel was in her normal paint splattered jeans refusing the bridesmaid dress. Katie and Juniper were already married. Juniper was pregnant with her first child. Reyna was still strong as ever. She just found love with Leo who was one of the few that can make her laugh. Then my dad came in.
“Annabeth, you look beautiful today.” he said smiling with smudges on his face.
“Thanks Dad.” I replied nervously. This was the day I know there was chance I wouldn’t meet it. All the girls went out finding their matches to walk down the aisle. I took my dad’s hand as he led me to my new life. I passed friendly faces from my past. Ella and Tyson in the shadows, Athena and Poseidon in a temporary truce. Campers from both Roman and Greek camps. Thalia and the hunters of Artemis sitting with Artemis in tight formation. Then the gods. Ares was bored and Aphrodite was too busy crying. Hephaestus was tinkering with some metal and Hermes talking on his phone. Apollo was making up haiku and hitting on the various nymphs. Dionysus was with his own wife looking happier then I’m used to. Hestia was tending the flames smiling. Finally my eyes turned to the front. There was the old seaweed brain smiling goofily. He was wearing a blue tux with a green tie. I knew he didn’t like it because his mom picked it out. I saw Sally and Paul holding hands in the front row. I reached the front and my dad let my hand go to sit with my step mom. I didn’t pay attention to Chiron in till the vows. Both of us said yes like we did when he proposed to me on the beach. Then someone yelled
“Kiss her already!”, and we did. When we let go and turned to the crowd everyone was cheering. I throw my bouquet into the crowd. My eyes traveled with them and landed on a girl in scruffy jeans and t-shirt. I held my breath as she smiled. She bowed and slipped through the crowd. I looked to Percy and he nodded. He saw here to, but my worries were forgotten when he held my hand and led my to the party.


over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
1 year later

Chapter 2:Nico

I was sitting in the woods sharpening my sword. I was bored and all my friends were married or had dates. Even Leo was with Reyna. Hazel was just proposed to from Frank and I knew she’ll be happy. The only problem was I was disappearing like a ghost. People remembered me and hanged out but it was happening less and less. I was now just a extra wheel reminding everyone of the War. Suddenly I heard a girl’s scream coming from the beach. I ran over and appeared with everyone else. There was a girl that dropped from the sky. A drakon soon followed. Apollo’s kids shoot the drakon and one lucky shoot got underneath it’s plates. Everyone rushed to the girl. She was Nico’s age and had red goldish hair. She had on a simple blue spring dress with a pink rose on her necklace. On arm was awkwardly bent and she had a lot of scratches. the worst one was one on her leg it looked like the monster bit her. Chrion came over.
“Medic! Go to the infirmary and get a bed ready!” he shouted.
Everyone rushed around in panic. It was scary that a drakon came in. Even the new campers knew better then to summon a bad guy into camp.
“Nico! Summon the seven. I know when strange things happen they usually result in a war.” he orders. I nodded and rushed off to the nearest fountain. Good thing I had a couple denarii in my pockets. First I called Annabeth and Percy. Percy picked up and smiled to see Nico. His face soon grew serious.
“Percy! Some girl fell out of the sky with a drakon on her tale. Chiron wants to discuss the possibility of war with you.” I told him giving him the full events of today.
“I’ll be right there with Annabeth. It might take awhile to get little Luke ready. I’ll get everyone else. Why don’t you come to New Rome?” he replied.
“You know why. I’m a son of Hades and a Greek. Their still uneasy about me. You can get in because you saved the whole world. I’m not part of the Seven. Anyway get over here.” I answered getting agitated.
“Calm down. We’ll be quick.”
Percy hanged up but I heard him shout to Annabeth.I took a deep breath and tossed in another coin.
“Thalia,Hunter of Artemis,Redwood Forest.” I told the rainbow. Thalia picked up quickly.
“Hey Nico, what’s up?” she asked looking sixteen like she did 6 years ago. I told her exactly what I said to Percy.
“I’ll be there in about a day. We’re so close to capturing this imperial gold deer. This is one challenge. That things fast.” she announced. If I knew Thalia she’ll be there in about a couple hours. I nodded and hung up. I sat down beside the fountain listing other people I need to contact. I came up with no one so I went to the big house. I knocked on the sick bay door and came in. The girl was still unconscious but her wounds were healing.
“Will she be okay?” I asked Chiron.
“Yes but she needs a day to heal even under all the healers of Apollo’s cabin.” he nodded.
“Good because everyone will be here in just about a day. Little Luke is misbehaving and Percy needs to contact everyone else in New Rome. Thalia is hunting a golden deer and won’t be here till she’s done.” I reported leaning against the wall.
“Perfect. My patient has time to recover and will wake up in time to tell us what happened exactly.” Chiron said leaving the room, “Oh and Nico?”
“Yes Chiron?”
“Can you watch her till I get some healers?”
I watched her till Chiron came back but I couldn’t get her face out of my head.

Sorry no songs but I'll have one next time!
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Chapter 3:Autumn

I only remember bits and pieces but I’m positive I had a rotten day. I was playing with my dog in Central Park. Suddenly this huge dragon like thing swooped down and clutched me in it’s talons. I tried to let go but I ended up getting really badly hurt. I remember falling from the sky and I somehow survived. Then I was swarmed by a huge hoard of kids in armor. I remember a horse or maybe it was a person it was to confusing. That’s where I fell unconscious. I woke up time to time but things were too confusing I just fell asleep to avoid the headaches. I first awaken to the horse/human guy again and a dark emo kid talking about the seven,rome,and a golden deer. The next time I say the emo guy playing war with a bunch of skeletons. Finally I came around for good. There was some kids binding my wounds and spoon feeding what tasted like french bread with melting butter on top. They noticed I was awake and one went outside and the others propped me up and asked how I was feeling.I shook my head in confusion. Then a guy in a wheelchair came in.
“Hello my dear. How do you feel?” he asked me as he pulled up next to my bed.
“Like I just got crushed by Clifford.” I answered rubbing my temple.
“Good, at least you aren’t dead or you damaged your nerves.” he told me. I didn’t fell good. “Come, you have an important meeting to attend.” he continued.
. . .

I was sitting in a lawn chair next to a ping pong table while listening to some adults discuss a potential war.
“We need to prepare the camp’s defenses. Reyna will you work on New Rome?” ordered a guy with windblown black hair and green eyes.
“Duh, I’m the praetor for crying out loud!” a women with a french braid of black hair said as she rolled her eyes.
“Leo, your in charge of Camp Half-Blood’s borders. I need traps of every kind defending every possible entrance or exit. A wall will be useful. Get all the campers to help”
“On it Captain Seaweed!” said the girl’s boyfriend who was a mexican guy playing with matches and rubber bands.
“Jason and Piper, I need you to investigate any other strange disturbances. Tell anyone you meet that doesn’t completely hate us and ask them for information. If you tell them that your the seven that should get avoid the most serious favors.”
“Great! I was getting bored playing war games with you guys. I usually win.” smiled a seriously pretty native american. She had a ring on one finger and was holding hands with a guy with blond hair and blue eyes.
“Hazel and Frank, start supplying and training the campers. Some just started and might die first in the war.”
“Got it! Just don’t blame me if the greeks become slightly roman.” replied a chinese guy with a canadian accent who looked like a panda who went through an exercise program. He turned to whisper with a girl with fizzy black hair that was twirling a diamond.
“Katie get more rations for us. 400 kids going through a war will bound to get hungry.”
A girl who was sitting on a hammock made out of leaves with a sandy haired kid who was grinning wickedly, and I’m guessing his twin with another breathtaking beautiful girl.
“Grover assemble the nature spirits and start making a messenger force but also train some of them to fight.”
“Got it Percy. I’ll assign Hedge the task of training. That’ll be fun to watch.” replied a guy with curly hair and hairs with a donkey’s legs.
“Rachel and Ella look up any information about evil guys in mythology. We need to know who we could be facing next.”
“Okay” said a girl with seriously red hair. She turned to a winged girl who was already listing evil people.
“Annabeth, you stay here. I’m not putting you in danger with Luke”
“You can’t protect me forever Percy. Luke will be safe with the gods. Athena’s been wanting to see him. Plus the other gods are interested in him too. They want to see if he’ll have any special destinies like his father.” gently scolded a plain beautiful women with princess blonde hair. She bounced a cute little baby on her knee. It had stormy gray eyes like the women and black hair like the person giving orders. “Don’t worry I’ll study with Rachel and Ella. But you don’t have a job yet Percy.”
“Fine but don’t jump into fights.”
“Percy I always jump in the fights. It’ll be asking you not to swim.”
Percy and kissed her on the forehead. I envied them. I never found someone who was right for me like those two. They were made for each other. I tried to remember my exes but I ran into a thick fall of mist. I frowned then shrugged. It was probably the medication. Getting bored cause the people were to busy discussing some war that wasn’t happening I plugged in my ear plugs and started listening to Pandora.
“YES!” I shouted in glee as my favorite song turned on. Everyone turned to stare at me.
“Carry on.” I said in perfect imitation of Percy. Everyone laughed and turned their attention to back to Percy. I got myself comfortable and started tapping out the rhythm to 50 Ways To Say Goodbye. To my utter embarrassment I started singing the words like I used to do at home in private except this time it was in a room full of strangers that could possibly kill me if I test them to far.
“My heart is paralyzed,
My head was oversized,
I’ll take the high road like I should.

