The Heroes of Olympus The House of Hades

--Ares2002-- posted on Oct 17, 2012 at 01:00PM

Synopsus:Percy and Annabeth are in Tartarus. Nico gets the job of leading 5 demigods to the House of Hades. Meanwhile camp half blood is being attacked by Camp Jupiter.

Henry (OC)
Lara (OC)

Hope you like it!

last edited on Oct 21, 2012 at 04:52PM

The Heroes of Olympus 16 replies

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over a year ago --Ares2002-- said…

                      ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­   ­       NICO

      NICO’S LIFE SUCKED. First he got told that he was a son of Hades. Of course, he’d been excited at that point but all Nico did was roam in the underworld. Then his sister Bianca died. And years after that he gets captured by two giants. He could still remember the horrible smell of Ephialtes and the craziness of Otis in his dreams. Then the only two people he knew that were on the ship were lost in Tartarus probably still falling. And now Percy Jackson had appointed him to lead some group of demigods to Greece while taking a statue of Athena who holds the key to uniting the Roman and Greek camps. No pressure huh?

Right now Nico was pacing around the deck looking at the map of Greece intently. He couldn’t shake the vision of Percy and Annabeth falling in total darkness... “Nico?”. Nico turned his head away from the map as he heard a soft voice.

“ Huh? Yeah?” He replied

“Uhh...umm...are Percy and Annabeth ok...yet?” Hazel asked. Nico concentrated on the souls. Over the years his powers had grown greatly. He felt Annabeth and Percy alive, but it felt like Annabeth was close to dying and Percy being weakened... Hopefully he was wrong.

“Their perfect.” Nico lied while forcilg a smile. Hazel sighed a breath of relief. Leo was steering the helm of the boat in front of Nico. Frank was in his room sleeping. Hazel stood near Nico eating a McDonalds Happy Meal. Piper was sitting on the dining table fiddling with her dagger. Jason was sitting next to her. Coach Hedge was watching a baseball match. All this made Nico realize how less chances they had to win a fight against the giants much less Gaia.

Nico thought about his dream last night. He had seen something he did not want to remember yet he was still thinking about it. Nico looked at the view. The sun was coming down over the same building Percy and Annabeth fell in. After a while the bell for dinner rang.

At dinner Nico was impressed with Leo. You could summon anything you want. Nico thought of fish and chips and there it was. Suddenly Jason cleared his throat. Everyone looked at him. Nico had never really thought of Jason as a strong demigod, he had always looked up on Percy. But while going to save Annabeth from Arachne Percy had told him about Jason.

“ We...we need a plan. We lost Annabeth and Percy but we must...go on. Any-“ started Jason but he was cut off by a scream from Piper. Piper looked terrified. She had wide eyes and her dagger was on the floor. Jason raised an eyebrow.

“Percy...Annabeth... Gaea kills them.” Piper stuttered. She looked like a mental patient right now.

“Piper what’s wrong?” Jason asked nervously rushing to her.

“Percy... absorbed by ground...Anna- Annabeth absorbed by ground...both absorbed.” Piper said before passing out. Jason and Hedge carried her to her room. Then there was silence.

“Soooooooo,” said Leo casually. Frank, Hazel and Nico looked at him.

“What? I’m just trying to lighten up the mood here.” Leo said. At that moment Jason came back in to the room.

“Piper’s fine... she’s resting now.” Jason said nervously. Then it struck Nico. Piper had said that Percy and Annabeth were dead, which Nico assumed was after looking at her knife. As far as Percy had told him that Piper’s knife was kind of enchanted. Then Nico’s dream...  Percy and Annabeth had died in it. Then he remembered Annabeth and Percy’s weakened souls when he concentrated on the dead. What if Percy and Annabeth were dead? No, Nico could feel them but barely.

Suddenly Nico gasped. He felt as if he was in his body but he couldn’t control it. He saw Frank saying something but he couldn’t hear it. It was as if he was possessed. Then Possessed-Nico walked over to Hazel who was sitting eating her quesadilla. Hazel looked at Nico. Possessed-Nico said something like “Come with me.” Then Hazel stood up. Nico wondered what was happening. Possessed-Nico walked over to Hazel’s room while she followed. Then Hazel said something. P-Nico replied “You’ll see.” Hazel then moved back to her drawer and “Leo how much time will it take to get to Epirus?” He asked

“About a day and a half.” replied Leo. Nico remembered his second dream. He remembered him and the five in Epirus and some demigod of Hecate fighting a bunch of earthborns. Then he remembered them with Percy and Annabeth at a pair of gold glowing doors. The son of Hecate was looking at the Doors Of Death nervously. Nico shook out of his thoughts.

