The Heroes of Olympus The Punishment [ The gods go to college]

wildchild_rids1 posted on Nov 17, 2012 at 04:33AM
Here's a preview of what it's gonna be like -

"Everyone appear " roared Zeus. One by one everyone appeared and before the even finished appearing the fight's had already begun in the following way -

*Poseidon Vs Athena who were fighting about whose better. Posiedon was summoning huge waves at Athena while she ran at him with a sword.

*Next pair was Aphrodite and Artemis, they were fighting about love, Artemis was obviously against it. It was basically a cat fight - Artemis as sitting on Aphrodite's shoulders and pulling her hair .

and then there were

* Ares and Apollo who were fighting for fun [obviously].

" Enough!" Screamed Zeus and the whole room shook with thunder .

" Are you not gods that you're behaving like children ? Actually why not be children ?exclaimed Zeus with a British accent .

" Awesome joke , Zeus! " said Hermes who appeared just a moment ago .

As Zeus stared at Hermes, then he turned towards Athena and asked "Seriously ?" .
" You aren't joking are you ? '' said Athena staring at Zeus .

'' What ?!! What do you mean'' said the others.

'' Athena is right .... i ain't jokin' no more '.... and did i forget to mention you all will be leavin' tomorrow to COLLEGE" said Zeus in an american accent .

'' What ? down below ? what about our powers ?"
questioned Posiedon .

'' Yeah what about 'em '' ?? said Ares.

Meanwhile Aphrodite faints , ''Get up lady , stop the drama ....!'' said Artemis .

'' Only a- a true loves kiss can save ! Ares help !! " said Aphrodite

" Get a life will ya ? " said Artemis in disgust

" And did i mention -" said Zeus in an Irish accent when Apollo interrupted

" Stop with the accent will ya ? continue ! " exclaimed Apollo who was getting tired of Zeus's different accents

" As i was saying , you'll leave tomorrow and by tomorrow i mean in five hours and then... i'll be free , free , free . " echoed Zeus

" Peace out " said Hermes and rushed off

last edited on Jan 11, 2014 at 10:46AM

The Heroes of Olympus 121 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 121

over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Lol! So I'm blue...?
Can't wait to see all these ppl come in!
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
hello *waves hi*
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
Hello newbie !! And yes. Your blue!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
*Oh dear....No kittens, please.*
Otherwise, welcome!
over a year ago pjfan1 said…
big smile
OMGS this is awesome, post more and why don't you add Hades?? ;))
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
And welcome to the party here, pjfan1!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
yes haylo newbie and dont worry guys i got it all sorted out i know what u guys want !! keep reading and ,......................................i LOVE NUTELLA
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
im gonna atrt posting again on march 9th since ma final exams going on
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago corrected said…
read this link
over a year ago agamotto said…
Greetings and salutations one and all! I love the story so far, and would like to submit a char. for your approval.

Eric Johanson
5' 10 1/2 " tall with long wavy dirty blond hair and ice blue eyes. ,moderately well built and slightly muscular (as he is a casual body builder) he has a jovial personality and easily gets along with most people, but can be ferociously angry when bullies torment the weaker. He has a slight Noric accent and a deep booming voice.

If you are willing to entertain the notion of a cross pantheon concept, he is the son of Thor.If not, He's just a mortal, and for some unknown reason, the mist has no affect on him at all.
last edited over a year ago
corrected commented…
y talking like that? sound like a nerd over a year ago
over a year ago agamotto said…
Just because I am well read and educated (and likely have 20+ years experience in life on you) doesn't mean that I am a nerd. Although the description may be applicable, as would redneck, hick, and last but certainly not least Soldier. One should respect ones elders.
corrected commented…
im sry i meant no disrespect but u sound too formal. over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
yay! plz continue posting!!!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile
i will in 5 more days !!!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
CHAPTER 3 : ..............and so does Ares

" Hey Sam I was looking for you bro !"said Apollo grinning "
"You 2 know each other " replied Mr.Stuart

Ares eyes were blazing with fire

' You and your friend here are getting detention! " are ??? he asked looking at the 4 Gods

"Diana Nightshade"said Artemis and shook his hand
'"Rebecca Jones " said Athena and shook his hand and stood back.

Why are they acting like they're in military ? Posiedon thought . that is exept Aphrodite

"And you ? "he said looking at Aphrodite
Aphrodite had taken out her mirror and was admiring herself .

"What ? oh I'm --" she forgot her name

I mean who forgets their name ? Artemis thought
" Angelina Knowlles "she said as Athena mouthed the words to her

He syatred at her for a long time and said " Short skirt , sleeveless top, lots of make up ?

" Whoaaa ... LOTS OF MAKE-UP , you don't know who I am !!!" exclamed Aphrodite

" Of course i do , Angelina Knowells "

" anyway , i have minimum make-up !!" she continued

" HAHAHAHA ....Only Aphrodite would look that pretty , that is IF she existed ."

Aphrodite looked like she wanted to punch him but she din't want ruin her reputation as The GIRLY GODDESS so she gave Ares the nod and he gave her My pleasure DArling look but thankfully by then

." Okay here are your admission forms , I need ur signs too !" siad Mr.Stuart

" But we didn't register, umm , so how did you ?"

" Do you guys know anything , atleast the fact that your parents came here yesterday ?" he asked

Suddenly another knock came on the door .
A voice asked " May I come in Sir ?"

" Yes , Right in time Katheryn ."
"Sir , Miss Elizabeth asked me to give you these papers ," said Katheryn she sounded like a calm person , her voice was so soothing .