You said it’s meant to be,
That it’s not you, it’s me,
You’re leaving now for my own good.

That’s cool, but if my
friends ask where
you are I’m gonna say.

She went down in an airplane,
Fried getting suntan,
Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand.

Help me,
Help me,
I’m no good at goodbyes.

She met a shark underwater,
Fell and no one caught her,
I returned everything I ever bought her.

Help me,
Help me,
I’m all out of lies.

And ways to say you died.”

Two kids, a girl who was 2 years younger then me laugher getting support from the dark emo boy who was playing with skeletons in my sick room. The silly mexican guy was rolling around on the floor. The knock out was chuckling and the girl with the gold was smiling. Everyone else was looking at me sternly. I held up my phone that said

(See Puppy Image at bottom)

Then everyone else except the blonde guy and Percy started laughing. Though they
were smiling but trying to hide it.
“This was the girl Percy or Nico told you about.” introduced the person in the wheelchair.
“Hello, my name is Thalia. and I must say brilliant performance. We needed something to cheer us up soon.” replied the girl who was around 16.
“Name’s Autumn.” I replied shaking hands. Everyone else introduced themselves.
“Now I would love to know who just gave me a broken arm so I could return the favor.” I said. Everyone smiled at that.
“Your turning into a mini-percy. Always cracking jokes.” smiled the girl Piper as she shook my hand.
“I wasn’t trying.” I frowned down at my feet not sure if I wanted to be the leader like Percy seemed to be. More laughter at that. Then the emo dude came over.
“Nico di Angelo.” he told me roughly. Letting go quickly and averting his gaze.
“Well Mr. Emo-Dude, may I tell you that waking up to you playing war with a couple of dead peoples is extremely creepy.” I shot back mad at me for my heart doing a little gymnastic routine in my chest. That boy had that kind of effect at people. Dark hair brushed over his eyes and black eyes staring at you like his analyzing your soul. The kinda boy that makes girls swoon. But I wasn’t a fangirl. I find that putting up a shield helps you from boys who break your heart. I noted with a piece of pride that Nico blushed furiously for a second then returned to his cold calculated self. I sat back down and started listening to music again. Everyone ignored my and turned back to war planning. The lady with the baby who was called Annabeth came over.
“Their going to talk about supplies now. It’s the most boring part. Most of us around now then come back during lunch for tactics. Come, I’ll give you a tour of the camp.” she told me.
“Cool!” I jumped to get away from the boring supplies talk. Annabeth chuckled then lead me out of the big blue house. I saw kids playing softball and playing tag. Some were scaling a monstrous wall that moved with lava. Others swam and canoed in a lake. There were people sandblasting a giant person and others making weapons. There was a strawberry field where a guy with donkey legs making noise out of those pipes that Peter Pan uses. Then we came to the cabins. There was 2 huge white ones with directly in front of me. Then there was an old cabin one, smokestack, pink house, sea themed one, a evil one with black torches, and a blue prairie house. There was a about a dozen kids sitting in front of the cabins each except the big manly one in front, the blue one, and the evil one. They only had 2 kids in front. Annabeth led me through telling me of greek gods and myths and western civilization. I must have been weird ignoring her because she turned to me and frowned.
“Aren’t you surprised at all?” she asked me.
“Kinda but it seemed kinda normal after being kidnapped by a dragon-” I started.
“Drakon.” she corrected.
“Whatever. Then my mom disappeared driving my dad crazy murmuring about what you just told me. I went to live with my aunt in Kansas for a short while. Finally I moved to New York City after my aunt died to live with my other aunt who’s single but is super fun. Then sometimes my dog turns kinda large at night but I think it’s a dream. So yeah. My life’s been crazy. I’m used to it.”
“Oh. Here we are!” Annabeth announced. I was glad she didn’t give me pity. WHen people do that it makes me feel like I’m just another kid on the streets the way they don’t look at me. We arrived at our seemingly destination. It was the old cabin I noticed earlier. It had a picture of two snakes intertwined on a stick.
“Hermes cabin. Your new home till your claimed.” she told me pushing open the door. I stepped inside keeping my hands on my wallet and phone because hermes is a god of thieves.
“Annabeth! Is this the new recruit?” called out the boy Connor.
“Yes and try not to pick her pockets.” replied Annabeth with one hand on my shoulder.
“Determined or Undetermined?” asked Connor’s twin Travis.
“Undetermined.” she answered.
“Here’s your spot, we’re having a busy time so no new bunks.” Connor pointed to a corner in the back. I nodded and made me through the aisle finding a sleeping bag and a fresh pile of clothes and other necessities. I set down and started listening to music. Travis came over and handed me some sheets of paper. On it was a schedule for the rest of the day. I nodded and put it in my pocket. Good thing it was near lunch because I just sat there and listened to Pandora. I didn’t feel like seeing anyone else today till I got my mind in check.


50 Ways to Say Goodbye: The song Autumn was singing
Enchanted: Autumn meeting Nico
last edited over a year ago
Chapter 3:Autumn
I only remember bits and pieces but I’m positive I had a rotten day. I was pla
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Chapter 4: Autumn