“What about the attack on Camp Half-Blood?” Leo asked. Jason’s face paled.

“Pi-Piper looked in her knife and they were planning on attacking tomorrow.” said Jason nervously. Then there was silence.

began searching for something as P-Nico slowly took out a knife out of his pockets. Nico didn’t recall having it. P-Nico moved towards Hazel with the knife behind his back. He walked forwards and forwards getting ready to strike. Nico wanted to stop this from happening but he couldn’t.

“Hey Hazel and Nico, Jason is calling you.” Said Frank when he entered the room. P-Nico quickly put his knife back without anyone noticing. Hazel went out and said something to the Possessed Nico. He nodded. Once Hazel headed ut Nico gasped. He was back to normal. Nico was stunned. What had happened to him?

Nico headed outside to the dining table. He sat down on his chair as Jason stood up.

“Leo how much time will it take to get to Epirus?” He asked

“About a day and a half.” replied Leo. Nico remembered his second dream. He remembered him and the five in Epirus and some demigod of Hecate fighting a bunch of earthborns. Then he remembered them with Percy and Annabeth at a pair of gold glowing doors. The son of Hecate was looking at the Doors Of Death nervously. Nico shook out of his thoughts.

“What about the attack on Camp Half-Blood?” Leo asked. Jason’s face paled.

“Pi-Piper looked in her knife and they were planning on attacking tomorrow.” said Jason nervously. Then there was silence.

“I’m going to check on Piper, you all should sleep.” Jason said as he went to check on Piper and Hedge. After that Frank went then Hazel. Leo and Nico were alone. There was an awkward silence.

“Sooo what can you do? Bring people back to life?” Leo asked.

After a while of awkward silence Leo left too. Nico decided to go as well. He walked towards Percy’s room which had now become his. He lay on the bed and prayed to the gods for everything to work out. And then Nico slept.
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
big smile
Hey I'm impressed! Out of all the HoH fanfics I've read yours is definitely the best. I mean no insulting when I say this, but the others I've read were out of character and fast paced. You are an awesome writer I hope you continue I'll definitely read it!
I'd be honored if you check out my HoH version too! ( the house of hades by Karaoke_Leo with help from actual Leo) yep. I kidnap book characters. Leo is among many.
POST SOON! And I'll recommend this to my readers.
over a year ago --Ares2002-- said…
big smile
Thank you sooomuch!!!:D I will definitely read yours
over a year ago VladGal365 said…
Very good. And, I'll read your version, Karaoke_Leo!
over a year ago --Ares2002-- said…
big smile
Thanks :)
Here's Chapter 2



NICO HAD A DREAMLESS SLEEP. This was not normal for a demigod. When Nico got dressed, he went to the deck. The sun had just come up. No one was awake yet except Leo who was awake all night controlling the ship. Nico wondered if the boy ever slept. Then Nico noticed the nervous expression on Leo’s face. Nico walked over to him.

“What’s the-“ Nico started to say but was cut off by a screeching sound.

Nico fell down by the force. Piper and Jason came rushing out Piper’s room. Soon Frank and Hazel came too. We had landed on the water next to some old man’s farm. The old man was feeding hay to the horse when the ship landed on the sea. Who knows what the old man saw? The man ran off to his cottage. The crew except Hedge got out of it. Nico looked around at the place. There were fences almost everywhere filled with different barn animals like goat, horse, sheep, etc. Then Nico noticed him. Leaning against a tree was a man in his early thirties standing their staring at them. The man walked over to them. The man had scars all over his face.

“Who- who are you?” Jason asked talking out his sword. The man smiled

“Oh there’s no need for that,” said the man. “As for whom I am, my name is Prometheus.”

Nico was surprised to see him here. Prometheus had supported Kronos in the war. The gods had punished him. How was he back?