" Thank You Katheryn , i would like you to escort these students to their classrooms , and detention later " he said

"'But we didn't do anything" the girls protested Posiedon didn't really care so ...

"Detention double time for the girls " he said " One more word it'll be triple time !!" he said and stormed off .


last edited over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it soooooo much!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile

seems familiar ---?
yes squirells eating nutella !! i knew i'd catch her red-handeed!!

seems familiar ---?
yes squirells e
wildchild_rids1 commented…
cant wait till teamleo sers this !! over a year ago
teamleo commented…
I saw it! lol so cute! over a year ago
over a year ago pjfan1 said…
big smile
awesome!!! Can't wait for more, plz post soon ;))
wildchild_rids1 commented…
thanQ over a year ago
over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
NICE :D and damn i missed a lot didnt i....i never go one here all that much anymore but i had to read the new post X)
wildchild_rids1 commented…
its olright as long as you read it !! over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
AWESOME!!!! luv the picture! sooooooo cute!! *squeal*
anyways, POST SOON!!!
wildchild_rids1 commented…
IKR over a year ago
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Awesome! I can't wait until they converse with the demigods!
wildchild_rids1 commented…
yup , i cant wait till i post ! over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
wildchild_rids1 commented…
Foreva&Alwayz over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
nice post but the chapters are kinda hard to understand. could u fix that next time plz. cant wait for the next post!
wildchild_rids1 commented…
Yesssss . thank i guess over a year ago
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile
Thank you everyone feel free to spam till I post the next xhapter


That moment when u get to open it !! * drool *
Thank you everyone feel free to spam till I post the next xhapter


That moment when
over a year ago seaistruth said…
Oooooooooooooooooohh food........
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
lol. yes... foooooooooooooooood....
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…

over a year ago agamotto said…
To quote "The Wild Stallions"......"TOTALLY EXCELLENT!...DUDES!"
Or dudette, as the case may be.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
LOL i found this on the net
LOL i found this on the net
rainbow_girl commented…
oh wow. lol. ^_^ over a year ago
wildchild_rids1 commented…
IKR over a year ago
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile
i'm probably gonna post tommorow
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
till then keeep spamming
till then keeep spamming
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile

seaistruth commented…
That picture completely describes my entire life!! over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
PLZZZZZ!!!!!!! *big puppy eyes*
over a year ago teamleo said…
Awesome post! I have missed a lot huh? Sorry for going awol! Please post soon!!
over a year ago agamotto said…
Been five days, where's the post? Postify!
rainbow_girl commented…
I SECOND THAT!!! over a year ago
seaistruth commented…
I third over a year ago
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
in 2 days or so ill post
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
u must! or else....
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile
all directioners out there happy louis day !! 31st march has been declared louis day so plz send tweets to louis saying how much u love him !! and about the post im so sorry my hand is doing what its supposed to !!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
so... whats ur hand doing then?
over a year ago agamotto said…
A post to the story would be greatly appreciated!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
i agree! WHEN WILL U POST?!?!?!?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago agamotto said…
Four days since I last checked, and still no story, POSTIFY!!! Or I will sik Fenris after you!
rainbow_girl commented…
whos fenris? over a year ago
agamotto commented…
Fenris (AKA Fenrir) is the wolf son of Loki and a Jotunn in Norse Mythology. over a year ago
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
I'm so sorry ppl haven't been online 4 a long long time and I can't post this month coz I have my midterms but I will definitely post in October coz I have like 20 days holiday .... Again , sorry sorry sorry ! Anything I can do to make it up to u ????
wildchild_rids1 commented…
I really appreciate that u took the time to comment all if u over a year ago
over a year ago agamotto said…
Been a month now, and waiting patiently (but not toooo patiently) for the continuation of this bold and inspiring epic.
wildchild_rids1 commented…
thanks i go my laptop back :) over a year ago
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
big smile


So...getting detention wasn’t exactly what Athena had planned. But being Annabeth’s classmate wasn’t exactly on her bucket list either.
When Athena first walked in she didn’t notice Annabeth sitting right in front of her. The teacher Miss Mackenzie asked her to introduce herself to the class.
“Good morning , my name is Rebecca , I’m 17 an-“ Athena stopped speaking when she realized that no one really cared.
She saw an empty seat so she sat there little did she know she was sitting parallel to Annabeth
It was the first day of college and she forgot to get a pen,” excuse me?” she said to the girl who was sitting in the bench next to her reply . So she poked the blonde haired girl. The blondie turned , her grey eyes met Athena’s ...
“WHAT?!” she exclaimed .
“Do you have an extra pen, Annabeth?” Athena asked her
“How did you know my name’s Annabeth?
Athena quickly replied “I saw it on your book by the way my name is Rebecca Jones”.
Athena hadn’t really noticed the black haired girl sitting next to Annabeth, she looked really familiar and when she turned Athena realized who she was. Her electric blue eyes were impossible to miss and Athena could certainly see where she got it from
“Hi, I’m Thalia!” exclaimed Thalia
The rest of the class was quite boring the way that a normal bio class would be, to be more specific. They couldn’t talk either ‘cause the teacher kept looking at them and besides Athena had Enough Detention for one day ...............

over a year ago 8xchristellax8 said…
Nice chap !!! :D
Wow I hadn't been here in a looooooooooooooooooong time
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
i never thought that when i said ill post the next chapter that itll be in 9 months , i sincerely apologize ehat should i do to compensate for my mistake ???
over a year ago BookLover252 said…
nice chapter
over a year ago wildchild_rids1 said…
Thank you BookLover and i really appreciate the fact that you commented