After lunch I spent the rest of the day doing the classes. I failed completely at sword fighting though I was a little better at archery. I was okay at canoeing but not great like Poseidon's kids. I didn’t get killed on the climbing wall but I did almost get crushed. Then a horn blew and everyone headed toward the mess hall. I was nervous but I held my head up high. I lined up behind all the other kids in the Hermes Cabin in order of seniority. So as always I was dead last. We went to the mess hall were there was an open air pavilion. There was loads of stone tables with different tablecloths. I sat on the one with the old fashioned red and white checkered. A kid nudged me and told me about how to order food.
“Sushi and miso soup please?” I asked nervous about looking stupid to talking to open air. Sure enough I had a thing of sushi and a bowl of steaming miso soup. THey even filled a gold goblet up with lemonade. I was just about to take a big sip of my lemonade when the guy in the wheelchair stood up.
“Hello and welcome campers to another year to camp half-blood! A shout out to our new camper Autumn!” he announced. Everyone looked at me and I raised a hand.
“Good news! Today is friday so we have a capture the flag match!” everyone cheered at the news some already tucking in. I decided to get started but also listen. “The hunters of artemis are also here so there’s an honorary match between campers and the hunters.” Some girls from the table with the silver tablecloth booed at the others. Everyone else booed right back. The everyone else started eating. Soon everyone was done with dinner and desert. (japanese mochi for me!) Then the tables were cleared and weapons and armor replaced it. I took a bow and a quiver cause it was the only weapon I was good at. Someone gave me some armor and a dagger. A friendly girl from the Isis cabin helped me with the straps. She introduced herself as Lucy and brought another friend from the Apollo cabin over.
“My name’s Arthur.” he said shaking my hand.
“Autumn. Everyone else seems to now already though.” I told him as I strapped the dagger to my arm. Lucy grabbed my hand and pulled me into the crowd of campers heading towards the woods.
“So there’s two teams. Usually it camper vs camper but since the hunters are here it’s campers vs. hunters. The rules are no maiming and killing. You can capture people from the enemy side if they are on our territory. The flag must be in plain sight and there must only be 4 campers on the flag from 5 feet away. We’ll be on the charging team as a the others act as a distraction. There’ll be another charging team coming from the opposite side. You’ll be with me, Arthur, Reyna, Jace, Coach Hedge, and-”
“Me” said a dark voice interrupting Lucy. I turned and found myself face to face with Nico. I sighed, just my luck. I get stuck with the hottest boy in camp who probably hates me. “The other chargers will be the Seven. Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Percy, and Annabeth.”
“I thought Annabeth won’t be playing since she has Luke.” said Lucy frowning a little.
“Annabeth didn’t want to miss out on this and Juniper is taking care of Luke.” answered Nico.
“I’m also here to get an idea of where to hide the flag from the newest member to shake this up.” announced Nico as I blushed. I thought about the rules of plain sight and I came up with an idea.
“Why not hang it from a branch. It’ll be easy to spot with only two vines hanging it up. People just have to look up then it’ll be difficult to get it down.” I said to Nico as Reyna and a brown curly haired guy who I assumed was Jace and a satyr in a gym uniform.
“That’s not a bad idea. Autumn just found a loophole through your rules.” said Reyna as she leaned on her spear. Jace was nodding leaning on his sword, plugging in wax. He handed me some and I put them in. I thought it wouldn’t hurt cause Piper I heard can charm you to say anything. One of the hunters could have that power. The world went silent as Nico and Reyna discussed my idea. Nico sighed I assumed and went to find Percy. Lucy took my hand and led me towards the far side of the stream. We entered the woods a little bit and hid in the shadows. Arthur sat on a fallen log and fixed up his arrows. Jace climbed up to a tree and looked around. I noticed how he painted his hair so it blends in with the tree tops. Lucy sat on the ground and made a daisy chain. Coach Hedge was sitting eating a secret sandwich which he snuck in. Nico came back and motioned to be quiet. Soon I heard noises of the two teams fighting. He summoned a lot of skeletons who surrounded us We charged and as we burst out of the tree line I noticed on the far side there was huge ball of fire and water. Then a giant elephant. A crowd of girls ran straight into us. One of them smiled wickedly as she shot her arrow into the sky. Nico cursed in Ancient Greece then summoned some skeletons who pinned down the girls arms. He did the same for the other girls. We ran past them and entered the opposite forest. We all sneaked through trying to hide from the hunters who ran past us. We came to the flag as the other team did. It was on a rock pile with two incapacitated girls. They were already pinned down Nico’s skeletons. Percy made a lunge for the flag but stopped as a arrow hit the tree just above Percy’s hand.
“Thought you can win that easily.” Thalia smiled as her girls pinned the seven to the tree. Nico shielded me as the archers surrounded us. I huffed annoyed at him.
“I can handle myself thank you very much.” I told him reaching for a tree branch and swung my self up. Soon I was the last one left. A girl shoot an arrow at me that cut off a small bit of my hair. “Hey! Do you know how long it took to grow this out!” I shouted mad. My life’s been ruined, my dog’s probably in the shelter, I’m treated like a baby, no one takes me seriously, and then some girl comes up and cuts my hair which took me 5 years to grow out every since my Aunt who died said it was the most beautiful thing like fall. I snapped. I stood up and raised my arms. Trees bended to my will and started hitting the girls. I looked into Thalia’s eyes and fear showed in her eyes for a second. She tried to fire an arrow but vines creeped up and encased her body except for the head. Suddenly more vines came and did the same thing. Flowers sprouted and gave them more girly scent to mask hopefully anyone that will come to help them. I smiled and told them,
“Be happy! You are wearing natural bug spray. I find the mosquitos extremely annoying.” I moved some rocks over to build a mini wall using grass. I jumped down and admired my handiwork. I grabbed cut the roped of Nico and handed him the dagger. I ran and grabbed the flag. I waited till everyone was free. They stared at me but Percy shook his head and started making another ball of water. Leo added some fire to the outside making it hard to see or tag any one of them. I stepped out of the ball and smiled.
“I don’t like burning close spaces. I’ll take the trees.” It’s true. I was terrified of small spaces. Nico sighed and stepped out to.
“Go ahead and distract the hunters. I’ll come with Nature Girl over hear and make sure she doesn’t get captured.” he told them sending them off ahead. After they left I turned to Nico.
“First off I’m no Nature Girl. Second, you’re the one to talk Death Boy. Third I don’t need anyone’s protection.” I huffed off annoyed at him. I scaled a tree again and jumped to the next one. Nico walked below me like it was perfectly normal for a teenager guy in armor was just going for a stroll accompanied by skeletons. It probably was, I have no idea. He smiled and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“What do you call that stuff you just did?” he asked.
“Anger management using a green thumb.” I shot back. Nico laughed which just made me more annoyed. Then we fell silent for the rest of the trip. We broke through the tree line and sprinted for the stream. Eventually I became a target for everyone as they saw the flag I was holding. I sprinted and good thing I was the top sprinter in my class. I tripped over a dumb arrow and almost lost the flag but Nico pulled me up and nearly yanked my arm out of my socket. I was one step away from the creek when someone used a dumb-tie-up-a-person’s-feet arrow. Nico was over the border but he came back and started sawing on the rope.
“Nico. Take the flag the stream’s right there.” I sighed at the poor’s boy perceptive of the situation.
“You captured it, you should take it over the stream” he insisted.
“Nico come over here.” I sighed taking notice of the hunters coming up.
“What is it?” he leaned over. I shoved the flag in his hand and pushed him over the edge. Everyone stopped as the flag repainted itself black with skulls and diamonds on it. Every camper cheered and clapped Nico on the back. He shot me a death glare and I smiled back waving my fingers at him. A hunter came over and cut the ropes. Lucy rushed over and supported me as I got my legs back under my control. Suddenly a green light bathed everyone’s faces. I was confused and then looked up and yelped. There was a giant floating cornucopia above my head. I heard Nico murmurs about plants and anger management. Percy just shrugged and didn’t seem at all surprised. The only one not looking at the sign was Annabeth. She was looking at me and thinking. I could see the gears turning inside her head. Once the hologram disappeared the guy in the wheelchair who turned out to be Chiron the centaur bowed down.
“Hail Autumn, Daughter of Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest.” he said solemnly. Everyone else followed his example but I saw Nico smirked in a told-you-so-smile. I shifted my weight on one leg and started tapping my foot.
“I’m no Plant Girl! It’s just anger management with a green thumb.” I huffed ticked off because I know that Demeter was one of the weaker gods. Yet again the people in the conference room started laughing and so did the other campers. Only Jason,Percy, and Chiron frowned. I didn’t care, it was funnier getting on their nerves then being afraid of them. My day was pretty much complete was Lucy took me by the hand and walked with me towards the Demeter cabin all the way chuckling. I crashed in a bunk inside the cabin with grass on it’s roof. Good night me I thought drifting off to sleep.


I have no idea what so ever. Any ideas? I need good capture the flag music for this! Thanks!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i just think maybe u can try to make ur sentences flow more. and like how percy was giving orders right? and the word choices u used to described the seven were too similar.
otherwise, it was amazing.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
also, could u describe the new characters? im still kinda confused on them, since u really didnt describe them.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Sorry. But thanks! I'm going to add character pictures soon I just have to find something for Jace. Hmmmm.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
I'm posting all the characters images after this. What should Luke look like. Hmmmm
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
So finished up all characters but I can't upload them because of my terrible internet. I wiped up a folder with the pictures in them and here's the link to the download file. Dumb internet.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Chapter 5: Curse you Hazel!