“What are you doing here?” Nico asked his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“I’m here to convince you to come to our side. Gaia’s side. I have seen the future and Gaia will win.” Prometheus replied.

“Yeah that worked out pretty well last time, didn’t it?” asked Nico. His friends looked at him while Prometheus still had the smile on his face.

“What are you talking about Nico? Have you met him before?” Hazel asked. Nico nodded.

“Well, kind of, Prometheus supported Kronos in the war. He met Percy and tried to convince him to come to surrender against Kronos.” Nico said

“You were the one that broke my beauty?” Leo asked angrily.

“Well, I had one of my friends do it for me,” Prometheus replied. As if on cue a giant squid emerged from beneath the sea. “Anyways your friends Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase will die very soon. Already they have been weakened by Gaia’s forces. It was true. Nico could feel their souls but only faintly. “Gaia will be awakened by their blood. You will all die and mankind will be destroyed. join us.”

“No way are we gonna join you.” Piper said fiercely. Jason had a nervous expression as he looked somewhere in the hen house. Nico was too intent on listening to Prometheus to care.

“Whatever you want.” Prometheus said calmly

Nico noticed monsters emerging from behind trees, the cottage and the hen house. Dracaenas, earthborns and Hellhounds began walking towards them. Cyclops, centaurs and gryphons came behind them. From the sea the squid looked at them impatiently. Nico gripped his sword even more tightly.

“And if you disagree to work with us,” Prometheus said as a sword came immediately in his hands from who knows where. “Then die.”

That’s when the fight began. Prometheus just stood there while it all happened. Nico started fighting a bunch of Cyclops who breathed fire. When did that start to happen?

Jason and Piper fought earthborns and centaurs side by side. Frank was shooting his arrows at a bunch of gryphons. Not far away from him Hazel was slashing her cavalry sword against the rough body of the squid. Leo was firing blasts of fire at the dracaenas.

Nico hit one of the Cyclops with his Stygian sword and he became dust but not before screaming “MAMAAAA!” Mama Cyclops ran in anger towards Nico.

“You little demi-“ Mama Cyclops started while running but got a sword in her stomach. Meanwhile Jason and Piper weren’t having any luck. A centaur had Jason unconscious, and Piper was wrestling with an earthborn bigger than the others while trying to charmspeak the earthborn. Nico looked at his opponents. Fifteen more Cyclops were remaining. Nico killed two more Cyclops who tried to beat him up with a club. Another Cyclops tried to attack him but Nico slid under his legs and killed him from behind. Nico ran around the Cyclops slashing his sword everywhere and making Cyclops sand in the process. When only one was left the remaining giant squeaked in fear.

“Bye bye.” Nico said as he thrust his sword on the Cyclops head. Prometheus meanwhile watched Nico in amusement. Nico ran to the aid of Jason. Jason was breathing but the centaur who had made him unconscious was standing guard next to him and tried to strike Nico with his scythe. Nico rolled and dodged but that only caused the scythe to hit Jason on his arm. Nico cursed.

“Aaaah!” someone screamed. Nico turned to see Hazel in one of the squid’s slimy hands. Hazel was trying to wriggle free with no luck. Nico looked at Jason then Hazel and then he ran for Jason promising himself to come back for Hazel. But it was too late for Jason. The centaur picked up Jason and threw him to the squid. The squid held Jason. Prometheus smiled.

“Ughhh.” Nico said with anger then he hit all the centaurs and dodged their attacks by jumping and rolling. Hit, roll and jump. Hit, roll and jump. Soon all the centaurs were yellow dust. He began to run to the squid but a gryphon picked him up and then threw him from the air.

Nico felt excruciating pain when he fell on the ground. He couldn’t move. He stood up and tried to walk. He could do it but with a limp. He saw Piper being picked up by the squid as well. Leo was getting overpowered by the dracaenas. Frank was getting ambushed by the gryphons. Nico limped over to Leo slowly. So slowly that when Nico reached him he was cornered by dracaenas. The squid picked up the injured Leo. Frank fell from exhaustion as one gryphon bit him and threw him into the squid’s hand.

That got Nico angered. Nico yelled in rage as he ran (mostly limped) to the squid and sliced off its arms. They just grew again. Nico slashed and slashed till he was out of breath and injured by the squid. He fell down on the ground. Suddenly the grass wrapped his arms and legs to the ground.

