The Heroes of Olympus The Demigods read The Lost Hero

PixyStar436 posted on Nov 01, 2012 at 01:05AM
Hey-PixyStar436 in the house!

Hey guys, this is the continued part from the article. Oh, and happy Halloween! I nearly forgot this morning!

I don't own any of these characters, 'cause Rick does. Boo hoo!


Katie started reading.

'Jason I

Even before he got electrocuted, Jason was having a bad day.'

"Woah dude. You act like that's normal." Percy commented.

"What? Isn't that what happened to you?" Asked Annabeth.
"Whatever." Percy shrugged.,

'He woke in the backseat of a school bus, not sure where is was, holding hands with a girl he didn't know. That wasn't necessarily the rotten part. The girl was cute, but he couldn't figure out who she was or what he was doing there. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to think.'

"HA HA JASON IS IN LOVE WITH PIPER!!" Conner and Travis sang out. Jason felt his cheeks redden and Piper growled, "Shut up!" and smacked Nico, who was on the floor, laughing.

Nico abruptly stood up and said, "Ow."

"Serves you right," Muttered Piper.

'A few dozen people sprawled in the seats in front of him, listening to iPods, talking, or sleeping. They all looked around his age...fifteen? Sixteen? Okay, that was scary. He didn't know his own age.'

"Woah, that IS scary. Though, knowing you, Jason, all this stuff should be normal...right?" Commented Percy.

'The bus rumbled along a bumpy road. Out the windows, desert rolled by under a bright blue sky. Jason was pretty sure he didn't live in a desert. He tried to think back...the last thing he remembered...

The girl squeezed his hand. "Jason, you okay?"

She wore faded jeans, hiking boots, and a fleece snowboarding jacket. Her chocolate brown hair was cut choppy and uneven with thin strands braided down the sides. She wore no makeup like she was trying not to draw attention to herself, but it didn't work. She was seriously pretty. Her eyes seemed to change color like a kaleidoscope-brown, blue and green.'

The boys peered at her eyes. Piper swatted them away, but they were just in time to see the colors change.

'Jason let go of her hand. "Um, I don't-"

In the front of the bus, a teacher shouted, "Alright, cupcakes, listen up!" '

Jason had sudden craving for cupcakes.

'The guy was obviously a coach. His baseball cap was pulled low over his hair, so you could just see his beady black eyes. He had a wispy goatee and a sour face, like he'd eaten something moldy. His buff arms and chest pushed against a bright polo shirt. His nylon workout pants and Nikes were spotless white. A whistle hung from his neck-'

While Katie was reading, Travis complained, "Can you hurry up and get to the good part? Like on the note?"

"You read the note?" Annabeth questioned.

"Sure. I don't have as much dyslexia as Mr. 'That Tator-Tot over there," Said Travis, shrugging. Then he read the note.

'Dear Little Demigodlings,'

"Way to sound formal," Nico grumbled.

'This is THE god of the future. With the awesome book my servant, Rick Riordan (he is the future god's servant in this, sorry if it's lame) wrote. Leo, Jason and Piper go on a quest. This book of awesomeness, The Lost Hero, is what critics should call, what was it? Awesome, that was the word. So have fun reading it!


God of future and awesomeness'

"Who would want to read, anyway?" Asked Nico, disgusted.

"Don't know, don't care." Percy replied. "Carry on."

That's it for now! I'm in a hurry, 'cuz I'm gonna go trick or treating! Happy Halloween!

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