Hazel was really getting on my nerves. She kept looking at me and Autumn like we were a new interesting rock she just pulled out of the ground. Conclusion, avoid Hazel at all costs. I spent my days trying to teach Autumn to fight with a sword. She didn’t have any talent but she’ll thought it’ll be useful if she learned the basics of every weapon. The bow and arrow was her preferred choice but you just might not have the luxury of choosing your weapon. She is very effective of killing dummies with sticks. You just gave to hit it just right she said. I was watching her practice against Percy who was the only one who can stand her ‘anger management problems with a green thumb’. She didn’t have good sportsmanship. I was in the shadows as she attempted a feint but Percy sent her sword flying when Hazel whispered in my ear,
“She’s better when I last saw her. She could last longer then most campers with Percy.” I jumped about a foot in the air.
“Hazel. You’re the only one who can sneak up on me so please stop it.” I said sharply as I whirled around. She was looking the day when she told me she was getting married. Leaning on a pillar smiling but had a look of understanding in her eyes. Hair pulled into a ponytail and a purple shirt on. Jeans crossed over each other and sneakers on their tips. A diamond popped up by her feet. Everyone knew not to touch her gems and then sell them or they will die. She buried it just to be sure.
“Walk with me. We hadn’t had a good sister to brother chat for a while.” she said turning on her heel and heading towards the woods. She had Reyna’s exact posture down and how she held herself up. I ran up to her and started walking step to step with her and soon we reached a pond. Hazel plopped herself down and stared at the water running her fingers through the grass. I sat down next to her and started tapping my fingers.
“I’ve seen you became good friends with Autumn.” she began staring me directly in the eyes.
“You can’t not become friends with her. She’s made Jason laugh and Reyna. I haven’t heard them laugh since this war talk started. Plus she’s the only one who doesn’t see a dark emo dude who can get them to the top of the camp.” I said self-consciously dropping my gaze. Hazel’s roman and can use every word you say against her. I glanced upward to see her nodding staring off into space.
“Do you like her?” Hazel surprised me with the question.
“Why do you ask?” I was instantly on my guard eyeing her suspiciously.
“That girl will break your heart. I’ve seen in in her eyes. She wouldn’t do it purposely but I can see a soul inside her own and once she’s aware of it she’ll might not love you.” she told me laying her head on the grass.
“Autumn will never do that! She’s smart, brave, funny and she’s the only one who isn’t afraid of me or you guys. Even Arthur is more jumpy with us then the other campers.” I jumped up mad but once I realized what I said I clasped my hands over my mouth. Hazel smiled triumphantly and stood up.
“So you do like her! I knew it!” she said doing a little dance.
“How could you make me say that? To make me believe what you just said? I hate you! I won’t talk to you again!” I shouted then saw the hurt in her eyes. I ran. I didn’t mean to say those things but she made me. She knew better then to test me. When someone does that person usually gets hurt. I ran straight into Frank in the woods hunting.
“Nico, what’s wrong? Where’s Hazel?” he asked grabbing my hand as I ran past.
“Hazel wants you. She’s at the pond near Zeus’s fist.” I told him angrily. He let go and ran off in that direction. I ran into the arena as Percy and Autumn just finished sparring.
“Nico what’s wrong?” Percy asked as he uncapped his sword tensing as if expecting a fight.
“Monster, woods, forgot, sword, lost, Hazel, Frank, there” I panted. Percy relaxed and capped Riptide. Autumn stared at me as if she sensed I was lying but turned back to Percy as he started barking orders at us.
“Nico tell Chiron to be on guard. We don’t need a bloodthirsty monster on the rampage. Autumn come with me. We need to find this monster and deal with it.” he ordered as he stuffed all his items into a duffel bag. Autumn paled as she realized that there’s a chance that she might die as I thought of the full force of my lie. She still took up her sword and bow and arrow. I watched she and Percy run towards the woods to find this make up monster. Then my heart dropped. I had to stop this before she gets herself killed.
Mess I Made-The words explain it all
I'll post tomorrow perhaps. Mwahaha
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
post soon!
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
I just need to find a song then I'll post!
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Chapter 6: I forget my dog

I followed Percy into the woods to my possible death. I had my bow drawn as I walked next to Percy. I was jealous of his confidence. He didn’t show fear. We came to a clearing and my heart stopped. Hazel was slammed against a tree with a gash on her head. Frank was almost out of arrows and his sword he made was on the other side of the monster. The monster was the worst part. It was the Laelaps. A dog who always no matter what catches it’s prey. Who in this case was Hazel and Frank. Percy charged and started doing a mixture of greek and roman moves. I just found a tree and started shooting the dog. Eventually my arrow found the dog’s mouth. It looked at me in surprise and I almost fell out of my tree. It looked just like my dog Carra. It dissolved into dust and was swept to the wind. Then I heard a moaning from the other side of the clearing. I rushed over and started inspecting Hazel’s wound. I teared off my sleeve and wrapped it around her head. I grabbed two sticks that are the same size and controlled some vines to wrap around them and created a makeshift stretcher. Frank and Percy lifted Hazel onto it and started heading towards camp. Everyone found us with dirt and blood on our clothes and eyes like a trapped and wounded animals. I wonder how Carra was doing I thought. Suddenly my legs buckled and I fell to the ground. I gasped and almost passed out. Nico rushed over and put his arm around me to hold me up. Then he saw Hazel. His eyes widen and ripped off his sleeve and replaced my sleeve to bind her head. Some of the medics rushed over and started healing Hazel. Nico found a chair and helped me in it.
“I don’t need help!” I huffed standing up. Immediately black spots danced across my vision. I stumbled and Nico grabbed me arm.
“Don’t need help,eh?” he grinned. I frowned but sat back down.
“She’ll be okay!” shouted a medic. Everyone at camp sighed and went back to their activities. Some Apollo kid came over and started binding some scratches. Most of them were from branched but they couldn’t find what was causing the black spots. They told me to stay the night in the infirmary. I didn’t protest. I sat through people asking me questions and tests on my head. They labeled it as sudden memory lost, aka, I got hit on the head hard. Lucy came over and told me about what’s going on at camp. Arthur was with her and grinning like a mad man.
“Need a crash course for amnesiac Autumn?” he asked laughing.
“No. I still remember you.” I answered crossing my arm.
“Arthur! Don’t tease her. We need to find what memories she lost.” chided Lucy tossing her blond hair over her shoulder. I caught Arthur looking at her and raised an eyebrow. He blushed as I grinned. So Arthur likes Lucy, I thought, this will be very interesting. Then Nico came in. Lucy and Arthur stood up stiffly while I just leaned back and sighed blowing wisps of my hair out of my face.
“Chiron wants to talk to you two about what Autumn told you.” he dismissing Lucy and Arthur. They nodded and left the room.
“You need to lighten up. Everyone is scared stiff of you.” I scolded him sitting up on my bed.
“Why?” he frowned sitting on one of the empty chairs.
“Dude! Your the son of Hades. You can raise skeletons out of the ground. Then you start to look all emo, like your about to kill people by staring at them. Your scary! Plus you’re one of the somebodies in this camp. Like I said, lighten up.” I exclaimed surprised he didn’t know. Nico frowned and stared at his sneakers.
“Anyway, we need to find what memory you lost. Remember anything when you were attacking the dog?” he shrugged turning his analyzing stare on me.
“I remember attacking it with Percy and Frank while Hazel was passed out on a tree. Then I killed the dog and it looked at me. It was really familiar to someone I used to know. I thought it was my dog Carra.” I said then screamed in pain. Everything in my mind went black. I heard Nico shouting as I passed out onto the floor.

She Wolf-You decide what it means ;)

over a year ago corrected said…
i might read this if i have time
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
I love this!! You are very talented, you know that? Imma fan you now ^.^
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
big smile
Thank you! I love the photos in your gallery. The cockroach one cracked me up. :)
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Plan on posting tonight! Enjoy! CAKE!
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Chapter 7: My Friend Forgets Her Fox

I saw Autumn crumpled to the floor and I knew it was my fault. I shouted for medic and they came. They carried Autumn to another room where there was more equipment. I followed and watched as they laid her down on a bed and started examining here. Arthur and Lucy ran in with Percy and everyone else on their heels. I was squashed with Arthur and Lucy as we fought everyone trying to see Autumn. The medics sent out everyone except the head table,Arthur and Lucy. Lucy was covering her mouth, eyes wide, with one hand the other was in Arthur’s. Arthur caught me looking and shook his head telling me not to say anything. I nodded and turned back to Autumn. She was thrashing and silently screaming with her eyes still closed. I noticed some medics rubbing huge bruises. I took a chair and sat down next to her. I grabbed her hand as she tried to punch me in the face. I held on and stroked her hand as Bianca always did to calm me down. She eventually relaxed and only whimpered in her sleep. Percy and the others left but Arthur. He laid a hand on my shoulder and guided me towards the door. I gave up and looked back to see Autumn open her mouth in a silent plea as the door closed.
. . .