“Huh?” Nico said in confusion. Then Prometheus walked over to him. He still had a smile on his face. He put his sword on Nico’s neck.

“Good night, son of Hades.”
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
NOOOOOO!!!! Cliffhanger why! Hey good idea w/ Prometheus!
Can I give some advice? Try blending small sentences together to give some variety in sentence length, it gives it more of a flow.
POST SOON! (And uh can I make a request? Percy or Annabeth chapter! Please please please! sry I'm sort of a girl that adores those two.)
over a year ago Wisdoms_Child said…
CLIFFHANGER -____________-
*sigh* oh well. Post soon! Wonder what'll happen to poor Nico.
I agree with Karaoke_Leo. Percy or Annabeth POV!!!
over a year ago --Ares2002-- said…
Lol!The next chapter is Annabeths. Here is the sequence:

Thanks for the advice:)
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
Yay!!!!! PERCABETH! :D POST! (Does it annoy you when ppl say POST? Because if so I shall stop)
over a year ago --Ares2002-- said…


ANNABETH WAS TERRIFIED. After all she had fallen from the Earth into a deep dark abyss called Tartarus. She wasn’t happy that she had to stay in a place full of monsters where she could die any moment. All the monsters she and Percy had sent in here would come looking for revenge. That is if they hadn’t already gotten out of here. Right now Annabeth couldn’t see anything. Her ankle was throbbing with pain and the headache she had wasn’t helping. Annabeth tried to get up. She winced in pain but her bubble sheet cast she had put helped her. She walked a bit but then tripped on something.

“Aaah!” She yelled. Even though she couldn’t see anything she knew it was Percy she fell on. Annabeth heard Percy groan. She got up and felt Percy do the same.

“Annabeth?” Percy asked.

“Yeah, I’m here.” Annabeth replied. Her throat felt dry and as far as she knew there was no water in Tartarus. Exactly when Annabeth started to move she heard a creepy laugh.

[i]Hahahahahahaha... so we meet again, this time I won’t leave you alive.[i/] The voice sounded awfully familiar. Then the voice changed. [i] You will not leave from here. Your blood will be taken. My children shall rise. The world will end.[i/] That voice was definitely Gaia’s. Annabeth held then squeezed Percy’s hand tightly. Then voices of monsters were heard. It was then that Annabeth thought about it. She dropped Percy’s hand and searched the ground she was standing on. After a while of searching and Percy asking her about what she was looking for, Annabeth felt the hilt of her dagger. She picked it up. Instantly she felt safe. At least she would go down fighting if she died, not cowering behind her boyfriend. Annabeth started to feel cold air hitting against her face. Then there was silence.

“Annabeth, are you here?” Percy said. Annabeth heard him move. When she was about to reply she felt Percy’s foot hit her foot.

“Aaaah!” Annabeth yelled. Unfortunately for her, it was the same foot that had gotten hurt. Annabeth crippled onto the ground. Annabeth heard Percy curse then she saw a faint glow above her. She saw Percy’s face through the light of his bronze sword. Even though it was faint it made Annabeth feel calm. She got up with the help of Percy. Now that there was a little bit of light she could see Percy’s face. He had a nervous expression on his face.

   They walked together in the darkness. They hit something solid – like a wall – a lot of times. Sometimes Annabeth could hear voices calling out her name. Annabeth wondered why no monsters had attacked yet. While wondering this she heard a voice.

“Help me somebody, please no!” it spoke. “Please don’t.” Annabeth stopped walking. She knew this voice. It was... it was ... Hestia’s voice? What was she doing in Tartarus? Did Gaia trap her?

Then suddenly a bright light came in front of them. It shaped into the form of a man. The man seemed to radiate light. He had albino white skin, intense black eyes and shoulder length black hair. He wore a black silk robe with some... disturbing pictures of... people’s souls? (A/N: I did NOT copy anyone’s idea, cause I remember reading someone’s that had him in it.)

“Ha- Hades?” Percy asked. The man –or as Percy says Hades – looked at him.

