The Heroes of Olympus The Marked Ones

wildchild_rids1 posted on Oct 17, 2012 at 03:26AM
here i'm going to post chapters of a book i'm writing soo hope u like it

join the club - The marked ones

thank you

The Heroes of Olympus 39 replies

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over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile
here's chapter 1

I get beaten up by a ............. POODLE ?


There i was staring at the boring science experiment when something moved in the bushes . I almost
sneaked out when a vice came - " Not so fast Janette ."

Oaky first things first , My name is janette O ' Hare , 17 years old , 12 Grade , red straight hair , lavender eyes etc. thats all YOU need to know ( for know ) .

" Oh I umm , I got nothing you win but don't blame me if I throw up (puke) . " Go Now " exclaimed Miss Rose . " And don't come back till you're allright , NOW GO " . BOOYAH , I nailed it again .

I went out and took some money out of my pocket and i was about to go to ,McDonalds when i saw that the bush was still shaking , so OBVIOUSLY I got curious & i went to check and guess what it was ? A poodle . It was sooo cute ! So i picked it up (which i should'nt have done ) .

I was about to cuddle it when it started growing fangs & its eyes started glowing , So lets get this straight the so-called poodle was actually a human killing machine .

I did what any person of my age (or any age) would do - I ran and kept running (I'm an athlete) . So if you're thinking why I didn't stop to click a picture , have you ever considered the possibility that maybe just maybe I WAS BUSY RUNNING FOR MY LIFE .

P.S that thing was still behind me . Finally i reached a mansion . i tried to pen the gates but it wouldn't open . I looked back and thr monster was getting closer so i tried to climb in but a 100 volts ? i'm not sure hit my body . The last thing i remember is a guy coming towards me , opening the gate and saying - " Hi , I'm -" I didn't here the last part cause i passed out .

can you believe it I'm at his dor all bloody and all he says is " hi "

over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
P.S the first books name is The drink of hypnos
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
Cool stuff.
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
thanx post next chapter 2morro !
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
2. the bloody redhead shows up at my door


" Hi I'm Nicholas " i said bringing my hand forward [to shake] when the bloody redhead showed up at my door and faint without even saying ' Hi ' . The NERVE

Okay so here's my checklist -

* first - A bloody redhead shows up at my door . CHECK

* second - There's a monster whom i have to fight outside my door [a peice of cake]

* third - i have a rude guest at my gates . CHECK

Am i forgetting something
" yes "
I'm awesome

Can i stop this a minute the monster's getting restless

[ After a while]

I am back haven't you heard the saying " JUNK is JUNK no matter what "
Oops.....I seem to have made that up
Here's the real one then

" What goes up must come down "
In this case the monster-poodle rose from hell and is going back to hell

So take a look at what happened -
(wait , should i explain it all , fine whatever)

After taking the stupid redhead in [ my first BIG mistake] i went out and screamed
" hey , UGLY . Wanna go back to mommyand cry Nicholas sent me here" [I know i'm awesome] As i planned it charged at me [ ofcourse , i planned it]
And i think it called me a ' jerk '

OK now i'm sure it called me a jerk cause it bared its fangs and stomped its huge feet and basically charged at me

I ran and that's when i realised (again) I'm powerful & this is nothing compared to m-- Aaaah [no , i did not get squashed , noo i wasn't screa--]
okay now i was getting on my nervessss --[nope i did not get squashed again , continue reading please]

i snapped my fingers and the ground tore apart and it fell into it [finally] . *sigh*

over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
Plz read and comment I need 5 comments to continue
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
am writing another forum plz read dat too - the punishment [the gods go to college]
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Great story... PLZ POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago yumalicious said…
Great!!! Please post soon!!!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile
Tommorow since its 12/12/12 I'm goin to release a great number of chapters - that is till the 12th chapter
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
3 . I meet a weirdo

Janettes pov

" What is with this guy ?" I said completely frustrated .

The last thing i remember before ending up in my soft marshmellowish [ Yup , i know there's no such word , but believe me if you were at my place you would have said the samething] bed , was a weird dream -

I was running cause I was being chased by a monster and up at this huge gate and i guy shows up [i didn't see his face] . he says Hi i'm [ i didn't listen to the last part or maybe i forgot ]


Don't worry , i told myself i'm still dizzy . i'm hust glad i'm at home and -

Wait why are there 2 guys staring at me [ No , i'm not accepting , that you're cute . Okay , fine ! think wahatever you want]

Hey i remebered this guy -

" you're the guy in my dreams " i Said

" Of course I am . I'm the guy in EVERY girl's dream" said the guy in a sleevless black t-shirt and black jeans . he had brown hair , very , very dark eyes and he was pale that's about it .

" Umm ...Sorry to break your heart but , I did NOT mean it that way " I replied swiftly .

" Oh yeah WHATEVER ! I'm NIcholas for the second time !" he said

" Second time ?" I asked

" Don't you remember ? "

" Wait , that was all real ?" i said jumping out of my bed " I mean that seriously happened ?"

" You know , when someone says Hi I'm ' Nicholas ' your'e supposed to say Hi I'm whoever you are . "

" That was really real ?" I asked again and Nicholas started banging his head to the wall . " Ok . Hi I'm Janette O'Hare . Now can you answer my question ?"

" O'Hair . I m mean seriously O H-A-I-R ?
said Nicholoas laughing his head off .

" It's O'Hare , H-A-R-E " I said completely driven mad . " What is with this guy ?"

over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Awesome!!!!!!!!! Post soon!
over a year ago yumalicious said…
Awesome! Please post soon!