I was sitting on the porch swing watching the camp go about it’s daily business. The door behind me opened but I didn’t care. A figure sat next to me and sat in silence.
“This is how you greet your friend who just came back from the depths of her mind?” said Autumn. I turned in shock to see a grinning Autumn.
“Your okay!” I hugged her but we broke apart blushing. Autumn just shrugged it off and smiled. She put her head on my shoulder and curled her feet underneath her. Arthur and Lucy found us there laughing about life and such. Lucy ran over and gave Autumn a huge hug that would've sent a bear running.
“OMG! Don’t you ever freak out on me like that! You nearly punched Nico in the face you were so traumatized!” she shouted still hugging Autumn. The campers from the volleyball court just stared but Lucy didn’t notice or didn’t care. She’s awesome like that.
“Lucy. Your kinda crushing my ribs.” choked Autumn grinning then wincing a bit. Lucy didn’t let go and started bouncing around clapping her hands. Her blond pigtails bobbed up and down and everyone smiled. Lucy had that effect on people. She acts all serious, then looks like a mom who’s freaking out and finishes off like a little girl. She tops it off perfectly. All the balanced colors help too. See Lucy’s a daughter of Iris. She loves colors. Then she’s synesthesia. Her senses are close together so certain colors makes her feel certain things. (A/N Read Ultraviolet. It has a character who’s has synesthesia at a high level.)
“NICO! You didn’t tell us that’s she’s awake!” shouted Lucy hugging me now.
“I’m dying here and I didn’t know until she came out!” I coughed. Lucy let me go and plopped herself on the porch and started playing with her hair. Lucy is also ADHD like all of us. Tad bit more then others but not like Leo. Arthur leaned on the rail and started asking Autumn questions.
“What happened?”
“I apparently was robbed of a memory. That memory was a big part of me so it caused a huge reaction.”
“What memory was it?”
“Memories but it was my dog, Carra.”
“Any chance of a screaming fit.”
“They stopped it for happening for Carra but not for other memories.”
“Why are you losing memories?”
“I have absolutely no idea .”
Arthur seemed to be okay with the answers and started relaxing. Autumn just opened up her book. Then suddenly a fox appeared out of the bushes and stared at Autumn.
“Hey guys. Is it me or is that fox staring at us?” I asked tapping Autumn’s shoulder. She looked up confused then her eyes widened as the fox changed into a black dog with a white chest outlined in orange. Autumn jumped up and ran over to hug the dog/fox.
“Carra! Where have you been? You’re such a good dog for following me all the way here! I missed you!” Autumn cooed rubbing and running her hands all over the dog. It appeared her dog was a fox.
“Your dog is the Teumessian fox?” I asked clearly puzzled. Then it slowly dawned on me. The monster Autumn described was a dog. The Laelaps I’m guessing. And the Teumessian fox is a fox destined to never be caught and the Laelaps is a dog destined to always catch it’s prey. A god released the fox on a criminal so a hero came by with the Laelaps to catch the fox and then the two before they can kill each other were cast into the stars. So they were . This will be interesting, I mused. Autumn found a rope and tied a loose collar and lead it to her cabin. I glanced at Arthur and we agreed. We have to watch the dog. Lucy was already running to catch up with Autumn and we watched as she commanded vines and rocks to make a makeshift shelter. Rocks for walls and floors while the vines acted as a door and roof. She took out a knife that she kept in her boot and etched Carra onto a piece of wood she found. Then the dog went in and started snoring. Autumn just sat against the wall of her cabin and tapping her fingers to an invisible beat. I sat down next to her and watched some kids play tag. Suddenly a horn blowed and it was time for lunch. I stood up and offered my hand to Autumn. She excepted it and started walking to the mess her eyes lost in her mind. Lucy noticed and walked with Autumn talking to her in low voices. I trudged along with Arthur. I flopped onto the head table and watched Autumn out my corner of my eye as she just sat and stared at her food. Then I noticed that she slipped on some hiking boots. Looks like she’s going into the woods. Then a leash in her hands. I relaxed realizing that she’ll be taking Carra. I relaxed and sipped my coke

I have absolutely no idea.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
I'll give you a sneak peek to the next chapter because I'm having writer's block. Sorry!

Chapter 8: I Hate My Stupid Deadly Life!

Hehe. That's all you get!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
cool! post soon!!
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Chapter 8: I Hate My Stupid Deadly Life!

I admit it. Once I got my dog back I’m more depressed then ever. You’ll think that I’ll be happy. You’re dead wrong. I started wondering what happened. Why would someone try to steal my memories? What memories did I lose? I took some time to cool down in the woods. I took Carra and started heading in a random direction. I marked my path so I won’t get lost. Carra kept trying to chase squirrels but I had a firm hold on her leash. Suddenly she lurched forward so hard I fell. I sprung up and followed her scared she’ll run into a monster. I followed her to this private glade. Carra ran in a circle and curled up in the center. A line of trees encircled me and I can spot a shady creek and on the opposite side was a pile of rocks in perfect formation for sitting and a picnic. A huge flat top boulder in the middle surrounded by smaller rocks. Two trees across from where I stood can make a great hammock. I sat down next to Carra and started petting her head. I looked around me in shock. The conch horn for lunch sounded and I started on the way back. I ran into Nico and I noticed I had twigs and leaves in my hair. He raised his eyebrow and sat at his table. I sat at my table and took leaves out of my hair along with twigs.
(a/n Sorry it’s short. It’s just a transition. I already have chapter 9. ENJOY!)

Castle of Glass-BEcause I watched it, it's sad, and fits the chapter in my head.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Chapter 9:Day in the Woods

The sun rose in a dramatic canvas of colors. I followed the directions to a place Autumn gave me. Eventually I came to the glade she told me about. I’m surprised no one found it before during Capture The Flag. Maybe Autumn just created. She’s pretty powerful for a child of Demeter. I’ve seen her move rocks by using grass. Her hair always have something of nature in it. Though this time I decided to forget about her powers for one day. The glade was beautiful anyway. A stream perfect for skipping rocks curled around one edge. Thick walls of trees hide a clearing where wildflowers grew like crazy. There was enough sun for a cool day and enough shade for those hot days. Autumn was at the edge sitting on a rock with a flat top reading a book. Her hair had mums entwined with her red hair. She had on a sleeveless dress the color of plums. The name suited her as she sat there in the sun with reds,oranges,yellows,and purples playing across her body. I smiled and stepped out of the shadows. She looked up and broke into a wide smile. She’s the only one besides Hazel and Annabeth that could make me smile. She ran over with her bare feet kicking up leaves. She hugged my and I spun her around. She smelled like carmel apples and maple syrup. We broke apart guiltily thinking about our parentage. Even that doesn’t put Autumn down for long.
“Come on! I brought breakfast from the camp kitchen. I grew the fruits myself.” she grabbed my hand pulling me to the rock she was sitting on. I realized there was a classic picnic basket in it’s shade.She pulled out a blanket and spread it on the grass. We spent a couple hours eating and laughing. Her hand eventually found mine as we sat talking about life. Suddenly Autumn stood up.
“What’s wrong?” I asked puzzled as she pulled me up.
“We’re going to dance.”
“Dance? First there’s no music. Second sons of Hades don’t dance.”
“First there’s always music. You just have to listen. Second everyone can dance.” she laughed setting her hands around my neck. She led me through the moves.
“Usually it’s the boy who leads but for the first time I’ll do it. 1,2,3. 1,2,3. 1,2,3.” She moved perfectly to the song the birds chirped mixed with the bubbling of the stream. It was the slow song of nature. It came all into a simple count to three. I lost myself in her eyes as she smiled at my earlier mistakes. Then I got it and she started teaching me spins. We could’ve danced all day long, but we heard crashing through trees. Arthur stumbled into our little paradise with his blonde hair sticking up like thorns. We pulled apart but she still held my hand. Arthur smiled but then it became scared.
“Oh you guys are in so much trouble!” he told us pulling Autumn back toward camp.
“What did we do?” I asked puzzling being pulled along.
“The whole camp thinks your dead or missing! Like Percy and Jason did 6 years ago. Annabeth is freakin out and Thalia is going to so murder you right now.” grinned Arthur,
“And since I found you I’ll get extra dessert. It was the only way for the younger campers to participate in the hunt.” I groaned and check the time. The sun was setting already. Me and Autumn spent all day in the glade. I climbed over a fallen tree and helped Autumn over. We soon burst through on the beach running toward the Big House. We ran inside to the council room. Annabeth was rocking and crying. Percy was comforting you. He looked up and his eyes widened.
“Annabeth, they’re back.” he said helping her to her feet.
She saw us and hugged us both.
“Oh my gods! Don’t ever disappear like that on us every again!” she gasped so happy we weren’t dead.
“Geez Annabeth! I’m to old for this.” I squeezed out, “Plus you're suffocating us.” I gasped as she let us go. She smiled then shoed us off to supper. Autumn took my hand and set off running with me being towed behind. Before we came in view of the mess hall Autumn brushed my hair back in place. She smiled then leaned up to kiss my cheek. I watched her run off to eat in surprise.
“Your lucky. To have a girl like that padding after you.” said a voice behind me. I whirled around and saw Arthur leaning against a pillar.
“What are you talking about?” I said in surprise not knowing of this competition.
“Please. She’s been looking at you all day since she came here. She loves you man. That’s okay. I liked her at first then I saw she had eyes only for you. Then I found Lucy. Best day of my life when she told me she loves me.” he brushed himself off and heading to the mess hall. I watched him go like Autumn. Too shock to move, my hand was still on my cheek.