“I am indeed Hades.” He spoke coldly. From what Annabeth remembered of Hades he had hated Percy. Suddenly she felt protective towards Percy. Percy had fallen right into Tartarus just for Annabeth. Annabeth didn’t want to lose Percy again. And now that they were in Tartarus, Annabeth didn’t want a single monster to touch him. Hades stared at Percy coldly.

“You are just seeing a copy of me. I don’t want to come here in this filthy place myself,” he said. Annabeth wondered what kind of technology was used nowadays that can make copies of gods. “I’m just here to give a stupid message and a present from your father.”

Percy gave a confused look. “What present?” He asked. Hades put his hand inside the pocket of his robe and took out some kind of ball of light. He handed it to Annabeth who hesitated before taking it. The light felt warm and it illuminated the whole place. Rather than examining the whole place she listened to the message.

“Your father told me to tell you ‘Beware the voices’.” Hades looked VERY annoyed in telling this.

“Wha- What does that mean?” Percy stuttered.

“Well do you think I know!?” Hades bellowed angrily as the pictures of the souls that were on his robe started to move.

“Uh yeah?” Percy asked weakly. Annabeth watched in shock as Hades ran towards Percy with his sword raised.(which Annabeth has no idea where it came from)Annabeth jumped in front of Percy and when Hades tried to kill him, his sword just went right through Annabeth. Hades shook his head as if regretting what he tried to do.

“Why am I trying to kill the annoying brat who’s the only chance of me living?” Hades asked himself. “Before I do anything else, I’ll just go.” And with that Hades disappeared. Now that Hades was gone Annabeth looked around. She was in a large cave leading ahead. Annabeth guessed that it didn’t even end. She looked at her clothes in disgust. Her shirt was torn from places. Then she looked at Percy. His hair was a mess and his hoodie and shirt were torn. He was staring at the ground most probably thinking about the message.

[i]Beware the voices[i/] Hades had said. Annabeth had an idea what it meant but she didn’t focus on it. Percy walked over to Annabeth.

“Any plan?” He asked her. Annabeth nodded and then pointed forward.

“We go forward. Then we search for the Doors Of Death.” She said.

“How do we even know how the doors look like?” He asked.

“We’ll know it when we find it.” She replied but even she was uncertain. Percy looked at the little ball of light that was now lying on the floor. He went to it and picked it up. Then he looked forward in the cave.

“Then let’s go.” He said. And with that Percy took Annabeth’s hand and walked forward.

And no. I actually like it...strange
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
big smile
Yay! Thank you Ares!
1. O_O wonder what the ball of light is...
2. Wonder wth was up with Hestia
3. Wonder if Nico is okay
4. Wonder if Jason will be eliminated...
5. Hoping number 4 is right
6. Awesome chappie!
7. Karaoke_Leo out!
over a year ago precious211 said…
This is pretty legit stuff:D
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
AHHHHHH! Where are you Ares?!?!?!? Kidnapped?!?!? Being eaten by aliens?!?!? HELD AGAINST YOUR WILL?!?!

if not....

idk, POST! :D
over a year ago _Ares2002_ said…
LOL sorry. Was writing for too long