YEAH! (^_−)−☆
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile
thanQ guys
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
big smile
LOVE IT!!!!!
You have to post or else I will get the Wicked Witch's mokeys to come get you!!!!!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
thanx !! all !!
" it's O'Hare , H-A-R-E " i siad completely driven mad. " What is with this guy ?" i said looking at the other guy .

He was wearing tattered blue jeans and a green t-shirt saying " curse yourself for being my friend" . he had sandy hair with dark blue eyes . " yeah , it is what you're thinking . By the way I'm Mark " said the guy

END of chapter 3

so what do ya'll think ?
any doubts ? feel free to ask !!
over a year ago yumalicious said…
Iiiinteresting! I like it! Please post soon!
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Cool, but whats what she is thinking? It was a great chapter though! PLEASE PLEASE PoSt SoOn!!!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Pretty please post soon!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
@teamleo shes thinkig what any person in her state would think - "Is he (Nicholas) CRAZY ?"
thanQ 4 ur comments tho
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
post! post! post!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
chater 4

Mark's POV

" Yeah i know " I replied as Nicholas continued banging his head .
" Oh god , where am I ?" asked Janette looking strait at me

" First off im not a god , im a god's --" NICHOLAS didn't let me complete my sentence " Mac , dear [ i know it sounds weird]
come herre ..."

that's when i kew he had planed something major !! , because he only calls me MAC when he's gonna use me . I turned ...

" Mac ?" janette whispered and i lokked at her as she was dead meat .

" Nobody but NOBODY calls me Mac , not even --"

" Janetteeeee , right Mark ? " said Nicholas trying to get on Janette's nerves [or maybe mine].

" Nooo , nor are you Nicholas , but i cant argue with you though ! ahhhhh ! " i screamed

" Hmmm , i didn't mean to hurt you " said Janette and i calmed down a bit .

" now , what is it Nicholas " i asked

He took me to a corner .

" Can ou do me a favor ?" he askked
" As always " i said
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
All I can ask for is more!
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
Awesome!!!! Come on post!!!!!!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
I WILL - sooooon
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Lol! You gotta! Or...Or...Or I will do something!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…

"like always " i said not caring , " just so you remeber i am always irresponsible" i added
" Look this girl Jant - " said Nicholas
" J-A-N-E-T-T-E , Janette " i interrupted

" Whatever . Listen to know Janeete i had to -
Fight a monster ,
carry her till here ,
bang my head to the wall ... ouch !! it still hurts . anyway i want to have REVENGE as well as have fun " said Nicholas .

'' Expected " i said
" Guys is your -psh-psh-psh wisper over you know i can't stay still for more than umm 37 seconds " interrupted Janette .
" nothing is over so wait for 23 more seconds " back answered Nicholas.

"Anyway wher was I ?"
" Revenge and fun " i replied

" Yeah so her Questin is ' where am I ?' and i dont want her getting the answer " Nicholas explained .

" so whats the answer ? IGNORE ? . i asked
" no something even better " he said as he smirked
" What i asked " as he smiled at me in a wicked way .

" No , nooooo ...Nicholas ......noooo" and thats how he dragged me into it !

he pulled me and whispered something in my ear
" Are you sure ? isn't that too much on a newcomer ?" i asked

" TOO much on a new Comer ? it only works on a newcomer " he replied till smirking


so what do ya think ? is it good , is it bad ?

whos your FAVORITE CHARACTER NOW ??? plz tell me i really wanna know
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
That was awesome!!!!!!!! I can't chose just one chapter though!!! It's too hard. Post soon!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
hehe :)
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Somehow, I thinnk Nicholas is the most amusing.
wildchild_rids1 commented…
finaly someone who does !! i am the author and stuff but i love Nicholas /nutella over a year ago
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
im sorry i havent posted 4 a long time and i wont be posting till 9 th march since my final exams are going on i wont be able to post tomoorow either becoz its m B'day soo VER SORRY guys and this goes to both of m,y stories
over a year ago SonOfNeptuneJay said…
wildchild_rids1 commented…
TAHNK you !!! im so sorry i cant read urs coz i havent read the mark of Athena !!! over a year ago
over a year ago teamleo said…
Well it's been a week of birthdays for me! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE YOU EAT LOTS OF NUTELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR EXAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE POST SOON!
wildchild_rids1 commented…
thank you a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luv ur story too but i wont be able to come online a lot over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
I had baked a cake for you...

It was perfect......

But it looked super good....

So I cut one slice.....

And ended up eating it:)

Haha and there's my little gift for ya! CAKE!
wildchild_rids1 commented…
thanx lol over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Oh, and don't forget: NUTELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wildchild_rids1 commented…
IKR ...............just a few more dys 4 march 9th (ill start posting again and by pposting i mean chapters) over a year ago
wildchild_rids1 commented…
any idea what happened to yuma ??? over a year ago
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
anyone knows what happened to @yumalicious ???
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…

" Yeah i know " i replied and stared at Nicholas as he was still banging his head .

"Oh God ! Where am I ?" Janette asked looking at me .

"First thing first , I am NOT a god , I am a God's -" i said when Nicholas interrupted .
" Mac Dear....Come here "

" Mac ? " Janette whispered and i stared at her like she was dead meat .

" Nobody but NOBODY calls me Mac Nor- " I screamed when NIcholas interrupted [again!]

" Janette , right Mark ?! " said Nicholas trying to get on Janette's nerve [ or maybe mine]

"Nooo...nor are you allowed Nicholas but AAah i cant even argue with you !!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
pve posted
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile
I have decided to delete this forum and start a new new (the same thing) with better spellings , grammar and stuff ....after over a year I look back and realize all the mistakes i've made but at the same time i realize I'm pretty good for a learning write (I'ts mostly the creativity ...I guess!!!) ...I'll let this forum stay for 3 days then i'm taking it down and i'm going start writing in the new one :D
last edited over a year ago