Ours-Happy memories! This is my favorite so I'll include the link AND the music video.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
^New Page! CAKE!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
awww. Nico and Autumn!
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Finished! It's longer and I need a cute couple pet name for Autumn and Nico! Channel your inner writer! Plus the song is ours. It's the default lave song for Autumn and Nico. If 4 different people comment then I'll do an Arthur or Lucy perspective.

Chapter 10: The Demi-God Dance

I swear Autumn had some kind of device that tells her what to exactly and what to do exactly. After the day in the glade there was the Demi-God Dance. It was made by a whole bunch of aphrodite girls, who go to high school, to celebrate the end of the Giant War. The Apollo kids crank it up and Dionysus and his kids make some refreshments.(No alcohol thankfully) The first dance was awesome. The fire which was about 50 feet high gave a warm friendly glow. Everyone dance. I saw Annabeth with this cute little girl who was a daughter who was one of the first Legacies in Camp Half-blood. The dance reminded me of at the end of the war in Star Wars they showed all the celebrations on all the planets. It was like that with Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. Back to the present. I was sitting with Arthur and Lucy who were now officially dating. They were waiting for the first dance to start. Then Autumn entered. Everyone stopped and stared. The girls were mostly glaring at their boyfriends. Autumn was beautiful in a goddess kinda way. She obviously had Aphrodite’s favor which sometimes wasn’t a good thing. She was dressed in a orange top which sleeves stopped at her elbows, a long shirt that was the color of autumn literally. She looked like a nymph. Her long curly red hair was piled up on her head like a princess. I could see flowers of all kinds mixed in. She had a soft orange eyeliner on and a dazzling smile. She walked over and then the first chords of the dance started. It was the song Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars.
“So are you going to ask me to dance?” she grinned as Arthur and Lucy got on the dance floor.
“I was getting to that part.” I smiled bowing down offering my arm to her, “May I have this dance with you”
“Of course Prince Charming.” she laughing. It was a gentle twinkling noise and she accepted. We made our way to the center where Percy, Annabeth, Luke, Hazel, Frank, Piper, Jason, Leo, Reyna, Grover, Juniper and everyone else important danced. We danced near the edge of that crowd next to Arthur and Lucy.

“Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying 
She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day”

Autumn’s eyes sparkled at me as I looked into them. They looked like a melted chocolate river. They circled and flowed with brown light within. A wisp fell down her from her hairdo making her more perfect to me.

“Yeah, I know, I know, when I compliment her she won't believe me
And it's so, it's so, sad to think that she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look ok, I say”

She smiled at me as I spun her around. I remembered her worry when she rushed to a meeting after sword practice wondering if she looks okay.

“When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Because girl you're amazing, just the way you are(yeah)”
“Is this song reading your mind cause it’s reading mine.” I whispered in her ear. She smiled and suddenly she kissed me on the cheek.
“Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she let me
Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy
She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day”
I must have been a sight to behold because she laughed. Everyone glanced over and she quieted immediately but I could she was shaking with all the suppressed laughter.
“Oh, you know, you know, you know, I'd never ask you to change
If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same
So, don't even bother asking if you look ok
You know I'll say”
“Is it reading your mind now?” she asked.
“Every single word.” I promised.
“Same.” she smiled kinda relieved.

“When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Because girl you're amazing, just the way you are
The way you are, the way you are
Girl you're amazing, just the way you are

“When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while
Cause girl you're amazing, just the way you are. Yeah”
The dance ended but we were to lost in each other’s gazes. Then the next song started. Autumn’s face nearly split in half in her huge smile. We started dancing in the way you did at any casual dance. You start jumping to the beat.
“My heart is paralyzed,
My head was oversized,
I’ll take the high road like I should.

You said it’s meant to be,
That it’s not you, it’s me,
You’re leaving now for my own good.

That’s cool, but if my
friends ask where
you are I’m gonna say.

She went down in an airplane,
Fried getting suntan,
Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand.

Help me,
Help me,
I’m no good at goodbyes.

She met a shark underwater,
Fell and no one caught her,
I returned everything I ever bought her.

Help me,
Help me,
I’m all out of lies.

And ways to say you died.”