ANNABETH DID NOT LIKE TARTARUS. As they walked through the never-ending cave they heard creepy monster-like noises coming from who knows where. The ball of light seemed to glow brighter every minute but even more noises came. After what seemed like an hour or walking Annabeth got tired and stopped walking. Then she heard the wind whistle behind her. She heard light footsteps that were definitely NOT Percy’s. She just ignored it and started walking again. Little did she know, that doing that would most probably cost hers and Percy’s life. When she looked at Percy to ask him about the footsteps she saw his nervous face with a hint of sadness. She instantly felt guilty for letting him come with her. They were most likely to die. As Annabeth drifted into her thoughts she heard the footsteps becoming louder and louder. Annabeth and Percy stopped in their tracks. Percy tilted his face to face her.
“Did you-?” Percy was cut off by a loud THUMP. At the noise several ghost like men appeared in front of them. Annabeth turned and saw more men. They were surrounded by them. Instantly she remembered what these were.
“Taraxippus.” Annabeth whispered. Percy looked at her with a confused look on his face.
“Taxi’s pus?” He asked. Annabeth wanted to laugh at his listening but with the situation they were in she decided not to.
“Taraxippus,” She explained. “They were presences who were thought to be ghosts and blamed for frightening and hurting people.” One of the Taraxippus stepped forward and smiled. It wasn’t a warm one but an evil and cruel one.
“You are indeed right. We are the Taraxippus,” He said. Then he put his hand and took out an arrow and a bow. Where had the Taraxippus gotten these? The weapon was just like them. Pearly white like a ghost but still real. “And now it’s time for you to die.”
Taxi’s pusses could run fast. When they had raised they’re weapons Annabeth had grabbed Percy’s hand and ran as fast as she could. When the Taraxippus saw them coming, they made way for them both to run away. But when the leader shouted instructions to them they ran like lightning. In a matter of seconds they had been cornered yet again. She took out her knife and handed the ball of light to Percy. Then she charged. She put her knife inside of the leaders head but nothing happened. It did hit him but the wound just quickly healed. As she tried to defend herself and Percy who had now taken Riptide out, Annabeth thought that the Taraxippus were increasing in quantity. Everywhere she turned, they were there. She saw Percy slashing his sword against the Taraxippus’s swords. THAT was a BIG mistake. While she was looking at him, a Taraxippus came from behind her and pushed her down. He put his foot on top of Annabeth’s chest hard. She felt some of her bones starting to crackle. She tried to kick the Taraxippus but the pain was too much, that instead of that she screamed. Her eyes were starting to blur. From the corner of her eye she saw a figure approaching her with a bright light coming from his hands. The blurry figure put a blade in the throat of the Taraxippus and helped Annabeth up. She rubbed her eyes and saw that the blurry figure was Percy. Then her legs gave away and she fell down. Percy’s eyes widened after seeing that. He was about to help her up but a Taraxippus charged at him.
“I’ll be fine, Percy.” Annabeth said as Percy looked at her nervously. Percy hit the incoming Taraxippus on the head with his sword. The Taraxippus just hesitated before throwing his club at Percy. Annabeth saw Percy dodge and then take the club and behead the Taraxippus. Percy stabbed another one in the back, then another one, then on and on and on. Suddenly she saw one Taraxippus come towards her with his sword raised. Annabeth’s eyes widened and she crawled over to the wall. The Taraxippus just came over to her again with a big grin on his face. He had a sword in his right hand and a dagger on his left hand. Annabeth took out her knife but because of her backbone she instantly dropped it. The Taraxippus started to strike but Annabeth rolled away. Percy looked at Annabeth for a second and in that second the Taraxippus he was fighting hit him on the face with his shield. Percy fell down on the hard ground. Annabeth was crawling away from her own problem. The Taraxippus was gaining on her no matter how many times she dodged. Soon Annabeth had about a dozen Taraxippus on her tail. She rolled and rolled but then she saw a Taraxippus standing next to her. She turned and saw another one. She was now cornered. The commander of them stepped forward. He filled his quiver with an arrow and aimed it at her. Right at that moment Percy became conscious again and took the shield beside him. He ran to the commander and slammed it on his face. The commander fell down on the ground. Percy then helped Annabeth up.
“You said you’d be fine.” Percy said as he held Annabeth as to prevent her from falling down.
“Well, I didn’t know you’d be knocked unconscious.” Annabeth replied accusingly. The other Taraxippus recovered from their shock and looked at them. Their expressions quickly turned from shock to anger. They slowly got up and walked slowly to them.
“Uh Annabeth... got a plan?” Percy asked nervously. The Taraxippus were now picking up their weapon. One even threw his spear at them. The spear just missed Annabeth by an inch. Annabeth shrieked as she slowly moved backwards. Then she saw the commander get up.
“Yeah. RUN!” She replied. Then as all of the Taraxippus aimed their weapons at them, Percy and Annabeth ran for their lives.
over a year ago Karaoke_Leo said…
big smile
Happy dance! Happy dance! Yay!!!
1. "taxi pus?" priceless
2. Why do keep leaving cliff hangers! I'm mixed with happy/angry feelings. grrrrr
YES! POST! (now post again. :( pleeeeeeaaaase!)
over a year ago corrected said…
im not reading this but hi
ive been looking all over the place for u. POST ON CAMPHAFLBLOOD AND CAMP JUPTER READ PERCY JACKSON!!!!!!!!!!