We danced to some more songs and then collapsed at a table.
“Want some drinks?” I offered noticing the punch was almost gone. I glared at Dakota who was visiting along with several romans. Autumn nodded and motioned for Arthur and Lucy to sit at the same table. Arthur followed me and we caught up at the punch.
“So are you two a thing now?” Arthur asked casually as he scooped up some punch.
“I d-don’t know. I hope so.” I blushed nearly dropping the spoon.
“You should be. Opposites attract.” Arthur nodded heading back to our table. I followed and nearly stopped in my tracks. There was most of the seven and counselors and leaders sitting at our table. Lucy and Autumn was chatting with everyone like it was nothing. I could see Autumn dropping everything and immediately accepting every person in camp to her table. Lucy was wrapped up in Arthur’s jacket. Autumn wasn’t even shivering she was radiating so much confidence. I saw her laugh at a joke Leo made. Reyna glanced at her and confirmed that she was just laughing because it was funny. I sat down next to her and handed her a drink. Suddenly a rock song came on and Lucy whimpered. I looked over to see her covering her ears. I forgot loud noises over power her senses.
“Excuse us. Lucy is getting tired.” Arthur said guiding Lucy towards the cabins. Everyone nodded knowing that she was special in a wonderful unique way. You should see her paintings. It looks like you can just step through into her world.
“So what do you think of the dance Autumn?” Hazel asked completely poker face. I glared at her knowing the game she was playing. How can she trick one as innocent of roman ways as Autumn? Everyone else fidgeted knowing the game she plays.
“Oh it’s wonderful! Have you been having a good time Hazel?” answered Autumn completely calm. We stared at her in shock. She answered Hazel’s question without giving a thing away or missing a beat. Now Hazel was fidgeting knowing she lost this round.
“It’s been great. Did you like the song I picked? It was the song you listened to on your first day I heard.” turning the conversation back to Autumn.
“That was you? Why thank you! It’s my favorite” Autumn answered calmly again. Before Hazel can continue Frank grabbed her hand.
“Hey, this seems like a nice song!” he pulled her away back to the dance floor.
“I’m feeling tired. Excuse me, I’m going back to my cabin.” Autumn announced getting up. She did seemed tired. Her usual glow of confidence was fading. She started walking and when everyone was looking away I faded into the shadows. I reappeared next to Autumn, walking in sync.
“Hey.” she greeted not pausing or anything.
“Hey. So what’s up?”
“Then why are you suddenly tired when you were bursting with energy a second ago. Is it Hazel?”
“No it’s just-”
“I can talk to her if you want. I won’t mind.”
“Nico, that’s sweet but-”
“She gets odd sometimes. Don’t be nervous.”
“Nico!” she shouted stopping.
“What is it?” I asked wondering what’s wrong.
“It’s not Hazel. I just needed an excuse to talk to you.”
“Oh.” I blushed looking at my feet.
“Though you’re really sweet. I was wondering if-if you like me.” she murmured blushing just like me.
“Autumn, of course I do! You’re the sweetest, nicest, prettiest, and most confident girl I ever met. How could you not?”
“Just being paranoid.” she glanced away fidgeting.
“Hey there’s nothing to be paranoid about. The camps are at peace and no monsters are trying to destroy the world.” I comforted her.
“Then why do I feel this won’t last?” she asked surprising me. It wasn’t the question, it was that I agree with her. I haven’t seen a monster in a long time. It’s like they’re hiding or rallying for a war. She stared at me looking scared out of her wits. I did the natural thing. I hugged her. She smelled the day in the glade. Caramel apples and maple syrup. Except now there was a faint hint of what you smell when a cold wind blasts you in the face.
“You’re sweet Nico. Though I wish it would, a hug won’t solve everything.” she broke apart smiling.
“You might never know.” I grinned back. Happy that she wasn’t all sad and serious. Then she kissed me. A real romantic one in the shadows. Like your first kiss. I broke apart shocked.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t-” I interrupted her by returning the kiss. Our foreheads touched and we both smiled a little. Then I walked her to her cabin with our hands clasped together. Best night ever.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
No comment? My entire story is saved on my home computer and I'm at my grandma's house so I'll post Tuesday or Wednesday. I tried to email the folder to myself but I typed my mail wrong.
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
Love your story its awesome I'm gonna fan you
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Thanks! So I'm going to give you a hint about the sequel to this. It's going to be called Dun Dun Duuuuun! Down the Rabbit Hole. I got this from a dream so it's going to be crazy. XD

16 years have passed since Nico had died. Now three new heroes take the spotlight and direct their attention to Brooklyn. Accompanied by three other heroes they discover a secret society that have been alive since the dawn of Egypt. Then the ten heroes fall down into a hole, they discover how far the gods will go to prove they're right. When they escape back to the over world it's in turmoil. Each side blaming each other with mysterious deaths. Will the world finally fall during World War 4 or will the ten heroes save us all? FInd out in Down the Rabbit Hole! A new story written by GamingWarrior! What other devious plots will she cooked up for us?

Mwahahaha! Enjoy! You have to wait for the end for Yet Another War! I'm EVIL! EVIL!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
sorry i didnt comment. i was busy.
so is the summary for the sequel? so nico dies. what happens to percy and annabeth all the other people?
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Mwahaha! I completely forgot about Nico dieing. It's going to happen in a REALLY unexpected way! So I didn't spoil ANYTHING! Mwahaha!
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Don't kill me for killing Nico! It's important to the sequel! All will be clear in the end!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
what? NOOOOO!!!
what bout the others? like percy and annabeth? and autumn? what happens to them?
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Most of them survive. The characters between Yet Another War and Down a Rabbit Hole are very close. I believe Nico is the only one who dies though I might change that later one. SPOILER ALERT TIME! I'm not telling which story it's from.
(Sneak Peek actually)

I almost fell out of my tree when I saw her bust out the magic tools. She was with others but they were to far away to help.
"_____!" I heard them calling to her. She didn't notice them. She raised a long staff and a boomerang and started chanting. The weird thing screeched and suddenly had their intestines boil. I don't want to go into detail because it was too gross. Then I started burning. I fell out of my tree and heard a crack. My arm was bathed in pure pain. I screamed nothing can prepare me for this. The strange girl noticed me. She had blonde hair dyed with purple and was wearing pajamas with combat boots. She looked at me and noticed my pain. She was shocked and ran over. She wrote glowing pictures on my chest. The pain calmed but I knew it then. I was going to die, and she knew it too.

Remember it could be from Yet Another War OR Down a Rabbit Hole. ENJOY! Mwahaha
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
the end of yet another war and the girl is sadie kane!
post soon!
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Perhaps. But think about this. Is Sadie and Carter and the same age as Percy and Annabeth, what happens 6 years afterwards in the time of my story. Mwahahaha.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
hmmmm.... maybe sadie and walt's/anubis's child, or carter's and zia's.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
OMG! So I was looking through burdge bug's pics and i found this! I was like it's Autumn! In english times! I swear burdge reads my mind! She's standing on the some rocks by the beach.
OMG! So I was looking through burdge bug's pics and i found this! I was like it's Autumn! In english
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Sorry I haven't posted in a while it's just I got writer's block. I'm trying to find a way for the story to turn in my favor. Curse my mind! Why must u pick the hardest events to connect!?
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
whats burge bug?
its okay. that happens to me alot. btw, i posted on my forum a few days ago, if u havent read the new chappie yet.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
I read it just my mom came into the room before I could post! It was great btw!
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
link <That is Burdge Bug's art.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
big smile
Finally got around posting!

Chapter 11: Quests, you know you hate em
Nico (sorry I usually do his pov but wait)

I was training with Autumn. She was as good as Percy with a sword. Only Percy and Annabeth can beat her. She disarmed me in about 5 minutes.
“Mwahaha! No one can defeat me now!” she joked with her sword at my throat.
“I surrender! Now help me pile up these deceased dummies!” I laughed raising my hands in surrender. She grinned and lowered her guard. I hit the deck and swept my legs under her and she tripped. I laughed at her expression. It was a mask of pure shock. I held my sword to her chin.
“Do you surrender now?”
“No!” she shouted laughed. She kneaded my sword and as it clattered it away. As I was defenseless she into plowed me and knocked me to the ground. She had my arms pinned to the ground and her feet pressing down on my anklebone. Her dark red hair fell like a curtain around her face and her deep ageless brown eyes sparkled. I struggled but she had an iron grip. Training with Clarisse had it’s advantages I suppose.
“Fine. I surrender.” I sighed, giving up.
“For real?”
“For real.”
“Fine.” she got up and allowed me to retrieve my sword. I sheathed it and started stacking up the now useless dummies. She came over and started helping me, in no time we were done. The lunch horn sounded and we walked to the mess hall our hands clasped together. It was a month since the dance and I was never happier. Some campers managed to raise enough signatures to stop that dumb rule of sitting at your cabin’s table. Now we can sit wherever we want. We plopped down on a bench where Lucy and Arthur were sitting. Lucy was painting with her fingers on a piece of paper. Arthur was entranced as a image of a wonderful sunset appeared. She contemplated it and then rolled it up and stuffed it in a bag.
“Hey guys!” greeted Autumn while a steak with mashed potatoes and gravy appeared along with some lemonade.
“‘Sup.” said Arthur sipping at some hot chocolate.
“So what’s the painting for?” I asked Lucy.
“I’m enrolling for the art program at the University of New Athens.”
“Cool. I’m sure you’ll get in.” said Autumn. See, Annabeth was inspired by New Rome and is building the Greek version. She started with the university which is done but she needs to work on houses and squares and such. 20 and up demigods are already living there. Anyway, most people are applying now and Autumn is still wondering what she’s going to study along with me. (A/N Pick jobs that associates with their godly parent for Autumn, and Nico.) Arthur is already going to take music classes. We talked about New Athens, and Camp Half-Blood when Luke came crawling over.
“Hello Luke! Where’s your mommy and daddy?” cooed Autumn picking up Luke. Luke adores her. Thinks she’s the best thing since swords. I ran away from him when he starts swinging those things around.
“Luke! Where are you?” shouted Annabeth from the Head Table.
“Over here Annabeth! He’s interested in my steak!” laughed Autumn as she pried his fingers off her steak.
“Thanks Autumn.” Annabeth sat down next to us bouncing Luke on his knee. Autumn and Lucy started pampering the little guy and Arthur and I were looking uncomfortable. Percy and everyone else came over, done from their war meeting and their food appeared right in front of them again.
“So how’s Autumn’s training?” asked Frank slapping Leo’s hand away from his sausage. “Do you want to eat Rudolph Leo?”
“Heck no! How can you eat the Red-Nose reindeer!”
“Don’t ask.” mumbled Percy picking at his peas. Annabeth glared at him and he started shoveling those things in like they were pizza bites.
“Well, I can sometimes beat Percy at sword-fighting. I’m even with the Apollo Cabin in archery. I owned Nico at hand to hand combat today, thanks to Clarisse,” everyone started chuckling at the last bite,”and so far I haven't died. I think I’m doing okay. Oh, and I won’t suggest touch her paints.”
Everyone started laughing when some Hermes kid tried to steal Lucy’s paints. He walked away looking like a nice tree lined road.
“Are human canvases included in the enrollment portfolio?” Lucy asked innocently for the paint won’t come off until she tells it to.
“I’m not sure but it’ll certainly help.” Annabeth informed her as she chased Luke away from the fire.
“Guess what? Nico, Chiron says you’re ready for a quest!” bubbled Rachel as she plopped down by Lucy. They instantly started talking art but I was smiling in my version of jumping up and down. Everyone started scooting away, my smile has that effect on people. Then I darkened as I remembered Bianca. Everyone else did to. Autumn hasn’t heard of Bianca yet but she sensed something was wrong.
“So who are you taking?” she asked changing my train of thought.
“Well, you of course. Then Arthur. Though the Prophecy might change the number.
“Well, that’s the complex part. See, another war is brewing and Chiron needs to send some demigods to the center of all mysterious activity. So it’s a quest but not a quest. There’s no prophecy but it’s incredibly important. Several scout have gone missing in this area. We only found two. They were mad and killed each other at the same time.” Rachel said joining back into the conversation.
“So what’s the area?” I asked curious about it.
“The LA area.” Rachel answered turning back to art. I mulled over it and then Autumn jumped up.
“We’re going to Hollywood! YES!” she shouted jumping up and down. Then she rushed off probably to pack.
“So Lucy, can you come too? Since this isn’t a regular quest I want you as back-up. Maybe you’re senses to help us find what’s wrong quicker.” I asked her as Rachel started eating her salad.
“Okay. I’ll pack later on. Just have to submit my works of art. Annabeth feel free to us any of my art for my portfolio while I’m gone if their isn’t enough.” she shrugged then started talking about what paintings to use in her application with Annabeth.
“Congrats Nico! You’re finally getting to see the world again. Like you wanted to.” Percy clapped me on the back but I could see his mind was on the past. I got up and started heading towards the cabins to pack. Arthur was close behind me but suddenly a felt a little body slam into me.
“Hey Tia!” I hugged a little girl with black hair and big round tropical blue eyes.
“I just summoned my first skeleton!” boasted Tia. See, Tia is an orphan when her mom, a scientist that studies DNA, died with cancer when she was 6. Our dad sent me to find her in an orphanage. Me and Hazel took care of her as best as we could. When we weren’t there she moves to the Big House under watch of Chiron. She’s a great necromancer and has developed an interest in shadow art. Plus she’s reasonable with a sword.
“Congrats Tia! Now work on your ghost summoning!” I laughed as we walked back to the cabin. I pushed open the black obsidian doors to a small room with black bunks on either side. Near the back was some pits and graves. For our creepy summoning. Then there was a black canvas with a light shown onto it. For Tia’s shadow art. Then there was a pile of Hazel’s precious, cursed jewels. Good thing us hades’s kids are immune to them. I went to my bunk near the graveyard and opened my dresser. I took a backpack and stuffed money, drachma, clothes, and some snacks in there. Then I took a necklace Hazel made for me. The day when she left to live her life in New Rome with Frank. Then a shadow painting of a little girl on a tree swing Tia made. Finally I picked up the little Hades figurine Bianca risked her life for. A single tear fell on it’s little face. I wiped away the tear and pocketed it. I shrugged on my bag and headed towards the door. I stopped at Tia’s bunk and noticed she was shivering. I tucked her in a extra blanket I grabbed from the nearby bunk. She stopped and I brushed her hair off her forehead and kissed her goodnight. Then I left and knocked on the Demeter cabin. The door opened to Autumn with a green pack over her shoulder and a fuzzy panda hat on. She hugged me and dragged me towards the Isis cabin. She whistled and Lucy came with Arthur and they both were ready. We nodded at each other and went to the stables/garage. Lucy and Autumn automatically picked a pickup truck near the back. We gave up our dream sports car and all piled in. Autumn and I sat in front while Lucy and Arthur sat in the bed. We drove off towards the general direction of LA and Autumn turned on the radio. We watched to Starlight by Taylor Swift as we watched the moon sparkle at us. Autumn started tapping out the rhythm and smiled at me. Then she started singing softly as we drove away from our home.

Starlight-Cause I was listening to this and then I wrote about the moon. LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT! Miss her curly hair though
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
Love it post soon
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
I'll try! Just have to fix my dumb writer's block.
over a year ago GamingWarrior said…
Fixed it! But it's short.

Chapter 12: 1 pickup truck, 2 pickup truck, 3 pickup truck or a Hippie Car?

It was a couple days later when we were pulling up outside New Rome. Nico wanted to stop by and pick up 2 new people for the trip/scout/quest. So we found ourselves munching on muffins waiting for our mysterious guests. Finally Jace and a girl who was holding his hand came over.
“Hey Nico!” Jace greeted looking far more happier then ever.
“Sup.” answered Nico looking like he was doing math in his head.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us Jace?” nudged the girl who looked roman.
“Oops, sorry. This is my girl Carrie,” she waved at us. “Carrie, this is Nico, Autumn, Arthur, and Lucy. Apparently we’re going on a scouting mission/quest with them.”
“Oh, so you’re the mysterious people we’ve been dying to meet.” I raised an eyebrow at Nico.
“Hey, should we bring one pickup truck, two pickup trucks, or 3 pickup trucks?” he asked.
“One Volkswagen!” pipped up Lucy sketching her uneaten muffin.
“I second the motion to get to LA.” said Arthur stealing Lucy’s muffin and taking a big bite out of it. Then Lucy turned to sketching her coffee.
“I agree. You guys ready?” Nico asked getting up and paying the waiter. Everyone nodded and picked up their assorted backpacks. Soon we were in Camp Jupiter’s garage and Lucy headed straight to a big rainbow Volkswagen.
“You want us to save the world in the big rainbow hippie car of doom?” asked Jace.
“Yes, yes we are.” Lucy answered opening the back doors.
“Well I like the idea of a Volkswagen but can’t it be the red one?” Nico asked heading to the car right next to it.
“Fine.” sighed Lucy and then climbing inside. We shrugged and followed her in. Nico and Jace sat up front with Arthur in between them yelling random comments. We civilized girls started up a strict food rules. When Arthur turned for a snack he found all the food mysteriously disappeared.
“I want my Almond Joys!” he complained scouting the van.
“One, who likes almond joys anymore and two we didn’t pack food for a long trip. So no snacks. And minimum calories. Welcome to Questing Diets by Autumn, Lucy, and Carrie.” I told him hiding the rest of the food in a small compartment between the roof of the car and the roof over our heads that’s velvet or some kind of soft material. Then suddenly Arthur pulled out a muffin and started chomping. We shrugged. No one can stop the maniac actions of Arthur. Carrie shuffled through her bags and pulled out a guitar. She started strumming and Arthur jumped in singing. Lucy just sat and sketched what was in her head while nodding to the music. Jace was giving directions to Nico as he drove and I started to read. Soon we we’re a huge family that came together for a Family Road-Trip. The crazy life of a demi-god. Then I started thinking about what’s happened and I said the unspoken question that’s running through everyone’s mind.
“Where’s all the monsters?”

Headlights in the Highway